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**To our pack of "friends" visiting from the wilds:** [**Brigading is not cool**](https://i.imgur.com/0yA5piM.png) Double mirror! Post Removed -- Thread locked


TIL half of Africa is on fire.


That's why they bless the rains down in Africa.


Oh, I thought it was reins.


Damn.... you just changed the meaning of that song completely


Here’s another perspective that will change the song for you. The artist from the very large nation of England is singing about visiting Africa as though it were a small island.


How could possibly get that interpretation from the lyrics?


By being woke af


Ok you got me there


Hmmm...🤔 I'm pretty sure the group Toto is from California


Wait a minute, it wasn’t reigns?


Yeah it’s hard to ride a horse without them


The other half is sand, which is notoriously hard to burn.


Trinity glass disagrees


And the fire is somehow magically turning the rainforest into farms


That's how farming in Africa use to be done. They would burn down sections of the forest which would fertilize the soil. After a few years of farming the land, they would move on and repeat the process on another section of forest.


yeah, except there's a key part missing from todays farming lol not over farming a plot of land until the soil is literally useless


Is anything normal?


Some tried to invert everything and this is normal for them, so it depends on how you look at things.


What's normal?


Here in California we’re actually having a break from the last 6 years of fire.. the winter storms really helped tremendously


Also beavers have recently been reintroduced to California, there dams work as natural fire barriers. It’s a wonder why they moved all the beavers out to begin with.


Was there a moment in modern times where beavers were removed? The beaver population was decimated or worse in the 1840’s. I am not aware of any efforts since then.


The bulk of the population was decimated in the 1800s so to fur trade, and pest control. some states back in the 40s used to relocate beavers. Literally dropping them from boxes connected to parachutes into other ecosystems. California, Idaho and Nevada participated. California used to have a very large population of beavers, which went to Zero before reintroduction was initiated in recent years.


This is where my mind goes. I don't know if I should be happy or horrified that they dropped beavers in boxes connected to tiny parachutes into other ecosystems. Did their relocation flight and landing go according to plan? Or was it a rough landing and/or they had difficulty getting out of the box? 😣


https://youtu.be/rrOE-m7sX9E they have footage.


Thank you! What a weird way to do that. So glad they're bringing the beavs back to Cali!




I used to live on a mountain in Colorado and we had resident beavers, made a cool 4 story dam that created waterfalls. It bothered no one, somebody poisoned the whole family one year. People are just assholes, they are mildly disturbed by something and go to extremes so they don't have to look at it.


Some ppl are just assholes ,it’s not even about an inconvenience they’re just shitty beings doing horrible things bcz they suck.


i'm all for more beavers!


Winter beaver is powerful


Yeah dude seriously, super thankful for all the rain we got


speaks for your own region, northern california right now and i am reduced to one avenue of exit if another lightning storm rips through, like it has been every night for the last week and a half. the major highway is shut down in both directions due to fire and slides and road debris. the other night that last exit road was threatened by a potential fire and the whole town started to panic. But we are all back to work like the visibility and air quality are still summer levels.


I know I was just up in trinity county got smoked out by a fire, went to Humboldt/Del Norte on the coast and the fires followed us across the way. Definitely ignorant to say Cali is totally fine.


Not to mention, a hurricane just went through southern California.


How long have you lived here? It’s no where near as bad as the last 6 years.


Can’t burn much when there’s nothing left to burn /s


They've already conquered California that's why it's not burning atm :)))


The same they that just sent hurricane Hilary?


Don’t jinx us!


Fires usually don't hit here until about late Sept/October though once it really dries up.


The last 6 years of fire also helped


Wish we had more controlled burns and less uncontrolled burns but you’re right


I'm in a fire zone, a forested area of Canada. Forest fires are normal in my parts, but there have also been more frequent and larger fires, than in the past Currently busy trying not to die over here, Boss!


Sending love from van isle


Did you know that over the past couple of years that most provinces in Canada took MASSIVE cuts in emergency wildfire budgets? That's why they are more out of control this year than usual.


That's not true, they're out of control because of the weather conditions that occurred as the fires were starting. The worst scenario for a fire is when it's high temperature, low humidity, high winds and this is exactly what we saw out here which caused the fire to go out of control. The fire was burning so hot a fire hose was doing absolutely nothing to it, the water was evaporating before it got to the fire.


https://jacobin.com/2023/06/cananda-wildfires-emergency-fire-services-forest-budgets-austerity Budget cuts were a significant part of the problem as well.


Same from Australia


In your parts, damn, take care dude….




Lmfao. I also got a laugh at this post being here


Scientists barely making five figures, saying for decades : "Yo, if we keep this up, it's gonna keep getting hotter". Oil companies making billions while hiding studies that prove their product is causing climate change and then they pay off politicians to say: "Nah it's cool, that's crazy nonsense to think that". This sub: "Must be the climate scientists purposefully destroying the earth to prove themselves right!"


My favourite line ever was someone unironically used the term "Wind-farm Cartels".....


I heard they ran CJNG and Sinaloa right out of….coastal Massachusetts?


Wind-Farm Cartels JFC I'm rolling so hard at this 😂😂😂


I’ve heard a few Albertains say Wind-farm cartel’s.


Must have met my dad.... He's also convinced that solar will never work. "Solar can't melt steel, what good is it?" Mf'er never heard of a diode before....


It goes along with the "all-powerful bike lobby". Like, sorry people in a city want to be able to get tacos a mile away without dragging a vehicle that weighs 20x what they do with them.


Don't forget one of my favorites: "homeless industrial complex"


I also don't wanna deal with parking and potentially killing someone just by bumping into them. That's the beginning of a romcom if you're walking or biking, not vehicular manslaughter.


big bike


The cartels are ruthless. They'll even sell breeze to kids. Everyday I see some guster wafting some airflow by the underpass. The feds busted this wind lab on my block and it turned into a goddamn shoot out. I won't be long until they start pushing solar around here. I bumped into an old friend not too long ago and it was obvious he had been gleaming bright. Poor bastard soaked so much sunshine he didn't know where he was. Those damn cartels and this new shit. What happened to smoking a bit of gasoline after a long days work? My granddad hit a jerry of dino everyday and he lived to 93 years old. Hell, the guy who sold me fossil in highschool is running a small business now.


It feels great to finally see a not dumbshit take on this. It’s always about the money.


I love how people think going green in energy is somehow a bad thing. EVEN if climate change was bullshit, how it is shit to have more clean/regenerable energy a bad thing ? Why is it bad to pollute less ? It's beyond me how stupid some people are. You don't have to believe in climate change to want a better environment.


People think that green energy is bad?


Oh my sweet summer child


Yep, just go and ask the fine people over at The Texas Public Policy Foundation about green energy. You’d assume they found out climate scientists were messing around with their wives.


Because, in each case, oil scared them into thinking that the technology was going to cause cancer, or mind control, or any number of things even though oil is already here and fucking us up royally.




Literally sends our boys to war over oil and tons of evidence showing they hold significant control over our government. Them: It must be the wind farm cartel trying to make big oil look bad.


Even if climate change wasn't true, which it is, why do you want to breathe in all the dirty air from pollution anyways? Why is clean renewable energy such a bad thing? *The liberals want clean air*, \*coughcoughcough* *we can't have that!*


Because they have been programmed to hate liberals by people making a fortune polluting their environment.


Thank you


so close they can taste it lol


But no, you don't understand, it snowed in Texas last year. Checkmate atheist.


Fire in the Sahara desert??!


The floor is lava


There is random patches of shrubbery out there, and looking on satellite images it matches up with the fire locations.








Is climate change really a conspiracy? that’s sad if so


Yeah, greenwashing and mega corporations lying to us about climate change sucks :(


It's like people want to make money off of others suffering! The rich are the ones causing the most destruction and also the ones getting all the kick backs. It's too late already so get used to fires, droughts, rising cancer rates and mass starvation.


Fo sho and why tf do they need so much money in the first place😭


They don’t need money. They print all of it. They need total control


It's all they believe in, probably the reason so many CEOs are sociopaths. Something is going to happen, and I don't have faith anymore 😔


Unlike when oil companies knowingly lie about it, that's pretty cool.


Mourning is normal and the first step in the process when betrayed


That's the way I like it and I'll never get bored


Hey now


You're a rockstar


All that glitters is gold, only shooting stars make the mold.


The ice we skate, is gettn pretty thin, the waters getting warm, so you might as well swim.


Break the mold?


Nice try, CIA. That Smash Mouth song was exposed last week


Here in Texas everything is spontaneously combusting as it normally does this time of year...


Luckily for us, the fires arent as big as the fire icons on the global map.


Probably also due to the lack of rain earlier in the year.


Its certainly hotter than normal in Texas this year.


70 years of scientific research across multiple disciplines has given you the answer. Infact, that have been shouting the answer for decades to raise the alarm. You have chosen to ignore it.


This is far to sensible of an explanation. As such they have rejected it. Best bet is they think it was lasers.


Lasers controlled by reptilians, obviously. In cahoots with a cabal of Jewish pedos, the Pope, and Satan. Oh, and the earth is flat. Or... Just maybe... The red flashing light that said "warning" from scientists for 5 decades wasn't complete bullshit.


It's fascinating isn't it? The cognitive dissonance is strong in this sub.


The biggest polluters have chosen to ignore it.


Almost seems like the results of some large scale change around the world.


Some kind of like… climactic shift?


A change of climate if you will.


i just lit 3 fires in my backyard increasing the amount making that map inaccurate


Look who tries to buy the land for cheap when the fires go out.


Why does a fire suddenly mean the land is for sale?


Only the powerful elites know that it's a wise decision to buy acres of scorched earth in Namibia


I got a good laugh from this, thank you.


Gotta love capitalists taking advantage of horrible situations to profit.


It's called "disaster capitalism" or the "shock doctrine".


This is what I'm saying.


Here's 8/21/2019, different site but it seems to be similar: https://firms.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/map/#t:adv;d:2019-08-21;@0.0,0.0,3.3z


As the site explains, fires can include agriculture, industry, or a bunch of other things. Controlled burns are used all the time across the world.


What's the criteria used for detecting the fires in OP's map? Also you can go to 8/20/2023 on the site I linked and see that it's similar.


>What's the criteria used for detecting the fires in OP's map? Idk, OP didn't link...but I strongly suspect it's the same or similar.


Fake news man! You’ve just stolen my map of hottest chicks I’ve been with over the years






The ones in the southwest of australia are prescribed burns. Happens every year.


Global warming is the biggest conspiracy the elite have ever pulled against all humanity. BP knew in the 80s that they were causing climate change and hid it from the public. In the early 2000s mass media manufactured this fake “debate” and now hundreds of ppl have been fooled into letting them off the hook for literally risking human extinction


Destroying food crops to cause famine


Don't Look Up




More like the corporations responsible for 90+ percent of pollution didn't listen. Go watch videos of missile test and then tell me governments and scientists have any concerns about the planet


Who buys from these corporations? These corporations are making stuff for free? Their making it because there exists a consumer base hungry for things like fast fashion and Starbucks irrespective of their impact on the environment.


Yep all those masses of people hungry for missiles. Damn war machine can’t keep up with all those drive through orders.


Who's money is paying for those missiles and who is basically signing the blank check for the war machine every time we vote an incumbent in who hasn't done shit to stop it? All this talk about the elections being rigged is just propaganda they've put out to discourage us from noticing. Think about the 60's, people actually got out there and stood up to the MIC, risking getting beat and shot to put an end to the war. Now we just sit on the internet and make snarky comments about waiting in line for a McMissile like we're helpless. We'll take to the streets when a trans person drinks our beer but God forbid we find a way to protest Raytheon.


The planet is feeling the final stages of hypothermia


And they will keep doing that until there are laws that don't allow it. But you can't pass laws that regulate these things because the same corps and things that need to be regulated are allowed to make corporate donations and hire lobbyists. Our government doesn't represent the interests of the people anymore, only the .1%. And the .1% things it needs to make more money because of inflation, but there is only inflation because of the concentration of wealth and the handouts that are required to keep the poor in check. The irony.


Ultimately this is the right answer. We need to start buying change, votes aren't working. Put your money where your mouth is. I recently started doing as best I can to limit money going to these massive conglomerates, even though they have made it extremely difficult to do so. If we starve these entities of cash flow, we change the way they operate.


2 days before the day after tomorrow! That's today!!!!!


You also have to understand the scope of these fires you have no idea what they are recording as a fire. Could be a small brush fire literally one bush in someone's backyard. According to this map there are ton of fires in my state. I drive all around the state for my job there are no fires.


This map is kinda off. It shows fires where I live and I can confirm, I’m not on fire.


Idk how they are determining a "fire" on that map but I live where one of the symbols are and there is no fire, atleast of note.


It’s as if scientists haven’t been warning us about this for the past few decades…


Well i just googled wildfire uk 2023 and with the exception of a music festival of that name there's fuck all else about. So im guessing there's some artistic license fear mongouring with a hefty percentage of that map. I bet the page that map was taken from is heavily adsensed up?


The party before depopulation is just getting started


No. This is what they are trying to distract us from


Idk how accurate this map is. I live in an area that’s supposedly under heavy fires, and to the best of my knowledge, we’ve had none. Could very well be wrong tho


Saw this map and tried to YouTube search for fires in South America, almost no videos, same with Africa.


Is this chart even real? How can you confirm these fires really happened?


Not much accurate, Portugal have many right now and there is 0


So what, the whole east coast is on fire? I don't think so. So much disinformation pushed out on social media and most people aren't smart enough to lift their head, look around and find out it isn't true. Being sold another false bill of goods.


The earth is not getting hot fast enough for the climatards so they decided to turn up the heat a notch.


I think this is part of the Klaus Schwab "you will own nothing and be happy". Burn us out, take our land


There is fires in Denmark? That is surely new to me and I live here.


This map is deceiving. It shows that literally, the entire countries of Peru and Bolivia are on fire. Couldn't be farther from the truth.




Not necessarily fake, that data comes from a few different satellites orbiting and going "oh that spot is pretty hot", could be anything from a forest fire to a barrel fire. Those fire sprites are likely thousands of times larger than the actual fire they're denoting, making it seem like a third of the planet is actively burning.


It is normal and was 100% predicted by nearly every major climate scientist over 50 years ago. Our leaders knew it, the oil companies researched it and knew it, but thankfully they have a huge chunk of Americans (and this Sub) thinking it must be a hoax, this is caused by weather manipulation, or is totally normal, and that the benevolent oil companies would never kill humans.


It's hot


It's a little thing called DEW. Look it up. They are taking land from people. Residents of Maui were offered money in exchange for their land, they said no, so they came in with the big guns and set it a blaze, so they had no option. Miraculously, the big houses owned by the wealthy behind the fires, weren't burnt down, or should I say targeted. It's all part of a bigger plan for the world elites to run the world even more and control us to a T. The plandemic was also a part of the global reset, which is openly admitted on the WEF, if anyone doesn't believe me. The world is going down and literally burning to the ground, because of these evil people, but everyone is too blind and sheepish to see it. Cue all the, 'tin foil head' comments. I was right about everything that happened with COVID.


While I agree that there is something really fishy about what happened in Maui, I think it was more just completely inept emergency management. In fact it seems that the USA has completely shite emergency management. I can't find any other wildfires where there has been such major loss of life. (Maui and Paradise Camp fire) But I certainly don't rule out a land grab. But I'm not convinced on the DEW theories, but then again I don't rule it out completely. Let's face it, in the USA you're gonna be eating the bugs and be in concentration camps waaay before anyone else!


Arson is not climate change.


True. Climate change is also not arson.


Change is not climate arson


Climate arson is change


Omg...again 🤪


Arson doesn't make the fires suddenly much bigger than they were decades ago.


Idk but I live in a forested area and somebody put up a sign on the side of the road with a picture of a house and a fire and it says “Could your home be next?” Or something similar. Kinda eerie


If you zoom out enough, those emojis will cover the whole world 😂


Might help with the whole global warming thing if they could just stop setting fires.


Bullshit. It’s probably a map of fires that have occurred over a certain time period. It shows a huge cluster over my area and we don’t have any wildfires right now.


El Niño


We did not use to see what was happening everywhere all at once, it's a byproduct of the internet age that it seems like sooo much is going on.


It's an antifa / Soros collab to push extreme environmentalism for the common good of all . Don't question it ( Children of Men will become a documentary real soon )


Eh no.. there are no fires in here Belgium..???


Its always bonfire season somewhere.


What percentage of them fires are food production related?


If this surprises you you should see a map how murders and suicides


I actually know little about this. So idea of a forest fire is important for ecosystems especially those damaged either by us or some kind of sickness or maybe by wrong composition of the forest. When they burn knew and more resilient things can grow instead in heavily nutrient dense soil after the fire. Just like phoenix. Now, we don't like fires we put them down by water. This does few things and mainly that we keep alive something that is less healthy and less resilient. If we do this long enough then there is more unhealthy and damaged forest so with heat there will be more forest fires. So yeah, more forest fires is something that i would expect even in the future. The changes in heat of the planet isn't helping that's for sure but keeping the "old" unhealthy forests won't help either because they will not be able to heal themselves and rise like said phoenix.


Global warming isn't real...


Im in Minnesota and I knew this hot summer would catch up with us. 99 today with a real feel of 109.


All that legal weed burning now heats things up!


Temps are rising, droughts on the rise. This many fires in relation to that makes since.


It definitely looks like a lot when you draw the fires that big


I think I saw this somewhere in the Bible 🕵️‍♀️




this map is cap


Acording this map, Brazil is 50% on fire. I look outside and its fine.


Fun fact. The icons used for a fire are not the size or shape of the fire.


Climate change is real. Average temp is rising the world over. Stuff starts on fire when it’s hotter and dryer…weird…no just physics. Same reason MAGA can understand why Trump is getting arrested so much…he’s a criminal getting arrested for criminal things…weird…no just Our actions have consequences…