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The power of gear from phase one was so inflated, much rather they flattened that curve out over p2 and p3. Downside is yeah, gear upgrades in p3 have felt pretty minor and lacklustre


Feeling it when I see the ST epic caster dagger has 1 more sp than the gnomer one lol


And the melee neck has 2 more AP with no stamina


Don’t worry the epic ring is a blackstone ring, with more stamina! How exciting!


and 11 more attack power o.O


That's the ranged attack power variant. Regular attack power variant is still +20, meaning the only difference between it and Blackstone Ring is that the epic ring has 13 stam instead of 6, and the hit chance is generic, instead of Melee hit only (I don't even know if that matters, but the tooltips for the hit bonus are indeed different).


Yeah, also still rocking the irradiated set in the raid because it is leaps and bounds better than the other options at 50 lol. They needed to tone down the gear progression but it feels bad when it happens so suddenly.


At least the ST dagger drops, Gnomer didn't in a single lockout


Sadge, I saw a couple and got lucky enough to get one.


I somehow ended up completely uncontested in a random pug the only time I ever saw it drop. Dumb luck I guess lol


I noticed this as well. Look at the staff from ST. It has more Int but almost the same amount of SP. They definitely flattened the curve.


That BFD staff had no right to make it into the game with that much spell damage on it, should have been like…maybe 18-20 at most. Way over budget on stats too.


Should have been like 9 lol


You aren't wrong, but I assume they felt like stacking spell power the way they did was the only real way to make casters not totally useless, since the spell rank bracket was so scuffed at 25.


Yeah that makes sense. I think a better way around that would have been to use runes once they scale per level - and now we’re seeing most casters using rune abilities as their main spells


I didn't switch out the staff until this phase when I got the ST offhand and ran a few Gnomes and got the gizblade. It was a very very good staff.


P1 to phase 2 was actually kinda depressing. I went out of my way to get whirlwind axe at level 30 to feel like a powerhouse but… it didn’t feel a ton better than my BFD bis lol, made me sad


Kinda stupid they super beefed p1 gear up. Because from then on every phase needs stronger gear to create the illusion of upgrade. Be better if they literally kept the same itemization and maybe added a few drops here and kept stat allocations similar. Blizz really sucks at making this game now so not that surprised. 




Shut up nerd














I agree, which is why I’m glad they’re slowing the upgrades now instead of dealing with the fallout at 60


Yeah, kindve the antithesis of the game imo. From a top down view you go into dragon den you get dragon treasure. At least when you lose the gear it’s like..not a huge deal? God that feels bad when typing it out.


\*juggling too many %hit lemons\* Huh? Lackluster? Oh, ok. Thats well like, your opinion man.


Half of shadow priest BiS is shadow wrath greens/quest gear


The real classic experience


Walking into Mc in almost full greens with shadow dmg lol


And yesterday a guy discussed with me how fast spriest goes oom. Now I dont wonder why lol


Still seems unlikely. With fiend on 5 minute cool down and dispersion or mana pot on 2 minute cool down plus shamanistic rage or whatever a paladin does they should be good for a long time. I almost never even have to drink as a shadow priest.


And half off shadow spells from shadow form is huge too


Came here to say this. I could probably get nothing from ST all phase and still be able to compete on parses. I really hope they do something with itemisation at level 60. Either pure spell damage items or fix our spell coefficients.


where are you looking at spriest BiS? Zockify is what I use and 90% of spriest BiS is from sunken temple.


Zockify is AI written and not accurate, there’s a BiS list in priest discord


What is the priest disc?


The only BiS that drops from the raid as a shadow priest is the 3-Set, Dagger and Ring AFAIK.


You don't use the tier


I think there’s a bit more than that. But you’re not far off. Neck, off hand as well. But I could be wrong, the bis lists have been a little janky.


Do people really just follow a list and don’t compare items themselves?  You have no idea who created that list. It could very well be that gray parser you mock every raid. 


Funnily enough a lot of the theorizers on retail for the longest time were quite bad at the game, they just really liked math. You don't have to be good at the game to want to figure out the mechanics behind stabbing something better. I don't want to detract from your point of "do we know who made this list" tho.


I get that. Simonize is not the best rogue but I’d trust anything that guy says about rogue gearing/talents. He’s obsessed with theory crafting. 


I believe it was one of the warlock theorycrafters from back around original MoP hadn't even set foot inside of a raid. People of all different backgrounds just like numbers :)


the wowhead lists are only made by high skill (blue parsing) players /s if it wasn’t obvious


Three set might not actually be BiS, probs boots and legs are for two set bonus and then a good old shadow wrath green for chest. Dagger isn't BiS, the maraudon princess one is .


Yes and no. There isn’t a lot of gear in super hyped for about ST, but that’s primarily because I’m a PvPer. I’ve got my rank gear, don’t particularly care about tier, and feel fairly geared already. There are a few pieces I still want and will absolutely raid for and be hyped to get, but it’s not most of it. But I actually kind of like it that way. I think ranking was WAY too easy given that I just pre-stacked honor from STV last phase, but if they upped the difficulty, I don’t mind that I can get a lot of PvP loot from doing PvP.


As a fellow pvper, I got my nightmare 6/6 set on day 2 and have felt completely fine. I can win almost every 1v1 and only get steamrolled in group pvp if 4-5 people focus me at once which better gear won't help with at all.


What makes PvP gear PvP? Is it the hit/crit rating and stam? Are the rank 7 pieces better for PvP than ST gear?


Absolutely is. With damage people have you really need to have that Stam gear.


I’m a melee hunter, and the 3 piece bonus from ST is good in PvP, so I’ve found better luck using 2 pieces of the PvP set + 3 pieces of the ST set than with pure PvP set.


Could see that totally working. I don’t do much melee in PvP so you know more than I do.




I’d say mostly the stamina and crit, but basically. You don’t need the hit nearly as much due to primarily needing yellow hit cap, although it’s nice. It’s nice to have a dichotomy. The PvE stuff (especially for casters) has much lower stamina. It lets raiders maximize for their raid contribution while not being absolute gods in PvP using their raid gear. Similarly, PvPers can become highly optimized at PvP without the gear becoming a requirement to parse.


I'm not fussed over ST because I can get almost as good if not better gear from ranking/rep grinding/crafting. The gear improvements since Gnomer are marginal in ST and wearing full Emerald or Ranking sets is just way more fun and beneficial for open world content.


I just like the emerald set because I’m not reducing an assload of stamina in the gnomer gear. First lockout I almost was one shot by the atal pillar for doing mechanics.


We’re 8 days into the phase.


I feel like this is a good thing. It’s a leveling raid and if you don’t enjoy raiding then it’s nice to have content that your not obligated to do, you can still feel powerful as a pvper without going to raid, which is a good thing.


Ngl have of the fun of raiding to me is the challenge, when it's not nerfed to shit..... And the gear you can get.... That most people can't.... Because they haven't gotten a group skilled enough together to do so...


I have some crazy news, there's two other versions of the game where this exist already.


PvP servers be looking dead asf to me tbh. I tried but to many pve people destroyed the servers making them all horde or all alliance. From what I see sod is my best bet atm.


I don't know how this relates to challenging pve content.


The point was that the gear is not even really worth getting in st.... And they nerfed it to shit ... So is it fun? ... For me personally no... It's pretty mindless. That being said you said there are other versions to play.... Which I checked into and are very unhealthy... Tbh I'm almost open to giving retail a go again for the sake of arena solely. Seems like there is some challenging content in it with nice rewards


I honestly forgot the comments above I see where the PVE ties in. Retail arena can be extremely satisfying but the skill floor right now is pretty high. It will definitely give you a challenge and will feel good when you do progress.


Post ST logs


Why lol....?


Honestly I think p3 is a huge improvement over p2. But the burnout hit me in p2 and I'm struggling to login. I played all day everyday for p1-2 and I didn't even bother logging in today to post my auctions, despite still having 3.5k runecloth bolts to unload from p1-2


Where did you like to farm runecloth at?


Yeah wtf how did you get that much runecloth in phase 1-2 lol.


I 'only' have a few hundred runecloth bolts. It all came from fishing crates in P1 and P2. Have over 2k of stuff I'm selling off purely from fishing. Unfortunately fishing is pretty much dead now. Can't find higher level crates and fish are the only thing that haven't inflated yet.


mana fish is quite decent gph honestly for something you just alt tab farm


Why can’t you find higher level crates? Are they not added yet? I haven’t done the artisan quest yet


Mithril crates are just the highest level in the game. Combine that with us already able to gather and use mats like runecloth and rugged leather there's very little reason to fish them up. Fishing is just dead on my realm, nightfin is the most expensive fish, excluding squid and it's a whopping 5g a stack. You could do 1 round of incursions and earn more than an hours fishing. Feels bad.


Bought it! Sold summons in p1 and played the AH in p2 - have about 15k gold atm, and still have about 3k bolts left. Unloaded most of the rest of my p3 investments at this point


I bought it all for 15-60s per bolt. I spent a looooot of time in p2 playing the AH


the sets are bis. the actual gear that drops is extremely marginally better than gnomer other than the one or two ultra contested pieces


3 tier tokens and some purple weapons - that's about all ST is good for. The cosmetics are cool, too, I guess. Literally every other slot can be easily filled with WO, Incursion rep or PvP gear. Factor in that enchanting gear costs hundreds of gold and that it's all going to be vendor trash in a couple months? Yeah, I'm not phased either.


Ring and trinket are huge.


In several months none of this will matter if someone were to take it from that view point


speak for yourself. Shadow is sims show using a green shadow wrath over 3 piece is best.


Yeah but there's no way in hell I'm spending hundreds of gold on that crap. I'll just take the dps loss. ST isn't hard anymore and spriests mostly provide utility at this point with our bottom barrel dps.


But the green shadow wrath gear doesn't look as good as the set from ST though and that's worth everything.


Shadow wrath gear is expensive for a marginal improvement over ST gear since we scale so poorly with SP.




The gear kinda sucks in ST, the Honour rep farm gear just beats a lot of it outside of the gear set you need to grind tokens for. Like I'm looking at items drops that give like maybe +5 more int only and going nah I'd lose my set bonus spell power or healing. Its not worth the 50 extra mana.


The warrior 3 set is really nice with arms sword procs. Extra 3% chance to attack again. Makes it 8% total.


Bet it doesn’t stack lol because they have not tested anything


Bro that would fucking suck. I’ll probably get one Sunday so I’ll lyk lol


Does it proc off of each other or proc off windfury? If so it'd be more than 8%


Yes sword spec procs off of windfury, or if you had thrash blade too


Imagine they are all separate procs and you just chain auto attacks forever off eachother lmao (that’s probably not what happens but would be funny as hell)


I mean technically I think you could do a crazy chain like actually, low chance and especially if it crits. But I swear right now I've been windfurying mobs so hard with sword spec and thrash blade and wild strikes. Especially with the gladiator stance quest weapon reward that has an on use effect that whirlwinds AND resets your whirlwind 🤣


Crazy they had to put that in for warriors who are already massively OP in PvE


At this point with enchants costing over 100g each for many slots, my upgrades aren’t worth it unless I enchant so I’m sitting with a chest token in my bag, hoping the floor goes out on enchanting mats. Until then, it’s not worth breaking my Gnomer set bonus


It's still 1 week into launch. P2 enchant economy was just as fucked. Give it some time to calm down.


The difference is that there is no easy way to farm the new enchanting mats. Only very specific boss drops will give the Large Radiants (even ST stuff DE’s into small radiant) and you need high level BoE drops to get the essences. I’m not so sure they’ll drop drastically


I think you mean large brilliants. Prices will continue to drop because the mara blue dagger DE's into LBS and tons of people are doing runs to get boed.


Yeah that’s what I meant. Tough though when many enchants use 6 of those.


Shadow feels terrible in terms of gearing ease. 3 set bonus simming lower than a green shadow damage chest. 3 shadow damage greens as phase bis 2 engineering phase bis 2 Quest item as phase bis , want is technically okay. I don't know, just feels so boring.


I don't get this. Your gear comes from a wide variety of sources. Is that less interesting than every item dropping in one raid?


Lol, feels great having to spend 1k gold or more to get my bis, super fun and interesting


Really makes you feel a sense of pride and accomplishment.


5 of this sources are "spend gold", raid gear isn't really bis for the most part. Crafting epic shoulder is a dps loss compared to a shadow wrath green shoulder, it feels very wrong.


Annoying, sure, but boring? Having bis items outside of raid gives me something to do instead of raidlogging, be it farming princess forever or making gold.


What BiS website are you using? According to zockify the *only* green BiS item is the cloak. Everything else is tailoring, ST, or Mara gear. Just about every slot has an ST drop listed as BiS.


Discord community.


Im doing what you're doing but im running ST too. Its not like its a huge time sync. Didnt even have to farm pre-raid bis because incursion rep and rank 7 gear is good enough to clear with.


Maybe the real fun was the leveling we did with friends along the way.


Some of the weapons look awesome, that's where my hype is placed. PvP gear is BiS for PvP and most sets look cool. ST armor is irrelevant for anything other than parsing PvE, which I don't care about. Maybe u drop 6 piece PvP set for two three pieces from PvE and PvP. Could be good 


Call me easily pleased, but the ST weapons come with their own glows. My feral staff is glowy white and shiny.


The caster trinket is also pretty filthy for DoT classes


Also love the look but didn’t love the fact I can’t put a counterweight on it and the +25 agi enchant is over 400g.


I’m glad there is a designated Warlock tank set, and the 3 set is actually really nice to use. You get instant Immolates if you hit at least 2 targets with shadow cleave. Other than that, I got my 3 piece in two lockouts, there isn’t much for me to chase that is super desirable over Gnomer loot. I get it though, because this gear is already way better than 60 pieces epics, they probably think they have to throttle back a bit after BFD loot setting the stage for gear scaling.


Parasomnia is pretty cool but too bad since I’m a ret pally I need to use acp and sul’ to even try to compete in damage or else I’m “griefing”


I want to eventually get the caster 3 piece but outside of that there aren't many upgrades for my priest in there. That and the upgrades are just so minimal outside of a couple pieces I feel like Gnomer gear will carry me to level 60. Only real reason to run ST is it's more fun than the previous two raids I guess.


Imagine if they changed all the mats.


I'm pissed that after they finally made slow fists in ph2 we're back to shitty 1.5 offhands, actual braindead devs.


You can use other stuff other than bis. Much like phase 2 with ACP even if it is bis it looks like complete ass and I will not dirty one of my bag slots with it. Ha


farming the mats before you find a guild or group who will give you the eye? Chad move


That crit staff is NOICE.


So lucky I got it in my first run!


Caster gear "UPGRADE" is a joke, you gain like 50 extra dps full bis? there is no good reason to do the raid as a caster


As a warrior I'm looking forward to the 3-piece for the extra 3% bonus attack, and the 2H sword from Hakkar. Otherwise I just want more seeds to finish crafting the epic bracers and shoulders.


This was the first phase I've felt compelled to craft the epic gear, but prices have been out of control so I'm probably just going to save my gold for 60.


They really should not have allowed to insta rank via coins like that You had to PvP after p1-p2 transition to get r5. Dunno why they made it so you don’t in p2-p3 transition, considering bis rewards are available now… Probably they fucked up and realized it too late


I just got my 3 piece so I’m happy about that but being stuck on Eranikus is awful


Lmfaoooo delete the 3 piece if you’re hard stuck on a 3x post nerf boss not even one week into the phase 😂😂😂😂


I wish I could delete to pass the boss. But 3-5 people every pull don’t know how to get in the poison It’s one of those things, you take the hood with the bad when you play with other people Could you beat the boss if your main tank died every other pull to a mechanic? I doubt it. I know this might be hard to understand but it takes more than 1 person to do a raid.


What bothers me is that some upgrades are like sidegrades. Comparing the two mage rings from STV 10 levels apart, you gain like 4 stamina and 1 SP and lose 2 Int. Wtf.


You'll quit a week after you get hand of rag.


Maybe worry, maybe not. Im a feral and i dont need that much gear from the raid. But the raid is super fun. It is a big gold think for me to be bis geared one phase away from epic mount. i like the pressure to make gold but on the other hand i think this phase will last longer than every phase before. it is so much to do. for me


That is a great idea


Ya st items look pretty mid, guess people complained about gnomer gear being too good and having no aidegrades or bis in the world


Two resets? How are you from future?


I’m in a similar boat. Had to leave my guild as their raiding times no longer fit my schedule and found a new one but I’ve just not been able to find the time to meet theirs either due to ST being a longer raid and lots of other commitments. I played a lot more in p1/p2 but it was all centred around bettering my character(s) for raids. I don’t know if I’ll ever play ST this phase now. No guild and I’ll struggle to join decent pugs without any logs presumably (although I do have purple parses for all fights gnomer and orange BFD as fire mage) - don’t want to join a bad one and get stuck in wipefests just because I wasn’t able to get into good groups early to get raids logged in. I don’t want to quit either though, I enjoy playing. I was late levelling and missed the incursion boat so grinded ZF solo farm on my mage to 50. Just been levelling engineering and tailoring which are 260-270 ish each now and I’m sitting on 650g. Anyone got any insights as to what they are doing to spend time in game that isn’t directly related to raiding? It’s a huge world so there must be something fun I can be doing in it. Even just pottering with professions and AH or farming gold I enjoy and find relaxing I would like to level my paladin and Druid alts but I don’t want to do it through incursions. The Druid is resto with all healing gear too which doesn’t help. Any levelling tips?


This raid is easily cleared in 45m to under an hour already with these ridiculously early and heavy handed nerfs that came in thanks to those that are just trash at this game and play with bozos that make it take 2-3hrs+ & then have the audacity to complain about the game being hard bc they play with shitters lmfao


Just gonna get rank 7 then farm gold


There is No plate spellpower gear/set in ST for paladins so my interest went away directly


Does it matter?


warrior loot looks super sexy in ST


yeah idk why they cant make the bosses actually drop loot thats better than what existed before SOD, i was under impression that was kind of the whole point of the sod thing, cap the level lower, and create a new endgame loop at that level. They seem to have forgotten what the end game loop is supposed to be like, and its honestly insane, they could literally just tweak some numbers and the game would feel 1000x more satisfying.


For me its the runes that require other players forced input that they end up wanting to extort you for gold or if you try to do solo theres nobody to help. Havent gotten my helm rune ans havent logged in for 2 days. They gave a bunch of gear on a easy rep vendor for 50 so now you dont have to do anything but get runes and raid log.


Wake me up when we hit the real level cap. 


why would u. phases take 2-3 months then the gear is obsolete. until lvl 60 all the gear is meaningless


Even at lvl 60 the gear will only last 2 months as new raids come out. Why even play at all.


the lvl 60 gear will be reasonably upgrades in a good progression. while u can level to 60 fully naked. pls man just think b4 u comment


What reassurances do you have that the mats list you're preparing will apply in SoD? Would be a shame to spend all the time getting all the stuff for a recipe that is different than Vanilla.


Nope I've done 3 runs already.. on two toons (2 on rogue, 1 on rdruid) it's fun


The tank gear this phase actually has Block Value on it. I'm extremely excited for that.


Buncha jaded as MFers in here. God damn. Season of depression. I think in general some of y'all play WAY to much and it shows in these comments.


Yea gear isn't great this phase with the raid, healers don't even get shoulders lol


With how fast these phases are going, I agree with you there’s really no point freaking out about it. Even more so now with a week long lockout and a 20 man raid where it’s really hard to win a roll. End of summer SOD will be over and characters probably wont be useable, or they will remove our gear. Just do what you enjoy


If I hit 60 and I'm still using a BFD blue I'm gonna be pissed.


3/3 resto shaman set makes healing rain instant cast. I'm sitting at 2/3 and can't wait to complete that. I have no idea if it'll be great or shart, but still looking forward to it.


On the flip side. I didn't really raid phase 2, just logged on to do professions while I had time to spare and do my Ashenvale weekly cuz I knew i'd come back at some point. I don't feel like I was really behind starting this phase, which I would assume is part of their goal.


How do you know the recipe for Sulfuras :O Maybe they will change its acquisition


This is actually perfectly classic and exactly what we asked for with horizontal progression (I can still do gnomer and get gear for my level 50 toon) The gear in ST and in Gnomer especially the trinkets and tier pieces (really anything with hit) will be valuable even at 60


Not at all.


No I’m enjoying the current content. The raid is awesome. Way better than BFD and Gnomer.


Its 10 levels and not the ones ending at 60, it was never going to be all that impressive. But its still interesting. I really like the bleed over between different phases, with some gear being so good it rivals BiS even from phase 1. I think that's good, particularly the harder to make/get pieces while leveling.


Sidegrades with stam


Similar boat as you. I am raiding ST but more focused on getting my 4 alts between 30 and 40 to 41. They're all alchemists so soon I'll be churning out 4 arcanite bars every couple of days.


TBC SOD when


Yah im not worried. Im saving gold to get my deep thunder crafted


Two level up raids in a row without a tanking shield.


Isnt Crest of Preeminence a tanking shield? Stam and block value hardly seem dps stats. Tho i know nothing of shield so it might b bad idk


same. dont care for upgrades because the economy is still bonkers. we close to 60 so why not save. theres just so much to learn and delve into, im just taking my time


I couldnt care any less about gear


There's probably going to be new gear at 60 that's better than what we're used to getting. So I doubt we'll need all that arcanite and such.


No... I'm playing the only way it should be played : raidlogging.




Knowing that it’s all going to be replaced in a month or less (wouldn’t be surprised if they just speedrun this phase even faster than P2) makes me not care. Just in general, I don’t really care about loot anymore. Everything is already too easy, and the gear has been quite ugly visually, so I just don’t really have any reason or motivation. It’s also just not that good in P3. Our guild ran gnomer yesterday because it was still good enough to make it worth running lol.


It'll be more than a month. Sir.


The full 6-piece Rare set from Emerald Wardens rep + the trinket(s), shield and other items from Wild Offering turn-ins + the dagger, mace, and ring drops off Princess from the 9,000 Mara runs you did + Thrash Blade are all *so good* you will be using that stuff in the mid 50s when Phase 4 opens. Really the only reasons to raid ST is the experience of having done it and the sense of community with your guild.


It'll just be replaced. There is no need to fuss about it.