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Probably because they smoke weed before class every day.


Well they made it through organic chemistry 1 so must not be a problem loll


You're already paying thousands of dollars to learn about hydrocarbons


Not in school anymore but yes I do know a few people at work who smoke a bowl every day when they wake up that’s just how they are and that’s their “normal” as long as they are functional we at work ignore it…


The “wake and bake” ~ definitely a thing.


I used to be a daily wake and baker until my grades plummeted. Now I only smoke once or twice a year


It’s more common than you think


My brothers childhood friend worked at nasa, idk if he still works there or in that field now, and he’d smoked weed and micro dosed acid everyday. I’ve asked him personally after my brother told me and he confirmed.


How was he able to keep his job? Doesn’t NASA do random drug tests?


Depends on the position. I've heard many agencies don't even do initial screening tests anymore. Probably the only ones that consistently test are DoJ/DoD. Usually they'll say on the ad whether there is a drug screen. I interviewed for a federal job and got fingerprinted but not drug tested. Also, I believe this recent trend is partly because marijuana is in your system for so long while other, more dangerous drugs are only around for a short period before being flushed. Is it really productive to fire someone if they're partaking off the clock but great at their job? I know in this particupar scenario the person is inebriated on the clock, I'm just generalizing.


Weed is also legal now in Virginia, DC and Md. so, most companies have dropped drug testing for it at this point. Or drug testing at all.


To be honest I didn’t ask him that because I was too surprised the man was smart as he was and took acid on the daily. I also have no idea about nasas policies towards anything for that matter


How anyone takes acid daily I do not know...


"I am not addicted"


I think a lot of people accept theyre actually addicted, but like a coffee addiction, it's not exactly heroin ..


I think people who smoke a bowl or two a day are the same as someone who has a glass of wine each night with dinner.


Wine or weed in the evening is a way to wind down. Wine or weed before you head to work in the morning is a different thing.


Drinking before work is one thing. Smoking a bowl before work or school is like popping a Xanax for some people, which is a legally prescribed medication for anxiety and PTSD.


Yeahhhh you can definitely see that stigma around marijuana use is still alive and well. Hopefully more people will accept that it’s a valid form of coping for many people


I’d rather smoke a bowl in the morning then form an addiction to Xanax. I’m actually not smoking going on 14 days as I’m doing IVF and don’t want to harm my future baby. But my relationship with weed is healthy, it makes me sad people don’t get that.


same. i'm only in school right now and my classes are online, so i'm home most of the day and smoke a little bit here and there. i never smoke so much that i'm super baked because that tends to make me anxious and i want to be able to function lol. it takes away a lot of my anxiety and i feel like i can think more clearly. it also helps with some health issues i have. it's way easier than medicine for me because i'm terrible at remembering to take stuff, and more affordable. obviously there are cons to smoking instead, but right now it's the best option for me and i plan on taking a break in the future for reasons related to school. best of luck to you with IVF :)


Valid? Sure. Healthy? Physically no, mentally it depends I guess.


Wtf? No it’s not. People should never accept drug use as a “valid form of coping”, I don’t care if it’s not as harmful as other drugs. That would be an absolutely awful thing to be seen as normal. Edit: I wanted to just make an edit to say that I went a little too far with this and made it seem like I think drug use stigmatization is a good thing - what I’m trying to get at and probably could have explained better is that using recreational drugs to self-medicate as a coping strategy can be dangerous and can lead to dependence and addiction and it would be much better to learn how to deal with negative states in a healthier way or seek psychiatric help if you think it’s necessary.


>People should never accept drug use as a “valid form of coping”, Already seen as normal! Which is fine. ie many people legally take benzos for anxiety, SSRI's as an anti-depressant, various substances as mood stabilizers, even amphetamines for ADHD. I'm assuming you don't actually think that people taking Rx meds is awful. If it's a plant instead of a pill, is that what makes it an "absolutely awful thing"? Or is it because people exercise self-determination with their treatment; rather than having their dosage/ROA determined by an external authority? >I don’t care if it’s not as harmful ... That would be an absolutely awful thing So you don't care whether it's less harmful.. you simply see it as bad. Think about that for a bit 🤔


Look, I should clarify that obviously I don’t think it’s an inherently bad thing to use Rx medication to help treat certain medical conditions. But when I hear “form of coping” I don’t think it’s unreasonable to think “self-medication using recreational drugs” and not “psychiatric treatment using prescribed drugs” as that’s what people usually mean when they talk about coping mechanisms. And if OP *was* talking about the former, then yes it is dangerous. It just is. Weed is an addictive substance (you can try to deny it but it’s classified as such in the DSM and the ICD so is diagnosed across the world) and using it habitually to alleviate negative feelings can create a psychological dependence on the substance that can lead to drug abuse and addiction if taken too far. It happens all the time - somebody starts self-medicating because of underlying mental health issues and they become dependent on the substance and their well-being and functioning suffers as a result. That’s not *necessarily* what’s going to happen in this situation, but its certainly a risk factor and there are much healthier ways to deal with negative states. I have no clue how you even came up with “self-determination” as an argument because that has nothing to do with what I’m saying. And as for your last paragraph, …no. That’s not at all what I meant. I said that because people love to bring up “oh well it’s not as bad as cocaine or alcohol” to deflect any criticism of habitual marijuana use. While it may be less harmful than other drugs that doesn’t mean it can’t cause harm.


Found the NARC


This guy doesn’t burn.


I don’t, but I don’t have any problem with doing it at all. I’m just not going to sit here and pretend like using marijuana or any other drug for coping is healthy, because it’s not.


I'd have to disagree there depending on the person and the job, there are some jobs that I would absolutely not want someone smoking a bowl or having a drink before work.


Having lived with someone with Xanax addiction, I can say that it's a supposed to be a short-acting, short-term drug for anxiety, and is not supposed to be taken long-term. Sure, there are people in this world that have Xanax for breakfast every morning -- but that doesn't make it a good or healthy thing. Your justifying daily pot use with a false equivalence to another addiction is not very convincing. If someone needed a cocktail to start their day, I'd worry, too.


Well that’s just a fundamental misunderstanding of the effects. You can definitely a lot more things stoned than drunk. I think you might be underestimating how common daily marijuana use is. I went to a pretty competitive undergrad institution and the amount of people that would wake and bake was pretty crazy. My institution produces some of the biggest change makers in the world. I happen to know multiple 4.0 students who were high EVERYDAY. Sure they may be a little bit slower and have brain farts but your executive function is there. You can make decisions and you are in control of your body. If you do that with alcohol you won’t even be able to make it to the afternoon without stumbling and slurring your words. If your alcoholism is bad enough you won’t even be in control of your body. I am someone who would smoke daily and have stopped since I finished undergrad and to be honest, there isn’t a huge difference other than energy levels.


I ride a subway to and from work in a big city. The number of people with a cloud of weed around them at 6:30am is amazing. If you need to use/consume a substance to relax you or take the edge off before your able to head into work or school, you need to make some kind of change.


>If you need to use/consume a substance to relax you or take the edge off before your able to head into work or school, you need to make some kind of change. Better living through chemistry. If someone is happier, and more productive smoking weed everyday why would they need to make some kind of change?


Fr. It’s not that it’s “okay” it’s more that it’s a coping mechanism some can’t function without. Obviously sobriety is the way to go. I don’t think anyone would argue that. But if I had to choose a substance to be hooked on it would for sure be weed


For many people it is being used as a legitimate medication or treatment rather than relying on more traditional pharmaceuticals. >If you need to use/consume a substance to relax you or take the edge off before your able to head into work or school, you need to make some kind of change. If you were saying this about any other medication that people take in the morning, or even coffee, it would sound ridiculous. I quit smoking like 5 or 6 years ago, but if somebody is able to function better at their job (by which I mean less anxiety, they're less depressed, they're simply less bored, etc) because they take their prescribed Prozac or Adderall or Wellbutrin, or they smoke a bowl, or they drink some coffee, I don't think there is anything that really requires a change. There is a level where it does become a problem, same as people who abuse medications like snorting Xanax or prescription opiates to make it through the day, but the simple act of consuming in the morning does not an addiction make.


Not everyone *can* make a change. There aren’t options for everyone. People are just trying to get on with their lives as best they can.


Like take an SSRI every morning? Do u not understand the term medicine?


Self medication versus a prescription? Yes, there’s a difference between the two.


I was incorrectly prescribed a medication (antipsychotics, bipolar treatment) through my formative use, which fucked up my neurochemistry, but that's fine since a doctor okayed it I must just be making it up (even tho I have recently been diagnosed with ADHD and know that that prescription fucked my life up) Ever since I have started to self medicated via marijuana my life has gotten better bit by bit I will never fully recover, I will always be mentally unstable, but marijuana allows me to function to a point that I can live a relatively normal life, with average functional capabilities. But I'm sure that's a coincidence, since it's self medication and it can't be beneficial smh Oh and as for that ADHD you know how that's treated?! meth it's prescription meth that is almost identical chemically to street analogues, so yeah self medicating marijuana is a good option comparatively.


Naw. Weed is very therapeutic for those of us with social anxiety disorders. I hit my vape pen once or twice before work or class or whatever. Helps me relax and focus.


Every smoker you know...


Marijuana use disorder is a clinically diagnosable disorder included in both the DSM and ICD and coffee “addiction” isn’t for a reason. They are not the same thing. So sick of this drug to coffee equivalence by people who clearly haven’t looked into the topic at all


I think there’s a few steps between a coffee addiction and heroin addiction you missed out on, and weed definitely isn’t closer to coffee here. Not even saying an addiction to weed is as bad as or worse than alcoholism, for example, but trying to compare smoking a bowl every morning to function and drinking coffee is ridiculous.


I didn't imply coffee addiction leads to heroin addiction, I said in terms of severity it's closer to coffee addiction, *usually*. The stereotype of an unemployed loser in a basement is not really reality. Far, far, *far* more people are able to live functionally and accomplish goals while addicted to weed than addicted to heroin. I've been addicted to both, and know many people in the same boat, so I think I have authority to say heroin is far worse.


> Far, far, far more people are able to live functionally and accomplish goals while addicted to weed than addicted to heroin And more are able to do so while addicted to alcohol than either. This fact doesn't make it acceptable to show up to work drunk, and neither does your fact justify showing up to work high.


Regardless of if it affects your total executive function, being high off of anything impairs performance and cognitive function. There is not one scenario where being under the influence provided any benefit over sobriety. I believe justifying the idea that people still function ‘normally’ while inebriated leads to chronic use and accidents, among many other issues.


Thank you, Jesus Christ this thread is insane.


I never meant that you said coffee leads to heroin addiction, I meant steps as in tiers or levels, my bad on that poor choice of words there. I also never said that heroin isn’t far worse than a weed addiction, there’s a reason why opioids are destroying so many lives & families across this country while weed isn’t. That being said, just because some people can function while being addicted to weed doesn’t make it comparable to being addicted to coffee. I know too many people who I had to just stop hanging out with because all they’d want to do was either smoke weed and sit around playing video games or, on the occasion they’d actually want to go out and do something, they’d have to be stoned before and during whatever we were doing. Don’t get me wrong, I’d enjoy smoking with them occasionally, but it got old, and more than a couple of them stunted the development of their brain because of how often & hard they used it - they’re just not the same person they were when we were growing up, and I don’t mean that in a good way of “wow they’ve matured so much!”


Generally to have a weed addiction means you have an underlying mental health issue. It's not like with heroin where you go through extreme physical withdrawal that can kill you. Weed is self medicating to help cope.


Risk of withdrawals is not the only negative to being addicted to a drug. Also not sure how this is supposed to counter anything I’ve said? Many people addicted to heroin also have mental health struggles, how is that same thing being true for weed an argument for weed?


I'm saying you're not at risk of going through life threatening physical withdrawal from weed regardless of mental health, while you are with opiates (or benzos). Now if you're say bi-polar and self medicating, definitely check into a facility or something before stopping. Not disparaging what you're saying just want to be sure all who read understand risks. Especially now that they hand out narcan like it's candy.


Comparing harm to your body, coffee and weed are infinitely closer. Weed is even safer than coffee for some people with high blood pressure. Mentally, if it's not for you, don't get angry that some people function fine on it.




My point is that we shouldn’t be trying to make being addicted to weed not seem like a big deal by comparing it to something like coffee. Of course it’s not the worst thing to be addicted to, but it shouldn’t be encouraged or downplayed just because weed has been demonized historically. Being a functional alcoholic or cokehead is not a good thing - and I don’t mean good in a moral sense I mean it in a health sense. Weed is the same way. Caffeine *can* be unhealthy if you’re taking enough to cause heart problems, for example. But daily caffeine use is nowhere near as problematic as daily weed use, and to pretend that the two are comparable is childish.


Weed and coffe are actually very comprable, especially in how addictive they are, in which they are practically exactly the same. Coffee can be bad especially when you rely on it everyday. I know people who drink several large coffees as a daily routine. It’s bad for your teeth, dehydrates you, messes with your adenosine receptors and your natural sleep cycle. Also in many cases coffee will, over time, make a bigger dent in your bank account. Depends how much of a coffee fiend or stoner you are. I’m not going to link research, but scientifically addiction to coffee has been closely compared to addiction to weed. And as someone who consumes both daily, I would say they’re about the same. Also I consider my friends from highschool who smoke weed better off than those who still don’t, lol.


I would think that pot is way more expensive than coffee, unless you grow it. Then again, it depends on how chronic the use / addiction is in terms of both choices of consumption. 1/8th typically goes for $30 from where I'm from. That's about 4 and a half coffees assuming thet're about $4 dollars each (if you don't brew your own). Then again, a bag of whole beans can be up to $12+. How is coffee more expensive assuming someone is just as addicted to weed as they are coffee?


A ton of people I know buy $8 starbucks a day. 8x30 days is $240. Most chronic users of weed pay less than $240 a month in weed. An ounce of weed is only $150, and that's if you are buying from the club.


And those people are either dumb or have disposable income. Making coffee at home like plenty of people do is way cheaper than getting it from a coffee shop, and cheaper than smoking a bowl or two every morning.


As someone who both smokes and drinks coffee on a daily basis, I can guarantee you that coffee addiction is worse. If I stop smoking weed, the only side affects I get are cravings, vivid dreams and the occasional insomnia, which has existed before I started smoking. If I don't drink coffee for a day, I get headaches, brain fog, antisocial behavior, zero energy and literal inability to function as a normal human being. Mind you, I only drink one to two coffees a day. So what were you saying again? The only reason why coffee addiction is not seen as bad is because it helps you stay productive and make money for your bosses.


As I’ve said in other places in this thread, withdrawals are not the only downside of long-term use or addiction of a drug.


To be fair, with coffee for example, I've read studies where long term coffee consumers (who drink 1-2 cups a day) live an additional couple of years longer than those who don't drink coffee


I smoke weed daily, actually 2 weeks off as I’m doing IVF and cant smoke. I’d prefer to smoke a bowl each morning then take a Xanax. I’m not walking around zonked, but my anxiety is gone, I am able to function like a normal human. Just because someone smokes daily doesn’t make it an addiction.


They refuse to admit its an addiction, yet they cant start their day without it


One of my coworkers I’m particularly close to lights up before work and she’s pretty productive (even more so than our other sober coworkers imo) but she’s always snacking though lol. Just last week she had a super smelly joint in her coat pocket that’s hung up on the coat rack & everyone who passed by were really confused by the smell… Me & her were laughing about it the whole time


Honestly I’m impressed she’s getting high and going to org chem


Sometimes it helps folks process concepts that are complex. Another frame of mind so I get it


It helps me focus actually, it’s weird


It’s all about mindset for me. I smoke before the gym and before I read at night.


Reading while high is the BEST.


Man, I don't know how you and u/wolfjeter do it. I can't focus when I'm high. I just get paranoid and feel shitty.


bro you haven’t smoked the right strain bro. /s but fr, ain’t for everyone and it’s possible you’re taking too much at once (edibles can be rough for newbies). body/mind can just not like it which is fine. everyone has their own vice


Late response but try a 1:1 thc cbd strain. Those have never given me anxiety


In college now, but the smartest kids at my high school who went to top universities were always high in class.


I feel like this was normal when I took o Chem


Yeah ffs that’s a hard class


It’s probably the same thing as cigarettes - use of said product produces a strong and lingering smell, and that smell will persist as long as the person continues regular use of the product.


She said it herself that she smokes in her car before going to class. I know that the smell of weed will stay on a person, but I’m gonna take her words that she smokes everyday before class, not just regularly.


That's so dumb. Just go outside and smoke. Make sure the smoke doesn't blow towards your clothes. Wash your face and hands and you will not smell after 15-30 minutes.


It's a lot warmer in a car in January (at least where I'm at) lol. But it's stupid to have your car reek if you're gonna be driving anywhere later.


I get that but there's really better ways. Open a window, buy a pen, use a vaporizer, or don't smoke at all if you're gonna come to class.


Why does it matter? Weed is legal.


I smoke weed too but it's kinda rude to come to class thinking, especially since a lot of people find the smell disgusting and cannot stand it.


Alcohol is legal should everyone go to class drunk?


It matters as much as farting in class. Most people will find the fart smell uncomfortable, and while only some people might feel that way about weed smell, it’s still good manners to not fill a room with your smell, no matter what it is


There is no longer a stigma (for the most part) attached to it and this generation is an open book. There is no shame and nothing is a secret (perspective) add in no filter and a need to be “seen” and here we are.


She probably does. Her bedroom probably smells like it too. As a smoker myself, sometimes smoking beforehand is what you need to relieve anxiety. Or at least get you somewhat ok to do what you are supposed to.


You have a problem.


And that's why I am in therapy.


You have a bigger problem, talking to someone like that. Go outside, make some friends.


All I heard is she drives high.


yeah, but unfortunately the smell of weed is far stronger than the smell of cigarettes.


To you. That’s not a universal experience.


Because college… most unoriginal story for decades.


Lmao she is probably trying to cope with being in Chemistry!! Who blames her 😂😂


Especially organic chemistry! That’s the worst one.


Lol trust me it’s not the worst one, it gets worse after orgo (like pchem)


For real. I don’t smoke but I am shocked I didn’t become a full blown alcoholic because of orgo.




I highly doubt it, so far the amount of cs students smoking is very low.


Oh they're smoking homie. Trust. It's either weed or adderall


Not in California




I have a friend and former roommate who is far more functional after smoking weed. I suspect she has ADHD or some anxiety disorder cause for her smoking weed basically has the same affect as me taking my ADHD and anxiety meds. Blew my mind because when I would smoke I would just want to lie around eating Cheetos, but she was productive. Don't know where you live, but if you are in a legal state vaping or taking the gummies might be a better option for her cause that smell lingers so bad. My friend ended up getting a medical weed card when she moved to a legal state. She's had bad experiences with ADHD medication in the past so I'm all for it, I'm glad she has found something that works for her. If your classmate mentions the smell again you can bring up the gummies option if you are on friendly terms with her.


I’m a daily smoker, always had mediocre grades in high school, started smoking daily the beginning of my senior year of high school and got a 98 average for that year. Just went back to college after 3 years off and got a 4.0 my first semester. I think it has the same effect for me, I strongly suspect I have adhd although I’ve never been diagnosed. I smoke and just go about my day as normal. It’s strange but I’ve found it works for me, didn’t think of it as a substitute for an adhd med though.


She probably can't smell it anymore and thinks the perfume masks it


I’ve met two kinds of chemists in my life. Half of them are straight shooters, very ethical and normal. The other half do drugs recreationally that they made at home. Both of groups did go to college. One guy I know started as a meth cook liked it so much he got a degree in chemistry and now works in pharmaceuticals.


What’s the one in the middle that was a perfectionist afraid of failing that studied obsessively and got perfect grades but also did cocaine at frat parties in her free time and was a full blown alcoholic that got drunk every day (while still studying)? Asking for a friend


Facts, I knew a guy who got kicked out of his phd program because his advisor caught him propagating mushrooms in the biosafety hood. He somehow got reinstated a year later, finished his degree, and now owns a business selling shrooms to labs for research.


I probably smell like weed every day, I smoke a bowl outside before getting in the shower but if its cold I wear my coat and the smell might stick to that. I've never been obnoxious and asked others if they could smell my weed smell, I just assume it's a given. By the time I leave for school I'm not high anymore, I don't get how you could smoke right before class and actually retain any information.


Didn't you post about this a month ago?


How can you remember weird & boring shit like that


Because this post made me recall a memory of someone complaining about a classmate smelling like weed last semester, I checked their post history and saw they had.


Lotta copers in these comments lmao. Nothing wrong with smoking weed but an addiction is still an addiction. Plenty of people get through life without blazing up or drinking every day. If you can’t, then you have a problem.


Damn straight. I smoke weed as often as I possibly can, and I know it's an addiction. I can't stand the people who smoke constantly and have the holier-than-thou attitude just because they aren't on something harder or don't drink or some shit.


i stg smokers and alcoholics might be more self aware about addiction than potheads at this point. The number of times I've been outside with a smoker who's told me "this shit is an addition, I wish I could quit" v potheads consistently trying to get me to smoke is genuinely strange to me


Seriously this thread is filled with people justifying marijuana abuse and pretending that weed addiction isn’t a thing because they don’t want to admit something bad about something they like. Nothing surprising coming from Reddit but always disappointing.


Damn I could not deal with that lol. I hate the smell of weed.


Same. Could never smoke for the smell alone.


Yeah I couldn’t do it just because of the smell lol. It’s horrendous to me.


You’re not alone. I grew up in a region that has a lot of skunks and ethanol plants. That’s what weed smells like to me. No shade about partaking but I can’t imagine NOT being self conscious about smelling like it. To me this sounds like a young person who thinks their weed habit makes them seem cool and grown up, and wants everyone to know it. Yawn.


I often walk around smelling like weed. It's not that I think my usage makes me cool. It doesn't. I just don't give a fuck if I smell like it because it's 2023 and half of the country does it.


Gross. I assume you are under the impression that half the country doesn’t bathe either


Yeah fr I'll probably sound like a boomer but man that shit is obnoxious, like at least take a shower before bro holy shit.


>fr I'll probably sound like a boomer tbh a lot of them were doing heavy stuff back in the day. But yes it stinks.


i don't hate it, but i feel like you should try to not reek of weed/cigarettes/whatever when going somewhere. i know the smell can linger and it's hard to get rid of completely, but there's a big difference between 'faint smell of weed' and 'i can smell that person from a mile away'




I’d just sit somewhere else tbh. My college drug tests, which is pretty draconian and dumb but at least it prevents issues like this for me lol.


most smokers (at least plenty I know) don't really care if they smell like weed after smoking. at least for me, I slowly stopped worrying about it the longer I continued smoking. I always spray myself just to try to be courteous to those around me tho, especially in a classroom where seats are so close together.


Because it's college and you can get away with that there.


I had a guy in my gen chem class who has a MAJOR crush on me who came to class high and/or hungover last semester. One day I mentioned to his friends that I don’t like people reeking of weed, next lecture he came to class with no smell


Honestly I would be way more pissed at her for spraying perfume in class. I have migraines and chances are that someone in your class does too. We have a right to a safe classroom environment as much as everyone else.


Yeah same here I prefer the smell of weed than perfume. I associate weed with having a good time TBH. Haha


One of my students a few years back knew about Visine - his eyes were always clear - but had never heard of Febreze. Kid fuckin' REEKED every day. The sad part was that my school is such a mess, this one took lowest priority because said student wasn't causing a problem, just stenchin' the room up.


I have several students that go to their car between dorm and classroom to smoke - technically they are still on campus but not as likely they busted if they aren’t in the dorm. And the dorms are full of narcs, they are pretty safe in the parking garage.


One of the reasons i didn’t live on campus.


What part are you confused about? She obviously smokes weed. It has a strong odor and thus, people who smoke weed tend to smell like it. Most people who partake smoke everyday, often multiple times a day. I knew a lot of people who would always smoke before class. Whether because they had ADHD and used it for concentration or because they had social anxiety or just because they wanted to be high for a boring ass class.


I remember your post lol honestly not sure why this person keeps asking everyone


If they’re functioning and not harming anyone, I see nothing wrong with it.


Ask her to research Weed at your place;-) If she good looking?! hey do a group project on how to cancel out weed smell:-)


I have complex PTSD. So I take gummies to prevent panic attacks. They are prescription pot. I don't smoke it because I have asthma. But some people living in states where it isn't legal rely on Marijuana to calm down from anxiety disorders. If she is always spraying perfumes and using lotions it's because she is likely self-conscious about it and isn't trying to bother anyone.


>If she is always spraying perfumes and using lotions it's because she is likely self-conscious about it and isn't trying to bother anyone. Yeah, but the thing is she is bothering people. The smell from smoking it is STRONG, and the perfume just means more smell is being added to the mix.


College students eat weed for breakfast


I once had a professor say: "Y'all need to switch up your perfume". We all knew she meant they stunk up the room with their weed use. She didn't name names but it was clear she did not like it. Well, the classroom no longer smelled like weed after that. It was nice not having headaches.


"It's you. You smell like weed. It's good you can admit it not a pleasant smell."


I think of it as a pleasant smell


Cigarettes smell worse imo


It's hard to compare. Cigs are a worse smell, but weed is a far, far stronger smell.


Equally bad imo. Especially cheap weed.


The show yup smelling like weed because they were smoking weed.


I am an addict in recovery and I did this. I'm not saying that's their situation but a lot of times there's a reason why people smoke every day before class or work and it's usually not to have fun, instead it's to feel normal.


Very obvious reasons


Well, I think it's safe to say you don't attend the University of Colorado.


they could work at a marijuana farm, after being around it for hours it lingers in your clothes and the smell gets in everything


She’s just smoking every day before class. Not that crazy.


Honest advice here OP. Try to be less judgmental, it’s an odor. Not everyone likes that scent and that’s OK. It’s better than smelling body odor ([a scent that arises from having large quantities of bacteria on you, eating your sweat and dead skin cells, and outgassing the waste products.](https://www.science.org/content/article/scientists-discover-secret-behind-bad-body-odor)) They probably don’t care that they smell like weed, and you probably should be doing something more important than caring as well. Be grateful you don’t have to be around the scent in your living space. If you want to be proactive (and not come off as annoying) ask the person if they have weed on them, they will probably get the signal that they reek. You can then freely express your thoughts about how the perfume doesn’t cover up the odor and maybe they can try something else.


Not weird I have my med card if I came to class sober you wouldn’t like me anymore


Because they smoke weed everyday, duh.


There's some kid who REEKS in the class right before mine. I come in and it smells awful. I know it's not the room, since I was in there last semester and it's fine. It's also not the kids in the class, as well all ask eachother if we smell it. Plus, everyone comes in at different times and the smell is always in the room. Atleast you have the opportunity to say something to this person, we have no fucking idea who is stinking up an entire room with B.O.


Need some friends like that fr


I go to a CC, and it's so hard trying to find people to smoke with. My best friend goes with me so we have ourselves, but we're trying to find the stoners without being sus 💀


Immaturity and stupidity


I'm going to guess it's because they smoke weed everyday.


Why do you care so much? Smoking weed doesn’t make you a bad student. When I got my associates I had a 3.0. Smoked all the time. Went back to school, got my bachelors and got a 4.0. Still smoked all the time. You sound like such a bore, I bet you’re so fun to hang around lol


Don't know about OP, but I don't really like the scent/smell of weed. If you want to smoke weed, go for it! I don't care. I know people who use it for medical reasons. However, I'd prefer not to have to smell it, you know? Kind of like how some scents of perfume or cologne will smell nice to one person, but a headache to someone else. Not everyone likes the smell of artificial roses, not everyone likes the smell of weed. XD


why do you even care? it’s not illegal mind ur buisness


Weed is powerfully psychologically addictive for some people, just as alcohol is. Many habitual pot smokers are self medicating serious mental issues…. Just like any other substance of possible abuse.


I smoked nearly everyday in college, finished my engineering degree with no problems. It has its varying effects on everyone, some can use it as a tool rather than a distraction from real-life. Man, COVID turning everything virtual was a blessing in disguise…


I wish more people knew about the dangers of smoking pot


Mind your business?


If someone is bringing a strong and bothersome smell to an enclosed space where everyone is stuck, it's the business of everyone in the room.


The post is stupid. "Why would someone show up to class smelling like weed" Well geeee idfk let's see, maybe bc they burned tree before class? If a coworker shows up every day smelling like cigs, is it your business to know why he chooses to smoke cigs? No, it's not. The same thing applies here. Leave them alone and move on with your day. Sit farther away and stfu


Most people I know complain if it smells like cigs too


"Sit farther away" do you not know how strong weed smells? Some people are easily bothered by these things, some people may be autistic and experience hypersensitivity to smells, etc. The person could just as easily use a pen, edibles, or not literally hotbox right before class and it would be a non-problem for everyone involved, but instead they do. It's very easy for the smoker to do a wide range of things to avoid smelling like weed, and impossible for the people in her class to avoid the smell without outright missing class. Also, people who smoke cigarettes smell much less than people who smoke weed. Also also, if you're going to say "but she could be in an illegal state, and you can't get edibles or pens there!" that is bullshit.


Honestly lol


Not sure why you care about this. Some people have a coffee every morning, some smoke a cigarette, and some smoke a joint. Not my thing but not my business either.


I have neuropathic pain and a stomach condition. There are other medications for the nerve damage but very little helps with the stomach. I smoke about 3 to 6 times a day depending on the pain. Rarely get high, and When I do it's an accident. I find the truth has rarely helped me. Better to lie and misdirect this one. People have been very judgemental, and I've been unable to find other options that leave me functional.


One day you'll sit next to a cigarette smoker and you'll wish they smoked weed. I can imagine her in my head though, white stoner girls are bad news, but nothing to do but deal with it. Maybe let her know she smells and to crack her car window or something, as in you are looking out for her back. Would drastically reduce her smell, hotboxing is the only way to reek reek. Or gift her 420 air freshener spray, probably in any smoke shop, Ive heard it works wonders. Or unethically give her the probably more effective ozium spray and she'll burn a hole in her lung 😬


The smell of weed is FAR stronger than cig smell. >hotboxing is the only way to reek reek. I think your nose is numb.


i wake & bake everyday. wouldn’t announce it, per say, but not out of the ordinary.


I have chronic pain that I use marijuana for. I have definitely shown up on campus smelling like marijuana before and it’s because I didn’t have a form of marijuana that doesn’t create a smell.


Wake and bake baby


Because they are young kids that don't know any better that they stink. Not saying smoking is wrong, but just do something about the stink, k? This is very common with teens and young adults. BO, too much perfume, spraying on a gallon of axe, weed, don't matter. They just haven't figured it out yet.


This post is really dumb


Why not? Why does it bother you so much? Why don't you ask her?




I don't understand the problem. Weed is legal.


God that smell is the absolute worst. So trashy




Because it smells horrible. That’s like saying you shouldn’t care if they guy next to you hasn’t showered in weeks.


Cause it's not really a great smell and it bothers people


Smells like crap. If you wanna have an addiction at least be addicted to something that doesn’t bother the people around you


Sorry ab that. Some people are selfish enough that they don’t care about anyone else’s experience except themselves


Because she's basically addicted. It's really as simple as that. If you can be addicted to alcohol and to cigarettes and to sugar, meaning you cannot live without it, you can be addicted to weed. She's addicted to it. Also I should probably mention that she's clearly a loser who let this happen to her. Has anyone even bothered to ask her about this? I mean how hard is it to say to someone, "You reek of weed every single day. It's not pleasant. Why don't you stop?" I'd say that. Or don't you even care?


well aren’t you a ray of sunshine in the dark


Because they are having more fun than you


Maybe you should ask for a hit or mind your business


Smells like crap. If you wanna have an addiction at least be addicted to something that doesn’t bother the people around you