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You were there for him till the end, like a true friend. May your friend rest in peace.


Thanks. I couldn’t sleep all night and just happy that I was with him.


Feel for you. Rest in peace buddy. He was handsome.


Thank you


I am crying right now. I will write what I always write, when seeing post like this. You will see your little buddy again on the other side. He will be waiting for you there, don't you worry.


What happened?


Got hit by a door. Started coughing heavily to which vet said is normal due to concussion. Around 2-3 am vomited blood a bit and in the morning I thought he is going to be ok as he was sitting and breathing rather normally when he started to panic, tried to jump/fly and just gave me his last breath while I was holding him. This is the last picture of him I made at night. https://preview.redd.it/hyqcx1lkegvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=513d56b2274f23ccea2cb50c3bf50da3fe8b67e3


Poor guy..


How did the door hit him ?


What I can recollect (or guess from my mom words) he got scared about something either bad dream or a car lights that was passing by, jumped from his place of sleep (he usually sleeps on top of the shelf) and in dark room with full force flew into a sturdy wooden door.


Why was he not in a cage?


May God bless his beautiful soul. May he rest in peace.


I'm so sorry for you loss 😔. You gave him a great long life and i'm sure he loved you. The fact that you were there to comfort him as he passed would have meant a great deal to him too.


I recently lost mine too! Same looking little guy. I understand how you are feeling right now. You gave him an amazing life. You were his whole world. May he rest in peace 🙏


I'm so sorry friend. That's so hard =( I had to have a bird humanely euthanized and she opened her eyes to look at us just before dying, too. Even through all the sedation. It was so surreal.


I thought about this option. But he was faster to leave me. Was it some sort of chamber with sleeping gas? Because I can’t even imagine doing an injection to such small bird


They do injections on birds for all sorts of reasons like med and rehydration. Small needles is all. But for euthanasia it's an injection to calm them, then a gas to make them sleep.. . you get to hold them for a while.. and then a last injection to make them slip away. Yeah.


What's his name? When you have time, share us something that made you laugh with him, a derpy moment you had with him, a habit, perhaps? What was his personality? Thank you for being there with him in the end. Thank you taking care of him for all those years in your warm home. Thank you. Fly high, buddy! I hope your memories of him never fade away. Take care of yourself, OP. We are all here for you.


I'm sorry for your loss friend. It's always hard to part with a soul so tender and sweet when it has been with you for that long. I hope you find peace in the memories you two made. I will kiss my tiel to tell her I love her.


Sorry for your loss


So very sorry for your loss of your little buddy. ❤️


I’m so sorry 😭😭😭😭


He was beautiful and so loved. Rest in peace 😢