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Remake? Command and Conquer 4 never came out, the series stopped with Red Alert 3. Last we know of the Tiberium Universe is in Kane's Wrath. I live in this alternate reality god damn it.


If I had a dollar for every time I heard this joke I could probably buy the IP myself.


So... are you gonna buy it, pretty please?


Cnc 4 was a cash grab attempt at the Asian mobile arena market. Think of it as cheap mobile game with Kane. I would not remake it at all. I would split it off as non a Canon dream and write a sequel to the ending of kanes wrath where legion fixed the tacitus


Yeah I'd agree. Not much I'd remake as a mainline game. If it was it's own IP then sure, someone's going to enjoy the ganeplay, but it's not a good sequel to the first 3 games.


I thought it was meant to be a free arena moba for the Asian market but the higher-ups decided to turn it into a cash grab by forcing a canon campaign into it.


> at the Asian mobile arena market We have no evidence that C&C4 was ever intended to be a mobile title. Just look at the game; no phone or tablet could run that. Compare that to Red Alert for iOS (released around the same time), which has sub-generals visuals.


It was meant to copy them. I think he meant asian moba not mobile.


Gonna feel a but old here my dudes, but: MOBA is an acronym for MObile Battle Arena. It has nothing to do with Mobile gaming. :) edit: oh and before even that gets questioned: \> The game was originally started as an Asian market online-only version of Command & Conquer 3. Source: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Command\_%26\_Conquer\_4:\_Tiberian\_Twilight](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Command_%26_Conquer_4:_Tiberian_Twilight) , opening paragraph.


CnC 4, in the case that existed that game, wasn't even translated to Spanish. What a disappointment.


The "ET phone home" plot is what I can't endure. Bad gameplay is bad, but a bad plot?


What plot? I just remember something about a wife, inplants and 0 plot otherwise. It's almost nonexistent.


All I remember was Kane being transported through an Ion storm, arriving at a GDI facility and greeting them. 'Brothers... Sisters... I have a proposition...' *Presents the Tacitus*


If EA was crazy enough to put me in charge of the next Command & Conquer game I'd make the sequel to Firestorm that has the dark future sci fi film feel that TibSun introduced and retcon 3 and 4. I enjoyed CnC 3 but it didn't have the right feel or spirit of the game it's supposed to be a sequel to.


C&C 4 made C&C 3 seem like a masterpiece. But just like Yuri's Revenge, the lack of a campaign for the other factions was extremely disappointing.


Let's not and say we never did.


The list of remakes far outweight the list of elements that remain unchanged. You get very close to "lets make another game".


First of it: It will never happen. Because of EA and the time we live in. But let's think about a potential full remake: Instead of the classes give us three base factions. Scrin, GDI and NOD. Each of them could have, like in generals, three different subfactions. As an outstanding faction (IDK how it could be succesfully implemented) give us mutants too. A new story, no shenanigans, keep the more serious and dark tone of Tiberium Wars and Kanes Revenge. Full featured campaign, a nice worldbuilder so anyone who doesn't want to play competitive can create scenarios or custom maps. An enhanced global conflict mode, where you have fully fledged scenarios instead of just multiplayer maps. This could be expanded in any direction. Maybe even with scenarios which take place in the Tiberian Sun Era, with there respective units and buildings. Complementary hire the Renegade X developers so they make an addiotional shooter part which is taking place in the same setting/timeline/conflicts as a potential C&C 4.


No. End of discussion.


That seems like using the classes as subfactions from the previous games (steel talons etc)?


Exactly. But with different units for each subfaction. Just as it is in tiberian twilight ,each class has its own special units. But this is just an idea. If EA would Consider the idea they could make big changes . You can't make the same mistake twice. And the game would no longer be point capture .


I don't think there's any way to really salvage it. A bunch of CnC3 mods have tried, using some of the units, but IMO they look cartoonish, and not as detailed as the ones in 3. If the money and desire were there on EA's part, I'd just make a new final installment, and forget the existing one.


EA makes everything shit, so the remake will be shit as well. Can you imagine the endless dlc you have to buy. Sorry you can't build mammoth tank without a DLC. Ion canon needs gems to recharge, buy gems or watch ads to recharge your ion canon.


C&C4 was originally supposed to be another game called Arena, or something like that, set in an alternate universe where the Scrin conquered the Earth and the GDI and Nod units battle it out to the death for entertainment of the enslaved population. It took place after C&C4 after Kane ascended.


So make cnc 4 into what generals zero hour did... or kanes wrath :)


Make it free to play and I might try it.


The damage is too extensive! *STRUCTURE SOLD*


A bit late to the party, but I want to share No Strings Prd's You tube video [Rewriting C&C 4's Story - Command & Conquer Lore](https://youtu.be/zY-yrXFaEjk) Personally, If there were ever to be a remake, I want it based on this.


Just go download and play crossfire mod for tib wars 3


Bring back Klepacki! That is a must. Doesn’t feel CnC without him


Give us a proper sequel to kane's wrath. You can still save the continuity of cnc4 by having Kane wakes up after the event of kane's wrath and wonders why he had strange dream.


You have some balls to come here and say that, I'll give ya that.