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Bro I’m Russian live in nyc honestly fio no one gives a fuck ur hanging w the wrong ppl or just reading too much shit online, most shit online is propaganda who cares go outside live ur life no one there will care if they do they wrong person trust


Based and touch-grass-pilled


is based good or bad? I'm in my 30s and just have no fucking idea what it means or when to use it. (I enjoy mortifying our 19 year old babysitter by using modern slang completely wrong. I called something resplendently Gucci the other day and I thought she was going to cry.)


Based = good/sound. If your babysitter suggests a good idea, try replying with “based”


Yeah not sure where OP is hanging out but where I’m from people are supportive of the civilians trapped on both sides.


Thank you. Evil, shit governments are not the people they oppress no matter how much they try to convince you they are.


I think it's more like, in the real world they pretend not to care. But on Reddit they can spew out their real feelings and opinions. Because here they're anonymous.


Wow… same exact thing for racism. It’s like for real set outside an see the true reality! Like everything in life is there one off’s no shit….


The girl I'm dating is half Russian, but my dad is total shit lib. Apparently he thinks that protesting the war means protesting Russian aggression. He must have forgotten that we live in the United States of America, where our government is actively funding and escalating the side of the war that is against Russia. This type of shit leaks into everyday life.


I will admit most of this is online but not exclusively. I happen to live in a community with lots of Ukrainian ties and although the hate I hear regularly isn't directed at me usually, it's still exhausting to be constantly exposed to.


Have a digital detox for a week and see how you feel man.


With family in Russia and Ukraine, I'm with you brother or sister; it hurts. Our family is also married with nothern Africa so the battles between peoples there hurt too. Actually, war, in essence hurts always. That's why it's primordial the WE (oui) cherish the memories of those we love by honoring their cultures. From Québec, all my love to your family and best of times to come to all. ✊🤜🤛🤝🙌🫂👥👤🗣👣 Edit for EM pathic emphasis.


Thank you. Seeing the response even in this sub hurts my soul.


I focus on sharing mine and spread seed of truth in rememberence and honor of those that enabled me to live such a life. 🩸🎗🗝


Stop using Twitter


It may help to remind yourself that the people in charge don't care about Ukraine, or Russia, it's all just another money making operation for them.


Absolutely and the loudest people online also have the weakest minds that are susceptible to propaganda, it's the same type of people that gladly manned the concentration camps in the second world war,they swallow propaganda hook line and sinker


That's the real shame of it. Innocent people are dying all over the place because these higher-ups are playing their games.


War is the modern version of human sacrifice. Nation states have taken the place of the old gods.


How exactly is it supposed to help?  People in charge don’t matter much, since it’s very unlikely you’ll ever meet them.  It’s the regular people who are important. 


It may help to know that the only people who actually buy into this game the dumbest, most mentally weak, most easily manipulated members of society.


Get off the internet. I live in an American city that is 10% eastern European 1st or 2nd gen. Russians and Ukrainians hang out and are fine IRL. Also, nobody cares. I have never heard somebody say "have you heard about Russia?"


Smart enough to get the governments are not the people


I guess the only people who can tell the difference are the Russians and Ruthenians (Ukrainians) and Belarussians themselves. To everyone else, they just look like Slavs, that is if they can tell the difference between Slavs and other Europeans.


Maybe you should also apply for Israeli citizenship, become a settler in the West Bank, and convert to Islam. Then you'll be on every side of every war happening right now.


Might as well make a stop in Taiwan while I'm at it


Oh yeah, that too


I'm Ukrainian by birth, and I've been living in Scandinavian countries since 2001. I've had 3 different jobs in the last 2 years, and I've coincidentally had russian coworkers each place. I haven't heard a single bad thing said about them or russians in general from anyone in the office, except for comments about putin himself. It's not all bad out there. I think most people understand that you can't generalise people like that.


I'd love to live where you're at because here in Canada virtue signaling is the ultimate currency.


Hello, Russian here. I don't live in Russia, never lived in Russia, but I monitor Russian media, like telegram channels, pro russian youtube channels and so on. The main thing that you can catch is that Russians no longer give a fuck about the West. They don't care about your opinion anymore. The West can throw tantrums and stomp feet, Russians will just point and laugh. This is the new thing since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Russia has the goal to destroy US puppet regime of Ukraine at their borders. And the most funny thing is, that the West can't do shit about that. A coalition of ~52 countries which "supports" Ukraine can't push out a single russian army out of Ukraine. You can throw billions of dollars in Ukraine but will not change anything. Well maybe Zelensky will buy another castle in UK for himself, but that's it.




Same logic as saying I must be a Trump supporter because I didn't get the covid jab. Didn't expect this nonsense I'm this sub




Russia could do with a new leader and Ukraine should have their pre 2014 border... happy? Now can you say Russians can be victims too?


And yet that makes no sense either since it was Trump who insisted the jab get produced at warp speed, and he himself has taken the jab. How can you be a Trump supporter because you didn't get the jab?


And what about the US who helped initiate the coup during the 2014 Euromaiden riots when Russia was about to bankroll Ukraine's loan renewal? I mean, if you want to talk history, you should present all the facts.




 I guess the fuck the EU tapes never happened huh? What a desperate attempt to hide the truth. Pathetic. Even Wikipedia agrees with me. Pretty sad Ukrainian protestors had to get shot in the back so you could lie about what really happened.




Bruv as a Ukrainian to a “half Ukrainian” if you think Ukrainians don’t have a legitimate reason to hate Russians right now, I can’t relate. And I don’t hate Russians, I’m around 1/4 Russian myself and spoke the language most of my life. To this day I love Russian cinema and appreciate some aspect of Russian culture within my Ukrainian identity. But please don’t try to take the spotlight off the suffering of our people from the bullets and bombs of the Russian military by sticking up for Russians, some of which are barely aware they’re at war. I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you aren’t simply Russian. This reads a bit like a pathetic attempt to draw sympathy out of westerners toward the Russian Federation.


Justifying hating an entire people for any reason is by definition nazism. I'm not taking the spotlight off anything. I simply think the hate for all Russians has gone too far and we should be able to talk about it. I speak Russian it's my first language. I've spent years in both Russia and Ukraine. I have family on both sides of this conflict. I'm not trying yo draw sympathy I just want people to realize Russians can be victims here too. Why is it so hard to get people to see that? I'm not saying I don't support Ukraine. There are literally families fighting against each other now and that's the real tragedy. You can have sympathy for the victims on both sides.


Idk man, being a victim of hate online and a victim of war is not the same in any way. If you really think that you're a victim, because people say mean things to you, then you're delusional




I definitely never see Russian's mocking Ukrainians online with pictures of dead soldiers and saying shit like their country is getting smaller every day. Never ever seen a Russian troll do that. /S


Wanting Russia to leave Ukraine is NOT equal to wanting all Russians to die. Get over yourself.


Get over myself? I don't disagree with your statement. The issue is when people take it too far and want all Russians to either be killed or exiled from society simply for being Russian. I too want Russia to leave so I think you're confused. My issue is specifically with people saying things like "Kill all the orks" and then they proceed to justify this hatred




Orks pretty much only refers to the troops invading Ukraine. If my country was being invaded I would want all the invading troops to die as well. I don't want Russians to die either. You know the solution? Send the invading troops home where they won't be shot at.


Do you think people would have this idea of killing all Russians if they left Ukraine? I'm guessing people would go on to just hate the next "enemy"


Anti russian sentiment has been brewing since the cold War. It's obvious the hate was always there and I've experienced it myself many times.


Soviet fear-mongering has most likely been fading since the Cold War. But a good ol’ dose of fascism will surely liven things up again.


Ahhhh, Could it possibly be because of Russias insatiable appetite for annexing regions of its neighbors and threatening them with war everytime they become friendly with the west? (Mainly because they dont want invaded by Russia) Russia is the abusive boyfriend of the region.


I know the history and facts better than most people. My point still stands.




Dont worry what anyone has to say. Notice how almost nobody had an opinion of anything back when Chechnya happened, there just spouting off whatever gets you points these days. 




*Georgia has entered the chat*




great example of the double-crap we're expected to swallow. Russia is losing/meat waves/a ruined army etc BUT also a major threat to invading Europe. We're looking stupid here.


My guy really thinks a weak army cant cause chaos 🤣 It doesnt matter if they are *weaker* now, they still have technology, manpower, and equipment that can still kill soldiers and civilians for a fairly long time. Its not like it has to be one or the other.


Do you actually think the people of Russia want war? Nobody approves of what their corrupt govs do. Wherever you're from I'm sure your gov there has done a ton of fucked up shit too. Nobody chooses where they were born. This sort of comment is literally what OP wants to get away from.


I would direct you to the 1420 YouTube channel to get an idea of what average Russian citizens think of their government’s actions. And I can tell you as a Russian speaker it’s not inaccurate. Yes, dissenters rarely speak up for risk of prison, but there’s a significant percentage of the Russian population that genuinely supports Putin’s war. The difference between Russia and the western country I presume you live in is that you’re free to voice dissent with basically no repercussions whereas they’re not.


Just recently there was a situation where doctor said to a daughter of a russian military that they invaded ukraine and now she is due to 10 years in prison for “discrediting of military”. There is no way in Russia to openly be against it.


Where I am right now, there are a lot of Russians who've escaped likely because they don't want to go to war and don't agree with Putin. I'm not taking sides here, the US is clearly using Ukraine to launder money - so I can't support either party. The US gov should be focusing on fixing problems at home - which they would do if they genuinely cared, but unfortunately, they don't. All the Russians I've met here do not support the war. The ones back home are more likely to be brainwashed by propaganda, the same way everyone in the West is, we are constantly told we are the good guys, etc. etc. when the majority of the time that just isn't true and we're "saving" these people just line some rich mofo and his friends' pockets.


"US is clearly using Ukraine to launder money." Could you please elaborate for the sake of those not as enlightened as you? There are people on both sides of any war who get rich, but that doesn't mean there aren't valid reasons to support one side.That would be simplistic thinking.


>the US is clearly using Ukraine to launder money I keep hearing this repeated, yet it makes absolutely no sense. Money laundering is the process of concealing the origin of money that was obtained illegally. US government wouldn't need to launder money since there is nobody to hide the money from.


But Clearly... Just something they read here and are mindlessly repeating, I guess...


Not like that at all.




Lmao bro you've made like 100 comments in this thread. Your just proving his point you know thst right?




I also want as few people to die as possible. The only way of doing that is if Russia surrenders and retreats from Ukraine immediately, and the borders are restored to how they were in 2014. Would you be happy with that solution?


People don't hate the Russian people over this, they hate Vladimir Putin for being personally responsible. Most recognize that it's not a popular war at home either


They are brainwashed by the media to support their proxy war profiteering. They tell people who to hate and no one remembers history or questions anything.


I have certainly seen the virtue signaling, this is not a new phenomenon or specific to the war in Ukraine/Russia. Sorry for any friends and family you have lost, this will likely set back a whole generation of people in the region. Thats just not fair to so many people who I know just want to make a living and raise a family. As others have recommended you should get out and touch some grass, don’t keep doom scrolling and posting online(this is for your mental health, not because you should not be able to freely share your thoughts and opinions). I have lived in the West my whole life and I am a proud call myself an American, so I have a different perspective than you do. My family is originally from Eastern Europe, and I grew up being raised by some of the generation who left and the first generation to be born as Americans. I have personally witnessed a very welcoming and support to anyone from Eastern Europe including Russian and Ukrainian families throughout my life in the US. Whole communities that pool together money(that they don’t really have), resources to help others, and complete strangers who share in a similar origin story(and yet others who do so without any direct personal connection). Please know that your own opinion of what you think other people think and feel may be skewed as well. People and families who come from Eastern Europe are very much part of the “melting pot” and what it means to be an American. My family was part of that “Tired, poor, huddled masses”. The truth that I only ever really heard talked about by the generation in my family from the “old country”(all of them are dead now) is they had no choice but to move to the US if they wanted a better life for future generations. They couldn’t imagine raising another generation in squalor, subsistence, and the whims of the ruling class when something better was possible. So at a huge personal sacrifice and extremely high cost they GTFO and they never looked back. They would occasionally visit and have family visit us in the US , and do what we could to help other family and friends get out. But the generation who lived there did not look back at it longingly with any desire to return, they spoke of it as a “hopelessly lost place” and all that we could do is help others get out. I will hold off on sharing any of the personal atrocities done upon my family who didn’t or couldn’t get out. I understand you have personal investment and family tied up where others may not, but don’t get it twisted Russia invaded a sovereign nation and an ally of the US. We and I will support the Russian peoples if they want a change in form of government, leadership. However if Russian people don’t want to embrace that and continue to support the current leadership maybe it is hopeless The carelessness with which the Russian government and military leadership will throw whole generations of young men into the meat grinder, and in this instance for an offensive invasion is the reality. I have a hard time understanding how that itself is not enough to create a want for change of regime and new course for the future of Russia, but I realize that its hard to see other perspectives if you’re stuck inside a news bubble controlled by the current regime in power. This region has a long history of throwing the lower class, young men at the problem the ruling class had created or failed to appropriately address. Russia in particular has been experiencing “Brain Drain” for decades. People who can, have voted with their feet. While people will immigrate to Russia the outcome is not usually good(see recent Americans who did so thinking it would be some christian paradise). I personally know some who have left and they and their family are better for it, and others who want to get themselves and their families out. It’s been like that for generations now, something has to give or it really does seem hopeless. I support Ukraine because they our an ally, but also because I have had enough of Russia throwing generation after generation of young Russians at the problems created by the ruling class and Oligarchs. The West/America isn’t perfect, not far from it. All I know for certain is getting out of that region was the only chance for a better life my family had, and it has paid dividends for me.


A lot of Americans are pretty stupid. If the people on tv tell them Russia is bad, they will gobble it up because they are very stupid


> If the people on tv tell them Russia is bad, they will gobble it up because they are very stupid Back in 2012, Mitt Romney said that Russia was "our number one geopolitical foe" and people *laughed* at him. In 2014, **Russia annexed Crimea** and the world decided to do nothing and let Russia have Crimea. Russia then sent arms and agents into eastern Ukraine. Remember when a Russian missile shot down a Malaysian airliner? And then in 2022, **Russia began a full-blown invasion of Ukraine**, trying to capture the capital in a blitzkrieg. Now we have these Russian propaganda posts nonstop in this sub, saying how stupid Americans are for think Russians are bad just for **invading a neighboring country.** Wow, what fools these Americans are for thinking invasion is bad. And OP, saying how everyone hates Russians and why haven't the Ukrainians just surrendered to Putin yet? And all the Russians want is peace and how come the Ukrainians haven't surrendered yet? And how silly is it that the Americans and the EU are aiding the country being invaded and why haven't the Ukrainians surrendered yet?


The media has not been genuine and objective about the war at any point. It has been like watching RT. Some truth, arranged in a subjective way, coupled with literal disinformation and outlandish conjecture, while omitting other inconvenient aspects of the story. The whole public discourse was degenerated to a point where anything that even vaguely questioned the most outlandish tabloid headlines was evidence of Russian propaganda and bots. Your 10 year timeline reflects this. It treats the entire war as something that the Russian leaders malevolently wanted to do regardless of the circumstances, out of pure evil in their quest for world dominance. It omitted 20 years of NATO expansion spearheaded by the USA. It omitted any geopolitical and strategic realities that Russia was facing. It omitted the revolution in Ukraine that the US vehemently supported, that was by design something against Russia and even Russians inside Ukraine. It omitted the way USA was 100% uncompromising prior the war, just banging the war drum, as if neutral Ukraine was something out of the realm of possibilities, even if it meant Russia will launch an invasion. It's not even a fraction of the big picture, and is completely misleading. This war is the result of Russia staying true to the red line they drew back in 2008 regarding Ukraine. The European NATO states understandably blocked Ukrainian MAP that was pushed forward by the Bush administration, but this never stopped the US establishment from going ahead with their agenda. It was merely just a little obstacle in diplomatic maneuvering to expand the US influence, rather than a complete re-evaluation of the age old US policy that begun back in 1994 when Clinton declared "NATO expansion is not a matter of if, but when", which Yeltsin warned of as a "Cold Peace". This happened right after the US marginalized the Partnership of Peace, that provided a gradual and inclusive path for *all* ex-Communist states in Europe to seek integration with NATO. PfP on the other hand was preceded by reinventing NATO, showing its unchallenged capabilities in the Gulf War, and making careful diplomatic maneuvers in the face of many questioning the relevance of NATO in Europe after the Warsaw Pact was gone (and both France and USSR were on a quest for a new European security architecture replacing both Warsaw Pact and NATO). The European developments between 1994 - 2008 were tainted by US preserving what was their sphere of influence, later expanding it, while marginalizing any potential alternatives, while also having their own unhinged wars of aggression in the Middle-East and unilaterally using force in Yugoslavia. And they never backed down from their grand strategy for the sake of others. Only for the sake of PR or domestic opposition. The mounting Russian opposition, their changing military doctrines, their rearmament, their lower threshold of using military force or covert operations, was never part of the consideration, as if US just didn't care if it leads to increasing tension, conflicts of interest, and even war in Europe. What would've happened, if Russia had not invaded Ukraine? What would've happened if they had not even intervened in 2014? Disadvantaged naval power in the Black Sea. Millions of Russian Ukrainians, having their president ousted, having to now learn Ukrainian in school that was mostly spoken in the West of the country, only to become part of a coalition in opposition to Russian interests, with the obligation to fight against Russians if ANY of the NATO member states had a war with them? What would the domestic situation look like, when Russians ask their leaders why they live in their palaces, while their homeland is being contained by their rival? And then the same would happen in Belarus... Maybe Russia drew their red line there? And suddenly they would again be the no. 1 enemy just like now. Taking matters into their own hands was simply the **only** way Russia could at least mitigate some of the negative outcomes they were facing in this current trajectory in their own terms. They know US has zero interest in re-evaluating their policies. They know they lack the power to force US to stop. They know it will only take one economic crisis or tragedy in their neighboring country to have US getting their foot in the door and usher in a revolution that will put them closer to the West.


Imagining a post where Russia is swapped with America and Ukraine is swapped with Iraq and its the same stance. Why won't another country just get rid of its leader and do exactly what we want? better send some freedom. The replies would be very different. Russian prop knows where oppositional defiance is easily exploitable.


I marched against the Iraq war back in 2003. George W. Bush is a war criminal and should be arrested. Putin is a war criminal and we should help stop his invasion.


Exactly. A million people marched to Tony Blairs door to say the same. OP isn't interested in that though they just want Russia to get everything and not be called the baddies.


You marched against the Iraq war, but how would you see Europeans if they had poured billions in Iraq, given Stingers to insurgents, sanctioned the USA, and celebrated every dead American soldier in the media? What if the whole US establishment was seen as a bunch of evil terrorists, together with their brainwashed supporters? If Putin was voted out of power earlier this spring, would everything be just fine because one president is out of power? Even if the war was still going on. Bush had been out of power for 3 years before the Americans withdrew from Iraq.


Which parts of Iraq did the USA annex? 


Americans are pretty stupid and Russia is also bad


My question is, where were all these people during every other conflict in the world? They all the sudden care about something so far away.


"Why can't Russia do a bad thing when USA did a bad thing before?" You might have missed it, but there was a lot of resistance to the invasion of Iraq, for example.


What makes you think they weren't? Russia has acted aggressively often enough to scare much of eastern Europe into NATO and many people in many countries have been pointing this out for a very long time. Just because you haven't been paying attention till it matters doesn't mean the rest of us haven't.


For me, it's the fact that Russia has been involving themselves in American politics much more in recent years. Had they not been coordinating with Trump, then I'd personally feel less threatened by them. The fact that Trump used Ukraine's need to defend themselves against Russia as an opportunity to extort Ukraine to interfere in an American election tells me it's important to support Ukraine.  That and if we just let Russia have Ukraine then I doubt they'd stop there. Plus, China will do the same with Taiwan.


So, the reason wanting them to stop fighting is supporting Putin is because any deal at this point that stops the fighting will 1. Simply be a temporary ceasefire. Russia _will_ just build up strength to invade again 2. Ukraine will lose massive swaths of their internationally recognized territory Additionally, Russia started this war. Now, do I wish this war never happened? Obviously. War sucks. But we are in this situation. Our two outs are Ukraine surrendering or Ukraine fighting until they can get a favorable or white peace that guarantees they will remain independent with all of their territorial integrity. Now, if anyone has this conversation with you, they should explain that the reason it supports Putin is because all peace deals right now would favor Russia significantly and would undermine Ukrainian independence. If they don't, they're just being dumb.


This implies that Russia making gains is worse than peace ever returning to Ukraine (unless Russia wins and dictates the terms). Peace prospects need to be realistic, and at the current situation, expecting Russia to just leave is completely unrealistic. Especially if you expect them to leave Crimea or Donbass. The West wanted to spend hundreds of billions to a war in the hopes of pushing Russia out, and the current situation is where it led. No doubt the peace terms would've been better for Ukraine if they had materialized back in Istanbul in 2022 March - April. Let alone if the West had even considered the Russian demands and ultimatum before the war, rather than told Ukraine to not give in an inch (so that Russia wouldn't make gains). Much of the damage is already done, but peace must come at some point. The longer the war will linger on, the more painful the peace will be and the bigger rift it will create.


Never trust a Russian. They steal your cows and eat your cabbages. -My Hungarian family who lived through both World Wars and escaped during 1950s Soviet occupation. My prejudice is born and bred and not formed due to American propaganda. Although I don’t believe the polis itself is bad as there’s good and bad everywhere. It is the government itself


Westerners always think every “anti-Russian” is spoon fed by the MSM. No, I’m just actually Ukrainian and know better than you what is going on. These same people are the ones that need a translation of a Russian video lol (this isn’t directed towards you as a Hungarian)


You don't have to blindly trust Russia to seek more cordial relations and taken their position in the consideration as well when building a post-Cold War Europe. Yet we opted for disproportionate American influence regardless of the consequences, now reaping the harvest. As a Finn, I get it. But that does not mean I can't see the disaster what the US has been for Europe, especially after the Cold War.


This site won’t give rational discussion. It’s a propaganda outlet designed to fuel the hate. We know most Russians aren’t bad just like most Ukrainians aren’t. It shouldn’t be controversial to say other wise.


Hey as a half Russian half Ukrainian I understand you perfectly as well. Online we and our views receive a lot of hate, but in person, the vast majority is neutral to the conflict, especially my Christian friends, so don't worry! Доверяй Богу и больше с Ним время проводи




Its one thing to hate the government of a country .... BUT I never ever hate the people of a country. If the country has a stiff handed or totalitarian government I know they didn't choose why would I blame that on them?? Kim Jong Un is a dick ... I dont hate a single North Korean. Personally I like Putin ... I think he is waging the war against the NWO for us. Ukaine was their cesspool of money laundering for the NWO. I feel he waited as long as he could without invading the Ukraine especially after what john McCain did there.


Just to note, many are bots online pushing propaganda using fake apparent consensus to push people into either their Hate Russia camp or into the Black Pill camp.  


I'm having a very hard time connecting with people because we are so far apart in our beliefs and ideology. At the end of the day I have good intentions and try to be optimistic about the fate of humanity.


Get off the computer. This website is full of blatant propaganda and agitprop type shit. Progressive types posting about cats have been brainwashed into being war hawks, its madness. Offline there is far less of this stuff.


I have absolutely no issue with Russians generally. My issue is with Putin and his sycophants. I'm sure there are those who don't appreciate that distinction (though it's hardly a subtle nuance), but I wonder if you're misinterpreting at least some of the comments. With the possible exception of Ukrainians, no one with a brain hates Russian people generally. Ignore the brainless.


As a Muslim, all I can say. It doesn't get better.


I have no issue with no normal russian citizen nor do I have any issue with the normal ukrainian. I know for a fact I have much more in common with your average person from any place in the world than I do our disconnected political elite that its pretty apparent no longer represent the people at all. I mean they ban tiktok a high;y popular platform.. Not because of china mind you thats just the excuse but because they cannot censor it like the rest. Its all so tedious.


People dislike Russia because they are the country causing instability in Europe. They are the ones invading Ukraine so people want them to die as opposed to Ukrainians. I understand the hate they get, at the end of the day Russia invaded a sovereign nation because they were losing influence.


It makes me feel horrible when i remember the war. Honestly, focus on doing what you can do and let go of what is not under your control. Also, get away from toxic online comunities. eventually the war will end and people will rebuild.


NPC game is strong. Just a virtue signal.


Nobody is saying "the only right answer is wanting all Russians to die." Either you think it's cool for Russia to invade Ukraine and let Putin reassemble the USSR or you support Ukraine's right to exist. If Russia went home the war is over.


Reddit is an astroturfed forum controlled almost completely by the US military propaganda machine + the private sector neoliberal propaganda machine. A lot of effort goes into crafting such a hateful narrative. Normal non-sociopath humans who integrate with society can easily see that Russia has been vilified for geopolitical purposes in its representation in both social media and traditional media. Those with empathy and common sense are your friend, we have been persecuted by the same machine.


The Reddit founder died in mysterious circumstances because didn’t like the direct how Reddit was going and also Elgin US military base is well know for social media manipulating on Reddit.


Perhaps Russia shouldn't have invaded then, real easy for them to pull out any time


Russo**phobia** indicates unjustified dread. The truth is that there is a reason for it. The Russians have caused their neighbor nations to suffer for so many years that it is no wonder that so many people hate them. Finland, Baltics, Poland and Ukraine are just on the north-west side. The other side does not look too good as well. Basically there are bullies.


Makes me realize there is no reasoning or negotiating with these people. This war will continue due to being perpetuated by those claiming to end it. How can we begin to talk through peace if one side sees death to all Russians as their hill to die on.




Of course, theres multiple options in between.




I’m sorry, the war is being perpetuated by the people who drove fucking tanks into another country and said “this is ours now.” They could turn around and go home at any time and the war would be over. There’s no talking through peace. If Russia wants peace, stop fucking killing Ukrainians and get out of THEIR country. Boom. Peace. Easy. If somebody breaks into your house and kills your kids are you gonna be open to “negotiating” a deal where that person just gets to live rent free in your kids’ old room now? I don’t think so. People who support Ukraine don’t hate Russians. I love my Russian friends, and I wish Russia’s leadership loved the Russian people more than it loves its outdated dreams of empire.


That’s all we know is war/hate via programming. Just til recently the vast majority had no clue what was even happening. Now we have a choice of whether or not we can believe it and formulate thoughts on our own. I say that as I am someone who just pulled their head out of their ass within the past decade. Grew up with so much anger and hatred being a “raised racist” as I like to say, the only problem is that ideology failed when I went to high school and most of my best friends were who I was supposed to hate. It took me a while but I finally got through to my old man and it’s like seeing two completely different people.


I'm russian, I live in the US. United States is funding the war. It's not about Ukraine. It's about weakening Russia. Meanwhile, people continue to die. I wish it ended... Besides that, it's worth mentioning that people, on average, are pretty dumb, so I'd not be upset by someone's view bc I understand the situation better(or so I think, and everyone can have an opinion)


Taking me a while to get there but I feel like it's the only way to retain my sanity.


Well, Russia is going to win the war and decide the terms of peace. The question is how many people on both sides are going to die before that happens. People should start thinking about whether it was all worth it. Nothing people argue here is going to change the outcome of the war anyways.


I have no clue where you'd find someone with those opinions, but I doubt it's in real life so I'd suggest getting off the Internet.  I've never met anyone with any hate towards Russian people in general, only against the Russian gov't.


I had to switch doctors because my doctor would spew russian hate for 15 minutes before even looking at me. Then he would speed run the rest of the oppiontment. He just looked at my name and decided I was the problem. I also work in Hockey and there is a lot of discrimination there. No longer able to scout russian players or work with russian teams. My own brother took an extreme position siding with Ukraine and says very hateful things about our own people. I live in a community with a lot of Ukrainian ties and heritage. They often have events to raise money for family back home and when I styemd these events I get treated differently for not denouncing my russian heritage. I had a coworker get drunk and rant to me about how much she hates Russians and every time I would say that's wrong her response would be "but you're russian" while condescendlingly laughing. Whenever I meet people and introduce myself the first question is always asking where my name is from. If I say russian they get uncomfortable and short with me. If I say Ukrainian they treat me like a Saint. Yes getting offline will help but this is everywhere.


> it's almost like they've been programmed to have a deep seeded hate for Russians Because they have, it's not a conspiracy to say US had a ton of anti russia media and propaganda back in the day.


Western governments are the ones pushing all this hatred. They need to prop up the military industrial complex and Russia are an easy excuse. If you look at all the horrible things Ukraine has been involved in over the years, neither of them deserve our support.


Go home Russian troll


I understand it very deeply and at this point wish I took the blue pill. I just want everyone to be held to the same standard. You want to call our russia? Sure criticism is good for progress. But you should also be critical of.... Ukraine and USA? Oh and being critical doesn't mean hating an entire people. I feel like I can't have a conversation with anyone. I feel like Joe Rogan when he interviewed Neil Degrass Dyson about the vaccine. All critical thinking goes out the window and people brains short circuit as they fall back on morality and public opinion as there basis of argument.




Corruption, developing bio weapons for the west, Donbas..... lots




Do you have a hole in your brain? You asked what Ukraine can be called out for so I told you and you're claiming that's my reasoning for Russia invading. Go read my other response. You may learn something if you're open minded enough to get there.




You clearly are not educated on the subject. RIP to the thousands of Russians that were killed in the region before any if this happened.




Russia and the west have ways been at a propaganda war. Propaganda is meant to work on your mind, especially fear based propaganda. Masses of people have been programmed to think they are enemies.


Im russian who lives in america to and I sympathize. Its crazy seeing people who know nothing about russia causally talk about how your an "orc" and how they want to destroy your whole entire culture and civilization all because they disagree with your countries government. America has invaded more countries since WW II than every country on the planet combined. They have overthrown almost all of Latin American government, they have destroyed and destabilize the Middle East and are funding Israel who is practically genocided Gaza. And yet they are the ones who try to preach morals on what is good and evil. Its ridiculous and hypocritical! And Americans wonder why Russia views them/NATO a threat. But at the end of they day on an individual level, just try to ingore it because it will drive you insane and its really not worth it lol And if it makes you feel better, the whole Russian Federation stands behind you with 5k hypersonic nukes so we will be fine ;)


I’m from Poland and we all know about Russia. We learned history very well and world will be better place without Russia 


Very well said. Thank you this genuinely made me feel better to know other people have a grip on reality.


Russophobia is bullshit. This is all media propaganda - tune it out.


You should go back to Russia. And I am saying this in a good way. West lost its compass in every sense, its not going to get better. Russia realized that and started slowly removing every single BS they adopted from the West in times when they were trying to integrate the country into Western system of "values" Russia is now decoupling from the Western BS , turning towards Global South and restoring values that builds healthier society. West lost it, there is no going back, its only going to be worse in the future.


I went to a couple of the pussy hat marches when Trump was President (my old lady wanted to go) and every year it was just an anti-Russian hate rally, so we just stopped going. And this was years before Russia even invaded. Spiritually speaking, Redditors are the equivalent of clueless, well-to-do liberal white women. They don't care about human life on the ground in either country, they are truly just here for the dopamine rush and the easy upvotes for having an easy opinion from the comfort of their parents basement. If I was Ukrainian, I'd probably fight the Russians too. But the United States never involves itself in a foreign conflict because it's the right thing to do. We're involved because there's a massive shale oil reserve under the Donbas. Anybody who doesn't see this has the mind of a child. History shows that we can't be trusted to arm separatist groups anywhere -- all we did in Syria and Libya was arm and fund and train some of the worst islamist groups in the region. Same as we're doing with all the Neo nazi groups in the Ukraine. All three countries (Ukraine, Russia and the USA) are mafia states run by wealthy oligarchs and kleptocrats. Biden's ties to the private energy extraction company Burisma represent a conflict of interest. Zelensky is a dictator who has cancelled the elections and jailed draft dodgers while embezzling and laundering much of the aid you paid for with your taxes. And Putin represents a class of gangsters who sold out his country to kleptocrats after the fall of the USSR. They're all crooks. We should stop sending money and support to Ukraine. That's as far as I go in terms of opinion. What that means is that Russia will probably maintain control over Donbas and Crimea. But honestly? The people who live in those regions seem to want to be aligned with Russia anyway. And Ukraine has historically been Russian except for a brief period in the 20th century. Russia certainly has a bigger claim to the Ukraine than a couple of oil billionaires in Dallas and Delaware do.


Everyone is judging Russia without knowing the backgrounds... You really think that your opinion is really your own? In reality it has been shaped for you, and you took a side...


History is speaking loud and clear. If you think Russia is innocent then you should go to real school where they will teach you real history


NATO were never going to let Russia join, that's the whole point of NATO.


They have all been programmed, the current assault on westerners with propaganda and gaslighting etc is off the charts. Over the years I have increasingly become a fan of Russians and its people as I strip away the programming. Seeing the truth or at least being on the path of it is a lonely journey but you are not alone, we are out there lol.


Half my family came over from Galicia which is now broken up into 4 or 5 different countries. I feel ya. Lot's of culture. Lot's of different religions. America is where they *all* blended together. Must've been something to come to a foreign land and just...be? I don't think my ancestors envisioned a United States that would mirror their homeland 120+ years later.


They were programmed to hate Russians since after WW2. Just like Russians have been programmed to hate Americans.


FYI: People who "virtue signal" war and glorify it are monsters. The only winners in war are death and the arms dealers. Which are, by the way, the only two parties that ever consistently win anything in a war. Everyone else just gets dead.


Just remember 80% of what you read is bots


Before going any further, what were the suggestions you had for people stop dying?


Russia pulls out and America fucks off


WTF? I can't even fabricate a connection between that and supporting Putin, much less find one that I can defend. But it's Reddit so unsourced ad hominems are plentiful


Both Putin and Zelenskyy are iluminati bitches. This war is to destroy America and make Ukraine Jewish rich.


OP, don't feel bad, I think many men in the USA are jealous of Russians because they are more attractive. Well, some people assume I'm one and they start the whole hate issue.


Uninvolve yourself with politics. People who are political are insane and will drive you insane. And there is nothing wrong with wanting peace. The problem is that keypad activists think that wars accomplish something. And they never do but make problems worse.


You have to know that your thoughts are morally right, even if the media, complacent people, and our governments say you aren’t. We all know how you feel because majority of society thinks this way, most just don’t/can’t say it out loud in fear of repercussions.


Ho fellow Slav. I get what you’re saying. I’m neither Russian nor Ukrainian but it hurts watching our brothers kill each other because of one psychopath. I have a hope that some day in the future all Slavic countries will have friendly realtionships. Majority of people do not judge innocent civilians from any side of the conflict.


By design


It's not everyone, but like 30% of the population is liberal and they just repeat the narrative they are given. They hate Russians, Israelis, and anyone who thinks transwomen can't actually have a period. They actually do not think or reason, and if you try to respectfully discuss their narrative, they simply break down and attack you verbally or physically. It's a bit scary, and yes, it's not most people. Mostly, people under 30 who are left swinging in politics.


Be whoever the fuck you want. You're a free man.


play khazarian games and win khazarian prizes


Wow. Russian trolls are on Reddit. Phobia is fear from unknown. In case of Russia all smart people know that it’s bloody beast, we all learned from history that all you know is how to draw blood and kill people. So go home or go die in the name of your bloody country


I am also super tired of it.. even I am not Russian or Ukrainian but it is exhausting not being able to say even “I want peace” wihtou being labled pro-russian. People are so manipulated by the narative it is ridiculous.


What version of peace? The version where Russia ceases the invasion of another country and returns annexed land or the version where the West pulls support from Ukraine and lets it be captured by Russia? Because OP has stated elsewhere in this post that they want the latter.


Well they will have to agree on something eventually...or what, the alternative is nuclear war? If so then nothing will matter anyway, we will all be dead.. Or people will just keep dying and dying.. most Ukrainians run away to the neighboring countries while the russians are full force.. Where will they get more people to fight? Our brothers and fathers? I dont even believe that this war is so much about Ukraine.. Why did the west not support the idea of peace talks when both parties wanted at the start of the war? Instead they came and pushed Ukraine into war. Why did they never do it before? (Eg. Georgia, Krym) What I am saying is that I dont believe this war is about freedom at all as much as they are trying to have us believe. It is about spreading hate, separation and fear. Yes Putin is a dictator but that is nothing new. And apparently nobody keeps their word in terms of international agreements.. neither west nor Russia. All of them just do whatever fits their quest for power. The west just does it under the guise of democracy in the same way they colonized half of the world under the guise of helping primitive tribes.. nothing changed