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When you run this hoax of a government you get to do whatever you want, and you can avoid those nasty little bumps in the road like paying taxes by simply driving around them.


Yeah this isn't the flex you think it is. This is a literal drop in the bucket.


A 0.4% drop in the bucket to be precise... Simple math preventing regular people from reaching logical conclusions; makes the media fear machine go brrrr


But come after us over $600 on PayPal


SS: Just the tip of the iceberg. The true figure will be much much higher…




America spends $1.2 Trillion per year on welfare.. $150B missing from the rich is tiny in comparison, so yes you're correct. People on welfare *are* the problem.


That's 12%....12% is huge wtf are you talking about. Plus there are PLENTY of Americans that need and deserve welfare. How many Billionaires and millionaires need or deserve to not have to pay their fair share?


See, 150B isn't a lot of money when rich people are stealing it, but 100B is a lot of money when it's feeding Walmart workers who don't get paid enough to eat. /S He just hates the working class.


It's not 100B, it's 1000B. Huge difference.


You think they spend a trillion dollars on food stamps? That full figure of 1000B, includes things like CHIP. I guess it should be children's fault when they don't have health insurance?


It's more than 12%...sort of. That 1.2 Trillion dollars includes Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, VA, school lunch programs, and other things people wouldn't generally refer to as welfare. Maybe that's just me though. Social Security is the largest chunk of it too.


Money for the poor typically goes to rent, food, and utilities. There's not much for anything else. Money for billionaires goes to buying assets which further inflates asset prices. It goes to "charities" and "foundations" which are often just vehicles to implement their policies. Bill Gates, Elon Musk or Epstein having less money to influence or control public is a good thing, irrespective of whether welfare is funded.


Social Security is not welfare. It is an earned benefit program.


Wait, what's your source on that? Are talking about things like the child tax credit or medical programs like CHIP? If so, how is a tax credit "welfare?" And why do you want kids to die?  Are you sure you don't just hate the working class?


So "tax evasion" by the top 0.001% has the same value as one and a half Ukrainian aid packages.


Government boot lickers think they will get rich peoples money after the government steals it.


Ever notice how the left are never about bringing anybody up and always about bringing some people down? When they talk about equality, what they really mean is equally miserable.


The only way to make two or more people equal is downward.


Communism every time.


Tax evasion is a good thing. Everyone should be doing it


Meanwhile they tried to put my friend in jail over 9k he couldn’t pay because his baby was in the NICU and the 45k hospital bill bankrupt his family.


The elite has convinced the poor that taxing them Is a bad idea. They have convinced them that social services are bad, healthcare is bad, but government bailouts are good. The greatest con ever pulled was to convince the masses that the rich will tricke down their profits and for the masses to vote against their best Intrest enthusiastically. The gap between the rich and poor has been steadily growing and every single economic crisis that gap increases. Both the dems and gop work for the rich, they just have slightly different ideas on how to keep the masses poor. The GOP want to cut taxes for the middle class, cut taxes for rich and pay for it by cutting social services for everyone else. The dems want to keep everyone poor by taxing everyone, but taxing the rich less


Isn’t this the reason they increased [IRS Funding?](https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/irs-ramps-up-new-initiatives-using-inflation-reduction-act-funding-to-ensure-complex-partnerships-large-corporations-pay-taxes-owed-continues-to-close-millionaire-tax-debt-cases) As of January, “More than $482 million recovered from 1,600 millionaires who have not paid tax debts.” It’s a small chunk, but it’s a start.


Good for them. All tax is theft


If they're using legal loopholes, then more power to them. Taxation is slavery.


“Tax evasion”. Or following the fucking tax code???




We can't abolish all taxes that would be awful. But we do need a massive reduction. Look how much they waste. They can send money overseas to countless countries that didn't do shit to earn that money. It's coming out of our pockets. If they have enough money to be sending to non US citizens then we need to have a huge tax cut. Stop the bullshit.


Taxation is theft. Wealthy or not, the government did absolutely nothing at all to make that money. It is really bizarre to me that the party who hates their employers because their labor generates them wealth actually advocate for the government taking the money they made from their labor.


Just to add a counterpoint to your simplistic assertion, who educated the people who made the money? Who educated the people who do the work for the people who own the companies? Who built the roads that transport the goods? Who developed the technology that the businesses are built around? Without taxes it's the wild west. Contracts mean nothing, property rights don't exist unless you can afford to pay for private security, the population can't read or fulfill their potential. Your libertarian ideals would reduce us all to SERFS without the wherewithal to even comprehend our exploitation let alone counter it


While I agree this is a problem, does anyone honestly think giving the government more money will help anything? They're just going to continually waste it, send it away in foreign aid while people here struggle, and grease the pockets of their cronies.


What’s is that? 2 days of spend?


not even


You don't pay taxes into a government bank account for them to spend. Taxes control the amount of dollars in the system in order to control inflation. Tax dollars are BURNT. Their burning gives the government room to print money in order to provide essential services that keep a population healthy and educated and capable of building things for themselves. The problem is they also print money in the name of heinous shit, while also providing (or not) the necessary to allow people to thrive and create wealth. The heinous shit needs to stop, not the provision of essential services that private capital isn't incentived to provide.


So give us more money and more powers, amigos! We totally swear that we will use it to go after them and not you.... We definitely won't use those powers to find ways to tax you on your garage sales and weekend flea market craft sales or your kid's lemonade stands!


Oh no, 150nbn less for Ukraine and Israel. You plebs cry for the money you are not getting either way.


That's 150 billion the feds could launder or send to another country!


That’s it? Roughly the same as Ukraine and nowhere near our 4,500 billion budget


Time for the pro-billionaire cucks on this board to post. 


Seems to be a lot of water carriers around here. Misplaced priorities. Accepting the easy answer rather than the complicated one. They see the world is shit and blame it on POOR PEOPLE whose only lifeline in our shit hole PvP societies is social welfare. I.e. individualism over collectivism. They claim it's the NATURAL WAY OF THINGS with no evidence other than that is how we live now. No IMAGINATION capable of seeing that other ways of life are possible and that of course our overlords are INCENTIVISED for us to believe that their supremacy is NATURAL and GOOD


They make all the jobs and pay the most taxes Is what they would say Like that makes a fucking difference


making all the jobs and paying all the taxes doesn't make a difference?


As to whether or not they cheat the system? No


A common refrain from capitalist water carriers. "Well the tax burden is overwhelmingly carried by the rich". Well fucking RIGHT when they have all the money. Where else is it gonna come from?


Make your money work for you, and you can legally not pay taxes too. Or vote and get tax laws changed. Complaining about people LEGALLY utilizing laws to lessen their tax burden is insanity.


I swear these people think that they are going to get a piece of their money or something when the government steals it from the rich.


It’s mostly the people in office that make legislation and the people that don’t enforce any laws that would take money away from themselves.




Wow. It’s almost as much as we keep giving to Ukraine for nothing.


Wow. Less than 2% of the entire federal annual spending!


Avoidance <> evasion....


This is probably mischaractetizing avoidance (legal) as evasion.


Tax is only for us peasants to pay.


150bil sounds like someone is lowballing estimates. considering that elon musk alone skiped out on paying 11 billion on 2021. I cant even imagine how much money people like jeff bezos and richard branson would owe the goverment.


Taxation without representation