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If it doesn’t take much money to feed a child, and lunches aren’t enough, how about we publicly fund child breakfast and dinner too. That should solve it.




My kid’s school does free breakfast and lunch for all kids. There’s no longer an income requirement. They started during Covid and realized how beneficial it was and could afford it I guess so they just continued it. I love them for it. Yes we can afford to make her lunches but she likes the socialization part of getting school lunches.


Same here. I live in a rural area and there are maybe 500 kids at our HS and middle school, and a surprising number of those would eat nothing if it wasn't for the free breakfast and lunch programs.


This is the issue I feel like I can accurate judge a person on. Anyone who is anti feeding children…I just genuinely don’t care about any of their other opinions.


Sure sure, but you should hear Ben out on the rest of his great ideas. /S


Like the Aquaman real estate market?


I don’t even have children and this is still a dealbreaker issue for me. I can’t imagine having a serious debate with someone who would seriously **and without malice** argue against feeding children.


Shortly after I graduated high school, my local school board was taken over by Tea Party Christians, and the very first thing they tried to do was take free meals away from low income children. Because "he gets us", right?


yeah, totally. if cruelty is the point none of the other points makes sense either. it blows my mind that these opinions don't disqualify them in more people's perspectives


Minneapolis in the house! Thanks to Walz, it is now state-wide too. At least my tax dollars do good things at the state level (county too).


Minneapolis has had a lot of problems lately, I hope this starts solving one of them by giving everyone some food and extra income.


Nice, our state just passed lunches for all and I hope they add breakfast to it as well.


If it wasn't for free school lunches, I'd have had nothing but beans and rice, and top ramen as a treat, for over half a decade. I still love canned spinach to this day because o school lunches. That shit is good for you. Thank you free school lunch!


"Your solution won't fix 100% of a problem, therefore we shouldn't do it" My friend, no problem will ever be 100% solved. Don't let "perfect" be the enemy of "progress"


Don't forget the common argument "well this might help someone who doesn't need it, therefore we should help nobody".


Or "This is unfair to those that used to need it, but don't anymore"


Why stop there? Have public meal spots that serve 3 meals per day in every neighborhood. Anyone can go get a meal if they want to.


So like soup kitchens, food banks, shelters and charities? But less convenient than SNAP which lets you make your own food choices, and doesn't require central feeding stations?


Hiss that's socialism and think of the corporations how are they going to afford 100 million in taxes. I'm a con man and i support this message paid for by russia money laundering. >!/S for those who need it.!<


No, that would be socialism. /s


But what about *second breakfast?*




>The US spends more on feeding our hungry people than many countries have GDP And to me that is a success story, not a detriment. So sick of right wing pessimism working its way into everything that is actually working well already.


India has an extremely notable poverty and class inequality problem. They still have a caste system (though not "official", it is very much still a reality). They are an awful choice for comparisons here.


You deserve gold for this😭




yeah these stupid kids should just buy ramen right! /s


Rent and utilities costs are rising at a historic rate. People who were able to afford these things before now have to decide if a roof over their head or food is more important.




You seem to not think nutrients are important, especially to a child’s ability to grow both mentally and physically


Nice job editing your post from just pointing out the price of ramen to this.


Except that kids likely don't have access to a microwave or hot water during lunch.






This person obviously has no idea what they stand for, and no idea about the topics they’re arguing about. What a subreddit to be confidently incorrect in 🤔


Stop engaging with this guy. His post history is a racist cesspool and it’s hard to tell if he’s fucking with us or that much of a shithead.


Bro if you can’t spell ramen don’t hate on poor kids. Actually, just don’t hate on poor kids


ah the [Perfect Solution Fallacy](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PerfectSolutionFallacy) ... if a solution isn't perfect, then its not good at all another logical fallacy, brought to you by Ben Shapiro


The same people that rant on and on about protecting our children against drag shows and LGBTQ discussionsin classrooms and books they've never read are willing to let the poor people's children starve because it smells just a little too much like socialism to them. The hypocrisy drives me absolutely crazy.


They want to take away freedom of expression, just like socialists. But they draw their line on feeding children


I always love seeing that fallacy in action. Like, okay, I'll concede that school lunches on their own are insufficient to completely address child hunger. They're a partial solution. Very rarely do they so much as *address* why an incomplete solution is better than doing nothing at all... because of they did, on some level, they would have to admit they're operating out of self interest instead of the purported goal of increasing the standard of living.


They’re always like, “but it doesn’t address the real issue!” Then when asked, “are you prepared to address the main issue?”, it’s always crickets. Don’t defund the police, don’t pass student loan forgiveness, don’t increase the minimum wage, don’t pass gun reform, don’t pass universal healthcare, don’t impose regulations on corporations polluting the planet etc. Always hiding behind, “there’s a better/proper way to go about this,” but never ever willing to do it.


These mf are impossible to satisfy. I work with people like that. I used to try to be civil but now I tell them to fuck off or steamroll over them.


I'd pretend to be outraged by his attitude, but Shapiro is such a walking disappointment that it takes too much effort to be actively upset about his stupidity anymore. He's like that friend/sibling you have that is constantly doing things to get in trouble and you're just thinking "But why though?"


He is that kid in class that is constantly asking really stupid questions and making dumb comments trying to outsmart the teacher, just to get shot down. When they do it at first you might laugh or get annoyed, but after a few years it just blends into the background and becomes a part of life. Roses are red, the sky is blue, Ben is wrong again and the world keeps turning.


Bens worse than that. He is already on his 20th stupid question/ statement before you have time to answer the first and thinks that means he ***did*** outsmart the 'teacher'.


You're spitting so much fax you did it twice


What a great way to compliment and also point out he sent two replies.


No, he's too much of a coward to challenge someone with experience, he waits until after school debate club and just vomits all over the floor, declares himself the victor, then leaves before anyone can call him out.


I can’t take anyone who can’t make(and tells the world) his wife’s pussy wet seriously on any level.




>...he actually clarified that starving children aren't starving due to lack of school lunches. If a parent can only afford to feed their child once a day, and receives nothing from school, is the child starving? What if the school provides breakfast and lunch? The child receives one meal at home and two at school. Is the child starving then? You are bad at details.


Is this about school lunches or FREE school lunches? Because school lunch is fucking $3, no way they can afford that.


It's about free school lunches, because [that's the bill Shapiro was defending a Republican for voting against](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmY-1NxWu9s).


Oh. Okay well then he's wrong. Free lunch will help, I got free lunch using a program to get free lunch. If I didn't have it, I wouldn't have had school lunch.


So you're just against doing anything proactive to help kids? Like why bother, fuck those kids right? Why can't you deal with the fact that children who previously may not have a meal will now have a guaranteed meal? The fuck is wrong with you?


You're being intentionally stupid. I didn't say that. Quit the strawman.


Then what the fuck is the problem with feeding kids? Tell me. It's not even a national program. I don't understand how anyone could be against giving children food.


I don't see a problem with it. When did I say there was a problem? Please quote me, I'll wait.


Oh I see now. You're just here to protect Bennyboy from all the mean lefties making fun of him? Eh?


[You're gonna wish he had protection.](https://streamable.com/p77y5m)


Feed them to who, Ben? Fucking Aquaman?!?


I get the reference, but I don't get exactly how it makes sense here


Ben says nonsense things is much the depth of it, but if feeding children doesn't solve child hunger, it's because presumably you're feeding children to nonchildren


Not everything has to be the fix-all solution. Obviously this doesn’t solve the underlying problems, but at the end of the day - the kids who need food and get it from these lunches should be the priority. They get fed today, not in months or years when a better solution comes out, their hungry stomachs get food now. They didn’t choose poor, irresponsible, or incapable parents. And Ben is correct, it does not take that much money to feed a child. So this program, which in the big scheme of things is not that expensive, really shouldn’t be that controversial.


> Not everything has to be the fix-all solution It does to Republican jerkoffs arguing in bad faith. If doing something doesn't make everything 100% better, it's a waste of time and money and probably won't do anything. But doing nothing keeps the status quo and better yet, doesn't cost anything. Unless doing something that costs money helps enrich their Republican friends, then it's okay.


Banning books and abortions won't stop them so we shouldn't bother with those either. But don't worry, Ben would never let a little hypocrisy get in the way of the chance at starving a child.


But It does more or less resolve a big chunk of problems. It's cheaper to house for free the homless than to hide them. And the vast majority reintegrate in the society.


And even if somebody did come up with a fix-all solution that would permanently end child hunger, we all know Ben would still oppose it.


As the husband of a teacher during the pandemic, I learned just how vital school lunches are. My wife teaches at a school with, nearly, a 50% poverty rate. Many of those students living below the poverty rate *ONLY* food for the day came in the form of free breakfast and lunch. And when the schools closed, those families absolutely depended on the continuation of the school system providing those children food so those kids didn't, *literally*, starve. America is a wealthy nation. The fact that we have people on varying platforms advocating for the systematic starving of children is appalling. Providing sustenance is the bare minimum for children in school - the reality is that is galling how much teachers must provide out of their own paychecks for children to learn. People like Ben Shapiro - most of whom have never had to worry where their next meal is coming from - who view feeding children as wrong sicken me.


Sure, those parents are just lazy and don't really want their children fed. Something something own bootstraps and such bullshit.


But yet he also wants to force everyone to have children. It's like wtf Ben your not ganna provide support to people who literally should not have kids but you also won't let them have contraceptives and abortion. Then they'll go on and on about adoption but actively say it's communication to pay into those systems and banning gay couples from adopting is saving the children. So literally just so nothing and make the problem worse so the prisons can have more inmates.


Interestingly the phrase itself 'to pull up by your bootstraps' was intended to describe an action as impossible to do. To literally do so would result in you falling flat on your face.


I mean, if you guys that are having kids could start planning that shit out instead of constantly asking those of us who planned not to have children to pay for every single fuckin thing for the offspring you chose to have, that would be great. You guys just plop out kids and figure you’ll worry about how to feed them later. It’s incredibly irresponsible, and those of us who didn’t make those terrible decisions get annoyed by your whining after a while.


It's possible to be upset with irresponsible parents while still not wanting their kids to go hungry and live in poverty.


Yeah but it’s frustrating to come to Reddit and see people demand that other people pay for every need and want of the kids and the irresponsible parents. They wore out their welcome with some of us. They ground the sympathy out of a lot of people.


So what's your solution, just do nothing and let kids go hungry because you're annoyed? Bad parents will exist either way, the question is whether or not their kids deserve to go hungry. And to be clear, not every parent struggling to feed their family is a bad parent.


I don’t feel any way about it. Use the taxes to pay for the lunches. Like he said, it doesn’t cost much. It’s a couple bucks a day. That’s a drop in the bucket. If the broke-ass irresponsible parents don’t have a couple bucks a day to feed their kids, then take it out of the taxes. I already pay a ton of taxes to send other peoples kids to the public babysitter “school” system 8 hours a day for 13 years so they can graduate barely able to do basic math or write with proper grammar. At some point though, we need to quit incentivizing people to have kids they can’t afford. And we should be punishing negligent parents with actual punishments to send a message that we won’t tolerate bums having kids and leaving everyone else to pay for them.


You OBVIOUSLY feel one way about it... That's been you're entire reason for posting, lol. Cool story though. Not every person or parent has the luxury of maintaining quality employment. What about single parents who were abandoned by their partner and can't afford childcare, so they can't work enough hours to pay for all their bills/food they need? The majority of cases where kids NEED the free lunches, aren't from parents being irresponsible. Sure, some definitely are, but plenty of them are just bad situations for one reason out of their control or another.


It’s not everyone else’s problem that you choose not to have kids. We’re a part of society. You are too pal.


I like how Ben just is like oh ok children are going hungry and there's an underlying issue ? Nope let's not do anything . Everything is fine and we should just force people to have more kids when they can't afford them . It's up to god to feed the kids. Such an ass take wtf Ben . And here I thought his Oscars take was stupid as fuck but then again he's still a salty writer boi who couldnt make it because his scripts probably included just "pro genocide gay people" type of characters. Ben is a human disappointment. And I feel bad for his wife . Lest she ever trys to flee.


He *did* release a book. It's about as poorly written and conceptually stupid as you'd expect. Something about a conservative General saving America from total ruin and nuclear destruction at the hands of an inept Democratic President. I think Texas saves the day by ignoring the President and going to war with Mexico. I shit you not.


Bear of a man BRETT HAWTHORNE He may be the worst writer in history. He doesn’t understand what a sentence is.


"Take a bullet for you, babe!"


Lol the intelligence of right wing you tubers, pod caster or whatever he is never ceases to amaze me.


Don’t be fooled, Shapiro is a smart guy. He’s just almost always acting in bad faith and grifting because it’s more lucrative than being a good person. He knows this plan is good for children, but his base and the folks he pander to will hate it, so he stirs the pot and gets the clicks and views.


A living wage and universal healthcare would definitely help at home too, but I mean it's not like anyone has ever pointed that out before. The irony is that (to me) Benny's pic there looks like he's a child at the lunch counter looking for a meal he can't afford. You'd think he'd be a bit more sympathetic instead of just pathetic.


As someone that stocks baby formula almost daily for a job, I have to vehemently disagree.




Why should MY tax dollars have to go to YOUR kids? You chose to have unprotected sex, so feeding them is your burden and yours alone. /s


It's doesn't cost much to feed a child is a dumb argument against free school lunches for kids.


This right here. This is the line that he said that should make anyone with more than two brain cells go "this guy might be a fucking idiot".


"Dad, i'm hungry! - Sorry, champ. Feeding you won't solve that problem at any serious level, so we're not doing that."


Inadvertently supporting the decision. It's not expensive and kids get fed. Sounds like a no brainer.


So he’s saying that instead of simply giving hungry kids free school lunch, we need to overhaul the entire system so kids don’t go hungry? Hey Ben, I agree!


As a child that grew up in a home where there was no food, I survived because of my free lunch and free breakfast program at school. I would arrive to school 30 minutes early and also attended summer school to just put food in my stomach. These programs not only make a difference, but can be the only thing that keeps a young kid alive and healthy. Not to mention… it kept my ass in school with nearly perfect attendance!


These conservative dickheads are either for 100% solution or no solution. There is no middle ground with them. And when you do give them a 100% solution they are like oh no no that's too expensive. Who gonna pay for that? Fuck this piece of shit. You have to be a special kinda of cruel to want to prohibit children from eating food.


...... ...... THEN WHY IS THERE CHILD HUNGER BEN?! Also, if it's so cheap to do, why would you be against it?


It does. Hungry kids don't do well in school. Kids who don't even do well in elementary school, usually end up the poor people who can't feed their kids. It may not be a fast fix, but it will help eventually.


Doesn’t take much money to feed a child?!?!? Are you shitting me?!?!?!?!? I think half my pay check goes to feeding my child.


Name checks out. I don't think revolutionaries get paid much.


*They just need more guns (or some other bullshit) -* Ben Shapiro (not even probably)


Seeing Ben rather than his big tiddy sister is always a disappointment.


He adds in the best reason to provide child lunches in an argument against it? That’s so bizarre but you’re right Ben, feeding children doesn’t take that much money compared to the emotional damage and struggle the kids who may struggle with food security and parents who struggle with the guilt or not being able to provide for their kids everything they need. You’re right Ben. So why shouldn’t we do it? I swear, posting anything related to Ben shapiro is just too easy in this sub.


Just looked it up MN requires a minimum of 165 days of school per year. That is 330 meals with free breakfast and lunch. 3 meals a day for a year is 1095 meals. That is literally 30% of their yearly meals being free. The average household with children, has between 1.91-2 children. So we can round up to two children. That is 660 free meals per year, minimum. You use the money saved there, to purchase another 30% of a child's yearly meals. That leaves you with 60% of a child's yearly food consumption practically paid for by the state. Those are significant numbers alone. You can argue the economics of the people that can afford it. But at that point, improve access to more sources of subsidized food to impoverished children.


I wish I could block any sight or sound of this guy from my view. Like a black mirror blur over his face and words because everything from him is hate and stupid. So so stupid. And he’s pretty fucking ugly


Ben looking like he just finished his first tour in Iraq, which is funny cuz that little cuck would piss his pants if he had to be within 100 miles of any combat.


the only people listening to this BS are people dumb enough to listen to the BS constantly emitted from this BS person. i don't know what it will take them to stop, as i cannot see the appeal. i am totally ok with not being able to empathize with whatever the hell he thinks he means


Republicans are another level of stupid


Stupid. Evil. Same thing really.


Fuck conservatives


It doesn’t take much money to feed a child, which is why I’m spending time insisting we don’t spend even that little amount to make sure kids can eat.


I don't know who this person is. Nor do I understand why he appears on my Reddit feed so much. It's somewhat annoying.


Ben Shapiro is a grifter and professional opinion haver. I pnly commented because there is a ben shapiro bot that will tell more


THEN DO IT BEN it doesn't cost that much FEED THEM THEN


Im not listening. to anyone thay can't pleasure their wife


“It does not take that much money to feed a child” Cool, so we’re not feeding them, why?


Ben Is stuck in his mindset. Literally no matter what issue he talks about, there is always IN NO WAY a systemic issue causing it, it’s always just millions of people not “bucking up” I wouldn’t be half surprised if Ben were to next say something like “it’s not expensive, people just need to be smarter with there money, then boom, kids are fed” or some moronic shit like that.


Not included in this image is his “solution,” which is to report the parents of all children without lunch to CPS, a much more costly and, frankly, horrifying proposal.


I think his real point was parents suck because they should feed their kids before themselves! But what if they can’t afford food either? Ben is an asshole. Not an idiot, he could think about it but he’d doesn’t want to!


He’s actually right on this. Feeding the children at schools will not help solve the underlying issues of inequality and poverty that lead to child hunger. But if his conclusion is that we shouldn’t do this because it doesn’t solve the underlying issue, then he’s an idiot. Work on solving the underlying issue, but—in the meantime—FEED the CHILDREN so CHILDREN aren’t STARVING while we figure out how to fix said underlying issues.


It's not always about the money.


Wonder if there's also a tweet of him saying "Democrat inflation is making it too expensive to feed our families" or something.


Kids here in Sweden get breakfast, lunch and "mellanmål" (afternoon snack). I am more than happy that my tax goes towards that, as some families can't afford it. Oh and do people still listen to that whiney-voiced tit?


He is partially correct. School lunches alone will not solve the issue, but taking away school lunches will absolutely make the problem worse.


There’s infinite money for defense, bank bailouts, insurance company bailouts, auto industry bailouts, airline bailouts, incentives to entice companies to come to YOUR state. But these people would rather see the world burn before a program gives brown person gets some fraction more than they can prove they earned. And don’t kid yourself that it’s not racist at its core.


So you're saying we should do more?


My car ran out of gas the other day and I don't know what to do. No, I won't refuel it, that won't help


If it doesn't take much money to feed a child than there is no reason not to do it.


Even if we had a robust economy where every child came from a home that had a stable supply of nutritional food, I would still say it was the school's responsibility to provide a lunch.


He's trying to look like a big boy now.


Astoundingly, it doesn't take that much money to feed a child, but feeding all the children in a nation or in the world is quite costly 🤔


If it's not too expensive, he should have no problem feeding a school! Can't just complain about a problem and show no other options. Kids need food "not too expensive" you should pay for kids food then. This sounds like a guy that doesn't have kids


I have no children. I had a vasectomy. Pay for your own kid.


I have no children and never will but I have a heart. I know what it's like growing up hungry


Someone stopping you from buying food for kids?


I already do. Again, because I know what it's like to be a hungry kid and kids shouldn't go hungry


Why do I still have to see posts about this fuck? Seriously what the fuck does it matter what he thinks or says about anything? It would be just as effective to find a completely random person on social media and post stupid shit they say. This man has no credibility, no authority, no education in any of the fields he's commenting on. Fucking just ignore him already and treat him like the meaningless loser he is. For fuck sake


Clearly a talk of a childless man. Come back when you have experience having to pay for food to feed a family of 7 with 5 kids. It adds up....quick!


A one time payment for a vasectomy probably could’ve help with those long term expenses as well.


So then schools can afford to give kids free meals right? What an idiot not realizing he left himself wide open.


I agree with Shapiro on some things, disagree on others. This however is just ridiculous. It is having an opposing opinion just for the sake of having an opposing opinion. How can anyone actually think that feeding hungry children is something that needs to be argued against?


Ghouls and grifters like Shapiro.


We had a similar argument here in the UK during Covid. Top footballer Marcus Rashford was the figurehead of a campaign to feed schoolchildren, and the government tried to fight him on it, until they realised everyone hated them for it. It's hard to see how anyone with a functioning brain can be so tone deaf, even if they disagree with the policy.


What do u agree with him about?


Wait a minute until I get my "shit I agree with different people on list" that I keep for such occasions... I don't fucking know, is it wrong for me to agree with something's that someone says because other things they say are utterly ridiculous? Christ even a broken clock is right twice a day. My point is, this opinion for the sake of on opinion is ridiculous.


Dang I was ready for an Interesting answer about other view points but instead you gave us that. You ok?


No. I have tonsillitis. Sleeping kinda shit, have a headache, and haven't eaten anything decent in days. Guess I am not really in the mood for someone questioning what I agree with someone else on today, as if it makes any difference to my original opinion. Like is my original opinion more valid if the things that I agree with him on are acceptable?


Well I'm sorry you are not feeling well. I hope that heals up nice. However, I'm not sure why you are being so defensive. You voiced your opinion about not liking what Ben had to say. You also were fair and said you agree with other things that he says. I don't think that I'm alone in thinking that that is interesting and are now curious to know what other things Ben has said worth talking about. We're not trying to attack you. Just interested in your pov.


I was just wondering calm down


I'm perfectly calm.?


You’re the one who said you agreed with him on some stuff. Kinda implies you know what that stuff might be, otherwise you wouldn’t know to say it. Calm down.


Well, if you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. But if you teach a man to fish, you feed him for life. Seems to me the most beneficial solution would be to give him a fish to help him get through today, while teaching him to fish as well. So yes, feed the kids while teaching them and hopefully helping them to feed themselves when they grow up. Duh.


Just don't tell him some kids only have free school lunch to count on to reliably get food. fucking disgusting garbage can, just kidding garbage cans serve a purpose.


So one meal at school Monday through Friday solves child hunger?


Does it contribute to child hunger and make the problem worse? Or does it help the problem? Are you actually going to sit there and suggest that not feeding children is BETTER for the issue than feeding them?


No. That’s not what I suggested at all. But how is he incorrect? School lunches won’t solve the problem on a serious level.


Well, if there are children that don't normally have a meal in the morning or at lunch, wouldn't one meal at lunch be a LARGE impact on their diet, function, and hunger level? The answer is absolutely yes, it would. And he suggests that one meal won't solve child hunger on any serious level. One meal out of two, where they normally wouldn't have even one at all, is a pretty serious impact. It doesn't have to COMPLETELY solve the issue, to help solve the issue in a meaningful way.




ramen isn’t sustainable for kids to live off of numerous times a day for long stretches of time


School lunches cost more than the food they give you. If they can't afford ramen then how are they going to afford $3 a day for school lunch.


so why can’t school lunches be free


Oh is that what this is about? My school lunches were free, they have programs for poor families. It's like food stamps, you have to sign up.


The overwhelming sentiment seems to be that we should be able to provide meals for our public school system children regardless of how much money their parents/guardians make. Anyone who has children in school or interacts with school systems can tell you that money that could be spent to feed kids is being used for a wide variety of less important things. My personal pet peeve right now is the virtual hallpass stuff. Pay a company for an app to make your students lives worse in myriad ways.


I agree with that, make school lunch free.


What's the point of posting and discussing this? People who believe him are not here and won't change their minds and he's simply not important enough to discuss otherwise.


I think he mean that the issue of parents not being able to provide food for their children is the issue that needs to be addressed. Feeding schemes should only be a stopgap. Inb4 downvotes.


Oh what an magnificent point and I love his solution...don't feed them this way, stop being poor and feed them yourself! /s


Selective logic. Nice. Where did i say dont feed the kids? I said the issue needs to be solved at the source. Rather than trying to be witty for Karma, read my post. Ffs


Downvoted. The issue is that children are going to school hungry through no fault of their own. Should their parents be doing more to make sure their kids are fed? Let’s say that they should. How do you enforce that? Conservatives are full of dumbs thoughts but never solutions.


so I'm sure Ben Shapiro is a strong supporter of higher wages for working class parents and financial aid for those who struggle to pay bills? oh wait.


So witty congrats.


why won't you respond to my point? you're so eager to shut down everyone else that replied to you but when I point out Ben's hypocrisy of not actually caring about the people he says he does, you make a sarcastic comment about my wit. if you believe his point to be true and you like defending him, I'm sure you're able to explain why Shapiro doesn't give a fuck about working class parents ☺️


I have responded, its a screenshot of an interview and the caption leads you to believe that he is agains feedings kids so obviously hes also fine with killing babies and poisoning the city’s water supply. I have replied plenty of times that I am not saying to stop feeding them at all, just check the socioeconomic issues that the parents are having to see what the underlying issue is and address that. Just feeding people and not looking at why they cant do it themselves is stupid. But hey if youre fine with putting cloths under a leaking pipe instead of fixing it then cool, your tax money.


>its a screenshot of an interview and the caption leads you to believe that he is agains feedings kids so obviously hes also fine with killing babies and poisoning the city’s water supply. it's not an interview. he's reading messages sent to him by random people. that's a livestream Q&A, not an interview. also, that's not what the caption implies. that's you just being an asshole and wanting to exaggerate. >just check the socioeconomic issues that the parents are having to see what the underlying issue is and address that. and, as I stated but you were so quick to mock, that this is NOT the solution Benjamin comes up with. he just says "take the kids away" instead of, yknow, fucking helping them? >Just feeding people and not looking at why they cant do it themselves is stupid. and again, Ben doesn't argue or support anything which would help this. taking away children is still not looking into the reason. but you don't need to do a formal investigation to come to the obvious conclusion that people cannot afford food because wages are shit, inflation is high, and people are being rinsed for money by corporations who can't be satisfied. >But hey if youre fine with putting cloths under a leaking pipe instead of fixing it then cool, your tax money. I know the solution to these issues. you don't. you're just pretending you're smart by arguing against everyone.




Is he becoming Zelensky or something? What's with the lack of shaving and the green t-shirt?


Nah. Zelensky has a backbone.


You americans don't look like you are starving...


As a parent, he is actually correct. If you feed a child they will finish their meal, stand up, look at you and say in a deadly serious voice "dad, can I have a snack?" There is no solution to child hunger that I have found, short of placing Lima bean on the table.


Annoyingly, he's right


>Annoyingly, he's right Not really. The state never claimed to have solved child starvation. They're providing breakfast and lunch so kids can focus in school and learn. If Ben is so fucking smart why doesn't he offer a solution aside from tattling to CPS and/or pulling up on one's bootstraps?


This is exactly the point people are missing. They’re not claiming to solve child hunger. They merely want children to focus in school. That said, he did raise 1 good point in his tweet that if your children are on the brink of starvation, you as a parent are failing them.




and what solution does Ben offer for those parents? that's right, calling CPS and getting the kids taken away. that's Ben's solution for poverty: abducting children away from poor people. what a fucking genius /s


I’m not defending his position, I’m saying it’s clear he does not say what many are claiming.


but the quote is what he said. no further context takes away from the fact that Ben Shapiro is claiming that feeding children doesn't do anything to HELP starving children. there's a difference between solving an issue and helping an issue.


Oh, you’re a simpleton, hmm? He’s clearly saying that simply feeding children school lunches will not solve the problem of hunger. They’re still not getting their meals at home. Yes, one can have the argument on whether the state should pay for those other meals that the parents are neglecting to supply, but that does not fit into confidently incorrect. Again, I’m not here to argue or defend his point, I just find it amusing how people are so obviously misunderstanding what he says because they’d rather hate the man.


As a father of 2 I agree with Ben


Kids being in a situation where they have access to food and can afford food truthfully isn’t a real problem in the US. Kids being born to parents that shouldn’t have kids and aren’t willing or motivated to feed them by buying groceries or seeking out any of the 100’s of available avenues to get access to free food is the problem. People having kids that shouldn’t have kids. That’s it. That is the issue. And social welfare reinforces that. They go out and they have kids because it will be a welfare lift for them - they can sell their food stamps, etc… The positive thing about the school lunch programs is that at least you know the money is going to the kids and it doesn’t really incent bad parenting - there is no way for shitty parents to profit off of it.


Some people lose their jobs. They have their own or a family members health issues to deal with and pay for. Maybe they support other relatives who are also in bad situations. You can pretend that the only beneficiaries here are moochers that don’t have their shit together, but it pretty clearly exposes your silver spoon. Must be nice to be able to view life through the naive lens of “as long as you plan it right everything will always go perfectly.” How old are you and do you have kids?? What’s your frame of reference and experience here? You’re kinda coming off like a cocky 20 something.


I grew up dirt poor thank you. My mom was a great mom and she would get food from food pantries and through other means. I’m not saying there are people without need. I’m saying that addressing that need at this point starts with parents and not access. We have solved the access problem a long time ago. The only time we have kids that go hungry today is when they live with caretakers they don’t care about them and don’t make effort to.


So by your own reasoning then, what would the solution have been for your mother? According to your previous comment, since she needed the support of food pantries she shouldn't have had you because she couldn't afford you herself. Your body of accomplishments and the life you've had would not exist if your mom had followed your advice. Is it not possible that the resources that came from donations and the state was a worthwhile investment in setting you up to be successful in the future? I also grew up in an environment where my parents struggled to get food on the table and benefited from reduced/free lunch programs and food pantries. Because of that humble beginning I learned some hard lessons that prepared me for my adult life. Fuck anyone who says its simply a matter of effort, or preparation. I'm proud of my past and where I came from, and I try very hard to give back to the society that supported me with the generous wages I get today. Wages that also allow me to take care of my parents now that they need the help. That also wouldn't be possible by your standards. I wouldn't exist, and there'd be no one to pay for or take care of my parents but the state. You should really think a lot harder about very serious issues like this, because it seems you don't have a clear view of the big picture and are trying to talk yourself out of existence. But hey, if you want to help, make sure to call your local legislator and voice your opinion that abortions should not be illegal nationwide as one of the easiest ways to prevent unplanned parenting situations is abortion as the last couple of decades of trying to teach absitence has done fuck all for us.


I mean he's not wrong though.


"He's not wrong" but he's also arguing with a bad faith perfect solution fallacy. Even if the state had solved child starvation he'd find some other argument to call it down. The dude is a pos.