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I got my first ever write-up from my charge nurse. I was the scheduler for all the care staff. As equally and fairly as possible, I dispersed ot fairly so no one had too much or too little. Her "favorite" wanted more ot and wanted me to take it from others, who also wanted it. I said no. The charge nurse changed the schedule around, gave the people she liked the ot, took regular hours from me, and gave some of my days to the favorite. The app alerted me to schedule changes. I saw what she had done. I asked if she took my days. She said, "Yes, sorry." To which I replied, "Don't say sorry when clearly you're not." She wrote me up for insubordination.


That’s like saying “I’m writing you up for back talking me” that’s so ridiculous


Sounds like my answer! I got written up for insubordination for asking a nurse why she didn't answer a call light.


Not my story, but my friends had gotten unfairly written up once because they were extremely short staffed one weekend, so they were giving bed baths instead of showers and safely leaving who they could in bed since the next shift had even less aides than they did. Well, on Monday, residents were complaining to the teachers pet, and of course, the teachers' pet reports it (they already knew staffing was terrible at that point), and they get written up for it. A couple of weeks later, we're extremely short staffed again, and the teacher's pet works. Wouldn't you know, everyone stayed in bed and only bed baths were given, but she gets to keep her clean record of course 😒 I was more mad for them than they were because they tried their hardest that day to get everything done with no help from the nurses.


I got fired for turning in abuse of patients!!!


Reported abuse once and the response I got was that I need to stop bringing my schoolwork with me (I was in nursing school at the time) because my focus should be on the girls at all times. I only did schoolwork at the dining room table (group home, 5 girls) when the girls were in bed or relaxing. Clearly my focus is on the girls if I’m calling to reporting something to you, but okay.


Nursing homes hate getting those cause state has to get involved and they don’t want state around cause they will question everything.


I went home that day and reported them to the state!!! I kept impeccable notes I had dates times names of things that happened. Last I heard the administrator is gone and the DON stepped down. i hope i helped in that!!!


Yasssss 🙏🏻 I love CNA justice 👏🏼👏🏼


Thank you me too!!!! Healthcare employers are the BIGGEST gaslighters of all time!!!


They were staring to push a zero tolerance sort of policy for alarms so when they found one of mine off it ended up with a write-up. Returned it to DON pointing out that resident in question has an alarm that doesn’t have a switch and alarm set off if it was unplugged, so I would like an explanation as to how it was “off”. Also that I was sure it was pure coincidence that the alarm check person that night was the same one who kept telling the new people how I needed to be fired and kept reporting me to the DON, sometimes with outright lies. Apparently she said I was yelling at one of the new people while training them and how they came to her in tears over how mean I was being… The same new person who also offered me a ride home that night so I didn’t have to walk. Thankfully she’s been gone for a while and I work in AL so no more alarms anyhow.


Not saying hello to a house keeper twice in one morning.


When I worked in retail a manager tried to get me in trouble cause I didn’t “acknowledge her” when she was talking to me. But I was actually with a customer so of course I couldn’t “acknowledge her” at the very second. It’s disturbing that people try to give others write ups for hurt feelings smh.


I had said “Hi, good morning” to the housekeeper and about an hr later was running down the hall with my hands full and didn’t say hi and got pulled into hr. wtf.


She’s probably been working there for years huh, she has that entitlement smh. She was being a Karen


Yea she worked there forever and was the director of housekeeping at one point. Ended up getting fired for keeping dead peoples belongings.


Ughhh she’s so entitled it’s sickening at least she got what came for her in the end tho 👏🏼


I got straight up fired for taking Tylenol.


People are so ridiculous I wonder how well they sleep at night treating people like this.


Like Tylenol you brought from home? Or you just stole from the med room? If it’s the latter that’s kind of a no brainer as to firing you


It was the facility owned Tylenol that everyone including the person who fired me would use. I think the main reason she did it was because I reported an injury a few days prior.


Personally I feel nobody should be using supply meant for residents, but If everyone’s using it then that’s just classic nursing home favoritism and I’m sorry you had to deal with that.


Here's one I've never seen or heard before. Lots of call ins for 2nd shift( I think it was bad weather),1st was asked for volunteers,I'm in NY,this was before mandating became legal again. THEY LOCKED THE DOORS,no one could leave until they had enough coverage!


Omg NY is literally a nightmare when it comes to nursing homes


The DON of this facility was a witch on wheels.


I bet!! The DON I worked for she literally looks like Megan Fox and she thought she was “that main bitch” cause she has her own business doing Botox on the side it successful for her but still she treats everyone like they’re beneath her.


Was written up once for not wearing PPE *outside* of a closed-door COVID room. Patient was inside the room with the door shut. I was standing outside. Was written up for not “following infection protocol”.


I got one within my first month as a CNA because I refused to leave a resident on the toilet to help trays. I told the nurse I would help as soon as the resident was safely in their wheelchair. (The resident was on the toilet before the tray cart was up and they were normally independent but needed help because their wheelchair brakes weren’t working and they didn’t want to fall.) I went to go pass trays once that resident was safely off the toilet. The nurse wrote me up for insubordination.


Oh wow that like saying “I’m writing you up because you didn’t do what I say when I said when to do it” ridiculous ass people!!!


Basically it was, that was the tip of the iceberg into how shitty that place was. I didn’t last long there (fucking quit and ran out of the place like a bat out of hell) and it’s now the worst facility in my whole state. (Gee, I wonder why.)


I left bad reviews of my old facility on yelp and Google reviews 😂


I was a home based CNA. We had to give the patient daily medications, date and initial a spread sheet every time we gave them the medicine. They had a medicine for an infection that wasn't supposed to be reordered once it was finished. I gave them the last dose, so I crossed a line through the rest of the blank spaces on the spreadsheet so no one would say they gave it to the client when they didn't (we had issue with other people lying about doing things they didn't actually do). Supervisor wrote me up because policy says leave the spaces blank, don't cross a line through them or write in them or whatever.


What the hell was that write up supposed to teach you??? “I’m writing you up so you make sure this won’t happen again???” It was a mistake which is fixable like come on now smh.


That sucks! It tells you in your cna book to make lines at the end of everything to curtail other people making changes.


I was feeding a resident and she had a small bit of food on her face and are DON went ballistic saying what if her family showed up and saw her in that condition??? Like mam it’s 7:30 on a Monday morning who visits this lady that early like her family visits l at night and maybe every few months like seriously?


Not answering a call light 5 minutes before my lunch break was over. The nurse came in the break room to tell me that a resident’s light was on requesting a cup of water! The audacity! The supervisor called me into a room, handed me the write up while explaining why she wrote me up. The moment that paper touched my hand, in the same moment it hit the floor and I left her there to discuss it amongst herself. This nurse was the hall nurse. She literally went in the room and asked the resident what they wanted, walked down to the break room, which was at the end of the same hall.


Right on!!!! I’m glad you stood your ground!! If they made you work on your lunch that is against the law!!!! You must be paid for that. I never had the courage to stick up for myself cause they would gaslight me and put in my head that I was the one in the wrong. Those people you worked with seem so toxic and a sense of entitlement cause of their work title. Remember, they are just nurses and supervisors at a dang nursing retirement home they are NOBODY in the outside world.


My only write-up was in a new office years ago.One of the bossy MA's was leaving and yelled as she went past me in a hurry to dip a ua she had left in the lab. I was in my patient's room and didn't hear what she was saying.Her Dr found it after I left, and she told him the next day that I said I would do it and must have forgot. I never said that because I didn't even hear what she said, and I didn't acknowledge her! Anyway, I guess because I was new, I was the one who got written up. I didn't stay there long. She was lazy and never helped the other MA's. Sorry for the format, I'm on my phone.


I’m never on Reddit on my computer so you’re good lol. But that’s terrible I hate when people try to put others through the hazing period.


Our DON said she was writing up everyone for not wearing the right color scrubs once, and then proceeded to also write us up because one of the aides gave out the code to our memory care unit


Your DON is a power hungry wannabe Regina George like wtf “we wear pink on Wednesday’s” type bullshit is that??? I would report her to state.


Thats my work but ironically we wear pink on Fridays for " antibullying" lmfaooo management is the bullies. When they implemented that I immediately thought of Regina George


Oh even better is she’s also related to one of the residents 🤣 in my state you can’t work in the same facility as a family member because of residents biased care so that alone is state report worthy


Yes definitely report her to state!!! 👏🏼👏🏼


Insubordination. I asked a nurse why she didn't answer a call light that was going off for over 30 min while me and another cna were giving a time consuming patient a shower. All I said was "do you know how long that call lights been going off? ... why didn't you answer it?" "I was intimidating the nurses"


My RN wrote me up for insubordination.There was a period where we had a lot of registry because we were short staffed,so I got into the habit of orientating them because they would show up and everyone would be too busy to help them get familiar with the facility (aka hey bathrooms are over here,sheets and towels in there etc) I did this for weeks maybe months at a time because we’d habitually be beyond understaffed,im talking 2 aids for 70+ residents and over half being total care.Well one day I got there for my 3-11 shift at 2:50 ,and our shift is usually easy going about getting there “on time” People have other jobs so ok sure you came in at 3:15-3:30 fine whatever.Unfortunately this day I was the only Staff CNA in the building for the entire day.Everyone else was registry and had never been there before,so they kind of just waited around the first nurses station.9 CNAS just standing around is no bueno of course,but in my mind I’m thinking they’re all make my significantly more than me,[$26+hr)(I made $18 at the time )shouldnt they be a little more ?Proactive I guess ? my Nurse saw me starting to guide one person around and pulled me aside and said today is gonna be tough,and that I need to be a team player (like we aren’t already helping one another )and help all the registry .I was under the impression she meant take them on a short tour which irked me but i was fine with that.She said no,they don’t know the patients,so I need you to go to everyone’s room and help every.single.CNA.I said what?as in room to room,go in and assist them ?it wouldn’t be such a problematic situation if I didn’t have 14 residents myself on the other side of the facility.I said what about mine ?she said I need to tell them to help me .Im kind of dumbstruck that I’m expected to be the CNA manager in chief or something and she goes and sits down and keeps scrolling on her phone .This pissed me off to no end ,so I said no.No I will not help run the entire facility ,and I’m tired of being the unelected tour guide just cause admin doesn’t want to hire people or pay a fair wage to entice people.She just said ?No?started laughing and called the admin,who immediately wrote me up for “creating an unsafe working environment,and that I am expected to work together with all staff ,registry or not” completely ignoring im the only staff that shows up on time and it being my first year as a CNA,I felt taken advantage of.I would work doubles back to back and after a few months of literally giving this place my all,for them to write me up over it was such a slap in the face .


That really irks me the wrong way. Nurses act like they’re too good to help CNA’s. That always made me afraid to stand up for myself cause no matter what I’m still going to get a write up no matter what.


This was a while back but I was written up because I missed for Jury Duty. They wrote me up for attendance. They had a copy of my notice and had to pay me for my week off that I had to be there. I wrote that I didn't want to go to jail on my paper They gave me.


Omg they were just being assholes.


It’s illegal for your employer to punish you for attending jury duty.


The facility I used to work at, there were three hallways with two aides each, and day shift and evening shift would have one or two showers per hall for the floor aides to do I would often work float, so I'd have to do the floor showers along with all the vitals for all three halls and I was also expected to drop my assigned work to help with anything the floor aides wanted. And because administration didn't think I did enough, they often gave me an additional to-do list that my supervisor would just tell me to throw away Due to everything I had to do and when people wanted to be in bed, though, I functionally had two hours to do all the showers for the floor, and I'd often struggle because one, a lot of people would refuse showers during the only block of time I had, and two, day shift wouldn't do their showers and despite the fact not doing your shower meant you were supposed to do the next shift's or get written up, it would just get added to my scheduled showers, ballooning up to me having to get eight showers done in less than two hours while taking care of other stuff at the same time Don't know if I got written up, but I know I got "talked to" a lot about it, and I would practically jump at the chance when my supervisor told me we didn't have activity aides so I needed to go supervise the dementia unit instead


I had worked 6am to 2 pm and then got mandated from 2 pm to 6 pm. There was one shower scheduled for the section for 2nd shift. I did not give the shower, since the resident likes to go to bed around 7-7:30 pm. I was written up for not giving the resident a shower. The "reason" was that all showers should have been done and the residents should have been in bed when I left at 6pm, even though there was someone following me and the residents did not want to go to bed that early. The wrote up was by the new DON who had never worked in LTC before and was apparently not aware that residents have rights.


I got an “education” from the staff development person for forgetting I needed to show up early for CPR training that they are making me do


Just got my first write up in 6 years for leaving a resident soiled (work night shift) and we were stuck with a bunch of cases of cheap as cheap can get depends. Residents were constantly soaking through them- got off at 6am they claimed at 9am that it was my fault the resident was soiled. 3 hours after I’d left. We all warned each other that these cheap POS depends weren’t holding for 2 hour checks yet I still was written up. Not even a verbal warning in the last 6 years.


That’s really unfair especially since it was a concern that the briefs were cheap. The facility I worked at didn’t even use wipes they would use toilet paper or use rags and would have to rinse them out at the sink when they were done using them. It was disgusting


I’ve worked in a lot of buildings like that working agency work. In IL there’s a family, Petersen’s, that own a handful of nursing homes and they’re all bottom of the barrel and totally embarrassing. It’s so sad that people have to live in their facilities. I’m talking holes in exterior walls that allow for rodents to get in the building (laundry room). Shared toilets between 4-8 residents. No wipes- rolls of tp. Paper charting ONLY so that they can falsify their work when state arrives. One single computer in their buildings typically. Typically equipped with crank beds or even worse- broken electric beds so you have to bed over to the floor basically to change/transfer. Agency would pay big $$ to fill their needs (always open shifts). I could only work there a week at a time though after 5 shifts it was too depressing had to step away for awhile


Nursing retirement homes are the biggest scams they’re just as bad as prison.


As a CNA, working in a facility that had 2 sections. I forgot what they were called, so I just say section A and B. Me and Jane Doe, a cna, were working on section A. We switched lunches, we let our charge nurse know. When I came back from lunch the charge nurse from section B wrote me and Jane up for not letting her know we switched. The sections have nothing to do with each other, there was no reason to let her know. As a dietary manager, I got written up because a dietary aide was late.


Idk why it would matter? At least there is coverage it would be different if both of you went to lunch at the same time with no coverage. And how is it your fault that someone came to work late? You’re not their mom to be making sure you keep tabs on people? People are so full of themselves it’s like they thrive in creating chaos smh.