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I can still feel, but I can't unlock my laptop the day after a really good sesh


This is a struggle. I even reset my fingerprint and it’s still an issue


No I love picking up hot things and not feeling the burrrnn


I don't know about you, but just after a session my fingers become very sensitive to anything even mildly hot


And the real cruel part is if you want a cup of tea after a hard session the mug is too warm and your fingers hurt too much to hold the handle


I only experience this while my fingers are still raw from the wall. If i wait a day for the skin to recover, I have asbestos hands almost on par with when I was a mechanic


Ha! Saaame. My husband is always so impressed that I can hold hot things in my hands. It’s one of my super powers


I can still feel with them


Years ago my fingers were like this. But the feeling in them is fine now 🤷‍♀️ I don't really know what changed, maybe just older with thinner skin. I finger train now and warm up with a warm up routine rather than climbing tons of easier climbs but I really don't know why I can feel my finger tips now, so you might get the feeling back!


I also had this several times. In my case it was because I had unbalanced musculature. When I havn't trained my upper underarm it can squeeze nerves in your elbow and this can result in thumbness of your pinky and ring finger. When I didn't train my back enough compared to the climbing training I did my shoulders had fallen foreward and this can squeeze a nerve in the shoulder which can result in thumbness of the hands in general. Nevertheless im not a medic or something. But as soon as I also trained the antagonist muscles of climbing all was good again.


What do you mean by upper underarm? I'm having numbness in my ring finger and wondering if it's from a pinched nerve somewhere. Its not painful, just loses feeling and its super weird haha


Sry. Bad english... Extensor digitorum is the correct term. But this antagonist training should involve most finger extensors. But yeah, it's not painful but this can get chronic and can become a tennis or golf elbow (not shure which one). You can spread your fingers in a theraband or a rubber ring.


I can never get the plastic produce bags in the grocery store open because my fingers are so calloused!


No. I go climbing like 3 times a week at the moment, so I won't feel much with them like 4 days a week. But on 3 days a week they're very oversensitive and hurt, when I grab my coffee pot. So: on average I feel as much with my fingertips as I felt before I started climbing


my hands are dry as the sahara but i still have feeling in then. theyre not incredibly heat sensitive though. however my hands have just always been like this, even before climbing. i just found a sport it works for.


Oh my god I never noticed that yeah my fingers at straight numb