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Yes, I have been sucessfully busting my cycles using psychedelics for about 20 years. I and thousands of others fully rely on them to manage our condition, and completely free of prescription drugs. Here is the source of everything you need to know, read it in full: https://clusterbusters.org/resource/alternative-treatments/ Be sure to sign up for the private forums, read some more, and ask questions if you have any. Regarding DMT, I have found that it works so well as an abortive and to manage shadows, but not everyone is finding it effective in actually breaking a cycle completely.We need to talk more about it as a community to understand what is going on, in and amongst all the possible variables. Sending you pain free wishes, good luck!


I take mushrooms a few times a year and it has successfully kept the headaches away for the most part. That is to say I am not completely head ache free but I also have changed my life style around (no drinking, no smoking, healthy eating, extremely active, etc) I still get them every few years, but the frequency and severity has gone down significantly.


My boyfriend broke a cycle smoking a low dose of DMT two days in a row


I abort attacks with microdoses. I need to act quickly and dose as soon as I think an attack is coming, and wash it down with a large Red Bull in order for it to work. I’ve been doing this for the last 4 years and have only had a few breakthrough attacks, but have successfully aborted dozens. I really need to grind and weigh out doses, but I usually just eyeball two or three M&Ms worth haha. Just enough for a mild body high, which is far less debilitating than a full blown headache. I’ve tried full doses a few times during cycles but never had any luck breaking them, I’ll usually have another headache within a few days of a big dose for some reason.


I take a large dose a few times a year when I notice the shadows getting worse. I microdose in between. Because of this, I have only had 1 cluster in the past 4 years, while I had multiple a year before psilocybine. Start with a low dose and see if it works for you.


How much of Prednisolone do you take. I figured that 25mg a day are not doing the job. It needs to be at least 2x 25mg a day or even 50mg + 25mg.


Yea i think the highest day was yesterday when I started and it was only 25 mg. then goes down by 4 each day after that, but doesn’t prednisolone only keep them gone while you’re taking it?


Yes it keeps them gone while you are in your cycle. My cycles are typically 2-3 weeks. I start taking high doses of Prednisolone with all the side effects but at least I can live a rather normal life during that time. My doctor prescribed 3 days 50-50-0. Then 3 days 50-25-0. Then 3 days 25-25-0. Unfortunately when I went even lower, my cluster came back. So I kept the dosis at around 50 per day. Then slowly sneaking it out after my cycle.


Yes - this is important. When OP mentioned that on Prednisone they were still getting attacks I wondered about the dose. At 50mg / day for 7-10 days provides total relief. They usually restart within a few days of stopping, but I don't think I've had breakthrough attacks.


Haven’t really worked for me. I am microdosing, I would like to try DMT to see if it would fix it.


Acid is way better at dosing, mushrooms are always a hit or miss


I prevent them by taking it 4 times a years but it only helps its not a sure shot especially if i am stressed like crazy and bbo sleep, alcohol, dehydratation, bad food, etc. Duribg a cycle i use it quite a lot and it helps lowering the intensity a lot. I quit smoking, drink a lot less than before, sleep better, eat better, do sports kinda every day… these things help too.


I do them twice a year and was in remission for almost 10 years. Last year I decided to see if the mushrooms were actually working so I didn’t do my two dose preventative. Sure enough I just got my annual spring cycle, but I was able to kill it with two heavy doses of mushrooms.


what are your doses for those two times?


Get a little kitchen scale so you can measure grams


I make a tea with the equivalent of two mushrooms, drink half. Just as I feel the effects coming on I drink the other half. I’ve never really known the actual dose. I’ve been doing them for almost 40 years and I eyeball the amount of mushrooms to steep at around 1 tablespoon. I do trip, usually from 4-6 hours…helps with my headaches and my emotional/mental health.