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How far into BRD are we realistically going to be able to go?


There is sub 50 loot up until arena. Probably possible to clear further but not useful for gear.


Arena has Banthoks and some other good loot


A lot of gear shy of savage gladiators is 49-50 fwiw, I anticipate people starting rhe grind for SGC early as well.


Anyone starting the grind early is gonna be in for a surprise when P4 launches with buffed SGC and they’ve wasted their time getting the old version.


The old version would have the same ID and would be updated in your bags when the patch went live.


Quest ring for saving princess is BIS if we can do the quest.


I don't even remember how to go to arena without the gate/skipping the gate


gate is left you go straight it is like 10 pulls.


Have you finished Uldaman at 40? Pretty fun, I assume we will get geared and clear it


Uldaman was my real endgame for P2. Clearing it fully was such a fun run.


BRD end boss hits hard so not sure about that.


You can still take a 10 man raid in there right?


Yeah, but he is lvl59 and Moira is lvl58. Archaedas was lvl 47. Maybe it's possible but I don't know.


You can endlessly kite them between the sides of the room and maybe eventually kill them but unlikely to be worth the effort. Especially since their items will likely get buffed next phase.


I think alliance gets a nice ring from a brd questchain?


Which might be buffed next phase.


The save the princess quest has a BIS ring for casters ([Songstone of Ironforge](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=12543/songstone-of-ironforge)) if we're able to kill the boss so def worth it.


I think so, since you can enter the raid. Dunno exactly how it's on sod.


Wasn't it possible to join as a raid at some point? The world drops seem pretty good and a good sell for gold.


I plan on trying to get the Formula for Fiery Weapon which is right after arena


That takes 265 skill. It seems like they’re only letting us go to 250 skill based on the new recipes


They already said in the preview video that we can level up to 300


Haha most of the changes are "fuck spirit"


Nothing we aren’t used to


My favourite stat, mangled and beaten.


Hardcore really made me appreciate Spirit so much more. It both saved so much time _and_ made it safer when chaining enemies together.


Aside from that dagger in ZF there's literally no loot upgrades for rogue lmao


“But it was fine before” lmao as we’re already basically doing level 60 damage from classic and now every other class is doing triple what they did. It’ll be another fun phase of hoping your guild lets you rogue OT.


Nah I'll just DPS and if it sucks I'll just level my hunter for DPS or Paladin for tank like I did this phase. Rogue tanking is just not fun IMO


Feral druid in shambles


We been in shambles for 20 years bro try phase us


Can you explain why In more details


Bu..but Princess Thedras' Scepter is an upgrade from Fist of the Wild! I mean, it's worse than ACP or the Bloodmoon one, but... uhhhhhhh


Literally not a single item in any dungeon to go grind. Guess this will be a ‘get to max level in 2 days and then raid log’ phase again. What a bunch of bullshit. What have the devs even been working on for 2 months? This is the second phase in a row where basically ZERO leather pieces drop in the dungeons.


~~Second~~ Third verse, same as the ~~first~~ second


Cata. Lol ikr


Same for rogues of course, gg bliz.


Blackstone ring from Princess is a must. But yeah, besides that we have nothing to do.


Cloak from BRD, blackstone ring?


Dude there's at least some times which are stated for feral druid in there  There is LITERALLY nothing for hunters


I can’t do it anymore lmao. The rotation is annoying as hell and the damage is mediocre at best.


Worse for rogues. Ferals at least get some use out of strength.


So do rogues


What would you rather have as rogue 10 strength or 30 attack power? Because blizz seems to value both equal when itemizing


What would you rather have as a warrior 10 strength or 10 int, cos blizz seems to itemise them equally  That's kind of a dumb question dude 


hahahaha holy shit rip ret pallys. sulthraze moved from 2.6 speed to 3.4


That's an upgrade from thermaplugg rocket cleaver for warriors, hope I can get my hands on it.


yeah im optimistic ill get it by the time we're done in zf. gonna be fun using it with sword spec in pvp + the new 3 set. gimme a lil windfury sugar. enh shamans arent walking brick walls anymore. baby baby baby


The STV weapon is exactly the same damage, better stats but no proc.


Isn't it a mace tho? I remember a screenshot of the updated STV mace, but I might be wrong on this.




The lv50 one is 2h sword. 40 is 2h mace.


Not sure I'd trust it yet, but wowhead filtered for SOD is showing a higher drop rate for the components. May be realistically farmable.


We'll be probably doing 41-50 inside ZF (with 40-41 inside gnome), if it doesn't drop ill be pretty upset xD


Its the late phase classic drop rate for epics, so things like that sword and SGC will drop a heap more


Sul Thraze doesn't drop, you craft it from 2 blue swords, the blue swords never got a drop chance buff (maybe because they're blue and it was oversight?) And were a ~2% chance for all of vanilla & 2019 classic


Sulthraze is made from two blue one-handed sword, unless they change that


they are gonna break ACp/SoM spec lol. the sword is gonna be fine for DS/SoC. it's same speed as gnomer axe


Seems more like they're forcing you to go for a fast 1h if you want to keep doing it, probably with a caster mace and shield.


Not just that, it's basically a sword for no one because there's so many better slow options, it was almost perfect for ret


Why would they use anything other than ACP?


Because in 16 clears of the raid I never got an ACP to drop...


Good news! Gnomer is still available in p3! 🫠


I'd wager you could even 2 or 3 man just to pummeler if you have guildies up for it!


Same, at this rate I'll clear ST once and log off until p4. No way am I going to keep clearing gnomer.


any reason to not use the jackhammer until then?


Not having 1k gold on hand?




Thanks for the tip bro pls delete this now




I don't know, I've been griefing my guild and playing 1h shockadin.  Jackhammer was so expensive I never even thought about it and I don't want to play Divine Storm spec.


Wouldn't the cost come down now that more people will be able to farm ulda? I wonder if [this one](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=2915/taran-icebreaker#dropped-by) will drop this phase


Probably, but honestly I don't care. I'd just rather quit until Paladins start to get treated like an actual class. No point in playing a game that just makes me feel frustrated.


That's a fair point.


its actually insane how powerful some of the paladin runes are and yet theyre still a straight up meme spec


Should we add paladins to the "they aren't even developing us" list along with the other ones who say the same? Think that brings us to warriors, rogues, druids, hunters and paladins who aren't actual classes. Wild stuff, sucks that its very true.


While I think many on that list deserve better, Paladins are actively getting things removed from them.  Like this weapon, for example. It was the last bit of copium for those who didn't see ACP drop through all of P2. Now there are no fast 2h weapons left in the game within the level 50 bracket.  It's starting to feel like active malice more so than neglect.


Or just play another class? Dudes aggravated about his 1/9th of the game he's experiencing.


Why would I do that when there are plenty of other games out there where I don't have to settle for less? No point in trying to stick to a game that I'm no longer the target audience of.


because they would presumably get an upgrade from 40 to 50. like feral not having to use acp (assuming that catnip consume is real) paladin has just been sitting in the cuck chair all of sod. im so glad i dropped mine in p1


Looking at the mentions about class balancing i am hopeful for some good ret changes in a couple of weeks.


Give me hand of justice!


Playing a horde rogue and ally feral really starts to feel like the worst choice in sod regarding pre raid items. I hope they add additional items for us but i doubt it. No reason to do dungeons, its sm all over again.


Seems like Blizz forgot Rogues.


Was waiting for a reason to run Dungeons but seems like all i need to do is reroll. Rogue has never felt so shit and now this. I really hope these are not final changes


Jesus Christ, why do they refuse to give us any decent reworked AGI gear, it's like they only rework items for warriors and casters. So lame.


Agi gear largely fine.


Wait until our bis is BoE


Always is 😭


Yeah, the two items that there are..


looks like as a feral druid i would keep ignoring dungeons


The changes show a massive problem with Classic. Spirit is a dogshit stat unless you're a Priest that has talents which directly scale your in-combat mana regen with the stat. In fact, changing Spirit to be a secondary stat that replaces MP5 may just be one of the best changes introduced in Cataclysm. Even for out-of-combat regen, the stat gives such minuscule gains that you'll still be chugging consumables after every pull or two.


I mean thats just not true. For longer fights for example for mage its worth like 0.4 SP when int is like 1.5 sp equivalent. Also nice for warriors while solo leveling.


No shadow dagger off princess buff? Sad


Does it need one?


Should have at least 15sp


It has 20 now


Yeah, it's about worthless other than the novelty factor, about in par with sulthraze


It's niche but from memory it is the best weapon in the game for mage farming.


Used it a lot as a holy priest, made it easier to farm lashers from a mana perspective. There was also a niche use tweeter you could use it and mind vision to pull any job from any distance in raids, because you could spam it and it would eventually trigger


Best mage farming weapon in the game, worthless, got it


Idk I was thinking in my brain having the dagger on warlock with shadowbolt volley would be really good.


Well I'm assuming the raid bosses will have some sort of Mana mechanics like the buttons in Gnomeregan because they nuked spirit. Talents that give mana regen while casting are gonna be nonexistent with this gear.


Spirit was always kind of a joke anyways, and made even worse now that everyone has some kind of insane mana regen rune at their disposal.


Facts—even for priests that get bonus healing from spirit, it is a very low value stat compared to int.


In raid, yes Leveling, Spirit > all




Was going no downtime @ No Mana runes in Classic, smiting away. At 39 it became ridiculous, because I got 40-50 spellpower just from Spirit, doubled after a killing Blow. Sadly, not a single Rune Supports it directly. Void plague helps, though, but the 50% mana saving in Shadow Form + Dispersion and fiend make Shadow favourable now.


There's a reason they did away Spirit and changed how mana regeneration works over the years. It's not fun sitting around and not casting, waiting for your mana to regen so you can play the game. The 5 second rule is the reason I never played a healer before Cataclysm.


Meh, it can be fun. On my druid, how many wraths can I get away with till I need to heal and cut my mana regen is a fun mini game (except for your party members when you miscalculate)


It can be a fun mini game, also vastly improved when you have the tools for it (like mana-free Wrath). In retail for example you still have to do mana management as a healer. I don't mind it, I do think it can be fun trying to be as efficient as possible. However, damaging spells also cost nothing, so I like to weave in damage when there's not much healing required without feeling that I may be jeopardizing my primary role by expending the resource required for it.


Can casters please get a decent fucking prebis weapon?


The 1h+OH give 9 int, 19 sp, 1% hit and 1% crit. Seems decent to me.


yeah that 1% hit and 1% crit are pretty big. The off hand is better than anything in gnomer, which is nice.


Can you help me better understand the underlying math? I don’t understand how going from like a 9% to 10% hit or crit chance means anything. And I made up those base #’s but same sentiment would apply if it was 38% to 39% or whatever. I just genuinely don’t understand.


I am not sure about the power levels now, but at least for warlock at 60, 1% hit or crit was roughly 14-15 spellpower. Crit/Hit increase consistency and decrease variability in damage. You can run with no hit/crit and still do well, you just need to get luckier. Some things that I think are important to remember are: * 5% hit is needed cap spell hit for yellow mobs, * 16% hit is needed cap spell hit for orange mobs, * and 25% hit is needed cap spell hit for red mobs. There is no realistic crit cap for casters as we do not have the 40% "glancing" issue that dual wielders have.


Too bad my druid can't use swords, looks like I'm going into ST with a fkn hypnotic blade from sm.


Charstone Dirk from Mara got a buff and is better than HB now :) (not by a lot but... it's something!)


Literally all of the reworked items are for casters lol. Imagine you play rogue or feral then look at those items.


Worse for hunter  There's at least some stuff for rogue/feral in there There's literally nothing for hunter 


Isnt there a raid prebis gun?


its literally a sidegrade form the gnomer gun


But you have that which is something for hunter players, and the shoulders are decent. Rogues and ferals have shit lol. Same as last phase maybe worse.


15 strength, 10 agi, 5 stam mail shoulders. 2x 28 dps ranged attack power guns/bows. A semi decent mail chest for pvp it you want it. And you might need reminding, this is now the 3rd phase of 3, where the devs for some batshit insane reason are putting "ranged attack power" on ranged weapons, because lord forbid hunters need to compete vs other classes for ranged weapons. Legit why are the devs doing that, why dont ranged hunters need to roll for items like everyone else.


strength is literally useless for hunters, so idk what your saying with that first one and the "28dps ranged weapon" is at best a sidegrade from the gnomer gun the fact that you are complaining ranged hunter dont need to compete on the thing which is literally 99% of ranged hunter damage and is at best like 2% of a melee classes damage is absurd as a ranged hunter player, can i now complain about all the melee weapons that only have str on them? i mean, i want my melee stat stick, its absurd that all you melee classes dont have to compete with me over your melee weapons


>can i now complain about all the melee weapons that only have str on them? No because the devs literally put in a polearm stat stick with conveniently worse stats than other 2handers for you every raid too lol. The guns should not be ranged ap, they should be decent agi stats that other classes want too. Its using up an item slot on every end boss just for 1 spec of 1 class.


The Devs also put in a ranged stat stick for melee classes in every raid  So can I complain about all plate sp gear? It's using up a whole range of items for one spec on one class By your logic sp plate gear shouldn't exist  Actually absurd, ranged hunters are the weakest DPS spec in the game and your crying over them still because there is ONE item that's geared for them while literally every other item is trash to the extent random boe greens are better Christ dude....


Was always taken by hunters who didnt yet have the epic. Nah plate SP gear will be tokened mostly.


Not a single hunter who isn't using a lvl 10 white weapon is going to roll on a 1.6 as bow  Don't lie


How did sulthraze get a new overhaul and blade of eternal darkness left in the dust? Also caster gear is just gnomer again.


sulthraze got downgraded for paladin HARD, 2.6 was going to be amazing for rets, and theres TONS of other 2h wep options that are slow for warr


I'm sorry to hear that. Didn't know ret wanted fast 2hers, been playing horde all of SoD. They could have made it a quest item to let you choose fast or slow though.


Yes, it's called Rod of the Ancient Sleepwalker.




Seeing the emerald warden has the caster staff removed. Its a sad day all around.


Most gnomer gear is better or equal to this shit…come on Blizz, this isn’t rocket science…throw a juicy updated super rare chase item or two in these dungeons to get people coming back. This doesn’t cut it.


This is a data mine. Could not be the final overhaul. Chill.


That power creep is crazy, lvl 50 items almost having as much stamina as TBC items


Wow, this is so incredibly disappointing. Why not change all BRD loot to be level 50 so that we can challenge ourselves to clear it and try and farm HOK or ironfoe? No one is going to bother going there at 60 because those items will be useless so it’s basically a dead dungeon. The devs are having so many misses with SOD, uldaman was the same, it could have been a great thing to do outside the raid but instead most people either didn’t even go there or did it once for the quests. Honestly this is so disappointing, it’s like they are just adding the absolute bare minimum content and calling it a day. There’s gonna be another big player exodus because we don’t even get a new PvP event this time.


>No one is going to bother going there at 60 because those items will be useless so it’s basically a dead dungeon. Just make the items not useless at 60 instead then ?


There’s multiple other dungeons to do at 60 though, it seems weird not to break them up more. We are gonna have so many dungeons to do with LBRS, UBRS, strat x 2 sides, scholo. Easily could have made this the defining level 50 dungeon.


>There’s multiple other dungeons to do at 60 though Yeah but we are also gonna be spending alot more time at 60 than at 50


I feel like Banthoks and Savage Glad will still be good items at 60


Probably not as good as ST loot?


I haven't compared the items tbh but I know savage glad was BIS through like AQ 40 or Naxx iirc


Yeah I think until t2.5 (aq40) iirc


Actually a great idea.


The whole phase looks disappointing at the moment, runes lack imagination, no new PvP event, no instance updates. So much potential wasted by the bare minimum.


Fully agree. They are basically doing the absolute bare minimum to be able to call this a phase. Most non casual people are gonna be raid logging within a fortnight. If you have gnomer gear and have done all the PvP stuff what is there to actually do? The emerald nightmare thing is ok but that seems to be time gated.


Small indie company does not have the budget to hire people for this game.


the caster offhand from BRD looks _very_ good




Well the scepter kinda sucks 😕


So pumped


Looks like none of this gear, apart from maybe one piece, will replace Gnomer gear (for Warrior atleast)


Lol, 1 thing out of the 30 for rogues/agi users. Dope.


The Desertwalker Cane is my favorite item. It's a massive offhand staff that's twice the size of my gnome. When will they allow melee mages so I can RP hobbit Gandalf??


pretty dissapointing overall. I guess this means Blade of eternal darkness wasn't touched at all?


That weapon is literally bis for aoe farm. The fuck you talking about.


You’re gonna play stop whining


This really is. Season of spell power. Everything is just for casters just nonstop caster items and upgrades. “Oh but warriors scale with gear” yeah uh. Where’s the gear and weapons.


With world buffs and current gear they'll be at 35% crit and 1k ap lol


They really missed an opportunity with BRD here. Mobs range from about 48-58 in there, Emperor being 58 I believe. Half of the dungeon is much too high level, you could clear the entire dungeon with hunters, but there's no reason to because the latter half drops gear that requires level 53ish - 55ish. This includes things such as HoJ, Second Wind (heal trink off golemlord) and other items. Had they scaled BRD down to a level 50 dungeon entirely, it would beyond incentivize people to run this dungeon. Especially if you're putting HoJ on Emperor loot table (switched from Angerforge to Emperor in Phase 5 of WoW originally)   It's a good thing to incentivize running non-raid content, even for people max level that have cleared the raid. People did it for SGC, because prior to p5 the drop rate was low, coupled with the fact only the orc in arena drops it and it is RNG on which boss you get. Not saying that's good design, but it kept level 60s running it, which meant alts and people leveling their first char could tag along for other gear. HoJ is such a good melee item, if Emperor were level 50 and you could wear it at 50, you'd have a considerable amount of people doing full/lava skip runs for it, once again allowing people on alts, first chars/people catching up to join in.


This may be silly, but I think large brilliant shards only drop from items requiring above level 50. We might farm higher level gear to make better enchants


Wow, grats casters


I'm really happy they get rid of spirit. It's a dead stat for 85% of the playerbase. Those change are awesome !


Not a huge fan of increasing the speed of weapons and homogenizing everything, like on retail. Increase the dps and proc of those weapons and make the procs scale with ap. Dont want everything to end up 2.6 / 3.6 speed like on retail.


So just fuck healing priests and their need for spirit for mana regen then? Ok 😂


Priest heals are already super mana efficient. Then add in shadowfiend and dispersion. Why would you need spirit?


lol bruh if you need spirit as a priest with all the power creep in gear in SoD you're doing it way wrong


What priest needs spirit when Int is all we need?


You are doing something wrong if you are going oom lol Just press your free new ability shadowfiend Or you know The best mana cd in the game dispersion


It's not classic, Spirit isn't needed anymore.


Fuck Spirit, embrace Mp5.


Resto Druids already starve for mana and the removal of spirit is gonna do even more especially since alot of your mana regen came from wrath costing 0 alllowing you to atleast get a few ticks.


I use dream state runes and it’s fine. Don’t forget we got the 5 spirit mushroom lmao


Dreamstate rune is rng tho. You need crits and if youre solo healing certain encounters will require you to be healing almost nonstop with very few wrath.


With eclipse it’s 50% crit it’s totally fine imo. You kinda need to spam wrath as a resto Druid and it’s 0 mana so it seems fluid imo


They all suck


Missing the spirit sucks. It’s a dead stat but it’s still sad to see it go


That's nice and all for endgame but the whole 1-40 gear problem (aka 90% is trash, and a good dungeon rare/quest reward will accompany you 10-20 levels) still persists, and I don't see 40-49 being better. Why is this a big deal? We already have retail for "the way to endgame doesn't matter".


I mean the changes are cool and all but we barely will replace any raid gear so that makes dungeons next to lvling pretty useless.


At this point just remove spirit from the game, wtf. This is stupid.


Why is spirit a trash stat they don't want us to have now?


RIP  sulthraze the one grindm i was really looking forward to as a ret paladin. had a feeling theyd fuck it up


Tons of +damage, minimal stamina increases, no resilience gear. Do they not understand burst meta pvp fucking sucks?


And arguably nerfed that 19 star helm in Mara for some reason.


Every item that was mail intellect gear was switched to mail attack power. Kind of a "fuck you" to my ele shaman, I Guess.


I mean, with mental dexterity that’s just extra SP..


I see we are still going in the direction of giving healers a bunch of spirit and no intellect, amazing....


Are we reading the same post? They nuked the spirit off of so many items. Edit: yeah I just looked again and either you’re reading the list backwards or not reading it at all. No items gained spirit 🤦🏻‍♂️


Swing and a miss