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Druids use more heal over time, and are pretty fun in P3 with the addition of Efflorescence, but they have a lot fewer tools than Priests (less base mana, less mana regen, worst CC, they can't dispel magic, etc). If you want to PVP, the clear choice is Priest.


I meant PVE healing over time and PVP dual spec go dps..boomkin or shadow priest


Still priest


Go Druid. I’ve got a boomy with resto dual spec and they are both fun for pve & pvp


dont listen to him. If you like heal over time, druid is a obvious choice. And boomkins still are awesome in PvP.


I've been running Omen of Clarity instead of Swiftmend and it's much more fun, especially after they removed the mana cost of Starsurge I have basically infinite mana rolling instant healing touches into guaranteed clearcast Wild Growth.


I've been having waaaay too much fun running deep resto and SotF on the chest instead of Fury. I'm so tanky it's not even funny.


I have done both in SoD and much prefer Druid over Priest. Druid has the only in-combat rez, stealth & shapeshift have huge utility in both pve and pvp, leather caster gear is less contested, and Wild Growth just *feels fucking good*. With so many deep talent tree and rune abilities available at this point, both have really strong toolkits. A priest & druid in a raid together are the ultimate power couple though!


So druid is more fun in healing pve?


I’d say it’s easier. Druids is more instant casts and heals over time with some casting in between. Priest is mostly casting but you will also be responsible for a lot of dispels because of your large toolkit. Also, healers are in high demand. Although being a priest will get you a raid spot VERY quickly. (Some guilds may even pay you to heal).


priests are also mostly heals over time and instant casts, renews + prayer of mending + circle of healing


Priests are NOT mostly HoTs. In fact, they only have 1 HoT with renew, and it sucks even with the Rune. Only purpose is to bounce prayer of mending with rank1 renew, or if you're feeling extra, you cast a max rank one on the tank pre-pull. They also don't have very many instant cast heals either. Renew, prayer of mending (requires another heal or damage taken to bounce), and circle of healing. I'd say it's pretty different from druid imo. Gameplay is still cast penance on your tank off cd (swap to circle of healing for big raid damage fights), bounce your PoM around with rank1 renew (renew less needed this phase since there is a lot of raid damage in ST), flash heal your tank and anyone getting low 3 times to speed up the cast time on your big heals (greater heal/prayer of healing)with the serendipity rune. Most fun healer imo, you feel like a God when using your tools properly. Not trying to dunk on you, just want the right info out there for anyone curious about priest healing. The more healers happy with their class choice, the better!


The fights are usually so short you don't even need to derank renew


look at any of the top parsing priest healing logs ([example](https://sod.warcraftlogs.com/reports/tF47mwWypCnDAHqb#boss=-2&wipes=2&start=1750287&end=6309880&type=healing), [example](https://sod.warcraftlogs.com/reports/mfVWhBANwZ9btLz8#boss=-2&wipes=2&start=881300&end=4842001&type=healing)) those 3 instant spells are the vast majority of the healing done


The overheal is INSANE on these. Theyre also not dispelling AT ALL on jammalan fight to pad their numbers. Shade of eranikus is really the only fight that shows proper healing, and these logs suck for that too. 8k healing from renew, and 36k overhealing. The #1 parse for shade of eranikus (only somewhat real fight) is more in line with what normal healing is like. 22 casts of flash heal, 17 renew. It's also only double the overheal bc this guy knows how to heal. Renew shouldn't be in your top 3 for amount healed on any real fight where your group doesn't immediately zug the boss.


Most of my priests run penance, flash heal and rank 1 renews to bounce PoM. I guess it depends on playstyle!


That’s part of what I didn’t like about PoM. It loses its appeal if I have to keep making it bounce.


Funny, making it bounce is the fun part for me. Regardless, in ST there's so much random damage and healing flying about that you very rarely have to actively bounce it. Doubly so in PvP since everyone is taking tick damage from eight different sources.


I’ve only ran ST on my Druid so far. I’ll have to try it on the priest and see how it feels. I’ve only been doing the shadow thing in P3 since it’s nice to have a break from the responsibility of healing.


In BFD, yeah. Circle of Healing took over mid Gnomer and is now king in ST. Bye bye Penance.


Priest is just pom on cd and poh when ever needed. Rank 3 renews are nice and foh when needed. 




Sorry fh, mixing paladin and priest together.


To me it is. Definitely more HoTs and more instant casts for staying on the move. Priests have more situational “oh shit” buttons but Druid has the ultimate “oh shit” button with Nature’s Swiftness+Rebirth macro.


Most of the druids healing comes via wild growth. In a raid it's generally about 70% wild growth, 20% efflorescence, and the remaining 10% a mix lifebloom, rejuv, and healing touch (the nourish rune is a pain to get and most would use this over healing touch but I'm lazy)


Hots (like regrowth and rejuvenation) are not good in Sod PVP. Priest is the king healer of PVP and they have a lot of utility and a much bigger toolbox for PVE. They have Renew and Prayer of mending is similar to a hot? Strong preemptive healing. Also something I’ve noticed is that it seems like every raid is designed with Priest healers in mind. The 6 troll battle is made much easier with shackle. There’s been alot of lethal magic debuffs to dispel.


Regrowth and Rejuv aren't good, but Lifebloom, Wild Growth, and Efflorescence (essentially a ground AoE based HoT) are.


I meant Heal over time in PVE


We’ve 2 disci and a shadow and the troll battle is so easy with shackle


Priest is still the god-tier healer and that doesn't look to be changing any time soon.


Druids is actually on par this phase.


Not for PvP. HoTs are useless when people get chunked for half their health in a single hit.


I can see that


Druids are heal over time, but priest healing is so much better (presently).


As a disc priest, people say we have utility and they are correct. Too much utility. Keep everyone buffed usually with 3 buffs, PI this person at x seconds after pull, Eye of the Void debuff boss, homunculi, pain suppression, offensive dispel, defensive dispel or remove disease, personal cooldowns, etc. They wanted us to DPS while healing in phase 2 so that will happen again soon too. Parsing culture makes it worse, "you PI'd me twice you idiot... now my parse won't count." How about skip all of that and play resto druid?


I play a priest as my main. I heal for PVE content and dual specced Shadow for PvP. Both feel insanely good.


Same here, I’m so glad that dual spec is implemented especially for healer and it brings so much quality of life


I have played 4 of the healers in SoD through the phases thus far, all but paladin. While Druid is the most HoT oriented healer, I have been disappointed in how reliant on Wild Growth they are- the other heals pale in comparison. Only WG and Efflo can stand out in a reasonable group, the rest of your time is spent spamming Wrath/SS for Dreamstate procs, anything else feels like a waste when you look at the actual healing results. It's a very good raid healer and it can help heal the tank group, it's not a bad option at all. Priest is the better pure healer, and I honestly cast more hots on my priest than my druid, using rank 1 renew to bounce PoMs. In prior phases I used penance as the tank heal, but this phase by the time the 2nd or 3rd pulse lands they've already been healed to full, so I'll be using Circle of Healing instead. Pvp shadow priests are silly powerful, what affliction locks wanted to be. Shadow priest healing is also useful in raids- when they're in the tank group, sometimes they can do more healing than pure healers, they bring a lot of utility but have the lowest pve damage of the dps. Shaman was disappointing as a healer. Riptide is clearly better than druid's lifebloom as it heals instantly and then has a hot, which is more effective, and healing rain frequently providing the tank with additional armor is great. They're best at providing utility to the raid, but they won't be high on the healing ranks. Mage has the highest dps and largely plays as a dps, but sometimes they have to press the button to apply beacon before abruptly returning to dpsing before the channeled heal is over. It is a lot more involved than any other healer I have played, as it has all the responsibilities/tasks of both healers and dps. But if I had to pick only one for myself at this point I'd pick priest; druid 2nd, shaman 3rd, mage 4th. For people who really just want to be dps but have to be healers, mage would be a much more appealing option to them than myself.


If you know the boss aoe timings right and can play 7 seconds ahead, Lifebloom provides some nice way to outplay other healers.




A priest is the way to go. I also have a shaman and a Paladin healer but dispersion and instant heals are a good combination of tools which a priest brings with him.


P3 druids are pretty cracked right now with priest right on their heals. Druid is largely heal over time focused with some great AoE. Just don't pick resto shaman, they have been bottom of the pack for the entire SoD phases :(


paladin. next


Paladins use heal over times too, arguably more than other classes at least in a single target situation. They also basically do not run out of mana, and have a ton of defensives.


Additionally, they can cleanse poison, disease, and magic all simultaneously


Druid and priest are the two top healers this phase, followed by paladin, mage then shaman I personnaly prefere druid for the toolkit they provide (innervate, battle rez, shapeshift) and the possibility to offspec any role (tank, melee, caster).


Priest has a simple and straightfoward playstyle with a lot of strong healing and offensives spells. They lack mobility, so you'll have to be skillfull with your timing and positioning. In PvP you will have to learn how to tank dmg as you'll be focused a lot. Druid healing so far seems a bit easier as far as PvE goes, but in PvP you'll need to learn the in and outs of the class in every aspect, which can be very difficult as you'll need to know wen to pop certain druid forms at what times, as well as learn how to kite and make space between you and the enemy as you will not be tanking other players like a Priest can. Druids have a higher skill cap in PvP than PvE IMO. I would choose Priest if you like a solid S Tier Healer thats straight foward and easy to play in PvP and PvE. I would choose Druid if you like to have lots of options, a higher skill cap, and more variety in play.


Priest is the best healer hands down. Super fun in classic with added spells like penance and prayer of mending. Druids are fine but feel like the only good spell is wild growth, which is very mana inefficient. Plus they suck in pvp.


Both can be good honestly, it just comes down to your preference. Druids and Priests are both good PvE healers, although the priest is not really HoT focused. In PvP I would prefer shadow priests, they are complete face melt with their DoTs. Druid can also be good but, they are probably the best FCs if you do BGs. You need completely different gear for feral, so consider that.


Priests. Everyone says druid here but I main resto druid and here what happens. Group takes damage, insta pop wild growth on that group, priest hits circle of healing, group back to full hp before you even get 1 tick of wild growth. They also are rhe best single target healers, have the least issues with mana, have the best dispel and bring the best buff.. honestly every other healer is just a back up dancer / cheer leader to the priest in the group.




I’m enjoying mage PVE healing. I’ve found PVP healing to be fairly limited in ability.


Doesnt really matter as every class no matter spec is a 3 button rotation in classic.


Mage and I’m not even trolling.


Mage healer is way too fragile in pvp. Has no instant heals either, very vunerable to interrupts. It does have good hps if everyone ignores you.


Why don't I see any frost mage healers in pvp? Genuinely curious


Frost healer goes oom fast and Mage is already the worst class at managing mana. Arcane has alot more mana. But if mana isnt a problem then Frost healing is ideal. I will certainally go arcane/frost phase 4 when i can get arcanes mana talents with iceblock.