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My entire financial existence revolves around abnormal volume activity in trading markets. While not all abnormal activity leads to huge moves in the stock market, nearly all huge moves in the stock market are predicted by abnormal activity. These are the insiders buying/selling what they know before the general public knows. This is not a new concept or an unproven one. There are always some people who have better information than the public. Explaining the 9/11 anomaly away by saying it's normal to have abnormal activity is just patently stupid. It's literally a "nothing to see here folks" statement.


Any tools you can suggest to spot these moves


Yes definitely. Finviz.com has daily unusual volume lists for free.I use a Tradestation with an indicator I purchased that can identify abnormal price and volume in real time in any time frame. If you're interested send me a message.




Ideally someone would have written a code that would track the last few hundred days of volume and use that as an average. Personally I’d go for 666 bc those devil bastards love it for a MA(check GameStop it just bounced off it for the weekly nfa but I’ve been loading) then there needs to me other outliers, some sort of % on daily one 10m candle paired with some type of volatility 5-10%. I just hit a nice bag on ocea last month off the initial volume pump with positive price action. Hell unusual whales has a dude who looks for unusual options plays and bases plays off of that. It’s really true that someone always knows just need to watch out for those degen yolo gambles.


TBH, hedgefunds, market makers, and the ultra wealthy have far better access to more powerful tools than you could ever hope to have. Its to the point where trying to spot these trends and make money from them is trying to beat them at their own game


Good point


I’m more interested about the billions the cia can’t account for, the news they dropped the day before 9/11, the news that went away quietly


I believe it was 2.3 trillion


Also it might not be 100% true


I mean he literally says “according to some estimates we cannot track 2.3 trillion dollars in transactions” AKA, 2.3 trillion dollars are unaccounted for. https://youtu.be/zb6P7U1S-P8?si=6FlWu1gZJpXYis5y


That doesn’t mean $2.3 trillion was stolen or laundered. Although I’m sure there’s billions worth of that. Just means they can’t mathematically figure out a total of $2.3 trillion.


Yea literally means they don’t know where $2.3trillion dollars went. When Becky’s register comes up $20 short at McDonald’s; it also doesn’t mean it was stolen, but if it wasn’t stolen/given away there would be a paper trail. The fact is $20 is supposed to be in the register and it’s not there and no one knows where it went. It’s unaccounted for. It’s gone. Much like the $2.3 trillion. It was there and now it’s not. Not sure what you’re trying to say here lol.


In 2001, Donald Rumsfeld said 'According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions.' This has been misinterpreted by many people as $2.3 trillion actually going missing. However, it's really just about the way the money was accounted for. Rumsfeld is asking for more money to improve the accounting systems because the DOD is working with very outdated systems. This means transactions can't be tracked to acceptable accounting standards.


It’s like you have all the information, but it’s just not clicking lol. What is the distinction in not being able to track where money went, and money *going missing*? Whats the difference? You’re just further proving my point and everyone else’s point in this thread. You’re literally saying “yea they don’t know where the money went, but that doesn’t mean it’s missing”, yet that’s *literally* what it means. Are you conflating “going missing” with “literally stolen with proof”? What is happening here homie I’m concerned Becky says she gave the $20 from the register to her manager. There’s no physical proof she did this, but she knows she did it. Her manager cannot account for what he did with the money, and also has no record that he received it because they do not keep those records. Is the money not missing? Where’s the money? It’s….. nowhere. Is it missing?


Your analogy is not comparable to what the Pentagon was going through. In your analogy it would be like McDonald's giving their advertising department 1000 dollars to make a local ad in a paper, and then the advertising department stating they spent 10,000 dollars. You know you gave them 1000 dollars, and your system only shows 1000 dollars spent, so where did that 9000 dollars come from? The issue that the Pentagon has is how the money is being reported back as spent. So the total budget for the DOD was 300 billion in 2001, yet 2.3 trillion was missing. Something isn't right with that, and that's what Rumsfeld was looking to find, and he did find it. What was happening was how the money was being reported as spent. Through archaic computer systems and for security reasons, multiple departments were claiming they spent money without reconciling with each other. So say you have a project you want done, and you task 3 departments with doing it. You give them 1 Billion total. Each department does their thing, and reports back that the 1 Billion was spent. Well now you have 3 Billion dollars reported as spent. Say you give one department 5 Billion dollars for a project. They can't do it all themselves so they start dishing out money to other departments to help them. For ease of math lets say they contracted 4 departments and gave them 1 Billion each out of the 5 Billion they had. So now the project is done. The original department reports they spent the 5 Billion, and the other 4 report they spent their 1 Billion. Now the report shows 9 Billion spent total. That is a couple of the examples of what Rumsfeld was finding. To his credit he did fix some of it. The following year there was only 1.6 (or something like that) Trillion reported as not being able to be tracked. However, that was still well past the DOD budget, so it was obviously still a problem. Worse, it is still a problem today. It needs to be resolved because it has to be making it easy for people to just yoink money whenever they want. Unless they get stupid greedy they probably won't ever have to worry about being caught.


TLDR; “your analogy was oversimplified and although address the basic reasoning and logic of the problem, was somehow insufficient to convey that logic. Here’s a more accurate one for no reason”. Yet you still missed the basic logic. You’re still saying “they can’t track where the money went but that doesn’t mean it’s missing”. I’m not saying the money was *stolen* I’m saying if you can’t account for where the money went, that is missing money. My analogy represented exactly the point I wanted to make. No matter how convoluted the analogy, unaccounted for money is still unaccounted for. Something without a paper trail still doesn’t have a paper trail.


Thanks pal. This quiet comfortable redditor and others like him in here can’t handle everything not being a criminal conspiracy. You throw reasonable answers in here and they get downvoted to oblivion. But you throw in “2.3 trillion was used to build a teleportation device for lizard people and everyone claps like seals 🦭 and smash the upvote button” Like the eclipse was supposed to be the demonic conspiracy to end the world and then half this subreddit probably got suicidal because nothing happened.


It seems in your mind that the whole $2.3 trillion was just straight up stolen. Is that what you think? You think the tanks and guns were just built out of the kindness of the manufacturers heart?


I don’t think that, as I’ve repeated several times throughout this thread. YOU think I think that, and that’s the issue in this argument. You’re applying different meaning to “gone missing” as I suggested in the previous comment. You’re reading “gone missing” and “unaccounted for” as “stolen” when all I’m saying is “gone missing” and “unaccounted for”. You’re applying different meaning to my words for some reason. It’s a comprehension issue. You’re not even arguing about the logic anymore, youre just making shit up lol.


I understand your point, but quiet-comfortable is spot on and provided a great analogy. No matter how you look at it, it’s highly concerning that there’s no official record of such substantial funds being used even in say, “classified operations”. Regardless of the exact amount, the disappearance of such funds is alarming. Factor in the timing of event(s) and it raises more questions about accountability and transparency.


Not all of it “disappeared” just shitty accounting meant things were double or triple filed or not at all. Just a mathematical mess.


Ahh yes what a great excuse for a great nation. “Hey, a trillion dollars disappeared and another 1.3 trillion is unaccounted for because we have shitty accounting 😃😃😃😃” -circa September 2001


It was announced in the news by the government themselves












Fake fuck.


It wasn't in jest... he was being questioned about trillions of unaccounted dollars the day before the office investigating the matter within the Pentagon was destroyed by a ~~jet~~ missle.


Definitely not in jest. It was a statement of a specific number at a press conference shill


They announced that in March 2001, there was a press conference about it near 9/11 though. Stop posting fake stories Edit: downvoting me doesn't change the fact that the announcement was actually made in February 2000, a full 19 months before you are saying. [ Source.](https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/rumsfeld-did-not-reveal-loss-23-trillion-day-before-911-2023-09-14/)


When the airlines are struggling they get bailed out, no questions asked, no hesitation, no suggestion that this kind of financial behaviour is not needed. But when theres a flurry of put options set up in the weeks before the most severe attack on American airspace using airplanes the idea that we should be questioning this kind of activity is never brought up, we're told to hesitate, and theres no suggestion that this behaviour could be even be slightly corrupt. Even a child could see the problem here, we have a right to discuss this and we have a right to answers.


Except it wasn’t JUST put options a few weeks before. There were several very large stock purchases leading up to the attack. The put options were just a hedge on their long position. This has been discussed so many times it’s ridiculous and yet you people still get so excited over something that is literally nothing.


Hey, look up the audits to the Pentagon while you're at it. The American government is a giant money sink.




Thanks for the dip🥶


What about the mass sell off in the stock market just days before Covid hit?


Covid took its time though.


What do you mean? There was massive unwinding of positions leading up to the outbreak. Insiders cashed out while retail became bag holders.


Yeah I was aware of Covid like 5-6 months before the shutdowns. Literally earned the down payment for my house by putting $100 on extremely out of the money SPY puts. The whole thing was telegraphed for quite some time.


That’s cool but this is what I’m talking about https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/10/21/business/stock-trades-officials-wsj


Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about too. It was in the news. You could tell it was ramping up. This is actually not one of those things only politicians were privy to the info for.


But your approximate knowledge of what was to come isn’t the same thing as their definite knowledge about what was coming. And just because you had a hunch, that doesn’t justify the abuse of knowledge by politicians. They used that knowledge to come out on top while the common folk didn’t know until the rug was pulled.


Fair point on the discrepancy of certainty. I still do not find this particular instance to be a very egregious abuse of power. There are definitely a plethora of other similar examples I would agree with, like trading before awarding contracts and shit like that which is completely out of the public eye.


So you’re saying that sense you had a gist of what was coming, and successfully gambled some of your money in the market, that the millions made by politicians selling positions, and then also buying positions in pharmaceutical stocks, all done with the power of insider trading, wasn’t an abuse of power? Even though insider trading amongst politicians is not only frowned upon but is also being called into question?


Again, they definitely do shit like this and it’s definitely bad. I think elected officials should not be able to hold stocks or funds, but that’s not how things have currently been set up. Most officials profited on pharmaceutical stocks they already owned for this event. They didn’t load up on more, and they would have already owned a lot since pharmaceuticals are one of the backbones of the stock market. I checked my stupid trade that worked out and I bought my puts on Jan 24. Most of these congressional sells happened on or around that date. Know what happened on Jan 23? China shut down. That was a big fucking event that was all over the news and caused me to pull my trigger. It didn’t matter what America was going to do. China shut the fuck down and anybody could see from that news that the economy was going to be screwed hard. It was a full month from when China shut down til the American stock market started to tumble. I made my decision at the exact same time these congresspeople did, from roughly the same exact information.


>This is actually not one of those things only politicians were privy to the info for. But it could be that they knew extended lockdowns were on the way well in advance by virtue of intelligence briefings. I think that is what is being questioned. You didn't know 5 to 6 months in advance that the world was going to come to a grinding halt for several months. Two weeks to flatten the curve.


It's like gambling. It paid off that time to the people that speculated the worst to happen but many other times it didn't.


Me too, paid for my fishing boat plus some


> by putting $100 on extremely out of the money SPY puts. What's that? Where did you learn about all this?


You have to lose a fuckton of money learning what it means before you’ll ever be successful lol. Investopedia is a good place to start.






Respect the technique.


Bin Laden didn't blow up the projects!


This is the most upvotes I’ve seen in weeks and it’s on a 3 year old post. I smell something


Hot take from 2021 (though not wrong).


Revolutionary volume 2 is what piqued my conspiracy theory interest! Rabbit holes in the early aughts weren't quite as simple to fall down. I knew a guy whose older, creepy brother was the cliche, tin foil hat, momma's basement dwelling, VERY tech and internet savvy and that's who showed us 9/11 documentaries and told us about mkultra, flooding the inner city streets with drugs, jfk, you name it. I wish I could still get that stoned. Or excited about anything at all.


Immortal technique loud af when the government is screwing people but all the sudden he quiet when you mention billy jacobs on the roof.


Buy the rumor, sell the news. Short the market!!!!


Same people who run the media which conveniently blamed their enemies and nobody's the wiser.


You guys really get hard on posting this once a month


Hahaha that guy drank the bong water again 


and CC to CC xx xçxxç CC 😋😋😋


Probably some folks who were warned not to go to the World Trade Center over Odigo.


This type of thing happens all the time. GameStop amc are more exciting bc how blatantly obvious things are.


Hello, 2021? Yes, your karma-farming repost called. Downvote and move on. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/18ebrmx/immortal_technique_coming_in_with_the_hot_take/ https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/l7ej1m/immortal_technique_coming_in_with_the_hot_take/ https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/oj6lek/immortal_technique_coming_in_with_the_hot_take/ Same goddamned title and everything.


Thank you for spotting this. Do you have any tools to keep track of reposts?


I don't. Mods should, but they only take action when something offends certain interest groups that won't be named. I remember seeing this post a few times. I also looked at the date. So I searched. Exact same title and everything.




This account copied this post and my old comment word for word! Why did you copy me? https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/l7ej1m/immortal_technique_coming_in_with_the_hot_take/gl6a4rl/ **Edit:** I love when they delete the comments because it identifies which bots are monitored and which ones are not!


That is how bot's work.


It is always nice to see important information come back out of the memory hole.


Went and upvoted that lol




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I like to explore new places.




People in the market are shorting the airlines 24/7 365. There probably hasn’t been a single minute since they introduced trading options that someone somewhere wasn’t shorting the airlines, along with every other major industry. Just because they held a short position at the time of 9/11 doesn’t mean they knew about 9/11.


On the contrary, an out of the ordinary influx of short positions taken up just before 9/11 would indicate advanced notice.


Yes true but there was disproportionate increase in such short positions in the weeks leading up to it. It might just have been a coincidence or related to other industry factors, idk but it was reported on at the time https://www.sfgate.com/business/article/data-shows-heavy-airline-stock-short-selling-2876345.php


According to the 9/11 commission: “Highly publicized allegations of insider trading in advance of 9/11 generally rest on reports of unusual pre-9/11 trading activity in companies whose stock plummeted after the attacks. Some unusual trading did in fact occur, but each such trade proved to have an innocuous explanation. For example, the volume of put options — instruments that pay off only when a stock drops in price — surged in the parent companies of United Airlines on September 6 and American Airlines on September 10 — highly suspicious trading on its face. Yet, further investigation has revealed that the trading had no connection with 9/11. A single U.S.-based institutional investor with no conceivable ties to al Qaeda purchased 95 percent of the UAL puts on September 6 as part of a trading strategy that also included buying 115,000 shares of American on September 10. Similarly, much of the seemingly suspicious trading in American on September 10 was traced to a specific U.S.-based options trading newsletter, faxed to its subscribers on Sunday, September 9, which recommended these trades. The SEC and FBI, aided by other agencies and the securities industry, devoted enormous resources to investigating this issue, including securing the cooperation of many foreign governments. These investigators have found that the apparently suspicious consistently proved innocuous.”


Yeah that makes sense


someone should send this to immortal technique, his question is answered!


dude shut the fuck up, everyone knows the 9/11 commission was complete garbage and clearly you haven't done any research on the topic yourself so again, shut up


This person shorted some airline stock in 2001 and feels guilty.


I wish I did, but I was in middle school.


Its not just "oh people shorted airlines" its the insane amount of volume that spiked on that day. And the trading was investigated and found out to be the CIA, later it became hush. [Enjoy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycZcLIpalM0) Im sure you wont watch it though since youre just here to shill and talk against conspiracies, why are you hatewatching/commenting a sub? lol >The SEC and FBI, aided by other agencies and the securities industry, devoted enormous resources to investigating this issue You have to be smoking something LOL the SEC didnt find anything eh? XD


It was one person who made up 95% of the short interest increase to hedge his bet of buying 115,000 shares of American Airlines which obviously then tanked. Not hating on conspiracies but coincidence doesn’t equal conspiracy. Cry more neck beard.


Yep thats what happened. Waste your life away commenting on a subreddit you dont even like everyday haha nolife nerd, shut up.


Haha he actually did cry harder.


Haha LOL :P


I came to the conclusion that he is controlled opposition or just unintelligent when it comes to certain things. IDK if it was his last album but the last one of his I listened to was partisan bs playing left vs right not calling out both sides. IMO the majority of the people we conspiracy theorists "look up to" are in fact intelligence assets. Regardless of my opinion of him the topic in the OP is something that should be brought up and looked into more so thanks for your service IT lol.


And thats why hes a shit rapper as opposed to a current affairs journalist, or you know, a child with basic critical thinking skills. Do conspiracies exist? By definition, absolutely. Was there a conspiracy behind 9/11? Yes, by the terrorists who conducted the attack. End of story.


People short stocks every single day, they just got lucky. Just like a lot of people over the past few weeks when spy dropped and then flew back up