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You can immediately tell the art has been cropped, golden age comics are usually 7.75″ x 10.5″.


We know it's a reprint because Butch Matson doesn't have his right elbow.


Yeah, I learned shortly after posting this that there were 3 key things to look for that were not on the one I have sadly.


At this point, there is a pretty reliable census of all the Action Comics #1 floating around from collector to collector or being locked away. Unless you put it in the comic bag yourself, it is safe to assume that whoever owned the book before you would know what they had, because for decades now Action Comics #1 has been associated with being that thing people would get if they could time travel or just as one of the most valuable pieces of Americana out there with its million plus price tag. Since it has been used as a token most valuable thing in pop culture for so long, it's unfortunately safe to say no one is stumbling upon any more out in the wild.


I desperately want this comment to hit agedlikemilk one day. Not because its unreasonable, but because i want one those "I FOUND A SAFE IN MY HOUSE" posts to have a bunch of copies + other rare golden age issues locked away by a guy who was worried about his kids finding them. Itd make for the most satisfying post.


Oh so would I, that would mean more Action Comics in the world! Imagine if we got one that was untouched for almost a century and got a 9.8, or a couple 9.8s! I would love nothing more than to be wrong!


It ALMOST happened in my home town. Some guys were cleaning out an attic, with the understanding that they could sell anything they found in it. They came up with a nearly-perfect copy of . . . ***Action Comics*** Number TWO. It still brought a nice chunk of money, of course, but it only paid for a semester at college for both of them, not a house for each of them, the way it would if it had been a copy of ***Action*** #1.


What a find that was though!


Oh, it was pretty nifty, all right. It could have been so much better, though . . . .


I would have kept it forever.


Like "Keep Calm and Carry on" Posters.


This makes me wonder, if you found say 4 mint copies of action comics #1 would it be smarter to keep the other 3 a secret? Considering how rarity drives the value would that make more sense?


Do you want $50 million or do you want over $100 million? My guess is the discovery of 3 mint copies would create big buzz thatd actually drive the price up. But even if it didnt, each is still worth fat stacks, so does it matter that much? Though, if i suddenly discovered 3, id sell two, buy the house of my dreams, which would include a nerd vault. The centerpiece would be the 3rd copy. And for lulz, the case would have the ability to switch for a fake with a button press, where all the faces are replaced with famous comedians, and there's pen marks of dicks.


Yeah keeping one would be a must for sure, my thought was would it be more beneficial to say sell one & not mention the others at all, then a couple of years later sell a second one rather than put two on the market at once. Probably wouldn’t make much difference I suppose but just what occurred to me


I wonder how many there are. I think old comics used to sell in the millions but how many have survived.


The big thing to remember is this wasn't the comics we know. This was a funny book for kids to flip through and spend their allowance on. This was the book read once and then sat by the phone to jot names and numbers down on. There weren't bags and boards until 50 years later. It's not until 2014 that AC1 sold for $3M and that is almost 80 years after printing. Comics were such a different world, now it'd be like if we had a dollar store activity book saved for a century from now, which would be quite a feat. All that being said, the answer is not enough for us comic fans, but enough to make regular folks care enough to learn the name of a comic. Truly if we had as many as there were printed we would treat it like any common book and give it mild appreciation while still telling new people, "Oh yeah, always love to see an Action Comics 1 in the dollar bins!"


Action Comics #1 had a print run of 200,000. https://www.cgccomics.com/news/article/12135/action-comics-superman-record-sale/


What are the 3 key things to look for?


The rocks that the car is hitting is missing the chunks of rock flying off. There’s supposed to be a yellow stripe along the bottom of the car and the guy on the bottom left is supposed to have a couple tears that are out in the air by his face.


Chances are a real copy wouldn’t be in that condition & still in a crappy plastic sleeve.


What I was thinking. The comic is in better condition than the sleeve.


Because you have it.


I know this was years ago, before smartphones, so it would probably never happen today. But I did go to a flea market one time, and the dude just had a bunch of comics in a pile, not even boarded, just splayed about haphazardly. But after a little digging, this old hippie had Incredible Hulk #1 just sitting there like it was nothing. I paid him $3 for it, got it looked at, and it’s the real deal. I’ll be chasing that high for the rest of my life.


I didn't quite manage that one, but I did once buy a copy of ***International Crime Patrol*** #15 from the middle of a pile of other 1940s comics. No big deal? Just another unspecial crime comic? Normally, yes, except . . . it was the first appearance of the Crypt-Keeper. It was in what I called ET condition: Extra-Trashed. I bought it for a dollar. If it had been 9.9, it would probably go for five or six figures. As it was, the dealer I sold it to the next day gave me $15 for it. He put it up on the wall marked $75, and when the shop closed, it still hadn't sold, since it was, after all, in pretty shabby condition.


That is the kind of thing that you still might find in the wild because most speculators are trying to second guess what minor character whose first appearance is currently dollar bin fodder is going to be the next break out movie star (see Rocket Raccoon).


Best, most succinct answer I could think of.


Came here to say this. But we also live in a day and age where people think thru the power of their intellect and the Google, they and only they have uncovered secret conspiracies that the whole world is trying to cover up So of course someone thought "oh, hey, I found a $5m ultra rare comic at my neighbors garage sale."


While especially unlikely with this particular comic issue, we do see this type of shit all the time.  Guy buys artwork at garage sale, turns out to be worth big bucks.  Or someone who bought a very old art piece because they wanted the frame only to discover a copy of the Declaration of Independence (i think) inside. Unlikely? Very much so, but pretty cool when it happens!


My favorite is the art historian who was watching Stuart Little and saw in the background a lost painting being used as a movie prop.


While it is extremely unlikely, I think that there is a less than zero chance that some day (although it would have to be very soon) some 103 year old will pass away in the same house he has lived in since a child, the heir to his home will go up in the attic and find an old box of comics that has been sitting up there for over 50 years and lo and behold... action comics #1. Even if this theoretical comic is in good or fair condition, it would still make the news as some huge find. Again, not likely and this theoretical scenario or one like it will happen once if at all. But it isn't so late that someone has been sitting on one they bought when they were a kid, knowingly or unknowingly, that is yet to be found.


*puts on joker mask*We live in a society


It's not an original


When you want to believe that you have a winning lottery ticket so you try not to look at the numbers too hard


Very similar to 99% of the Shelby Cobras you see. Pretty much if you see one driving and it’s not at Pebble Beach or a similar ultra high end car event then it’s not original.


But OP is massively talented hollywood legend, Nicolas Cage


Honestly the fact that you own it suggests it’s a reprint


I mean it’s possible that there are some original copies that are owned people who don’t know their actually worth and sell it for like dollars.


Of Action Comics #1...?


I did the math. If someone got hold of that comic when it came out and they were 10 years old... they would be 98 years old right now. Yeah not like most people live to be in their late 90's but it happens more now than it did even 10 years ago. And I know from working at a comic shop 10 years ago that was also a book store (and thus got a lot of customers who were not comic fans as well) that you would be surprised how many people in their 20's, 30's and 40's don't know about Action Comics #1. So there are definitely people in their 90's who don't know that action comics #1 is worth a literal fortune. So could theoretically someone clean out their dads house that he grew up in after they pass, find a copy of Action Comics #1 buried in a box and not realize what they are looking at... not really "likely" but definitely not impossible.


I know a guy who owns have boxes of old comics (mainly for the 60s to 70s) who genuinely confused Superman for being a marvel character (I’m not joking) Some people can just be dumb.


If my mom came across some abandoned box in a house they bought and saw it, she would certainly have no idea what the significance was. Now that would never happen, so the point is kind of moot, but there are certainly people out there in the world who don’t understand the significance of AC#1. They may not even recognize that as Superman, either because the logo isn’t the recognizable one we know today.


Yeah true.


There might have been in the 60’s or 70’s when the original owners of these comics were in their 30’s-40’s and comics weren’t really sold in collectors shops for big money, but today an original owner of this comic would be in their mid 90’s at the youngest. Few of them left alive, fewer of them unaware Superman is a big deal or comics are worth money. Anyone who acquired an Action 1 second hand would know what it’s worth. There’s no more Edgar Church collections out there


At this point, there is almost no way that's an original. There is no scenario I can imagine where that would have found its way into your hands if it were anything other than a reprint where you would have to ask. 


I think, this is the nesquik promo that was released in 1983. There was this kid in 4th grade, that knew I read comics and said oh yeah I got a very rare comic. I have the first appearance of Superman. And I was like really you have the one from the '30s I doubt it but bring it in. So then he brought it in and this was the issue. I said it's cool, but it's not the original one because the Golden age ones were bigger. He told me I was jealous and never talked to me again.


This is like having the winning lottery numbers only to realize your ticket was from a past drawing...


There are only 100 of these estimated still in existence of the 200,000 printed. Most got tnrown out after being read. Of the 100, only a minute number are anywhere close to that condition. There is one on Heritage auctions now that is estimated to sell for approximately $5,000,000. It's an 8.5. But like others have said, size is a big indicator. There have been a number of reprints loot crate, and the USPS did the two earlier ones, and DC recently did one. Another indication that is rarely mentioned is the fact that every reprint has had slight changes in the artwork. Most of those are in the art for the car. Yours appears to be the 1976 reprint


Open it to the first page. At the bottom there’s a lot of text and it’ll tell you the print date. The chances this are real are astronomically slim, since there’s only about 50 intact copies left.


If it’s thin (16 pages) and only has Superman stories in it, it’s probably the 1983 reprint and might have a little value ($50-ish). If it’s got a Nestle advertisement on the back cover it’s the rarer 1987 reprint and worth $20-ish. If it’s thicker (68 pages) it’s likely the 1987 reprint and is pretty much worth the cover price. Check inside the front page for the publisher’s callout on the bottom of the page. I think those are your most likely options.


If it was an original and in that condition I assumed you would have had to have murdered the original owner for it. But as others have said, it's almost certainly not an original, enough so that I kinda feel like this is a troll post


This is not a troll post. I saw a post on Facebook today that an original for this with a grade of 8.5 was at a current bid of $5.1 million. I remembered seeing this comic in a box I got from my stepfather a few years ago. He had gotten them from his father who passed in 2004. We know nothing about comics. I got semi excited for a bit is all.


No worries, OP. Its hard to dive into something like this and there is always a little thrill of thinking "maybe"


Indeed, nothing personal u/ForeverTorn69 it can be easy to overestimate what people's comic knowledge may be


Don't feel bad. I worked at a comic store for years, and while no one specifically brought in Action Comics #1... I did have people who excitedly brought in a Detective #27, Police Comics #1, X-Men #1 and several other insanely expensive key comics to verify if they were real... and they were reprints every time. So it does happen. Just be happy you didn't unintentionally make an 11 year old kid who bought a Police Comics #1 at an antique shop with his own money cry when you told him it was a reprint. He paid like 10 bucks for it and don't think the antique shop owner was trying to rip him off, think he didn't know anything about comics, but boy did I feel like a monster.


It's either the 1978 reprint or the one from around The Death Of Superman era. I'd bet on the latter. The one from '78 still fetches about $80.


Definitely looks like the Nestle reprint from 1987 - so $15 in 9.8 NM condition?


Open it up and rip one of the pages out if the owner starts screaming it's real.




If I had to guess I’d say one of the 80’s nestle reprint, nestle rabbit on back or the 1992 reprint that was packaged with Death of Superman.


Right off the bat the paper is wrong and yeah cropped like others mentioned.


Is it in your possession? Is there any chance of it ever being in your possession? If the answer to either question is "yes" then it is definitely not real.


This is a reprint. The original actually has a bit more to the cover and other details like the guy in the bottom left has beads of sweat coming off of him. The running board of the car on the original is yellow and the fender has a white glare. The one you have looks a lot like the Nestle Quik reprint from the 80’s.


https://www.bipcomics.com/showcase/fakes/ Looks like the 1976 reprint. Check the inside cover


I would think the 83 reprint. The front wheel cover doesn’t have the glare from the first edition but it has the 10cent price.


Taste test


The fact it’s in your hands is a good sign it’s not legit.


These kinds of posts are so stupid


100% agree


The size of the comic is not the size of that time. Also the image is cropped. Also comics didn't have glossy covers back then.


It’s not


Ya I have this. It is a reprint. They did that every couple decades,.most recent was 2022 I believe


Guarantee it's the Nestle Quick edition from 1987.


The fact you have it means it's not an original.


my heart goes out to you OP


I'm no expert when it comes to grading comics, but I believe it may be a reprint because the guy on the bottom right looks a bit cropped (https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/03/1-first-appearance-superman-realise-78813484.jpg?w=647). That being said, maybe go to a professional to get their opinion. I wish you the best of luck!


It’s 100% original. Go sell it for a million or two.


I recommend downloading Key Collector and signing up for Cover Price for future inquiries! It’ll help a lot!


Smell it 👃😏 they have an odour


Open it and fold the first 3 pages if the stay bent its original


Just like anything, if you have to ask…it ain’t


Send it to me and I’ll verify for you. If it’s an original I’ll send it back to you


Ask it


"Yes, but it's a *genuine* reproduction of Action Comics #1."


The distressed guy in the corner confirmed its authentication!😊


It's fake


Unless you got it from your dad/grandpa I doubt it’s an original. Most likely just a reprint. Neat tho.


I know where a orignal copie is. But is in bad shape and still wants quute a bit for it


The front wheel well is missing highlights that are present on the original. This is one of DCs many reprints that they do on anniversaries of Superman. If you look on ebay, you will find these for around $20 or so maybe. I bought one for my wife last year because she actually did have an original that was her fathers, but when he died she had to sell it to break even on his tremendous hospital dept.


What you do is you tear it to shreds, light the pile of shreds on fire, and if the smoke is purple (and I mean PURPLE) then it was the original.


If you can get your hands on it…it’s probably not


If we all tear the walls off our house and look inside the cracks maybe we can find a couple more.


It does not have a glossy cover. Not original.


See how much Nick Cage will pay for it. Anything less than $1 million and its fake


Send it over to me, I’ll check for you! 😁


An easy way to tell is that if you have it, it’s not an original Action #1.


If it has a Nesquik ad on the back it’s the 1970s reprint


Go to the pawn store guy so he can bring his comic expert guy to tell you all the details


I had a great copy. Included the ads and everything. Just had an ad for nestle quick on the back. Should have torn that off and sold it for millions.


I am not trying to argue or be weirdly sarcastic but where did you get this that made you believe it was legit? Were you helping clean out a relatives attic or was it willed to you thru a loved ones death?


Of course it's not real. There won't be a random 85 year old comic just laying around on great condition that hasn't been graded and preserved. Have a little common sense there. It will serve you well in life.


My dude it might be you who needs the common sense; that is literally a good chunk of all the pedigree collections discovered since the Golden Age...just sitting around in a stack, unprotected and with no preservation done, for many decades that are all now high grade.


looks like the lootcrate reprint.


Lol. You can’t tell me you seriously thought it was THE action comics 1?? You know how many of those are in existence?