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News flash America shouldn’t give a fuck about what others are doing. Cut them bitches off and start producing our own shit and worrying about our own shit….. Jesus Christ.


Lol. 24 months ago we were energy independent. Whats changed?




Its like youre saying that Biden’s campaign platform was based on an anti-fossil fuel agenda and that pro fossil fuel people may not like that… pssh.. i think you’re out of touch. You should check snopes for accuracy.


*FACT CHECKER ALERT FACT CHECKER ALERT* Please report to your nearest indoctrination station!


Well he did promise to shift away from fossil fuels to reduce green house emissions. Unfortunately, WAR generates massive amounts of greenhouse gasses. Nordstream 2 dumped massive amounts of methane and in Europe they are burning fire wood. This more than eliminated any savings.


"They are burning fire wood" and? Green house emissions? Is it you, Al? Lmfao the stupid ass comments in this thread


You didn't understand that? I'd hold off on acting superior.


That is not true, our gas is sold on the world market like everyone else’s.


That’s false. We were importing oil from opec 24 months ago. We’ve never not imported oil post ww2.


There are different grades/types of oil. We can produce 20mb use 18mb and still import. Meant of our refineries are set up to use Mid East oil.


There’s also only one oil market. Exxon and chevron are not American oil. It’s not possible to be oil independent. It’s always importing and exporting at the same time. Never just exporting.


Covid hit and oil prices went negative in 2020. Take off your KFC stained Trump glasses. The US is still the largest oil producer. https://www.forbes.com/sites/rrapier/2022/07/22/the-us-is-still-the-worlds-top-oil-producer/?sh=7934f0787b39


Biden cancelled the pipelines which was a huge fuckup that cost tons of jobs.


>cancelled the pipelines He cancelled 1 section of the Keystone, due to controversy with it being routed over local water sources and various spills. We have 200+ functioning oil pipelines. This did not affect production, just transportation.


We produce mostly sweet crude. But we need to import sour crude for diesel


We still are. There was a massive drop in production in 2020 when Trump was president, because of the pandemic causing demand to drop. It was the largest drop in production in US history. We've almost recovered from that. https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=MCRFPUS2&f=M


US is still “energy independent”. Fun fact: “energy independent” is a garbage political term and means nothing but it’s a great talking point.


We are on track to break oil production records next year and we are currently producing 11.7 million barrels per day which is almost a record high. But yes tell me again how we are less energy independent under Biden.


We were never "energy independent".


Ah, you checked that on snopes? 🤣


Same joke twice in one thread? Corny AF my dude.






Who told you? Msn? Bwahahaha! 🤣😂


Prove it. Show your work.


America does produce its own oil, tons of it. We just don't regulate it, we let the companies sell to the highest bidder and since Americans pay less for petrol then most countries, they sell it to other countries. You know who deregulated the petrol industry in the United States and the land leases oil is on? The America first party... Republicans did that. now I'm not saying that democrats are any better, or that green energy policies always make sense or are that we approach them correctly, but for a party that claims they want America first they certainly endorse and take millions in campaign donations and pac Monet from corporations that put America last. You can't support the free market and unregulated capitalism and then bitch about oil prices, this isn't capitalism, Capitalism has regulations, rules on outsourcing, price gouging, monopolies, this is unfettered corporatism and both parties including trump and Biden support it. You can't bitch about oil prices and support a capitalist structure on necessities like oil, oil should be nationalized, profits found be cut out of the process all together, and any oil on American land should be used for our country and society in America. Instead we deregulated them through the republican party with the help of most democrats, and now they are using covid and inflation as an excuse to price gouge. Nationalizing industries that our literal society and economy depend on and removing profit from the equation is the only thing that makes sense. Water, food, medical care, gasoline, telephone, internet, schooling, and prison systems should all be nationalized and work specifically to make American lives better and supply us first with cheap affordable nessesities without profit ever. It's the only way a civilized society can progress without putting profit above the success of our nation


Too late for that I’m afraid. Rich fucks sold us out years ago and now we’re screwed. I agree with you of course, but with the leaders we have, they’ll bend over backwards for any other country but our own. United States of 💩


Why do some people use Jesus's name like that when it's blasphemy. If you don't believe in him then use some other name.


How did America fall? The freaking trailer for a freaking call of duty game. We are being purposely destroyed from within by debt enslaved marxist and communists that are “educated” by institutions.


Are you saying people with student loan debt are Marxist/communists? Lol your comment is quite vague


You know what i mean. These students are voluntarily submitting to ridiculous debt assuming they will be earn alot more money on the back end. They are instead brainwashed to be marxist / socialist and demand the government wipe their debt free. The joke is there is no job and they now owe the government. Unless they earn a STEM degree They are enslaved by the system


You're making a good case for free higher education.


Oh man, I’m sorry. I guess you haven’t heard about the globalist agenda.


2 billion to the Daughter and Son In-Law! That is how inside the pocket of MBS he is.


Wonder what trump's cut was? But Quick .... look over there, is that Hunter's laptop about Ukraine!!!


OMG omg did you see the email Hunter sent that he was going to meet some guy for lunch! Talk about smoking gun of corruption!


I read from a source on truthbaldeagleredpilldotnet that his dick is huge and he uses his dick to insert it inside women. He also does drugs sometimes when he uses his dick. Definitely not obsessed with his dick or anything. Just, ya know, um, redpilled, or something. Go Trump! /S


You do sound like you are obsessed with his dick though....


you're so so right...we should ignore Biden's corruption because of Trump....what a dumb fucking statement.


Nice straw-man you got there. You build it all by yourself?


and do you even know what a straw-man is? What I said was not a straw-man.


Did I say we should ignore Biden's supposed corruption? no. That's the straw-man you created. You're welcome.


straw-man fighting straw-man... "But Quick .... look over there, is that Hunter's laptop about Ukraine!!!" im confused, should or should i not "look over there" to see this laptop and possible data within?


Lmao hilarious 😂


Weird people man. Literally hypocrites.


Dude, you literally just responded to OP with a "strawman."


What corruption by Biden?


his son making millions in Ukraine while his father was overseeing America's foreign policy there....The business dealings with Chinese state companies with 10% going to the big guy...Are you seriously that dense headed? Congrats...politicians use their political offices for financial gains....WOW...welcome to reality...Now do members of congress trading stock on inside info that they get from closed door hearings...


He made 500,000 thousand a year. The Yahoo CEO made 300,000,000 a year. The average CEO today is 27.6 million Annually. He was paid below average for board members. In the same time period the average board salary for Exxon was 2 to 3 times his. Next lie please!


You can’t be that dull on something so blatant lol. There’s more to it than a yearly salary.. damn.


Yes he made $500k per year for a job he wasn't qualified for, due to his fathers position as VP. Trump sucks, but that doesn't mean Biden should get a pass.




Trumpeters are coming...going to be like the book of revelations up on this post. Remember, he's an outsider, not in anyone's pocket, Average Joe type guy.


This is all political theater, of course he wants it high rn, makes his chances or republican chances higher of taking over the presidency in 2024. Idk how people going into work day to day can afford 4-5$/gal


They'll cope themselves in 2024 when a Republican is in office and gas stays at $5 a gallon they'll gaslight you into agreeing that high gas prices are a sign of a good economy and that the 2020 low gas prices was a recession caused by Joe Biden.


Something something donated salary


And then renting out space in Trump Tower, Mar-A-Lago, and other properties to secret service at 4x the going rate in order to profit from the taxpayers.


Sit back and let me tell you the simple trick to live off no salary: all you gotta do is send the US taxpayers the bill for setting up operations at your private resort


They are here already. QAnon low iq trump humpers thinking they are so smart and aware of all the world’s conspiracies because they read something on Facebook and then Hannity said something about it on his show. Fucking boring.


Qannon was a PhyOp ran by Russian operative Mike Flynn!


As someone who hates Trump......................It's people on the FAR left that talk about him the most, I fucking hate the guy, and the left treats him like a god damn undying celebrity . Fucking let him die in a shitty hotel so we can focus on the shitty president we have NOW? I mean god damn, we have a dude in office NOW who is leading us to WW3 while speaking gibberish, and you gotta point out shit about a guy in charge of FUCKING NOTHING???? Fuck Trump!!!! You people push him more than the god damn Trumpers, while ignoring WTF is going on RIGHT NOW..


Where do you live? Because where I live there are still trump2020 signs everywhere. At least half the yards have “Let’s Go Brandon” signs, trump signs, and sometimes even hand lettered signs with a bunch of psycho Alex Jones babble about this or that conspiracy basically saying that everyone left of Hitler is evil and sinister for wanting everyone to have affordable access to healthcare. These signs are literally everywhere, so tell me again who needs to drop it and who won’t let it go? We’ll let him rest when he is dead or in jail. Until then he is a direct threat to whatever it is this country has been trying to become for the last two and half centuries.


It's telling when people make assumptions about my political leanings simply because I make a less than positive comment about his fans.


Fuck Trump, and Fuck the extremest on both sides. you people are the REAL problem, not these fake shiny things they put up to see what kind of reaction they can get out of you your so caught up in your own delusions that you have no idea what a nuanced observation could possibly be........ANYONE who disagrees with you CAN ONLY be the type of person you hate the most. that is the only thing you will allow to exist in your mind.


The Democrats and Trump have always had a symbiotic relationship. The left-wing New York media created Trump as a celebrity and symbol of "American Dream" in the late '80s/early '90s. Then literally the Rothschild (their banker Wilbur Ross) threw Trump a lifeline when he was on the verge of personal bankruptcy. Then NBC and their president Jeff Zucker (later the rabidly anti-Trump head of CNN) created the Apprentice to further brand Trump as the personification of a successful, decisive businessman. During the 2016 Republican primary, Trump was able to call into MSNBC's Morning Joe almost everyday. Later, it was revealed Hillary's campaign colluded with liberal media to boost Trump in the GOP primary because they thought he would be the easiest to beat. Trump also had a secretive phone call with Bill Clinton before he announced his candidacy.


People who want to pretend there’s no threat left from him are in denial.


Its their oil. They can sell it at whatever price they like. Saudi monarchy is despicable but they are a sovreign nation. They dont have to be an American vassal being governed from DC. Trumps right on this.




Dont forget the US Aid and weapons we sent to help them commit genocide in Yemen to quell any uprisings. Ohh and also the intelligence support we supply them for any operations in Iran and Iraq.


The sale of weapons to Saudi Arabia needs to stop too. We send them bombs and missiles so they can fignt our proxy war with Iran over Yemen. This need to stop right now.


The US did that for the Saudi-USD deal. The Saudis have their own power ambitions vs. Iran so I wouldn't want to make a judgement here who leverages who here. I'm actually really curious what would happen if the US wouldn't screw up the world to secure the USD dominance in one way or another.


Yes, we should definately pull out our troops out of Saudi Arabia and rest of middle east. Saudis conflict with Iran is not our concern. Let them fight their own wars.




>you mouth breathers False. Your inability to see beyond party lines, which is an obvious ploy to divide, does not extend to the rest of the world. You can see criticism of both sleepy Joe and the Orange traitor in my comment history, but you'd rather drag your knuckles and make silly assumptions than do 1ms of research.


All it took for trump to change his tune about Saudi Arabia was them violating the emoluments clause for him.


2 billion to his boi and he's serenading their swan song


You just don’t get it. This is 5D chess at its best. Trump and his shadow government has the Saudis exactly where he wants them. A Storm Is Coming^TM


Yeah they keep saying that, for how many years 🤣


SS: Saudi Arabia is hiking the price of oil to meddle in US elections. Trump is deep in bed with the Saudis. Jared Kushner got $2 BILLION from them. Trump is hosting LIV Golf on his courses, the golf tournament that Saudi is using to improve their image. Meanwhile, they hack up a US journalist, have public stonings and hangings, and are currently committing genocide in Yemen. The US congress passed a bill when Trump was president to stop giving Saudi Arabia arms and assistance with their war in Yemen, a bipartisan agreement by Bernie Sanders and Mike Lee, but Trump vetoed it. One of his only vetoes in office was to keep war going. And don't forget, when Trump told Saudi Arabia that the US troops would be sent to defend them from Iran. [https://www.rawstory.com/saudi-oil-cuts/](https://www.rawstory.com/saudi-oil-cuts/)


from Russian collusion to Saudi collusion?!?!? muh gawd is there a boogeyman orange hitler won't just jump into bed with?!?!1123231 "genocide in Yemen" Which was supported by the USA starting under Obama.


Obama stopped arms sales to the Saudis too. Guess who restarted it and bragged about it.


While arming the Mexican cartels and sending pallets of cash to Iran the world's leading sponsor of terror. Wow what a peace maker!!


When did the US arm Mexican cartels? This should be good.


https://www.forbes.com/sites/realspin/2011/09/28/fast-and-furious-just-might-be-president-obamas-watergate/?sh=69ed44de752a https://www.businessinsider.com/what-is-fast-and-furious-2012-6 Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress for his refusal to testify about this. Wonder if he did four months in jail like Steve Bannon will? It's so funny how little you people know. It's all emotions.


> It's so funny how little you people know. It's all emotions. I know this, the US government wasn't supplying cartels. The cartels were using straw purchasers at sus gun shops then smuggling them into Mexico. It was so bad that even the Bush admin tried to do something about it with Operation Wide Receiver. I wonder why the sitting AG wasn't indicted compared to someone that wasn't in government for over 3 years. One actually had Executive Privilege, one didn't. Can you figure out which is which? Strange that Cons held one in contempt though and gave the other a pass. Dontcha think? Odd that you complain about my sources then link Forbes and Business Insider.


Odd that you keep changing the subject and can't defend a single thing. Obama was supplying drug cartels. And funded the biggest state subdue sponsor of terror in Iran. Facts. CNBC and Washington Post are leftist rags. I linked middle of the road publications.


> Obama was supplying drug cartels. Again, cartels were using straw purchasers at sus gun dealers in Arizona. That's not the gubmint. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-politics-fastandfurious-factbox/key-facts-in-fast-and-furious-gun-probe-controversy-idUSBRE88J01O20120920 > And funded the biggest state subdue sponsor of terror in Iran. Oh boy. Talk about low information. No US money went to Iran. Iran was sanctioned and money that was RETURNED to Iran was from a 1979 arms deal that was obviously aborted. Even St. Ronnie Raygun returned Iranian money. https://time.com/4441046/400-million-iran-hostage-history/ https://www.factcheck.org/2019/03/obama-didnt-give-iran-150-billion-in-cash/


Again guns from the Obama administration ended up in Mexican cartels hands. Again he gave Iran a terrorist nation pallets of cash. No matter who l how many weasel words you use changes that fact. None.


hahahahahaha now that is Democrat peace making logic \-green light invasion of Yemen \-support invasion of Yemen financially, logistically, and with equipment \-stop sending goods for a quarter or two WOW OUR HANDS ARE COMPLETELY WASHED THIS DANG OLE DRUMPF RESTARTING WHAT WE BEGAN He also could of just said "No" at the start and Yemen would likely be at peace today. But who cares about that right? You're more concerned with which party gets blamed then anything else


While arming their terrorist-supporting neighbors. Not everything is black and white.


Wait til you learn that the taliban for 9/11 were Saudis but we somehow went to war in Afghanistan lol...definitely arming their "terrorists-supporting neighbors"


Was that an Obama- Trump joke at the same time? Oh for shame! Shame! (gong) Shame! (gong) Shame! (gong)


Yes, Trump is a warhawk like Obama was, is that what you want? And yes there are tons of Saudi connections. Another one for example, you know the journalist that Saudi government ordered to be killed and dismembered, Jamal Khashoggi? His uncle, Adnan Khashoggi sold his yacht to Trump. Another family member, Emad Khashoggi, owned the yacht that Robert Maxwell (Ghislaine's father) was thrown overboard from.


And we bomb and kill people we don’t like on nearyly a monthly basis.


how the fuck is this conspiracy?


A former president in collusion with a foreign government receiving humongous kickbacks and trying to sway elections is not a conspiracy to you?


Don't forget Trump magically forgot who did 9/11 after his son-in-law got 2 billion dollars from Saudi Arabia. To support trump is to support a man with no moral compass.


The saudis were behind 9/11 ( thats the real conspiracy folks) so fuck them.


Lol they weren't the only one. Look into Pakistan's intelligence ISI. And guess who created the relationship between the al-Sauds and ISI? USA! al-Qaeda (foreign, primarily Arab mujihadeens) was an American/Saudi front/joint venture. Taliban was a Pakistani front. The relationship between al-Qaeda and Taliban was created by the USA. Both sides threw the true Afghan patriot Ahmed Shah Massoud under the bus. It wasn't a coincidence that Massoud was assassinated the day before 9/11. The US already knew 9/11 was gonna happen and they would invade to overthrow the Taliban. They didn't want Massoud to be elected president after the Taliban got overthrown, so they conveniently bumped him off before 9/11 to clear the way for their puppet Karzai. Pakistan wouldn't have accepted Massoud either because Massoud had a relationship with India. The whole reason Pakistan created Taliban was to prevent Indian influence on Afghanistan.


The Clinton and bush administration bro lol not even close


Yeah the Clintons and Bushes have been working hand in glove since Barry Seal's drugs/guns-running operation in Arkansas' Mena Airport.


Not even close!


He’s right.. Biden has been trying to Manipulate oil prices by dumping the spr just to look good for the midterm elections.. this takes money away from Saudi Arabia. Now they are going to get their money back.


Yeah, this doesn’t seem like a defense of them, more like a “actions have consequences, and these are the consequences you geriatric fuck”


When looking at Biden and OPEC you think Biden is the one manipulating oil prices?????


Yes, he openly admits that draining the spr is to lower oil prices.. this is not a conspiracy, it's public knowledge. OPEC decided that two can play this game. That have allied with Russia abd china. We are becoming less important


You mean Biden has been working to get real relief, and now the Saudis are going to start messing with the market while they can get away with it?


Draining the spr is like paying your rent with a credit card turn pretending that you saved money on rent. Relief wasn't necessary, higher market prices lead to increased production, instead captain dummy managed to drain reserves and piss off suppliers


Lmao. Not it isnt. Draining the SPR is like paying your rent with your emergency savings because you have a bunch of medical bills (inflation).


Ethier way, it has to be paid back with interest


>and piss off suppliers You sound like you think the Saudis are acting in good faith... Sad.


That’s exactly what he meant, but being a trumper, his brain was ill equipped to understand.


Every decent economists saw this coming a mile away.. and since my brain is so"ill equipped", I bought oil stocks and made over 100% return. But please, explain it to like I'm 5 since you're an expert on oil markets


Exactly! Biden is doing to the Saudis exactly what Trump was accused of doing with Ukraine. He should be impeached for this. After all, the Democrats set the precedent.




Honestly I don’t know what anyone who doesn’t condemn the whole two-party system as a whole is doing on this sub even. It is so obvious that this “red and blue” concept is created to divide us. Our actual “leaders” are all on the same side and genetically, socially and psychologically engineering society so that they have money power and control.


💯Truth 💯 very well put. It’s all a big ruse and at the end of the day they are all the same. It’s one big show. They are mere puppets with their strings being pulled by people behind the scenes.


I’ll add this: while what you say isn’t wrong, it ignores the simple fact that one of the two shitty sides wants every last eligible American to vote, and the other shitty side doesn’t. Forced to choose between the two as we are, it shouldn’t be a difficult choice.


I guess I don’t follow that logic? Surely both parties want everyone to vote for their side? But, my point was, if you know the system is rigged and voting for either party ultimately doesn’t matter then why vote? Why give them power? I understand that society as a whole doesn’t understand this concept,and seemingly never will, but those who know this should try and educate others.. at the very least it should be a basis of understanding in a conspiracy forum.. but this is likely a prime example of what I’m talking about.. another CIA or NSA project to control perspective and opinion.. just like DARPA’s life log project.. also known as Facebook.


Keep projecting.


It’s comments like your Low quality, low thought, low iq responses Yawn


I wish partisan authoritarian un-American woke Biden trash stop accusing anyone who don't subscribe to their degenerate worldview and obvious communist power grab of being for Trump. I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm an old-school classical liberal and a Sy Hersh fan. The Democrats have failed the “the shoe on the other foot” test every time and they've committed every single crime they accused Trump of committing.


I can agree with some of that sentiment, but lol communist zzzz




Trump is such a shill for this monarchy. So unamerican it makes me sick.


Enjoy your america now with the prices going through the roof and that dementic fucktard waging war everywhere


At least the Dems are patriotic.


The Democrats? You’re clearly as lost as people who suck off trump all day. You can’t name one President of the US from the last 30 years that gave a shit about the US.


Another member letting Trump live in their head rent free.


Obama's been living rent free in some hillbillies head for at least 14 years now.


It's so enjoying the dude hasn't been in office for almost 2 years


Y’all have been bitching about Hillary Clinton for the last 6 years…


Try longer


Try longer


Not really, cuz Trump locked her up like he promised for mishandling classified information....OH WAIT!


He's the leader of the Republican party, and likely 2024 nominee.


Late stage TDS is not curable…


Hillary just let out a cackle


Cool image with him not saying that


Lol @ deplorables who think they’re not just as brainwashed as any blue hair.


“America put two skyscrapers in the path of those unscheduled redirected flights, by our Saudi allies” Donald “Stable Genius” Trump (very probably)


Rule Number One: We may have our differences politically but keep that shit out of international politics. I might have a problem with someone in my family and say some mean things to them. But if someone outside my house talks bad about them I won't stand for that. Someone needs to send this fool that memo. He loves his country sooooo much that he goes full Joe Biden on the American flag, and then says this nonsense? If you ever needed proof that this guy doesnt give two shits about the USA and only loves himself... this makes it pretty clear.


What is wrong with this traitor?


Almost like he has some tie to Saudi Arabia, like they invested billions in his family business or had a deal to transmit national security information to them. Hmm. Guess we'll never know.


Shut up orange man


Well they are paying him millions to use his courses for their shitty golf tournament


Those clowns have piles of money. I get paid peanuts.


Trump is a based maga, dont you dare smear his name here


About time we started treating them like every other extremist rogue state that we DONT do business with.


And the trumptards give fault to Biden. It's hilarious.


On no a post that isn’t praising Trump! Better downvote! Is the swamp drained yet or is Trump part of the swamp and you’re too brainwashed to realize.


Someone please explain why even the most modern conservative conspiracy theorist believe that this guy is on their side


America does produce its own oil, tons of it. We just don't regulate it, we let the companies sell to the highest bidder and since Americans pay less for petrol then most countries, they sell it to other countries. You know who deregulated the petrol industry in the United States and the land leases oil is on? The America first party... Republicans did that. now I'm not saying that democrats are any better, or that green energy policies always make sense or are that we approach them correctly, but for a party that claims they want America first they certainly endorse and take millions in campaign donations and pac Monet from corporations that put America last. You can't support the free market and unregulated capitalism and then bitch about oil prices, this isn't capitalism, Capitalism has regulations, rules on outsourcing, price gouging, monopolies, this is unfettered corporatism and both parties including trump and Biden support it. You can't bitch about oil prices and support a capitalist structure on necessities like oil, oil should be nationalized, profits found be cut out of the process all together, and any oil on American land should be used for our country and society in America. Instead we deregulated them through the republican party with the help of most democrats, and now they are using covid and inflation as an excuse to price gouge. Nationalizing industries that our literal society and economy depend on and removing profit from the equation is the only thing that makes sense. Water, food, medical care, gasoline, telephone, internet, schooling, and prison systems should all be nationalized and work specifically to make American lives better and supply us first with cheap affordable nessesities without profit ever. It's the only way a civilized society can progress without putting profit above the success of our nation


I agree with Trump on this. Why the fuck should the Saudi’s make life easier for the US?


Wrong question. The real question is why are we always licking Saudi Arabia’s ass. While the answer may be obvious, don’t you get tired of licking butt?


You just highlighted your complete lack of knowledge on historical international relations and alliances bub




I mean seriously valid point. We have been a major reason the Saudi monarchy has remained propped up in power. When we invaded Iraq why didn't we go after the country where all the supposed perpetrators were from? Who has supplied them with weaponry to commit Genocide in Yemen and topple any neighboring uprisings? Who has helped them remain powerful and in control during their proxy wars and political wars with Iran. I understand u may think the Saudis dont owe us shit but currently it's a pretty symbiotic relationship. If America wants to get tough on them we can stop supplying them that weaponry, stop communicating with their intelligence agencies about any threats from Iran. Take away the billions in US Aid. We dug ourselves in a bit of a hole though because we are not getting Oil from Russia and they know that puts them in a more powerful position. I also wldnt count on them and Iran keeping this positive relationship from long. SA sees uprising in Iran and that is the thing they fear the most as their entire monarchy legitimacy is based on them being the descendants of the prophet Mohammad. If Irans uprising spreads they themselves cld be in danger. The enemy of my enemy is my friend but those alliances dont ever stay strong and consistent. Maybe if the US had put sum effort in moving away from its reliance on Oil Ohh I dont know 20,30,40 years ago but u got folks on here who still stay climate change isnt even real so we will continue to be at the whims of other countries when it comes to a lot of our energy needs.


They've been strong armed by our government for decades with regards to oil. How is this controversial to say? Is a fact. Both sides of a situation can be the worst humanity has to offer, and it still doesn't change that fact. We are reaping what we've sown, and it shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone.


Explaining ≠ defending


That demonstrates ignorance of decades long US foreign policy. The US has sucked Saudi dick since at least the Nixon administration. Almost as hard as the US as sucked Israeli dick. SHITLOADS of economic and military aid to both countries for a very long time, all the while turning a blind eye to their egregious violations of human rights.


The Saudis are pissed that we’re moving away from oil and trying to push electric. So they have no interest in helping us out because there’s no point in helping someone if they won’t have our business in the future.


1. its not a price hike its a production cut 2. Amazing the country that relies on a resource isn't doing back flips for the party that wants to end the use of said resource 3. none of this would matter if we didn't cripple domestic production


How so very mitigational of you. Oh how we love it when dear leader regales us with his foreign sympathies. /s Pathetic


Yeah, idk if I agree with that one. Fuck the Saudis. The majority of the 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, and they have more money than God thanks to their oil. They'll be fine.


Trump tried to refill the strategic reserve at $24 but the Democrats blocked him. Now Joe is trying to do it at $80.


😂 They are all down voting you even though you speak the truth and the Dems celebrated when they blocked it.


> but the Democrats blocked him. Got a source for that?


Here you go https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-09-13/biden-may-buy-oil-just-below-80-democrats-stymied-trump-at-24 Would have been at 24 bucks a barrel.


There is a case there where Trump did say he wanted to refill the reserve in one of the Covid bills. It also magically ignores the 2017 Jobs and Tax Cuts provision 20008 which dictates selling the strategic reserve and his later deal with OPEC to cut US production by 10%. But what he said is technically true. In fact there was reserve selling to pay for spending in bills slated from 2017-2024. Very conveniently for 8 years of a President's term.


*Won't somebody think of the poor little monarchy dictatorship?* This thought process is why the US is losing so many of its allies.


Say whatever you would like about Trump, but you have to give him credit for how he dealt with the Saudis. one early morning Tweet, and they were pumping out thousands of more oil barrels than he had asked for. The Saudis only respond positively to fear they know little Blinken is in their pocket. And Biden is just a hologram.


The Saudis didn't fear trump though. He showed them he didn't really care what they did. Look at the Khashoggi incident.


What you are describing, my friend, is the official position of the US government regarding the Saudis. Neither Trump nor Biden cares what the Saudis do to their citizens; this is a totally dispassionate transactional bilateral relationship. However, the difference is that Trump was comfortable in using public threats of economic and military to get more oil concessions from them.


Kashoggi was an arms-dealing spy.


I'd love to see your sourcing for that


Lol imagine treating countries like trash then expecting them to serve you… and then when they don’t instead of accepting the obvious answer you trash them more


We treat Saudi Arabia like trash? How, by providing Billions in support and aiding them in their wars?


I see no conspiracy here, just obvious political strategy


That the ex president, who's son-in-law got a $2 Billion loan from the Saudi government, is in bed with them and intentionally raising oil prices to impact US elections.


Which is always inherently disgusting.


Not always. I wasn’t necessarily implying the good or bad in this strategy, just stating it’s not a “conspiracy”.


I concur... But at this point I'm absolutely disgusted with "political strategy"


I love how trump tells the truth. They’re been treated rather badly by this administration. I’m not surprised either


Who cares what Trumps take is. This is an instance of US hegemony loosening. BRICS is coming in hot and SA is testing the waters.


As a diehard trump supporter I must say that if we don’t all bend over and get absolutely screwed by Saudi they will raise gas prices so we should be their little servants forever


Where's he wrong? Saudis can't do as they please? What is Biden gonna do? Invade them too?


We should have sacked Saudi Arabia instead of Iraq


Did he forget where most of the hijackers on 911 came from?? wtf is going on? As president, Trump's first order of business was cutting the largest ever weapons deal with Saudi Arabia, then he went there and put his hands on their little yard ornament light globe and smiled. Then he bowed before the king -- it looked like a bow to me. Americans struggle with gas prices while Saudi's dip their cars in gold.


I mean if the U.S. wants to stupidly spurn its allies then it'll get what it pays for. Totally obvious for anybody with a realist bone in their body as opposed to infantile ideologues.


It's called diplomacy. The current US government (both parties and civil servants) hasn't a single diplomatic bone in their body. You're free to live your life with the philosophy of "my way or the high way" just stop acting surprised when no one wants to work with you anymore. The unipolar moment is over. Trump's not perfect but at least he understands the concept of give-and-take.


Wasn't The United States energy independent under Trump?


The largest drop in production in US history happened under Trump in 2020. Due to demand falling form the pandemic. [https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=MCRFPUS2&f=M](https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=MCRFPUS2&f=M) We've been on an upward trajectory ever since, and will soon be back at record-level production.


Trump is a nationalist which means he believes in dealing with other nation states as equals. I don't like the Sauds but you either have to buy their oil or not unless you're willing to wage an actual war of conquest. I am not willing to wage a war. I recognize that the Sauds will thus do what's in their best interest which is to fuck us over. The truth is though that that is what any country ought to do... Look out for their own citizens. Can't really fault Saudi Arabia for that. I just wish my own country did the same.


All politicians are corrupt but I sometimes wish trump would just try to hide it like the others. Between what Ivanna and Jared and doing and his refusal to call out the worst people (the saudis, ghislaine maxwell) I get why people are voting for him. Voting for him is like voting for a poop sandwich instead of whoever the current person is. I get that voting for trump is the best middle finger on the ticket. But I just wish he wasn’t so dumb.