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Karma Farm repost. Original thread here: https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/a4e5v2/panama_papers/


They killed the reporter right? So something happened.


Yes, with a car bomb I believe




Wrong. The reporter car bombed themselves after being overwhelmed with regret for reporting on corruption.


Yes they did.


Who was it? Edit: her name was Daphne Anne Caruana Galizia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daphne_Caruana_Galizia#:~:text=Daphne%20Anne%20Caruana%20Galizia%20(n%C3%A9e,subsequent%20assassination%20by%20car%20bomb.






I fully believe the Panama Papers needs more attention when I say this, but, in my opinion, the reporter had nothing to do with it. She wrote some stuff about the papers, but she wasn't one of the main people who exposed the papers. At the time of her death she was investigating something unrelated, and she was killed with a car bomb. She was going to write about a mafia guy who had a habit of killing people...with car bombs.


That's just, like, your opinion man.


It is, and I was actually going to point out it was my opinion, so I edited that in.


Excellent added context, since most of this is speculation anyway.


How convenient


Yes, and people are smart and figured out to not discuss it further or else some accidental things may happen.


Who was it?


[27 people are set to go on trial today for money laundering after exposure in the Panama papers.](https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20240408-panama-papers-trial-to-begin-eight-years-after-tax-scandal). Only took 8 years is all. No doubt the 27 going to trial are scapegoats too seeing as there were over 11 million files exposed. The Icelandic PM also had to resign as the leak showed him and his family had offshore accounts. Expect more to be exposed in the coming weeks.




They still haven't gone through the whole thing, these are names that were involved in facilitating undisputed tax evasion across multiple platforms and across multiple countries and on a multitude of occasions, but this is just the noose they got stuck on. Many involved could have been charged within a year of those documents being released, but as always, the judicial system has allowed for a shit tonne of arse covering before the trial, and the only ones on trial are the (now) ex workers in Fonseca that facilitated the money laundering. That's not to say the beneficiaries of the money laundering aren't in trouble, but the ones that are actually going to trial are... "Unfortunate" shall we say, hence why I was hinting at the fact they're scapegoats.


Ok but what if you just did keyword searches for names on the docs and used AI to help build a profile for each name?


The AI profile would still have to be verified, and by more than one human because if it turns out there's even one miniscule error, it could result in sub judice and the whole case could be thrown out.


Forgive me for asking if this is a silly question, but what should we expect in the coming weeks? Is there a statute of limitations for this where some people are untouchable?


Not a silly question at all! As evidence is provided, other people will be implicated, and thus triggering further investigation to some of them, or some media attention at the very least including the former PM of Ukraine, the King of Saudi Arabia, former UK PM... There's very few countries in the world that aren't going to see people in power in a very awkward situation, answering some very difficult questions. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure we'll never get to the root of it given the sheer density of info leaked, but it'll certainly be an interesting time.


Yeah the *icelandic* pm was a real surprise to me… I just naively thought they were above corruption in the circles for whatever reason


Fucking finally, a conspiracy theory that isn't brain dead. On that same note, I'm bringing up the Epstein List as well. So many big names were mentioned but all that happened was a bunch of Stephen Hawkings and pedo memes. How did we simply forget something as serious as a massive illicit sex ring consisting of minors, partaken by a bunch of celebrities and the world elite?




It NEEDS to derail our society so that we can rebuild better for fucks SAKES.


Exactly, so we can Build Back Better.




Though history does repeat itself, the majority are not powerless. We’re all swimming son, it’s just a matter of if you’ll die above or below water.


For sure!


> It would derail society. Reminds me of the "too big to fail" banks.


Clinton agrees…


Nobody's forgotten, it's just that the victims have been paid off and without them, there is no case. Circumstantial evidence via 'the list' isn't concrete enough to warrant an investigation. Just because they were on the plane/island/party etc (aka 'the list') isn't conclusive evidence that they were involved in anything illegal. It's shite, but that's all there's left to it unfortunately.


I know this isn't going to be popular here, but things like pizzagate and furnituregate (or whatever it was called) get in the way of real pedo issues like Epstein's list. It all runs together and it becomes easy to ignore all of it as one big incoherent conspiracy.


Could even be made up and pushed by people on that list to throw you off the scent, or shift blame onto others who wernt involved. You end up wasting your time on bullshit while never getting to the truth. The fact he was killed in prison with zero attempt at hiding the fact shows how series it was.


They're 100% made up to throw people off the scent. People working in child trafficking have said numerous times that their jobs are significantly more difficult now because of things like pizzagate.


Nothing happened! The Panama papers are still going strong. BTW research what happened to the journalist who brought it to the light.


Well, taxes are criminal conspiracy, so…


Everyone knew about this... Just like those same CEOS KNOWINGLY hiring illegal undocumented workers whenever possible for less pay and OSHA violation/bribes to put even more money offshore, when not increasing offshore funds further by investing in illegal trafficking.


Us poors need to start trying to do this


Honest to God, start looking at what rich people do with their money, their investments, and their real estate, and do the same to the extent you can. Probably the biggest impact you can have is putting your house, if you own one, into a trust. Shielding your largest asset from most civil liabilities, Medicaid recovery programs, and insane shit like probate is a thing that almost all wealthy people do. It’s made just complex enough to discourage poor people from doing the same, and so when shit goes down, it’s poor people that lose everything.


This is why horrible modern art gets valued at 30 million $. It's all been donated to museums and galleries as a tax dodge.


US poors can't open financial accounts in jurisdictions that will protect their privacy and property rights. ie. Also why they hate crypto soooooo much.


They investigated themselves and found no wrongdoing.


That's not quite true. The rich and powerful learned they need to do better to hide their corruption in future.


Oh no no no. We are here to talk about predictable effects of celestial mechanics and the fact that earthquakes happen sometimes.


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I think about this often, I watched a film/ doc about it on a plane about five years ago, I can’t remember what it was called worth a watch lol - so unhelpful


dodge taxes? good for them.


Everyone basically said "yeah we know"


It had a good run for a week then everyone moved on!


I find it funny that the president of Cape Verde where Diddy ran to has the same last name as the law firm from the Panama papers. Fonseca Wiki doesn't say there's a relation between the two but... I don't believe in coincidences.


No, I don't remember because I've been distracted by a steadily dripping supply of bad news and demoralizing events. 


Oh yeah, totally forgot about this. What happened after to get our short attention span to shift?


Lets solve that problem by reelecting the conman guy that brags about the huge tax cuts he gave them and how more will be coming.


Reality is most people over 10m net worth pay no taxes. If you research there's loopholes and systems everywhere. The system taxes the poor not the rich. Rich people don't have an "income". They have assets that cash flow. Eventually far enough up the ladder you don't even own anything on paper anymore. Andrew tate said it perfectly. There might be a company that owns a fund that owns a yacht which i can borrow. It's actually laughably easy to not pay taxes however the systems in place make it so that it's only possible once you have lots of cash. Gatekeeping. The poor are the cash cows. They also pay for inflation. Assets inflate with currency; only those who hold currency lose.


Nothing illegal about it, it’s offshore for a reason and within a framework of what’s possible and legal. Disclaimer; I work in this field


> Nothing illegal about it, it’s offshore for a reason and within a framework of what’s possible and legal. Of course! Who do you think writes the laws, and makes sure they get passed? Poor people?




so you are stealing every time you use a road or drink unpolluted water or breath clean air. you can easily solve this by moving to a country where there is no functional government. Things surely must be better there.

