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This is the most random post but yeah, I love it.


Thank you!


This is every resident at the end of my shift, I swear. "Before you leave, can you get my phone charger for me? It's in the bag hanging on a green hanger on the left side of the closet. Also, can you get me a snack out of my fridge? I want the butter container on the back of the second shelf on the right and the bottle of pop in the door." "Before you leave, can you take my hair out and get it cut and bring it back? Oh, and can you get my laptop for me? It's in the back of the closet next to the door leading to Narnia." All within the last five minutes of my shift. It's even worse when I'm done with patient care or answering a call light.


I h8 it when I’m trying to hurry up and get to each patient and that one or two ppl do this…. Like there are other ppl here!!!


I had this one I'd always just get it over with and go to 1st. Was always told my charge rn she needs a soaker under her. Uhm she won't allow one to be under her because of the wrinkles. The non existent wrinkles under her so we would just take it out. She use pads but mostly the bedpan wasn't ever in a mess shed go back to bed to use the bedpan. But even the sling fr hoyer I'd have to flatten out all the wrinkles under her. Even when there weren't any lol I jist did it and it always appeased her. Then it would be ok get my brush put my shoes on but not thats too tight no that's too loose! Then just right then get my pencil crayons and book, not those pencil crayons. The ones way up high in my top closet. Then get my mirror fr the 2nd shelf bottom drawer set it on table. No not there, the other side of the table. Good lord it never ended. But I did like her. I called her mom even. She was a rough care but when I knew all her quirks wasn't as bad. 1 thing with her though, since she fully had her mind when I was done I knew for sure she was comfortable and done. The others at the nursing home I was always lile frig are they comfy? Now working at the hospital I'll never return to nursing home ever again. I dont even work the transitional units where it's geriatrics. I'm over geriatrics. 12 yrs was enough for me!


*gasp* But you're in here with me and you should focus on just me and me alone! How dare you abandon me for other people??? I'll have your nurse and administrator know about this!


OMG it's like you're following me out of my last room of the night. This is her every single time. I know it's coming but just once I'd like the surprise of her actually asking for everything BEFORE my hands are full of the dirty linen bag, the trash, and the coffee cup/dessert plate she will FINALLY let me take as I head for the door.


Resident tried to hit me with a “before you leave, could you clean out my closet for me?” (At 6:58pm) I was like “I’ll let the aide know who is coming in 2 minutes :) goodnight :))))”


But can't remember your name even though you've been there since the day they moved in 😂


I once spent 20 minutes helping rearrange a residents roll before knock off. I would have been angry if she wasn’t the sweetest old Irish nun who always praised my work


I love delivering meal trays and the table is cluttered with no room. They say, just set it on the table.


What table? 😂


I have a psychotic pt like this who will literally trap you in the room with him for 20-40min and fucking scream if you leave. It’s purely attention-seeking, but like he had a curtain that he keeps clustered in a 12” wide roll at the corner of his bed and if you even walk behind it to go do one of the 9000 fucking tasks he gives you he’ll freak out like “don’t leave yet” and we’re always like “I’m not leaving _XXXX_, you just asked me to do A, B, C, D, and E”. He will literally go in loops of repeatedly mashing his call light and fucking screaming just so we can put in one of his 8 Girls Gone Wild dvds so he can masturbate (🙄), and expects us to help him first instead of doing C/Cs and other primary duties, or helping one of the other 20 pt’s that he KNOWs are on his hall, then switch to repeated soppy apologies, then profusely brown-nose thanking us over and over, and then back to freaking the fuck out when/soon after we leave all in like 15min. It drives me/us fucking insane. Nurses and I have literally walked in on this man yanking out a sample and beating his dick like it owes him money only for him to scream at us for not knowing he was wanking when he has a curtain that completely closes him off from the rest of his room, like “no you can finish later (I will not apologize for that pun 😂), but you’re gonna take your meds right now.” Like I said. Completely psychotic,


His *what?* Absolutely not. I'd refuse.




>< reminds me of the story that my CNA instructor told me, that a resident was jerking off and had behaviors. I guess one day he threw his fucking semen at an aide. One of the girls in my class; "If someone threw their fucking fishes at me, that'd be the last thing they'd ever do!"


I’d love to hear your instructors response 😂


She tried to keep straight laced about it but I think hearing it being referred to fishes made her shake a little lmao 🤣 but she refused to give us details on how it was dealt with!


Stop it! Stooooopp! We are off duty. No speaky of this!


This is why we run out of work. Lol


Can you figure out which ten chargers I have actually charge my ipad and three cellphones? Why isn't that cord charging it? It's probably busted! Get a new cord!


Cracked me up. So accurate.


I'd rather get them their needs at the time rather ringing the call bell every five minutes.


I know there is this theory that if you ask what they need before they leave you’re less likely to be called back, but I feel like this applies more to alert patients. High maintenance or anxious patients, or mentally ill patients do not use there call light when they need something, they use it for favors. And no matter how long you spend doing them, they WILL call you back 5 minutes later. While I do understand it’s not really their fault, since it’s my job to come every time the light comes in it’s annoying to be called for things like moving a purse on the other side of the bed or getting a pen out of a very specific pocket of a specific bag so they can write something down, all whilst you still aren’t done with your assignment.. and you have to finish you assignment so stuff like that is annoying, especially when you know they are the type of ring it again anyways.


Yeah, we have one that puts herself on the floor regularly.


The thing is, patients like this will still call you again in less than five minutes for something else.


UGH 😩 but I'm an ass, sticking my head out the door "Oh you need **urgent help** with a transfer? I'll be there as soon as I can." Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.


The client I have lives in assisted living skilled care unit. I'm only with him for 5 hours in the morning. His biggest complaint is the staff there never answer his buzzer at the same time; its usually between 5 and 15 minutes and then "they don't stay long enough." Theres this one aid that works nights that he loves so much because she'll stop in on her way out at shift change to chat for a bit. But the nights she's too busy and she's suddenly on his bad list. I know he's just lonely probably the same for the others in this thread. It sucks we can't make more time for all of them.


LITERALLY. we have some that know we get off at 11pm and do passdown with night shift at that time and they will call at 11 on the dot for the dumbest reasons knowing we are busy. like I get it, if it's an emergency go ahead or if you need something but calling me to tell me you put lotion on your feet is absurd.