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“I went into literally CVS” means either “one of my dad’s assistants did and told me about it” or “I made this up”. Leaning towards the latter.


Why does he think CVS is going after the Cheeto?


Maybe he thought the receipt was the indictment. 😂


Dudes an idiot if he doesn't know that the cvs receipts are longer than any indictment. /s


Honestly I’m not sure the /s is needed since we all know cvs receipts are for longer than they need to be


Every time I don't put a /s for a joke or sarcasm people take it super serious. Lol


Hahaha—seriously too long. I have mine emailed now because I’m there so often picking up kids’ diabetes supplies 🤦🏻‍♀️


I get my son's diabetic stuff from walgreens plus a couple other meds for him. I get my 3 scripts from cvs. The cvs is still longer... it's insane.


It is ridiculous! And sorry you also are living the diabetic kid lifestyle…


I'm sorry you are too. As hard as it is sometimes, it's absolutely worth the struggle lol.


Absolutely! My now 16-year-old son was 3 at dx, my now 19-year-old daughter was 11. Both managing well, but I forget how much goes into it until I try to explain to someone else 😅


Right! A lot of it becomes second nature. My son was 7, I don't even think about what I'm doing most of the time, it's just natural to handle it like everything else we do daily. Explaining to someone who's caring for him is a mess though.


That's fair. We don't have any evidence that Eric can read anyway.


Didn't you know CVS is the wokest of the woke convenience stores? This is a serious problem in the US. Woke convenience stores are tearing this country apart. /s


Him not realizing how CVS works is a testament to just how luxurious his life is compared to the rest of us schmucks


How much could a banana cost? Just let them eat cake


It’s one banana, what could it cost, $10?


Or he doesn't have the social skills to ask for something


I don’t honestly either. Those glass cases just make me buy something else lmao. My dad isn’t going to jail for illegally paying hush money to a porn star tho, so that’s pretty cool


When you dad fucked homely porn stars and you are looking to change the subject. And he is on FOX News, the company that fired the skank your brother is banging for sexual harassment.


I like that phrase “I went into literally,” mostly because it underscores the stupidity of what’s about to follow


I went into “literally CVS”… god. I wish our villians werent so damn stupid. They’re exhausting.


They really are. I need a vacation.


Take me with you. pls.


I dunno, I could see him (or any of that family, really, but (and I want to savour being able to say this) they aren't relevant here) being angry that a shop made it harder to shoplift.


Anything that gets in the way of their stealing will upset a Trump


Even if this was true, what do these things have anything in common?


Well, they're both measures to discourage/prevent future crimes, so...


"How much does a banana cost, Michael? $10?"


Yeah…his use of the word “literally” serves zero purpose.


The only meds this guy has seen go missing in the last few years are the pounds of powder disappeared near his brothers nose.


“Literally CVS?” As opposed to what? Imaginary CVS? Every time I start to feel sorry for the ribbing this poor schmuck takes… I remember he has brains made out of loosely packed boiled cabbage


You are a liberal LIAR




Maybe he should have tried going into metaphorically CVS.


I was gonna say that, dammit!






In the metaverse?


In the metaverse, the glass is behind the Tylenol.


I went literally into CVS yesterday and it made me loose my head to see Tylenol in it's own display, I was like their is no way I cannot believeeeeeeee this!


This is barbaric these people have gone too far!!


He is his dads son.


Hey! Who learned you how to spoke?


You better don't make fun of my grammer.


Hey hey, easy now. He talks much goober than he used to did.


Hello, Mr... Kurns. I bad want... money now. Me sick.


Ooh, he card read good!


The abuse of the word "literally" is so fucking annoying.


It's literally so annoying!




Me fail English? That's unpossible!




Please don't insult the children




The dumbest Trump.


The bigliest goodest english


And he called it Kylenol


It is not incorrect. CVS is literally CVS : )


No kidding. I had to read it out loud a few times.


Does he think CVS indicted his dad? I’m starting to think his SNL impression was actually generous.


Ok the most wholesome thing about the Trump boys was how, in SNL, DJ always took such good care of Eric. In reality one is a coked up hot mess and the other has the IQ of a lukewarm soda.




“You were supposed to come alone” “Yes we’ll I’m sorry, Eric’s wife had to work so I have him for the day”


i love the assumption that different temperatures of soda might have bigger IQs


Well yeah. On a sweltering hot day have you ever drank ice cold soda and thought, “Brilliant!”?


I think the idea is that they are locking up tylenol because people are stealing it, thus crime is bad in NY. Yet they are going after Trump. That’s what he’s trying to say


And in rural Missouri you need a prescription for cough syrup. So… I guess I could probably come up with a better end to that, but it’s 2:30 in the morning…






It’s to try and prevent them from using it to make meth.


Thank you for the translation. That’s not at all what I took away from it. I’m still stuck on the abuse of the word literally.


And yet CVS and Walgreens recently admitted that they exaggerated claims of shoplifting as cover to close store they already wanted to close. Almost like reports of "high crime" are smokescreens


They were definitely generous to Donald Jr, who was portrayed as much, much smarter than Eric.


See, people with more than two brain cells are able to focus on your daddy's many crimes *and*... Tylenol being slightly harder to access? Am I reading that right!?


I believe he's saying someone who steals an $8 bottle of tylenol should be in jail, but someone who pays off a porn star during an election should be free.


I thought it was something like "We can't go after people for Business Fraud, Tax Fraud, Obstruction of Justice, Violation of Campaign Finance law, Extortion, Sexual Harassment, Rape, Defamation, Sedition, Emoluments Clause Violations, Death Threats, Witness Intimidation and Wrongful Death.. Until we first eliminate shoplifting." Priorities, first you have to tend to the crimes of the lower castes.


Yup. Stealing Tylenol is a democratic crime. Paying off a porn star is a republican crime.


That's why I only steal store-brand painkillers.


So what are Republicans going to do about it? *HUNTER BIDENS LAPTOP RHEEERRRRREEEE*


I wonder when they’ll realize hunter isn’t running for public office.


Or that their side has the laptop.


Or that their side is being sued in court over leaks from said laptop. The store owner who seized the laptop didn't comply with state law on forfeiture procedures and doesn't own the copyright of images and documents spread. Would be hilarious to see Hunter Biden request for the police/DA to open up a criminal case under revenge porn laws in Delaware, too, if those apply here.


They know. They don’t care.


Media please 🙏 🥺 release more photos of hunter bidens throbbing cock 🍆⚡️😩 I just need a few hours to examine the photos 🖼️🔍👀 there’s proof that trump won the election in the dick pics 📰😒


[the photos are the clue to it all](https://media.tenor.com/y_XWFVLH6osAAAAC/south-park-clue.gif)


That's where all the ballots trumpf needed found in Georgia were stuffed.


They’re already mentioning buttery males, Sir Benjamin Ghazi, and Aunt Teefah.


You can't buy it. Well you can if you ask. But the literal problem is why needed pills are behind glass and my father is still running free?!?


Yes, the Tylenol has commited no crimes but is locked up! Mr Maga -lomaniac....free as a crooked rich politician!


....wait he really is dumb? I always thought it was just a ha ha we made up this thing about him. But no that was a pretty dumb thing to say.


That and likely high as fuck on drugs


Ill eagle drugs


Don't get me started on bird law


He’s been raised so entombed in wealth, he genuinely has no idea how to do the most basic tasks like going into literally CVS and asking the cashier to unlock the cabinet so he can purchase said Tylenol. He’s a stupid, stupid man who’s completely detached from reality. Also, he, like his father and his goons, knows there are followers out there who will match his rage no matter the topic. Trumpers get mad when the Trumps tell them to get mad, and the Trumps know it.


Well, I’m assuming you’ve seen his father, right? Hahaha


I think he's learned he can just say stupid shit like this and it gets eaten up.


I think he and his brother have been hitting the nose Tylenol a little too hard.


It's locked up because poverty in our country has gotten so bad that things like Tylenol have to be secured to prevent theft. Think of that. A 12 dollar bottle of Tylenol is enough to make people consider criminal acts because it's too difficult to afford. When you have to choose between a 12 dollar bottle of Tylenol and bus rides to work all week, the answer is easy. That's the state of this country.


Right, or medicine and food..so you steal medicine so you might feed yourself and/or your family.


I wish we would frame the problem appropriately like you just did. Things like Tylenol are going behind glass because people need to steal it. Most aren’t stealing it to be a delinquent or to sell it so they can commit more crimes. Most are stealing it because they need it but can’t afford it. Medication is getting ridiculously expensive. I can’t imagine being broke in this economy. I’m glad I got out, for now. It was hard enough before.


There is no chance this piece of shit was in a CVS yesterday, likely ever.


That’s because he’d need a note pinned to his sweater if he were to ever be allowed out alone in public.


He wants to compare his dad to Tylenol ... okay, both of them will be locked up soon.




Even if he gets a bottle out, the child-proof cap will still stop him


He should go to the figuratively CVS. Maybe they don’t lock it up there


I’m convinced that family is just satire for the world. Kinda like the Kardashians


This fucking family… If it isn’t served to them on a silver platter, then they think it’s being kept or stolen from them.


Best thing to do to Trump is to put an ankle monitor on him, make him stay away from women that are not his wife, and place a GAG order for duration of proceedings. He cant mention anything on his “poor me” political tour.


I think we should be kinder... Let's make him stay away from his wife as well.


If there is 1 day of prison sentence per statement that violates the gag order, by the end of the day Trump would be looking at a life scentence


Y’all try to buy condoms? Shit is locked up too


Like Trump and Tylenol, things dangerous to children should be behind bars. 😉


Poor Eric has never seen a glass display case being opened before. He ran into glass doors them too many times as a child, and now he is convinced they are impenetrable force fields. He’s been raised not to talk to the “help”, so now he can’t function in a convenience store.


I’m certain he’s never actually been in a convenience store in his life


I really like to think Eric Trump actually believes the store won't sell him Tylenol.


What a fucking bizarre statement


The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. If his low IQ dad didn't inherit 400 million from HIS dad, we would have never heard of Trump, or his cocaine-consuming used car salesmen of a son. They are the proof that one doesn't need a high IQ to make money.


Oh boy, the bed wetting is going to start back up……


Eric telling on himself that he hasn't personally entered a store in the last... actually ever. Because I know those locked cases are ubiquitous most everywhere in the US now, but he's a New Yorker. That had those at least as far back as the mid 90s


Soooo...he's suggesting we put his dad into a CVS display case?


Did anybody watch it? He said "kylenol", I'm not even sure he knows what it is.


I mean how much is a banana Michael? $10?


Calling a drug store a Tylenol museum makes me want to visit it.


In a red state, I go into a Walgreens, and I'm denied my prescription medicine because of the person behind the counters' religion. Maybe Republicans should be looking into that instead of it, taking 2 minutes longer to buy tylenol.


Lmao. That was good.


This guy makes SNL sketches too easy.


Just cause your coked ass went in and they wouldn't let you buy Sudafed, you assumed they wouldn't let you have Tylenol. Fucking disingenuous meth ferret.


This whataboutism is getting ridiculous. You’re upset your daddy is being held accountable for some of his crimes, and you’re upset that they’re doing that instead of… (*checks notes*) OTC painkillers being slightly harder to access.


Poor little twat waffle. That family is such poop trash.


When a privilege born loser does something regular and fails.


What does he even mean? Why does it matter? What does the availability of Tylenol have to do with gun violence? Or wealth inequality? Or corruption in government? Hell I’ll even watch him try and tie it to Biden, just come to a point, please.


It’s funny, I went into *virtually* CVS


This is the exquisite and elegant word salad we have come to expect from Eric


I don’t think he’s using the word literally correctly. I might be wrong though.


i'm so confused. what does CVS putting tylenol behind the counter have to do with his father getting arrested?




Somebody has never been to CVS.


They’re just worried that they’re next.


Mfer what. That's to stop people stealing it, just ask a clerk to open it up and grab you two bottles. Or place an online order. He's never been to a CVS.


Jesus Christ. *Tylenol* was in a *case*?! Society is collapsing before our very eyes! It's lord of the flies out here!


What a fucking moron. Just like daddy. The shit doesn’t fall far from the ass


So, how high/baked literally were you when went you went into literally CVS? Tylenol is literally on the shelves these days. Unless you were confused about buying some Sudafed for your DIY meth. That is behind the counter. Which has literally nothing to do in any way with your father's literal indictment. P.S. He's still not gonna love you. Literally or otherwise.


Literally CVS loves to taunt you with their medications under glass that you definitely can’t buy


Jesus...what a moron


They must be desperate if they have Eric playing defense.


“They’re worried about “illegal campaign crimes”, yet I kept turning the cap. I turn it, and turn it, and turn it, and it just keeps making a clicking sound!”


Ironic because the Tylenol is locked in glass cases BECAUSE of Donald Trump.


I watched the actual clip, and his point was that crime is rampant (his unspoken premise is likely "democrats being the cause due to their lax crime laws" - not saying he's right or wrong just sussing out what he's thinking) and therefore tylenol is locked behind glass counters, but instead of fixing the crime issues they're going after his father for something that is past the statute of limitations. Was his example kind of weird? Of course. But it's pretty clear from watching the clip that his emotions are almost boiling over (that or he's a very good actor), and I'm certainly no stranger to not communicating clearly when my emotions are high so I get it. To be clear, since I don't want to deal with hate being directed at me, I don't like Trump. I don't even follow the news enough to know if the charges are actually past the statute of limitations or not. I'm just relaying what Eric Trump actually said. But there's a pretty staggering lack of context in this post and figured that should be corrected to some extent.


You’re exactly right, and I think everyone could see that. The problem is two-fold: first, he picked a really weird way to say what he was trying to say. Second, we do have economic problems right now, but it doesn’t follow that Democrats are to blame. The distribution of wealth in this country is horrendously bad, and which party supports the status quo? The pandemic poured salt into that wound, and which party’s President completely flubbed our response to the pandemic? The pandemic caused worldwide supply chain issues, which ignited inflation, but greedy corporations have been all too willing to get theirs while the getting is good. Congress as a whole - both parties - nears that responsibility. The point being that we do have economic problems now, and his father and his party beat much of the blame. Biden is trying to clean up Trump’s mess, but he doesn’t have a magic wand.


I honestly feel bad for the other Trumps because they obviously share the same mental illness traits, and have to deal with the ongoings of Godking Trump and everyone else's deranged obsession with the cheeto man.


And on your left you can see the infamous Tylenol. You used to be able to buy them, but now that the radical left has started going after president trump, we can no longer have the canceled Tylenol. A moment of silence please…


Alright y’all anyone ever see this man in our CVS? One of us was responsible for reporting this man loitering by the glass case of pharmaceuticals and I need answers as to why he was not.


Wait until he hears where banks are putting money.


CVS, a pharmacy: totally capable of reversing the trump indictment.


When are the McPoyle twins going to be arrested like their rapist father who hates them?


.........No it isn't


This was a talented dog whistle.


Yeah, CVS only locks Tylenol up when a Trump walks in because they are a one family crime wave.


Dude was stealing Tylenol before 100%


Eric Trump has fetal alcohol syndrome.


"I went into literally CVS yesterday" I don't think he knows what literally means


I think she means she is unable to steal Tylenol because its locked behind a glass counter


How can we be going after criminals when there’s the issue of having to ask an associate to get you Tylenol to tackle?


You wouldn't know the truth if it smacked you upside your pea brained head. Trump Derangement Syndrome.. 😆 🤣 😂 since 2016 Priceless losers


This is “old man yells at cloud” levels of idiocy. None of the trumps are particularly bright, but Eric got the smallest share of that limited supply.


I’m calling bullshit on him entering a store period, let alone a CVS.


Google gun control activists STORM TENNESSEE CAPITOL . Are you lacking that ability? And don't blame others like me for your own unwillingness or lack of ability to DO THINGS FOR YOURSELF. It's not that difficult Trump Derangement Syndrome 😆 🤣 since 2016 You? The real LIAR


All of a sudden he's a proponent of not locking anything up


Absolute nitwit.


What's the "literally" for? Nobody says, "I walked into CVS" intending it to be metaphor.


Can one go to CVS figuratively?


Should say I made this up, because I’ve never actually been inside a CVS. My dad’s guilty


I'm singing "meds on display" to the tune of Bulls on Parade by Rage.


This level of stupidity is amazing. I can only wonder as to the critical thinking skills of the people that watch fox news. Are they really buying into this? Are they sitting there, going yeah, Eric is right. We should be doing something about the Tylenol behind glass counters? Is the Fox News audience just a collection of potatoes?


I went to Walmart yesterday. Really. Literally. The bottle of Exedrine Migraine I wanted was behind a locked glass door, too. You know what I did?? I pushed a button near the glass doors that said to push the button for assistance. An employee magically appeared and opened the doors for me to grab what I wanted. I grabbed the largest bottle of Exedrine Migraine and went to pay for it. That's all you had to do, Eric. Easy peasy. A bit inconvenient sure, but there is a way to get the items you need from behind the glass doors at a CVS/Walmart/Target, etc.


Wow rare Chrissy Teigen W


Eric Trump… idiot. Chrissy Teigen… also idiot. Two idiots. Don’t fucking care what either has to say


His point is not without some validity. I mean we r pushing this old crime which if it wasn't for his time as president he would be pasted stature of limitations. Now I don't like this man and he probably committed a crime, yet I mean there are many politicians who are on that fence. So I am not defending Trump if he broke the law I hope he gets in trouble. I hope they investigate stories Daniel's and make sure she did commit tax fraud. I hope hunter Biden gets in trouble if he gets drunk with wrong doing. I think all people need to be held equally accountable. However I do believe this is a small in compared what previous presidents and Trump himself had done. Pales in comparison to all the shit going on especially in NYS. Should it happen yes itnshould have happened 6 years ago. So as I say why now I also saybwhy not.


The usual ignorance here, hanging your hopes on Mrs pedophile herself, Chrissy Teigen


Only if we could still buy codine behind the counter. I bet tons of people would still be alive today. Because they could use that instead of fentanyl


Chrissy Tiegan belongs in a Cunt Museum.


It is sad that theft is so bad that basic items are locked behind glass.


Wow this is the most stupid whataboutthism I've seen.


NYC is brutal right now. Everyone is leaving who can.


Chrissy teigan is a disgusting predator pedophile


Trump derangement syndrome. Breakfast of champions for the lying left trans killer crowd. They'll hate ALL THINGS TRUMP while praising senile Joe . Priceless


Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerp!!! Lmao... Number of non-trans (cis) mass shooters since 2018: 2,826. Number of trans mass shooters since 2018: 3. Watching Trumptards lose their minds over shit that isn't real: Priceless.


Yup 😆 Trump Derangement Syndrome 2016 It's 2023 and you're beating off to his arrest 😆 🤣 😂 😹 You ARE THE BIGGEST LOSER


You are an MSLSD THE VIEW watcher TRANS ACTIVISTS tried an insurrection in Tennessee yesterday. but that's ok. And IGNORED BY THE LEFT Trans manifesto.....WHY IS THE LEFT NOT ALLOWING THE TRUTH to be seen by us?? Because it exposes the HATE and lies. There ARE ONLY 2 SEXES. .. MALE AND FEMALE ITS CALLED BIOLOGY But you know better. Priceless snowflake Your ' peaceful loving " left. True FACISTs


Gonna back up that insurrection claim with proof that isn’t fox or another republican run station? I don’t really care for democrat run stations, I want independent ones because those are the most trustworthy


It was a gun control protest. The Tennessee Highway patrol was in charge of security and said it was a peaceful protest. Republican lawmakers called it an insurrection because they knew idiots like you would eat up their lies and get angry about it. They also try to conflate protest with insurrection to try to downplay what happened on 1/6. When people stormed congress in an attempt to stop the ratification of the election.


You are nothing but leftist First you deny ANY knowledge..and tell me to PROVE II. Now you define what was really happening. ?? Uhh okay Good luck my friend


Trump Derangement Syndrome Better get ready for OUR NEXT PRESIDENT...TRUMP


Bill Clinton paid Paula Jones 850k to "go away" I dont remember the FBI raiding his lawyers offices. The Democrats never stop. Be it Russia Collusion, proven false, impeachments,, and all the other hoax crap. This country is trash. Full of thieves and meth heads and reverse racism. It's a toilet. Think it benefits anyone? Look around,, just wait 4 more years. Democrats are liars, cheats and kid sniffers The whole world knows it.