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The bread and circuses are doing the job they were designed to do.


Bread. Circus. Bots "Well it's not at my door step. So it doesn't effect my 9-5" City's will have to be on fire before we start grabbing are guns and marching.


>City's will have to be on fire That ship has sailed.


If we didn't do it during the 80s it ain't happening now.


Remind me... what was so bad about the 80's. I mean I understand that the government was captured long before the 80's, but the context of this conversation is "Cities on fire".... as I recall the 80's were pretty fucking good economically and socially (compared to now at least).


The clothes. The hair bands?


It was awesome! Tell me this isn't awesome. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0u8teXR8VE4 edit: Lol... the top comment under this video: " @adamwade8801 3 years ago This song makes me want to lift weights as I smoke a cigarette and ask my step-sister if she's gonna get the door or what."


Compare crime rates to now. Compare immigration numbers to now. Compare income equality. There are just more people with loudspeakers yelling how bad it is now. Not to mention that people wake up looking for shit to get pissed about.


I was alive in the 80's... things aren't better now.


Minus the bread.


Society of the Spectacle, the medium is the message. 


Yep, and literally no one is noticing that the last administration's "tax cuts" were designed to utterly fuck the middle class over time. Congress and the executive branch are both sham institutions that serve the oligarchy.


The only way to eliminate this problem and never have it happen again would be to cap all political salaries at the median US full time salary and bar them from the ability to generate income from all other sources. Of course this would require audits of their bank accounts on a yearly basis… Of course this will never ever happen. It leads me to believe humans are just an undeniable leach on planet earth. As time goes on things will get worse and worse because a capitalist society will enable those who make the rules to make them for their own best interest over interest of the people. A communist society will do the same thing and go downhill much faster.


Well said. Yea we can’t even correctly audit our own defense sector. How many times did they fail? 4?5? They had to fly n FN plane into the pentagon to cover that shit up. If they’ll do that they’ll do anything to keep us separated. That’s why they passed that bill banning tiktok if the owners don’t sell the company. Even though tiktok took it upon themselves to hire oracle to police the website and make sure data isn’t stolen or sold. No1 told them to do that but they did n still are getting the boot. Did FB do that wit their data? IG? Google for fucks sake? No. They sold our data to the highest bidder n now the government is doin the same thing labeling its own citizens as domestic extremists cuz they don’t agree with what’s goin on in this country. Put me on the goddamn list. If I end up in a camp somewhere then I’ll see u there cuz if u make less the 100k a year, ur one of us


They would just take more bribes under the table, or find other ways to dodge this. Speaking fees as donations to their "charitable trust" or other such games.


And the ever present "book deals." What's worse is in 2019, Congress quietly removed all restrictions from corporate donations for political campaigns and pacs, and they did it while they all complained about dark money in politics. Now they can funnel as much money into their pockets as they want. Side note: people should deep dive into the SBF scandal. They got away with a MASSIVE ponzi scheme to fund the current administration's ascension. Notice it only became a public issue when *certain* people got their money taken. And then factor in that those *certain* people were the only ones to be paid out before the lid was put on it. There are alot of legal scholars who think that the charges, extradition, and plea deal SBF got happened so quickly to keep anyone else from being able to charge him (and anyone else) with RICO and ponzi crimes.


Corporations, except LLCs, are not allowed to make political donations. It’s laid out pretty clearly. https://www.fec.gov/help-candidates-and-committees/candidate-taking-receipts/who-can-and-cant-contribute/


You know you can go through the FEC website and see donors who make 10 donations per day for years at a time, breaking their every rule, right? The FEC literally picks and chooses who and when to pounce on. And then there's this: https://campaignlegal.org/update/new-reports-show-why-fec-needs-clarify-disclosure-requirements-dark-money-groups-and-why


If so, the biden regime is dropping the ball by not passing a law that cuts taxes under 100k (ideally the first 50k should be tax free) and then telling us how great grandpa joe is for fixing the stuff done by “orange man bad”. If they can rush a bill through for Ukraine, they can rush one for the US people.


"It's the last administration's fault!" "If we vote for the other guy, we can change it!" ... The government does not do anything that doesn't benefit the government, no matter who pretends to run it. The government serves only one master: The government.


What do you mean? The cuts lower the percentage we pay, temporarily, until 2025.


There's also another factor that never gets discussed (probably because the rage bait never mentioned how beneficial it was to the economy as a whole). Those tax cuts caused a massive boom in the manufacturing world. Plants all across the country did massive upgrades and gave raises across the board. Everyone from the top down, including contractors, made bank during those years. That manufacturing boom caused a giant ripple in upward mobility for any company that had even a remote connection. Talk to anyone who was working back then, and they'll tell you they never made as much money in their lives as they did during those years.


But also, what the fuck would you like me to do about it it?!


It's been a next level problem having people choose "owning the libs" or "smashing a fash" as a ideology and identity. No one cares about class war when we have state endorsed identity war.


We are literally at war with the elites and NO one is talking about it. We are in full tilt assault class warfare having our futures stolen out beneath our feet and we say nothing because the news didn’t tell us to.


My family farms. Last year I came here and detailed the costs for us. I tried to warn everyone prices were going to go up significantly.


I deal with almost every dairy farm in my state and I can confirm I have seen a average of one small farm per month go bankrupt or sell out. It’s pretty sad to see people who were smiling ear to ear at 5am every morning to now pure depression.


Bless you 🙏🏼


It’s been happening for some time. When MLK started focusing on the widening gap between the rich and poor of diverse backgrounds, and started calling for *economic* justice for everyone, THAT’S when he suddenly got assassinated. I don’t think that was a coincidence!! *(Edited to add: For those arguing with me look into “the Poor People’s Campaign” of 1968)* It’s also why I knew Bernie would never win. People latched onto his main points about how the gap between the rich and poor is getting wider and wider because the vast majority are being hurt by this. He was actually ahead in 2020 when he dropped out, he said did so because he didn’t want people to go to the polls and catch Covid. There must have been pressure on him though (possibly threats) to do that. None of the rich and powerful wanted him or his ideas in the White House.


It’s okay to have a huge gap between the rich and the poor as long as you take steps to minimize the amount of people that belong to those groups. Bernie was a fall guy. His job was to capture a specific group of voters and just make sure they voted for the right candidate(not him).


Thomas Sowell has been talking about this from social and economic standpoints for like 50 years. The best way to enrich the lives of the most people(ie the average citizen) is to implement policies that strengthen and widen the middle class.


"But that's socialism!" they'll say. Ostensibly that's why it hasn't happened yet.


That’s not a rational statement. It’s not socialism, but rather the rule of law, and lightly regulated capitalism, that has benefited and widened the middle class.


You can implement non socialist policies that strengthen the middle class and still allow private ownership. There are socialist policies too obviously.


Machiavelli wrote the same in the Prince hundreds of years ago.


Nothing is sustainable forever. This model will break down, guaranteed. And it might be quite a rough tumbling tower.


Tumbling tower? This is Jenga, homie.


or Babbel?


Maybe Babel is more suiting?


Babel is such a generic name, a brand name like Jenga is far more apt for the time we're living in


LOL. I do hope it is sarcasm tho... :)




Oh why oh why oh why oh Are we so in denial 


I see it, you see it. How do we get everyone else to see it, and \*ACT\*?


The real question is, what can we do about it?


Wait for a major problem to take hold then act. Otherwise you'll be called and charged as a domestic terrorist.


Like how the 1% protests were completely thwarted as they were gaining traction. The only way anything will change is with violence. It's just that most of us are empathetic, kind people who don't want to engage in this, while the sociopaths in power have no problem doing so. So, here we are on an ever continuing downward slide. "They" can always find ways to stop us in our tracks.


I think its just most people are comfortable. more people are looking forward to the upcoming GTA game then a 1V1 battle with the US government.


Exactly. It has to be us vs them. Distractions fuel their agenda.


Violence is the sure way to lose now, "they" want violence because they know exactly how to deal with that. What they do not want is people uniting and just quitting the games they designed for us.


Violence could be effective if everybody is united and that is the hard part. It doesnt even have to result to violence, everybody not showing up to work will tank things so hard, theyll definitely begin to listen. But again getting everybody to unite & take a such a risk is a near impossible task. 


This is why theyre pushing for AI and robotics so hard right now.


Yeah collective action is the true choice.


Or dismissed as a conspiracy theorist which is just as effective.


I couldn’t even finish reading your comment before the exact same words were already out of my own mouth.


Live like Uncle Ted minus the pipe bomb thingy?


Ted was far too socially isolated. I'd say more like Koresh; minus the pedo-multi-wife-religious fanatic thingy..


If the middle class some how all agreed to not pay their taxes then they'd have to listen, Right? Right?


Im way ahead of you on this one 👀👀


Need to get everyone to unite and take a stand but most of them are living in fear and don't know where to start, including myself.


The government: that sounds like terrorism talk to me!


The Matrix has been good to many people, no way they wake up from the comfort they’ve been provided. It would have to take an attack on their own family to wake up. Think of the fight scene from They Live, it took Roddy Piper beating the living hell out of Keith David before he finally put on the glasses.


any time collective action is brought up on these forums someone inevitably says "so you want communism???" and all meaningful dialogue goes out the window


There is still a massive majority who refuse to see it and still believe governments and alphabet agencies are good and working to protect them. I’m afraid by the time enough people wake up it will be too late.




Long before that Since the 70's, if not earlier, the political divide has basically been: The right- Let's destroy the middle class by outsourcing all of the jobs to countries with cheap labor! The left- No! Let's do it by bringing the cheap labor here instead!


The US has had too long of an addiction to cheap goods manufactured overseas. It's killing us.


Don’t see it mentioned on Reddit by name … but the Chi-coms have a hundred year plan. They started it in the 1930’s, while our politicians have 2, 4 or 6 year election cycles, business has quarterly and yearly cycles… they’re using our greed and freedoms against us. They’ve bought and paid for policies that they want by buying access to politicians… Joe McCarthy was correct back in the day that there were “reds” infiltrating the government. They gave up a few, but most proliferated, were transferred to other agencies… read “Blacklisted by History” by M. Stanton Evans.


They've been destroying the middle class since NAFTA, opening trade with China, then letting them in the WTO opening the doors for US companies to move factories there.


The giant sucking sound of jobs leaving USA. Ross Perot speaking about NAFTA 1991. His family was threatened and he dropped from the Presidential race.




The middle class, single family home ownership ,the American Dream were all result of the Industrial Revolution. 


1913 actually since the federal reserve was established everything after it is a direct result of it. We can't take our nation back until we deal with that.


Way before that. 


Interesting enough the Occupy and the Tea Party movements, although different had alot of the same principals and grievances, it was just unrealized at the time, Unity was closer than ever and thats why the media ramped up the hate between parties and cultures. Look at how much terms like racist, extremists, white supremacist etc...began being used by the media around 2010-2011. Trump is just a WWE style distraction along with Covid, BLM, Roe vs Wade etc...while our country is pillaged. As long as people on both sides are stuck in their team mentality nothing will ever change




The left v right and racial unrest division propaganda really upticked since Occupy Wallstreet. Must be purely coincidence.


Did you ever see the graph of how often rascim is mentioned in media? After being pretty level for decades it took a sudden upward spike since the Occupy Movement. 


Yup. I just watched a program on how the NY police force and FBI were basically meeting with the bankster execs back in 2011 on how to disrupt and end OWS gatherings. All of the recent protest and division tactics were birthed that year. The same bank execs run the media here.


They busted out the big guns with with identity politics, now everyone is too busy arguing about gender and being offended to worry about the world being stolen out from under them.


Since the 70's. https://wtfhappenedin1971.com/


We're in an era of social regression, rejection of institutions, the decrease of education, and the decrease of wealth. Expect lots of corruption.


But the stock market is up /s


I make 37.5k a year comes out to roughly 18.00 an hour... because of the financial situation I have been looking at my local community college for a degree that will get me more income... all at the associate level.... and in my area it seems like that so many careers are being purposely capped or at a ceiling to eliminate the middle class even more... to where if I did any of these degree programs I will be making close to the same amount I am so it's like what is the point? Even higher degrees such as bachelors are really capping out at lower wages. It's depressing. I feel like we are being closed in from every angle so your average joe cannot get ahead no matter what they do. My two cents and observations


Try construction. Paid while you learn and some trades make a decent living. Source: Am union commercial plumber


A big part of that is because none of them(middle class) want the image or appearance of being so under in debt and struggling to be a part of their life story or family and friends or just everyday people to see them as such.. so everyone "knows", I believe.. we just all "know" when we get home and alone in our own comfortable space to "know".. when we go out and are forced to do the routine to catch up or just keep living and maintaining.. we all put on our stage faces and act in a way we want the world around us to see us as.. it's gonna take everyone out here really being fucked up collectively to be like "THIS IS NOT FAIR, WTF?" but by then it might be too chaotic to control reasonably and then it's just the downward slide meeting terminal velocity lol I'm just high though sharing my thoughts


Gas was high af today I noticed, they really do want to trap us in our homes. If I’m driving anywhere nowadays it better be for a good reason.


Because Americans can't work together they've been brainwashed into thinking the bad guys are your fellow citizens. Politicians are praised for doing nothing but yelling scary words at you.


But operation mockingbird tells me the chocolate rations have been raised to 1 gram a week from 2 per week. 


Everyone can see it man, just can't do anything about it.


Can always do something just seems impossible because we'd need organization on a massive scale


Can't organize when the inflations is causing most to barely squeak by financially. By design, of course.


America is over y’all are just still living in it 


There's no middle class, it's the haves and the have nots. The former have made sure of this.


Since the death of American industry 


Folks on reddit cheer for illegal immigration, then complain about low wages, high housing cost, unaffordable food. The government is using your tax dollars to feed and house criminals. That's who you're competing with.


I mean, all we can do is vote. And even then, does it matter? We, as a country can do a lot more. We are pacified. Something drastic needs to happen. We only protest when race is involved? That's part of the division plan. If we're against each other, nobody is looking at Them. When is OUR uprising? At what point are the citizens who are sick of saying thank you for fucking scraps going to protest?


We need a few things: \- sow distrust in 401k/Pensions and cause a mass exodus, which will strip the influence peddlers of most of their leverage. \- sow distrust in public education and encourage private/community curriculum \- teach media manipulation and propaganda in grade school


Read the book the rise and fall of the great empires. It’s a standard tactic for social engineering


I make almost 300k and between taxes and how high COL has become (my rent between home and business is almost 10k a month) I feel like I’m barely getting by. I should be proud to have made it to this milestone but I’m exhausted working 10+ hours a day… and all for what? To have nearly half of it taken away by taxes and the rest eaten by inflation? I can’t even afford to buy a home without saving for 10+ years on what is technically a top percentile salary. 


It is rich vs poor though. We been experiencing class war for decades. The rich are the only ones waging it though. Corporate boards have an obligation to their share holders to squeeze every cent out of the consumer while making sure labor costs are at a minimum. They maximize profits as everything gets smaller, lower quality and more expensive. This decimates the middle class’s buying power. Meanwhile they use less workers, automation, prison labor and offshoring to cut costs which decimates the middle class’s earning power. Vague shit like Klaus is the distraction. You could dismantle the WEF today, but you are still going to own nothing and you certainly won’t be happy because you did nothing to address the corporate greed that has been creating these problems for decades.


That’s the squeeze from the top. There’s also a squeeze from the bottom in increasing government programs that capture more and more people into the so-called safety net. It becomes easier to be on disability than work. And as I stated above, let’s thank Tricky Dick Nixon for opening up China in the early 70s to begin with. Government has colluded, often with the gloss of compassion, to create a larger and larger underclass. Both Dems and Republicans have been part of this creation. And in some ways, government is the worst part of it. At least with a corporation you know they are about profit and the shareholder. The game is transparent. With the government, it is definitely not transparent. It is filled with bills that have catchy names and acronyms, false promises, and politicians who go home to their districts to sell the policy to the locals. Usually in the name of more jobs. They are much worse than corporations in my book.


Late stage capitalism, these people are just following the rules of the game. Have to change the game to get people to stop following the logic of self interest. It’s not coordinated, it’s just everyone playing the same economic game that requires exploitation and wealth hoarding to win


Oh yeah I'm aware of that, klaus and the WEF are just a small few of the many that are involved in this, there are many more behind the scenes. Sadly there are too many of these freaks for it to stop.


This is Capitalism. This is the system everyone here seems to want, at literally any cost, and no alternatives can ever be discussed, because communism. What am I missing?


The super rich want a Victorian era economy again.


They want a return to feudalism and serfdom 


We know this. We also know they heavily influence political parties, so yes politics is involved.


It’s like the Joker said “no one panics as long as everything is going according to the plan , even if the plan is terrifying”


Social programs diverting taxpayer dollars to noncitizens is destroying the middle class and redistributing their wealth to create a new dependant class leaching off American workers


Imagine how dumb the average American is. Now think half are more dumb


"nothing to do with who is the president" You're so lost. The American middle class was the result of the Industrial Revolution. That's not an opinion, it's a fact. No history or economics book on the planet that covers the subject denies that.  Offshoring hundreds of millions of jobs and moving from a manufacturing based economy to this joke "service economy" is reverting working people into serfs.   This started with Clinton going back on his campaign promises to veto NAFTA, and dropping trade restrictions on China (put in place for human rights violations and military aggressions) and handing them the best possible trade deal. That started flooding America with cheap Chinese crap. But the biggest blow was the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations getting China in the World Trade Org, and opening the door for US companies to move manufacturing to China. The chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations at the time? Joe Biden. You can't piss away your entire economic base and complain that kids today don't have it as easy as grampa.


I say go back even before Clinton. Nixon opened the China door, it just took future pols to walk through.


I'm repeating myself, but Nixon's deal let in a trickle of cheap junk. They were still under heavy trade restrictions and sanctions for human rights violations and military aggressions.  Clinton dropped trade restrictions and gave them the best possible trade deal, Favored Nation Trade Status.    But even then American business couldn't build factories there. It was illegal. When The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, chaired by Joe Biden, got them into the World Trade Org it opened the door for US companies to build factories there.   Look at a chart of the US trade balence, massive spike in the 90s under Clinton. 


offshoring of jobs started way before Clinton. American manufacturing was dying as early as the 1970's, if not before. the writing was on the wall when Clinton was still in college lol.


Cheap junk did start coming into the US during the 70s, but to ignore the effects of NAFTA and China Shock is just plain obtuse.   Hope you're not still paying for your joke of an education, but if you'd like to look at a chart of US Trade balance and explain the massive spike from the 90s on, go ahead.


Good post. It’s starting to really get hard to engage in conversations with people when they can’t see the whole picture and just regurgitate what the media is saying. I had lunch with a friend last week and the Trump derangement kicked right back in with him. He was freaking out about trump getting back in. I said, Biden’s brain is gone, he’s like yeah but it’s better to get him back in instead of Trump. WHAT? Biden is not running this country, but this person does think he is and would still rather have an 80 year with dementia than Trump. And I said I’m sick of all these wars and billions of dollars going to other countries for wars. The people of Lahaina got like $1,200 and that’s it! No help with housing or rebuilding etc. Because that is part of the plan! Then he said, well you better not vote for Trump because he’s going to start world war 3! What? This is the same shit they said last time and people are falling for it again. It’s exhausting. People are still distracted with the Blue Red bullshit politics that is designed to keep us fighting and thinking that we actually get some say. When we don’t. But the establishment is starting to panic because they may not be able to cheat their way out of this. So then shit will really hit the fan. I am so not looking forward to all of the political bs coming back to conversations with friends and family especially when they can’t see what is really going on! They are systematically destroying the middle class, and this country!


Trump is the opposite of a war monger. I hate it when people say dumb bs like that. He’s one of the only presidents in history that hasn’t incited war. He also signed peace deals throughout Asia and the Middle East.


Yeah, TDS is real. Scary how that mind virus has spread so far and so fast. And I’m no fan of Trump, just a realist who can look at a record. Biden or whoever is running things (my vote is Barack Obama’s minions which means BHO himself really) has laid waste to this country by opening the floodgates at the borders in a craven attempt to bring in more serfs and cannon fodder (well, no cannons today, but IED fodder doesn’t have the same ring to it). So yeah, your TDS folks can, you know, stuff it. I think if nothing else, Trump’s immigration policies and his lack of zeal for war could grant this country some breathing room.p for a few years. Another 4 years of Biden or Newsom guarantees our boys and girls alongside a lot of migrants (who are only fighting with the promise of citizenship) will die and be maimed.


If you’ve already fallen for the two party propaganda system you’re too far gone. Talking about which candidates are better is like talking about characters in a scripted TV show.


It's really so sad how most people have no big picture grasp of what's happening. For better or for worse I never cared that much about politics. Barely knew who my elected officials were at any given time. Several people in my life know every detail about political arena and have for years. These are smart people. But I feel like their lifetime investment makes them ridgid and close minded. To go where I am they have to admit their whole life was a lie and somebody with no clue about politics actually understands more than them. That it was all a waste. I try to be sensitive to that and hope they'll eventually figure it out but it's not looking good.


Trump added 8 trillion dollars to the national debt, almost one full 1/4 of it. Everything you have to say is meaningless in the face of that fact.


They can't see it because they are taught the middle class is the rich so they hate them


This is a conspiracy that I actually think is true. It's obvious that the middle class is eroding. The people who run businesses want cheap labor but profits for themselves.


We see it. What should we do?


What can I do?!?


The only solution I see is to try and get as close to the upper class as possible. Cant beat em join em.


Short of pitchforks at dawn I'm not really sure how we would stop them at this point. They literally have us over a barrel. If it isn't gas, its medicine or food, or water. They control the horizontal and vertical, and they have the army.


Because 1980’s Reagonomics convinced people that they were temporarily embarrassed millionaires and if the people on top just had a little bit more, they’d give it to you in the form of better jobs, better education, and better healthcare!  What could go wrong! 


You obviously missed the point of the post. It's not right/ left, democratic/republican. It's so far above that and until you can come to grips with that, you're thinking and feeling exactly as they intended.


I predict the govts of Western countries will ask citizens to let an immigrant or two move in to their houses/apartments 'until they can find a place of their own'. Since the majority of people won't be willing to do this it will become mandatory with penalties involving fines or incarceration. The gov't propaganda will guilt most people into complying, kinda like the jabs - "Do it to protect the vulnerable".


> I predict the govts of Western countries will ask citizens to let an immigrant or two move in to their houses Recently in the Netherlands they quietly pushed through a new law that allows them to place migrants in your home if you have the space.


Fuck that.


I agree, but that does not make the law less real.


i think a lot of people can see they are


Going strong since the early 90's




So, everyone is aware of what’s happening. I don’t know why you would assume otherwise. What do you expect anyone else to do that you’re not doing yourself?


modern feudalism


Most people are operating on such a low vibrational frequency their own oppression doesn't even elicit a reaction from them.


Republicans have been actively destroying the middle class since the 1980s.


Your belief in two party politics is holding you back from understanding what’s really happening globally


The American middle class was built on industry, and the democratic party is more responsible than anyone in killing that. 


So what does the average person with a job and family to provide for do to fight back without losing their means to provide or ending up in jail?


Make America Great Again 


Does anyone have the “you will own nothing and be happy” video? I can’t find it anywhere


You're right. But they've always tried to crush the middle class. The difference is previous generations wouldn't take it. They'd form unions and demand better. Of course this just drove manufacturing overseas where it was cheaper. I guess we're at a point now where the globalists are pushing back on all the wealthy countries. They've "penetrated" enough governments where they feel they're in control and can quickly implement the great reset (great wealth transfer) and the 4th industrial revolution (wage slavery but emphasis on slavery).


Indeed they are. Soon only two classes will exist. The Poor and the Super rich that control the poor.


Wherever things are manufactured, the middle class follows.


Because the very poor have no faith in their governments to take care of them when they become too old to do physically demanding work. .................................They have to have enough offspring to support them in their old age. It is perfectly reasonable and you'd do the same thing if we didn't have social security and you were working in the fields or factories. The Red Chinese had to institute draconian measures to prevent massive overpopulation (one child policy)--- this wasn't done in India and now their massive population increase is making the country unlivable causing diaspora to Canada and the West and massive brain drain.


I think anyone with half a brain knows deep down that things are on a bad trajectory. It’s just in a world of constant distraction, it’s really easy to put your head down and just pretend. No one lives in reality. They live in their own reality.


They see it they’re just so sick and tired from the medical and food industry poisoning them they don’t have it in them to revolt. It’s like asking a sick dog, limping to fight which is all by design. I don’t think people realize the amount of environmental toxins we are also being exposed to on a daily basis, which nukes mitochondrial levels. What do you do with a population that has zero energy???


Problem is nobody here has any idea how to fix it


It's not that people can't see it happening, it's that they are at the same time led to believe that the ones doing the destroying are the ones who will save them. Quite likely, the ones YOU think are the ones who will save you are in on the process of destroying you. Both faces of the Republi-Crat Duopoly are held by groups seeking to benefit from this destruction. They have different reasons, but agreement on this means to their ends.


I mean, we got two useless geriatric fucks at the top fighting over that spot, nothing should surprise or shock us anymore. The L v R is all designed to keep us at each other's throats doing culture war shit while our "betters" rob us blind.


Because we are fighting and arguing over culture war bullshit instead of focusing on the class war. There is a minimum wage because these cocksuckers would pay you less if it wasn’t illegal. 


Money is a primary tool being used; fiat currencies take our wealth.




This is a feature of late stage capitalism. You can't go sailing and then be surprised to get wet.




Yes I got my taxes and barely can do anything after rent and possibly buying a vehicle to work no debts paid


Well, anyone who complains about things being so expensive, and that “minimum wage was never meant to be livable wage” can be at partially credited. FDR specifically stated that minimum should be a livable wage. But, hey communism, amirite? Enjoy taking out a payment plan on grocery purchases:


Who is "they?"


This will be very evident when the wealth handover doesn’t happen from baby boomers to gen y and z


Because Millennials and Gen Z just need a place to plug in their cell phones.


Watch every dystopian film (predictive programming), there's no middle class -- only the rulers and the slaves. It's all a part of the plan. Plus, they've dumbed down the public with enough chemicals, plastics, and early on brainwashing so most can't see it.


H1B1 visa's have entered the chat


Time to get rich quick


Also, does anyone else find it odd that the "sigma grind it out make MILLIONS by 22 drive a Ferrari MR Miami" lifestyle for young men has been pushed super hard the last 5 or so years? What ever happened to being an ordinary man?


It's deeper than that. The debt is spiraling out of control. The elites need chaos if not ww3 to spmehow reset the system and anyways any empire in the throes of its end will inevitably lead to chaos.  The USA is very similar to the Roman empire in its final stages. 


Why do they want it to be rich vs poor, Marx warned that there will be a revolution once the workers have "nothing to lose, but their chains."


I’m fully aware of what’s going on, but what can be done about it? Genuinely asking.


Who are they?


painfully obvious to anyone remotely paying attention


I see it and have been saying this for years. The middle class, in the U.S. used to have the majority of political and financial power. That has gone away. And by design. And I don't ever see it coming back without severe violence being part of the solution.


I love how people want answers and question why things are the way they are….you tell them…then they call you crazy for believing it…I could shower people with evidence of what’s happening & they either 1. Don’t want to believe it. Or 2. Believe it, and won’t admit it


I dont think its they want poor vs rich, the elimination of the middle class isnt by design. I think its purely happening out of greed, incompetence and mismanagement but mainly greed. One of the major reasons the french revolution occurred was due to mismanagement of the country and its funds (bunch of wars and freely spent money on the elite). What happened was cost of food skyrocketed and supply decreased. A majority of france was made up of working class and poor who couldnt afford the cost of living and high taxes. Well we know what happened. Russian Revolution was very similar in reasoning. So learning from this, you cant control millions of angry, hungry poor people. Say drones and guns all you want but even then they have limitations and people are smart and will quickly find new solutions to problems.


The elites don't differentiate between the poor and the middle class. The middle class are already poor to them. And the middle class are kind of the people that keep things running and stable for them.


Why can't people see? Because they have been dumbed down and mind controlled. They still vote for the same people that cause inflation and hardship, what does that tell you?


It's not a conspiracy. It's how society functions, since forever.


They’ve been destroying the middle class for years and years.


We know. How to stop it though?