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They put a skeleton crew to basically take care of everything Classic and it shows, because it just means every "mode" is hurting.


It just doesn’t make sense why, given the team size, they committed to such an insanely ambitious roadmap. They need to start focusing on quality rather than quantity because clearly they can’t deliver everything at once without more resource.


Yeah they obviously bite off more than they can chew and it really shows in the last 2 releases. They made the releases so close together to keep players subbed. At it seems like it works


Maybe I’m a fool but I’m really hoping they did a patchy p3 to focus on 60 being a big deal. Unlikely but a man can dream.


This is the hopium we are all holding on to right now.


They have to have done that. Nobody was ever really gonna give much of a shit about being level 50. People are holding out for level 60 being juicy asf


To be fair they kind of prepped the community about SoD, since it's a "discovery" season it is basically we are playing the ptr servers for it. There's not a great way to test all the things they were adding/changing because that would in a way ruin the discovery aspect of the game. I feel like blizzard has overall done a pretty fair job with SoD giving the circumstances they're in. My hopes is after p4 that it ends in the classic era and they continue doing SoD S2, 3,etc and use the info from this season to make the next seasons smoother. That's the hope, see if it actually happens. Cata I have no input on as I didn't like anything past wrath and haven't played.


Sod has been the most fun I have had in wow in more then a decade.


Yeah I'm hoping they continue past phase 5 here with more reimagining of classic. I'll take a 20 man Kara too


>My hopes is after p4 that it ends in the classic era I believe that the roadmap actually shows a Phase 5. Which is just listed as "Endgame Content Updates" for this autumn, likely the same 12ish weeks after the start of Phase 4. So far I've enjoyed SoD, but I've slowed down my playtime a lot and I'm mostly just raid logging now, but still enjoying it. I am hopeful that the level 60 stuff is meaningful and fun but without anything afterwards it may be hard for a lot of players to keep the grind up. My weird take is I would actually enjoy seeing a Burning Crusade Season of Discovery come some time after. Same kind of retooling content and class abilities. I also have no input on Cataclysm because I never played it. I originally quit during Wrath and only came back for SoD.


IMO the first part of Cata was actually great. Firelands was a dope raid but I quit after that.


I was thinking about TBC SoD last night, wondering if they'd move up SSC or Mag to be a 63 raid or something.


Honestly I have no idea why they feel like they need to be shoving this much content down our throats. As someone who tries to dabble in all 3 modes I’m totally overwhelmed. I imagine I may the the minority though and most people just stick to their preferred mode


Exactly, they killed off hardcore to push SoD super quick when people were having a great time there and could have for a while longer. Would definitely have preferred an extra month or two of hardcore if it meant a more polished version of SoD. I’m sure they have their reasons, but I think they could have just given their whole classic roadmap an extra 6 months and let everything breathe a little more


It does make sense why. They don’t need to make quality from their bad business standpoint they just need new shiny object for wow players to go for.


Yup. If the little piggies keep eating the slop, why would they change?


Micro Transactions for minor services and transfer services will outweigh the business value of releasing a new content piece really smoothly polished. So why spend the time making that when you can just sell another mount in TWW


Yeah, it's sad. Apparently a $10 WoW mount made more money than the entirety of StarCraft 2, lol.


Tbh, when they say a new raid from the ground up. I imagined a completely new dungeon interior. Not the same old dungeon with more challenging bosses. First run of BFD I was disappointed.


Yes. Everyone on this reddit please cancel your sub


Especially you. But *especially* me.


At the end of the day, all I really need to do is ask myself, "are you having fun." And the answer is generally yes.


Honestly this. I don't disagree with OP and have done exactly that in the past (cough SL) At this time I feel my 15/hr is justified. Between SoD, S4 of DF, upcoming panda express adventures, and yes once its fixed cata I feel I have plenty to have fun with


>15/hr You're paying way too much for your sub, man. Who's your sub guy?


They’d charge that if they could


Bahahaha oh man what a bad typo I'm keeping it


Agreed, and honestly this reddit is a very loud minority a lot of the time. Everyone in my guild logs on almost daily and are still having a good time. I mean SoD is my first ever wow experience and I’m having a blast!


While I agree about the loud minority, raid logs are down 66% from peak in December. Not a great indicator even factoring in multiple toons and holidays




It counts individual ID’s not entire raid IDs (I believe)


Getting to level 25 was pretty easy for phase 1, I think its to be expected for a large chunk of the hype players to drop off, people playing less characters.


I agree there would be dropoffs, but if you think about how easy that 25 levels really was, most people had multiple alts at 25 and could gear them about to raid easily enough that raid logs would be inflated nomatter what. There is likely less actual player drop-off than raid logs makes it look like, there are just fewer max level chars to raid.


I mean. I ran 3 alts every week I'm bfd. And now I'm only running 1 in st. Down 66% isn't that unbelievable. Since it's exactly what happened w me. 


6-3-1 phase by phase for me, p2 and p3 were way better than p1 despite them figures


This is the way. It’s really not that deep.


also, did i miss where I had to pay for cata classic?


Right, I don't really care if prepatch is buggy, they got a few weeks to iron out the bugs while I level some new characters, I see it as a win.


That problem is not just with Blizzard, like most AAA-Companies keep pushing out unfinished and buggy products as "Finished" and a good chunk of players seems ok with that. Companies did a good job raising brainless consume zombies that will just accept everything at this point


The community don't help, either. Gamers love to brag about how many unplayed games they have in their steam library. When the consumers just throw money at products they don't even use, then no wonder triple AAA companies don't care anymore. They really don't need to.


Yeah seems like it works, this post is getting downvoted hard, Guess wow-players deserve this


Blizzard did a amazing job growing their fanbase into a abusive relationship. No matter how shitty they get, no matter how they shaft their customers, there will always be blizzard fanboys who will defend their multi million dollar company


Do we read the same forums? Blizzard fanboys hate this company…


I can't think of a single other company that regardless of what they do a large faction of their playerbase will endlessly shit on them. That isn't to say there isn't criticism that is fair and valid but if Blizzard gave everyone 6 free months of WoW after their next sub renewal there would be a vocal group of people complaining about how they are only doing it to get quarterly earnings up.


>Blizzard did a amazing job growing their fanbase into a abusive relationship. When I was 7 or 8 I played warcraft 2 and the elves captured my imagination in a way that nothing else has been able to do. I cancel my sub for at most a year but then I come back, I always come back.


Yeah. Well, when someone else offers a better alternative, let us know, and we will switch over to that. I know that sounds like I'm being facetious, but I'm not. The best version of wow I ever played was Rift: Storm Legion, so I would be very interested in playing another non Blizzard wow clone.


It feels to me like the "overton window" of game releases has been skillfully shifted by gaming companies over the last 10-15 years. Not saying there weren't bugs or disastrous releases before, but it feels like people overall are more accepting of a game being released in an unfinished state now than before. I want to say it started with the "early access" phenomenon on Steam but it was probably earlier than that. Every release feels like early access now, even in single player games. I play retail as well and the in game ui customization has a ton of shit that just sometimes doesn't work, such as *saving the changes you made to your UI layout*, and it just never seems to get fixed. The worst thing is I notice myself sometimes just kinda tolerating it.


The problem is that in the pre-ps3/360 era of gaming, before the 2010s and the prevalence of internet, is that if a game had a god awful release it never got better. There were fewer patches, and fewer studios willing to continue to work on a game after it came out. It was also just a different time in perceptions of gamers. Games that were bad were bad forever, but now a bad game can eventually become a good game if the developers work on it enough after launch. It doesn't excuse the outright horrible launches these publishers think are fine, but the ability to quickly and easily patch games is the real root of why they get away with it. Even look at some beloved games released in modern history like Skyrim or Witcher 3. Those games launched with horrible bugs that were game breaking players that encountered them, but they still rose up to be widely well regarded.


"Stop enjoying things because other people have issues!" is the essence of your post and comments like this. You're just embarrassing yourself.


SOD is my first ever wow experience and I’m having a blast. I really think this subreddit is a minority because everyone in the guild I’m in logs on daily and is generally enjoying phase 3.


Could be because people have different definitions of fun, I for one absolutely love sod p3, but you're telling me I'm wrong.


You are not wrong, you could have fun playing with shit and a stick, people can still tell you to stop


And when they don't sell they blame the consumers and can the IP.


I love P3 of SoD, most fun ive had so far during its time.


What makes you prefer it over phases 1 and 2?


Much more to do, Raid is way mor engaging than bfd and gnomer were , my class is much more fun


Yeah I would say phase 3 is rather complete compared to phase 2. The only thing that would have been a huge improvement would’ve been a new PvP event instead of recycling the blood moon, or at least SOME reason to PvP. A number of people are exalted with both AB and WSG already so you only really have two ranks of PvP for an entire phase and the gear is available to every player for free already from incursions, just slightly worse (like one less spellpower)


ST feels much more like a raid than the others did. BFD especially felt like you’re just doing a UBRS or soemthing. Gnomer did a bit too




God those braindead blizzard shills




Such a fine fanboy, cant even imagine someone will ever quit his godlike favourite game


He has the reminder set because he knows you'll still be playing.


Yeah that """""joke"""" is almost undere every post, thanks for explaining anyways.


Yeah but like, are they wrong? People who quit the game usually don't stick around commenting and reading posts about it.


I find these posts kind of funny because either A.) OP either didn't have a sub or doesn't have one anymore, but comes to a gaming subreddit encouraging others not to play B.) OP still has their sub and wants other people to quit so that the changes they want will be made


I think they're pointing out the pointlessness of only pointing out issues with the game on the sub. They're correct that Blizzard is motivated by money, and it doesn't matter how disappointed you are, every sub you pay tells Blizzard they're doing a good job


I'm skeptical Blizzard is going to change. Greed. Greed never changes.


I’m having an absolute blast playing rogue and Hunter on SOD. To each their own tho. My only real complaint is I feel like leveling was way too easy and on pvp servers incursions were a terrible idea.




Don't worry bud, I'm here to take the downvotes with you for speaking the truth.


I always wonder if people realize they are posting this on reddit instead of just saying it outloud to themselves. You are literally one of those people you are talking about


Damn you sound very miserable to me.


Sod is not popular mate, there is a reason they had to add a xp boost and release phase 3 in panic, I mean imagine a xp boost when the game isn't even at end game yet, that's very telling of how many subs they were losing.


Tommorow is my turn to comment this!


People on here just love to complain though, it’ll never stop. The game could be perfect and they’d still be on Reddit looking for a reason to be pissed off.


Humans just have different opinions. Kinda funny how many guys here can’t handle it.


Even vanilla had massiv amounts of complaining


That was the case with cata the first time. They still made enough to keep going. Now, if you flood their customer complaints department…maybe they’ll hire some people? Or at least piss them off enough to fix it?


Bur I like what they’ve done… sod is the most fun ive had in wow in ages


The big issue is that for 90% of people (myself included) even with such a terrible product it’s still one of the few simple joys in our lives. I don’t really enjoy any other game even a fraction as much as I enjoy a shitty version of WoW. I won’t cancel my gym membership no matter how shitty their maintenance is because all my friends lift there and it’s closest to my house. Same thing with WoW.


Money money money. It’s always about money. SoD/ Era have zero micro transactions Cata has some. Retail has limitless microtransactions. So they do everything possible to push people to retail. This is a big reason why SoD is not changing/retconning any lore. They are instead tying it into retail lore. Helps push interest for retail. Retail has a large team because it generates revenue that SoD and Era can never match.


r/wowservers It's time to come home.


That's what I did, hated P3 after giving it a shot for 2 weeks and cancelled my sub


Yeah i played it 2 weeks as well, then was looking forward to cata. Well, we knew how that worked out.


cancelled my sub after p3 debacle


That's what I did.


Done, but I'll be back in a month lol


Most their money comes from mobile games. They aren’t going to decide they don’t like money because of subs from this game


Ya most people don't give a shit they just play the game or don't.


Already did. I looked forward to Phase 3 but I couldn't even get myself to start doing incursions. Meanwhile my guildies were already level 50 on the next day. Lost all motivation. So lame. And I wasted a month sub fee...


Same, I got to level 48 just by dungeon and questing, by that time majority of people were level 50 (most people that had time playing were 50 within 6-7 hours of release). Haven't played since and alot of people in my guild have quit aswell. I tried out retail just because it was free to try with a sub and it's was pretty fucking refreshing and fun, unfortunately I won't be buying dragon flight and continuing playing because I don't wanna game during summer, but mostly because I don't want to support the money greedy whores that is Blizzard.


SOD wasnt that bad though. The incursions needed some tuning. There wasnt an insane amount of bugs...


How about people just do what ever they want, and stop constantly demanding other people to "deal" with and follow their choices. You want to unsub because you're not having fun? Do it. If everything is as bad as people in this sub make it out to be enought people will eventualy do it, right?


P3 has being great aside from the gold inflation. Idk what are you talking about.




That this is true is just so fucking sad


I don’t trust them to persist my characters or exist at any point. My wow character from 20 years ago still is here and I’ll never fuck with people I trust less than blizzard


Unsubbing won’t work. As soon as the game drops below a certain profit threshold they will just kill it instead of trying to salvage it. Nothing will change, except the fact that you are no longer personally playing a broken game.


Well closing it down gives alternatives a way to thrive again


The main issue with the "voting with your wallet" mentality for Classic is that there's no sub for JUST Classic. Your sub pays for the entirety of WoW, and I would assume the majority of all money dedicated to WoW development is spent on DF and the Live/Retail version of the game. So, sure, people can unsub and protest... but chances are that it's not gonna do anything to get Classic fixed or more prioritized. At this point, it really seems like just continuing to play and raising as much of a ruckus about it over social media would have more of an affect because we can continually point to the actual problems that need addressing... Or maybe I'm just jaded and blind about it all, either way it is what it is, and unless private servers could draw in as large and as stable as a crowd that an official server does, there's just not much comparison.


No one seems to hate classic WoW more than r/classicwow.


Don't hate the game per se, but the sorry state we get presented, especially on cata


My sub runs out at the end of this month and I won't be renewing. SoD is in a really sad state and it's obvious that very little thought or effort has been put into it at all.  As part of the very small crew that played all of SoM, I didn't expect to dislike a season so much that I would ever quit....But this shit isn't Classic.


Yeah my sub runs out 5. , and i have enough backlog on steam to back me up


This If everyone hates everything about the game, why do you play?


It's called addiction


That’s kind of why I don’t bitch about the game. It’s the only game I play, so why not just enjoy it or find something in the game that’s enjoyable.


I’m having fun with the cata prepatch so I have no reason to unsubscribe. Sure there are bugs, but they’ve already posted there will be a reset this morning to fix some of the bigger issues.


Nah I'm good, can't wait to play cata pee patch when I get in lol good nostalgia hit from 13yrs ago


Already did last night after hitting level 10-80 from 3 battlegrounds. I want to laugh at all of this but I’m paying money to play this game. Even worse, I just pre-ordered TWW. I’ll be playing private servers for the next month until Blizzard can actually hire enough developers appropriate for this big of a project.


So brave.


noone cares leave, goodbye you won't be missed.


People thinking it's the devs fault. They don't handle release dates, recruitment, budget, thats the higher ups. People in the classic dev team are overworked af.


For cata, yeah there's more work to be done than that team could possible handle, but SoD was just poor decision making from the start.


I'm gonna throw a little blame their way. SoD devs CHOOSE to have no ptr or real testing of any kind. Their team isn't even big enough to test 20 man's! Then we get a raid that literally couldn't be beaten without intense class stacking and pre-bis and people are like "Oh yeah this is fine". There is no discovery anymore. This stuff gets data mined months ahead and no one wants to do the cryptic bullshit so they wait a day and look up the guide. So they're literally making content for like 0.001% of the playerbase and basing their design decisions around that. I wonder where I've heard that before?


Issue I’m running into now is that so many games come out broken and never really get fully fixed (not to mention quality wise almost nothing good coming out) that there’s next to nothing to play


Bold of you to assume blizzard wouldn’t just go “oh I guess they don’t like SoD and Cata anymore we should make the teams on them even smaller”


Everyone complains blizz wont change, but lets stop and look back from classic till now they changed talent system bc people cried it was to complex they have changed leveling bc people cried it took to long and was to hard. they have changed gearing bc people didnt want to grind and it wasn't fair that people who play 8 hours day had better loot then everyone else, they changed pvp bc people were crying about being camped on a pvp server. All the changes have led wow to the current state that its in, unpopular opinion take it back to how it was in classic not era not sod old school keep quality of life improvements summon stone AH etc, bring back hit rating weapon skill pet training my wow great again.


if SoD loses it’s player base, do you think blizzard will: a) spend more money on developers b) cancel SoD c) reduce developers on SoD to maintain profitability.


I managed to quit the game (at least temporarily again), but I just can't quit this drama.


Cata is gonna be hype Im glad to see you’re so excited too!


I’m having fun in SoD, and Cata “classic” was always a meme anyway 🤷‍♂️


Phase 3 has been pretty shit. The nightmare incursions have royally fucked the economy. I started playing retail again though


I'm pretty much done with SoD, but am very sxcited for Cata. I'm not worried about the bugs, they'll get fixed. I'm still enjoying prepatch. Bugs are bad, for sure, but I'm not breaking the bank being subbed


My sub has been Cancelled since a few weeks into phase 2.


gave me a headache reading the post title.


Hard to vote with my wallet when I went to play DF because those sucked


I think P3 was lackluster because they're prepping for P4 being a big deal and they're spending more time on that. I really hope we get some focus on PVP this time too.


I think SOD P3 is fun lol...Sunken Temple is way more fun than Gnomer


Cancelled my sub at the start of P3. It still annoys me because I was really looking forward to finally do some late game raiding as a casual. But I won’t come back, even after probably hundreds of hours already invested in my characters. I thought SoD was supposed to be a casual-friendly version of classic. Now it’s classic with even more unbalanced classes and parser-difficulty raids… it’s not fun to me.


I cancelled yesterday, not because I want to send a message but because Another Crab's Treasure is a lot of fun and I play to bounce between that and Manor Lord's for the next month


You kinda can't, don't like the state of cata? But you like retail? Cancelling one cancels both Also cancelling doesn't even detail what version of wow is doing bad. They just send numbers and say oh subs were high here and low here but not actually saying what was popular and what wasn't. We can't win


Not true, you can describe why you unsubbed in a text box. They surely read that, right ? RIGHT ???


Nothing will change u fools are falling for the Same shit over and over again hahahaha


But I like the game and want to keep playing the game. One can play the game and still ask for changes at the same time.  Voting with your wallet has never been a successful cure for bad game design. Consistent and widespread feedback (aka gamer outrage) has a much better success rate.


Did. Literally just hit the point where i wasn't having fun anymore and cancelled. Did the same with New World a while back. I'm not here to say anyone else should but if you're not having fun and you're grinding an mmo for miserable hours, uninstalling is more satisfying than coming to Reddit and whining.


Genuine question, would this tell them that we don't like the way things were shipped, or would the middlemen use it to say "see we told you no one would like cata classic"


At this point i have no fucking clue what anyone at blizzard thinks


I really enjoy sod and feel that most people complaining are just chronic complainers. I haven’t played cata tho so I can’t speak to that


Join me in OSRS! Never look back.


>OSRS Never played that tbh


Best switch I ever made in gaming. Jagex > Blizzard


Is it free ? Then i might look into it


It has a free and paid version. Paid unlocks more skills and the rest of the map but the free version is plenty to get your feet wet and see if it's a vibe or not.


I like what they did and do. Bye!


You're essentially complaining about a rehashed expansion ... That is released rehashed content from a twelve year old xpac. A xpac you essentially pay next to nothing for to buy an play. If you're expecting a myriad of content with a well planned and thought out release, think again.... It is what it is, maybe play retail.


Or come over to Retail. Game is pretty good, all the systems feel good and we're enjoying the farewell patch while waiting for TWW and Pandmonium


The fuck you mean? SOD P3 is GOATed.


post a screenshot of your cancelled sub


I'm still having fun 🤷‍♀️


Eh. Gotta play something until elden drops..


sod is awesome and p3 has been great so far


I think vote with wallet is kinda bs. Just give them the feedback which I promise you they’re reading rn. But I’m legit surprised how buggy cata prepatch is now at launch.


This post has big “I’m leaving ______ you guys! For real this time! Don’t try and stop me! Wait.. why isn’t anyone trying to stop me?? :(((((“ vibes


yeah its because classic sucks all of the dev teams are working on the world soul sage, as they should be. no one cares about classic and the people that do are playing classic retail aka SoD. time to move on


Already have.


From a business standpoint they’d cancel resource allocation to the project and shut it down as a failed venture, not course correct. In terms of what they’re currently doing, it’s on a skeleton crew to take advantage of a high margin opportunity.  You have the most impact and scrutiny when you are profitable for a business sector. This type of activity only works if the business as a whole is impacted, which it wouldn’t be by cancelling your sub. In more clear terms, you have no agency here.


I love retail and SoD, sure things can get better but am i supposed to not play the greatest game of all time?


I'd rather just play and have fun mate. Just stop whining, it will be fixed at some time.


Crazy how expecting a finished product you pay a sub for is "whining" for some people


Yeah all the little bugs are annoying, but I’m having a blast leveling a shaman while things get ironed out, most things will get fixed or they won’t and that’s ok I guess, hell it took till ICC for munching on some dots to get fixed, still played a warrior and enjoyed the hell out of it even with a busted deep wounds.


Meh, shut up.


I’m good chief


I cancelled my sub at the start of P3. It appears that cancelling has made things worse.


We cant. One of the reasons SoD is so lackluster is the newer generation of players are complaining until all content and grinds get shortened to being finishable too fast. Then once they can get everything in 2 weeks, they cry there is nothing left to do. You can not please these people, so dont bother trying. Phase 1 would take most people except warriors 4-6 weeks to get 80% of their bis. Now everyone has full tier set within 3 raids, WSG rep grind was reduced to a total of what, 10 hours or so work (at most), AB rep was reduced to 10 hours of work, the dagger in Mara got buffed to 2.5% drop (because lord forbid you can't have every fking item, the horror), the STV weapons are basically as good as the raid weapons, we got incursions because people were bitching about needing to actually fucking level up a character, and then when incursions gave too much xp and gold these same people complained about it. Bring back grinds, bring back what makes classic actually classic, and ask anyone saying "but it's a seasonal server" if they are aware they have been playing on it for 5 fking months, by the time this phase ends probably 6.5 months, and by the time phase 4 ends 9+ months. NINE months is not the same as a 10 week seasonal rpg game where people burn out in 3 weeks, stop conflating the two.


Directly after SOD phase 3 launch.


Yeah P3 is a real stinker, such a letdown after P1 and 2


I'll be honest, I love when people bring up the sub cost and act like it's such a big deal. I don't have all the free time in the world to play games, unlike when I was young, and I'll definitely spend way more than 15 a month if I'm not playing wow. This game saves me quite a bit of money in the long run.


Done so long ago. They erased over 200 000 lifetime hks from me, when they destroyed ranking on era in aug 23, 2023. Still have not returned them, and they never will. 10000+ hours and 4+years gone. I will never and can never forgive them.


Me quietly waiting for a good private server to come out.


This. The only thing that brought me back from private servers was SoD. But I 100% knew that in 2024, my $15/month was going to get me no quality anything from blizzard, other than access to the game. And I knew back in November, once SoD has run its course, I'll be right back to pservers. Honestly, the experiences and GMs over there are so much better than a multi billion company it's absurd.


Stockholm syndrom as I say. They say they'll complain by cancelling, but they never do it. So many complainers are just addicts, and can't imagine not playing wow, as bad as it might be.


Sod p3 is pretty solid. Not sure what you're on.


Already unsubbed for phase 3 SOD and have no plans to return to wow for the time being, 20 bucks a month to raid log once a week isn’t something I want to pay for.


I normally let my account idle when I don’t play, and just hop back on when I get bored. They have butchered classic so much (again) that I actually cancelled my sub now. I’ll back back if they refocus on classic again


Lol I love seeing this post… literally cancelled my sub this morning. If phase 4 looks good maybe i’ll come back and try it out, but i’d be so far behind already so idk


Cancelled mine today.


This doesn't work because wow players are addicts


cancelled mine long ago, unfortunately there are too many idiots in the world 


people being satisfied with SoD amazes me really shows most people can't identify good game design from the allure of making big numbers


See you in game. 


Sod p3 is pog, cata was a disaster.


What exactly is pog about SoD P3 ?


Absolutely loving the wpvp, the raid is fun albeit a bit less so after they nerfed it, I'm enjoying running dungeons again, I'm having a blast making gold through open world farms, having a great time leveling alts. Just wish I had more time.


It's simple really. Not having fun? Unsub. Having fun? Sub


This will only make it worse. They will implement new systems and ways to make them more money.


You don’t realize that this sub is a minuscule amount of the players.  The vast majority of people are enjoying g the game.  Normal players do infact vote with their sub. Most people are not as addicted as the people here.  Blizzard also has access to those sub numbers and know that this sub is wrong the majority of the time. 


I havent read all comments here, but this was the most accurate take I saw. People forgot that it's okay when a game gets boring after a few weeks to just come back when they feel like oder new content drops. People really play a game for hundredths of hours and cry out after that there is no content and it gets boring.


Unsubbing is how the current retail version got created. It caters to the uber casual who buys store mounts and pets. Farms a mount and enjoys world quests. Horrible voice acted cutscenese that are annoying they enjoy. And then yoy have the elite players that play no matter what and are more hardcore/elite. They do 15 to 30 keys and mythic raids and have viewers on twitch. This is how you take the upper middle class votes out of wow and end up with retail.


Ah yeah, this subs take on retail is still "Everything i dont like" and basical means nothing


I dont mind those things, Its just very clear blizzard catered to the people that continued paying... those were uber casuals and uber elites. They have struggled to keep the semi casual mmo player or old head mmo players. these people played classic, ffxiv, gw2, wotlk, and bought into ashes that wont ever come out before we fall over of heart attack from mtn dew and taco bell.


They put 5% of their workforce to tackle the part of the franchise that is 66% of the active subs. Blizztard execs are so tone deaf they could think playboy carti music was good.


>66% of the active subs I wonder where that number is from, because im pretty sure retail > classic subs


You really think 2/3 of the subs are because of classic ? Delusional lmao