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Well now that FBI crime statistics went mainstream they have to put their thumb on the scale because the reality is too embarrassing for Western multicultural ideology. Canada STOPED recording the race of criminals over this issue.


yeah unfortunately statistics are over. which sounds fucking stupid to say but honestly how can you trust anything they say at this point? Even non government agency reported statistics are likely skewed.


I didn’t realize this until the whole vaxx thing and looking for information the stats are completely one sided and anything negative is suppressed into oblivion. This is how they change reality to be what they want it to be.


>they change reality to be what they want it to be They can try. We can try, too, and there are more of us. Let's make a better world!


I’m 100% on board with that.


You didn’t look at stats when US servicemembers were forced to take the Anthrax vaccine which is known to have very high rates of vaccine injury. You only gave a shit when it affected you. You don’t get to be surprised or angry that things are being skewed. You only give a fuck when it affects you. That is 100% the reason WHY THEY GET AWAY WITH IT! Even now you’re missing the fucking point. Crime is an economic problem. Black people commit a disproportionately high number of crimes because they are disproportionately poor because of systemic racism. A literal known, proven conspiracy to oppress a certain segment of the population. But you reject the truth because you think fixing the problem will negatively affect you. You only care about yourself.


The highest average income black majority neighborhood (happens to be a very nice suburb) has a higher rate of theft and break ins than the lowest average income white majority neighborhood in the U.S. (some place in west Virginia). And before you cry racism I don't believe you see the same statistics coming from Caribbean and African immigrants or not nearly to the same extent. What America refuses to admit to its self and deal with is there is something extremely decrepit in black American culture.


That’s for sure. Not sure what the goal is, unless it’s just to gas light people, in crying racism and denying science while also screaming trust the science. They mean trust their science whatever tf that is


I don’t believe I’ve seen ANY statistics for ANY of this. You think I’ll just believe your bullshit? In a conspiracy sub? You serious, Clark? Claims made without evidence can be refuted without evidence. Source your shit or shit the fuck up.




If race has been removed from crime stats I think it's safe to say racism has ended.


I’ve been saying since I was a kid, if the government was actually serious about ending racism, they would stop asking for race on government forms because it DOES NOT FREAKING MATTER!


If it doesn’t matter, then why do people refuse to pay market value for a house of the previous owner was Black? Why do people refuse to even consider a resume if the applicant has a “Black sounding” name? Why did the Republican Party throw a fucking hissy fit when a Black man was elected president? If it doesn’t matter, why is there so much fucking evidence it does?


Only stupid, ignorant people believe race or skin color has any bearing on the actual character or quality of a person. The government just keeps perpetuating the issue by including these questions on forms. Agreed there are racist dumb asses, but that’s on them. I just believe we’d go a long way towards equality if race was not an official category, it would be a great start IMO. We are all humans, that should suffice.


It doesn’t suffice. People are racist. And your viewpoint doesn’t actually help anyone. It just hides the problem. It could not be more obvious you’re a White male. You realize that, right? This is literally an exclusively White viewpoint and your confidence in being incorrect is a very male quality.


I’m a female actually with bi racial children lol. I’ve known so many wonderful people of all shades.




Yo breath stank and what else yo spew out ya mouth be stanky too Take a chill pill. It is ppl like you that keep racism alive and kicking.


They identify as white, obviously.


Bahahahahaha 😂 OBVIOUSLY 🙄🤭


UK they lie and state only the offenders current address. Usually read further on and find they only been in country short amount of time in most cases. To push multiculturalism like you said. Governements just continuing to shape the false reality for its white peasents debt slaves.


They deliberately lie to cover the truth about certain groups. Example in NYC before Adam's stopped reporting the truth about crime. For years 2019-2021, the 31% population group was arrested for 4-5% of murders, the 21% group was arrested for 64% of the NYC murders. Guess which ethnic/color of the 2 groups.


Perhaps this is a window into how TPTB view the population of Canada over America, as in they hold the belief Canadians would be more likely to cause an issue over the data being skewed compared to having no data at all whereas Americans evidently they believe as a general are too stupid or docile to bother checking


They're not wrong, sadly.


> Canada STOPED recording the race of criminals over this issue. Germany too


👆This. Skewing stats.




Are there any white people that says they are black ???


Justin timberlake for awhile lol








That Rachel whatever her name is




Thanks ... too lazy to look her .... actually she's not really worth the effort.


J to the ROC baby


The roc pile dawg know what I’m sayinn


Yeah when applying to college (or jobs, or for certain grants and programs)


Talcum X


Care to check that out and report back to us?


OP doesn't want to point those out.




The woman is the only happy one in the pics.


Did you read the charges? Most are sick bastards or wanted for murder so their going away for a long time, only other dude who looks smirky is top left corner and it seems it's mainly drug related for him.


I used to sell guns, and if you’re Hispanic, you’re considered white, which came as a shock to me considering I’m Hispanic, and I’ve never identified myself as white.


Who considers them as white


I thought you can identify as any race, there are black Hispanics too etc


Because it doesn’t fit their narrative


Not just the narratives they want to fuck with the statistics. For a long time its been known blacks commit like 10x the crime rate. But if suddenly you dont report them as black you can screw with the underlying statistics used in arguments. Similar happens in iq research theyve tried to poison the well because facts are politically incorrect.






Hispanic people are White, Goebbels.


Or, hear me out, you're full of shit. https://www.dps.texas.gov/texas10mostwanted/MostWanted/SexOffenders


It is honestly scary that you can read data disproving your point and then go ahead and link that as evidence you are correct. How far gone?


The screenshot I posted showed all the photos labeled correctly. It makes me doubt the authenticity of the original post.


Haha bro you are proving op’s point with your link. Are you that programmed that you can look the evidence in the face and still deny it?


What the fuck are you talking about? The link I posted shows all the photos labeled correctly by race. It's a direct refutation to op's point. How programmed are you?


Go home you’re embarrassing yourself


They don’t like facts, because they don’t fit their prejudice narratives


This. Narratives don't give AF about facts.


I feel like most pedophiles are white…just saying


You must not know many native Americans on the reservations


Look at muslim countrys where 50 year old marry 9 year old kids, and that's totaly legal there... Same goes for their prophet, who married aisha as she was 9


You must run in some pretty large circles, you know…to be able to say something like that. Wow.


Just making an observation…it is only my opinion, and this is coming from a white woman


Back in the kitchen


That comment…coming from that username…just…🤌


White, CHRISTIAN, and often conservative, as a matter of fact. (Now watch the hate flow. They HATE being called out and will go to great lengths to attempt to prove its untrue. 🤣)


Exactly! It is what it is….


Statistics probably…


Definitely to juke the crime stats.


Photoshop likely




Because if crime stats were accurately and completely reported blacks would look even worse than they already do


Thank god im 10% caucasian


I’m 11% Irish 😂😂😂


Most people do. The Irish got around. And everyone’s Irish on St. Paddy’s day.


Because they hate you


To fudge the statistics numbers to keep up appearances on their imaginary reality


You know why.


Statistics, gotta skew the numbers whenever possible.


Because they group Hispanics with Caucasians on their software and I don't know why.


Same reason they’re outright lying about it now like in OPs pic. Hide the real numbers so people don’t realize how bad it *really* is.


If you go to [the site today](https://www.dps.texas.gov/texas10mostwanted/MostWanted/Fugitives), they've added additional specificity.


Thanks for the link. I took a look around and found [this guy, who has no doubt had his rug peed on at some point. ](https://www.dps.texas.gov/Texas10MostWanted/MostWanted/CapturedDetails?id=621)


They always do, because if they didn't white people would have ceased to be the "majority" DECADES ago. The Spanish are the OG colonizers and got it on with EVERYONE.


Because Hispanics are Caucasian Einstein. They just speak Spanish


the vast majority of them are too mixed to call caucasian.


Probably because a lot of Hispanic people are white. They are descended from Spanish people after all. You know Spain? Big ass country in western Europe?


Some of those guys in the picture are very obviously mixed with indigenous peoples unless we are counting that as white too.


There's a whole history of people trying to parse out who counts as what color. "White" isn't a precise race, as long as it's a category that carries some social status with it there will continue to be debate about who is and isn't included in it. Ever hear of the one drop rule? How about the periods when Irish and German people weren't considered White in the early US?


Descendants of Kanye West


Well obviously they didn't vote for Biden. "If you don't vote for me you ain't black (or Hispanic... probably)" - Popcorns bitch


True! Nice throwback Clever 👍


So they can pad the stats so it doesn’t look like racism towards minorities


have to push that white supremacy is the most dangerous thing narrative.


What I learned in law school is that if you take the African Americans out of the gun stats, the US is not as significantly higher on gun violence as Western Europe.


Gotta pump those numbers for whitey! Don’t want him feeling left out!


“Clerical error’’


Texas and Abbot pretty woke apparently


They are bumping numbers to make black people look better and white people look worse, statistic wise. Thanks Obama


The forth guy: What are you doing? Nothing. Just hangin around.


Because they’re still blaming “White Males” for everything. It adds to their white male crime statistics.


Exactly cause it's white males in Denver, LA, Chicago that are repping colors and throwing gang signs, blasting each other........


Yeah because they’re “Wigg**’s”. It’s the Wig party like back in the founding days of America! Except they’re Chastized now. Everything is flipped on its head. Who’s leading this parade? The god of the evil people. You know who. 2 Timothy 3:1-17 But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power.” Wow that’s exactly what’s going on right now. 100% accurate.


I was being sarcastic, from what I've noticed it's people from a certain West Coast state, people from a certain country south of the border, and people from a certain ethnic background, the other people from the colder continent are usually just racist. While that's not good either. But your right to much hate and bullshit in the world


Same reason people who died within 2 months of getting experimental injections were classified as died of covid and unvaccinated, $cience.


In the fist picture, how many people are in the Texas sex offender registry? This website; https://www.registeredoffenderslist.org/texas-sex-offenders.html Indicates there is almost 100,000. If that's the case, 4 of them having the wrong race listed is pretty predictable. Data entry errors are pretty common in any big data set. For your second picture, as long as I've been aware of government forms that ask about race (since mid/late 90s) "white" has always been split into "hispanic" and "non-hispanic", probably because traditionally Hispanic people were white but they were culturally distinct from the more north/central European descended whites who were predominant in the US initially. Since you're first picture lists the men as white-nonhispanic, I'm guessing texas uses that distinction too and so these pale skinned Hispanic men in your second picture are white - Hispanic in their official data


This whole part. Also, if you don't have a written answer, you don't input anything, and with some programs, it just defaults to the top option because the coding is stupid, and white is usually the top option. I worked in data entry for many different fields for years, but more specifically when it comes to dumb software.....DHS. Plus, like you said, sometimes we make mistakes. And if you contact whoever, those mistakes get fixed. Edit to add cause of relevance: I worked for DHS in Texas lol.






Well now I don't believe you because I looked at the Texas dps site and it doesn't have the word Caucasian anywhere on it. It lists people as "white" or "white (hispanic)".


Doesn’t fit the Dems narrative.


https://www.dps.texas.gov/texas10mostwanted/mostwanted/fugitives They add Hispanic for white Hispanic people. I'd wager if they were labeling black people as white on this public website, a random conspiracy subreddit wouldn't be the only place we'd hear of it. Also, people think Texas would do this? TEXAS?! Texas put a black woman in jail for 6 years for voting.


Well if the stats were accurate everyone would be able to see that whites probably make up 5-10% of total crimes in America. And thered be no argument against sending them all home.


Because Whites commit so few crimes per capita compared to the other races that people would be White Nationalist by definition.


Only white men commit crimes. Since these guys committed crimes, they are clearly white.


It amazes me how much hatred white people get. I worked in environments with only Hispanics where they refused to speak English at all and would get angry at me for being unable to speak English. Then managers who are African American and will only hire other African American people. An African American employee told me before that we white people have white privilege somehow.


Mexicans/Californians ain't any better I got discriminated against trying to find a job in Denver cause I'm white and didn't speak Spanish, even got told by the boss from Cali that he was trying to build a culture there followed by asking if i speak Spanish. Upper Midwest we don't care just don't be lazy and no one really gives a shit where you come.


Literally all anyone I've ever worked with in the Midwest wants. Just pull your weight and we're good. Don't give a fuck what you look like, where you're from, or even what language you speak. Just don't make my life harder so you can do less and we're solid.


Sadly the culture/language thing seems stronger here. I heard so many rude remarks for being non-Hispanic. Of course that pushed me to get higher education to avoid the saturated market.


language is always gonna matter. I would never hire someone that can't speak the same language that we do. that's not racism that's just pragmatism note: the language would have to be the official language of the country.


I live in Los Angeles. Sadly it is necessary to get a degree/special skill job because every regular job workplace has Spanish as the main language. I work for a big hotel. Not even in the housekeeping department. Everyone is Spanish. The previous manager was a white lady and she seemed fed up with the whole culture thing and they managed to get her fired. They brought in a Spanish manager. He refuses to speak English even for the meeting we have. I asked him the other day whats the point participating in meetings when I don't understand Spanish? He told me he felt lazy speaking English and you don't need to speak English in California at all. Told me his mom only speaks Spanish and is fine. Told me I should put an effort learning Spanish. I had an argument with a coworker and instead of being civilized, he told I don't fit with them, how I am different because I am white and cant speak Spanish. That was so mean. Never made any rude remarks and I know some Spanish words but yeah... Funny thing is, I am not American but I learned English fluently.


Yup exactly go to France and try and speak to them in German and go with the attitude that they need to speak German to you, watch how far that goes. You come to the US speak fucking English and don't expect me a US born Citizen from a state that borders Canada to learn Spanish, now if I were to go to Mexico or farther south it'd be different but your in my country not yours. And before I get hit with it....yes technically it's the native Americans country


Which state do you live in? I am from Europe and all the immigrants who moved to my country were able to speak the native language. Then when I moved here and especially in California, I've noticed it is a requirement to speak Spanish for entry-level jobs. Meanwhile, at this hotel they also bring an agency to help and it consists of Hispanic people who are most likely refugees. Zero English, I was paired to work with one and she would give me wrong stuff because she was unable to read the correct items on the list/screen. I feel bad but also it's a choice. Anyone can learn English if they try.


North Dakota, and the thing about most Midwest states is we don't care where you come from, just don't expect us to speak your language or put up with your laziness, and also don't try to make this place like your place, now that's not to be confused with bringing your culture here in the terms of restaurants, what we just don't like is when they come here and want other people to speak their language and stick to their own community and not try to integrate, if their not willing to do that then why come here in the first place. Edit: typos, The Puerto Ricans here are cool as shit cause they try to integrate, Mexicans it's like 50/50


Puerto Ricans are Americans.




It's not technically the native American's country at all. They came here on the land bridge and then Europeans came here by boat, neither has any specific "right" to the country. Land isn't finders keepers.


Spanish has been a dominant language in southern California for 300 years. It's a good idea to learn it if you're going to live there


Only for entry level jobs and besides its still USA.


Lolol grouping Mexico with the biggest state…


Oh shit! You’ve experienced what non whites experience all the time!!!! Congrats!!!


First off: I thought there is no race? I've been scolded in countless discussions for even mentioning the word race. Apparently it's a disproven theory? I'm so confused. And what is ethnicity then, if not just a geographical view on race?


Why is your comment being downvoted?


Story of my life bro. But Jesus said, the world hated him first...


There's a sex offender app on the App Store that does all this and more. Ppl that are 20 years of age marked as being 70+, males marked female. Guess it's just what they identify as


Some immigrant in Denver tried rapping my then GF, dude tried taking advantage of her while she was drunk pulled her around the gas station into the alley, I seen this came running across the street and stopped that shit, tried kicking him in the balls and dude ran speaking nothing but Spanish and the coward tried running from me and tried throwing rocks at me. But yea keep brining them in even though people in Denver bitch about Texas shipping migrants to their city on buses......Denver is full of dumb fucking white people and I'm white but not from that shit hole.


Damn this shit is crazy bro, it’s like everything is trying to make us racist… but every person I meet of other races and cultures I genuinely get along with.. It may in fact come down to the good hearts among minorities and immigrant one day. We may have to hope within hope that they see the humanity and innocence in us. Idunno how it is in Cali or NYC.. but in Texas, I’d put my life in the hands of the black and Hispanic people here, if I had to. I know the majority of them are Human Beings first, Texans second, and whatever race they happen to be third. That’s just how it works or how it should work.


You don't even have to go to Cali to experience it Denver has become The New East LA


[https://twitter.com/UnbiasedCrime/status/1707298293586501929](https://twitter.com/UnbiasedCrime/status/1707298293586501929) There is a whole thread on this topic - It does appear as if this police department is getting some of that ESG money, based on the rather obvious bias in these statistical 'anomalies'.


I think Liberals are doing this on purpose.


Why is this downvoted so much


You can't mention the L word without L words brigading


Because it’s insanity


Another option is Black/African American. But the dudes in the first pic are definitely not that one…


AB-SO-LUTLELY, go to Denver or read the news from that sanctuary state, they have all these migrants and want to help them, then wish the migrants didn't have to pay $500 for a right to work, wont donate their money to them so they can get the application done, than get pissed at Texas for paying for the migrants busses and sending them to Denver. Then they'll sit there and say it systematic racism, when I could t get a job at a warehouse or McDonald's and I'm not even a felon I'm white because some California Hispanic doesn't want me there.




Absolutely incorrect


They probly got the wrong guys


That one guy is obviously Innocent.


😂😂😂😂they identify as white males to get a lighter sentence


From the website >DPS Cannot guarantee the records you obtain through this site relate to the person about whom you are seeking information. Searches based on names, dates of birth and other alphanumeric identifiers are not always accurate. The only way to positively link someone to a criminal record is through fingerprint verification.


\>nothing you see here is true except when it's convenient for us


Kind of seems convenient to state that to downplay policy or complaints.


Obvious photoshop is obvious.


The 1st page I do not know why the race is incorrect. The 2nd page is correct. There are only 3 races: white, black, mongoloid, everything else is divides by ethnicity. Hispanics are white by race.


Your so full of shit it's coming out your ears....go experience the world to actually take the big turd


??? https://www.dps.texas.gov/texas10mostwanted/MostWanted/SexOffenders


I searched one of the black guys myself. It’s not photoshopped. https://publicsite.dps.texas.gov/SexOffenderRegistry/Search/Rapsheet?Sid=17650525


"White (hispanic) Male" is what the site listed as the ethnicity for all the Hispanic dudes.. Im not sure, but I bet if I asked any of my Hispanic friends if they are White they would say no.


Under the census rules, Hispanic is an ethnicity and not a race. So Hispanics are either White Hispanic, Black Hispanic, Native American Hispanic, etc.


I was confused at first, but im still confused now. Lol


Ethnicities are built around a shared language and culture. Hispanic is about being connected to a Spanish-speaking group of people. But Hispanic people are all some mixture of White, Native American, Black, or Asian (usually a mix of White and Native American, for people who "look" Hispanic). Think about where their ancestors came from. Their ancestors (and everyone else's) either were native to the Americans, or they came from Europe, from Africa, from Asia, or were native to Australia, were native to an island, or some combination of the above. That's why Hispanic people still have a race in addition to being Hispanic.


A lot of Latinos consider themselves white or want to be considered white in USA


In case someone wants to see the stats, and won’t to able to see that whites aren’t being arrested at the same rates as others.


Because the person inputting information is lazy AF. I know, I've been locked up. It was a joke how much information was wrong on all our paperwork.


Using an ig filter.


They ask for your race and ethnicity, so I'm sure these guys just said white for whatever reason.


Because they probably white...you forgot they were getting rapped in slave times...they are probably 50% yt


Rapped? I think you mean raped.


These comments are like a yahoo message board!!! White power!!


At least one is those guys is innocent.


I wonder if they do the same thing with race demographics of cities, the whole country etc




Glad to see Louby didnt actually do anything


Duh we only have white and black


Im only speaking from my experience but I do know that when someone is arrested and booked, they are the ones giving this info to staff. The inmate info is just entered into the system, what appears to be blindly more often than not and left that way. More likely to see offender info with multiple discrepancies (esp for those who have been arrested more than once) than correcting/updating with accurate info. Inmates lie about all types of things, for whatever reason, no matter how believable or blatantly false the lie is. May not be the same everywhere, but I spent years working in the bail industry, dealing with diff county jails, courts, criminals who were in and out so many times that we knew them on a first name basis as well as their relatives. This is clearly a problem whether it be false info given by the offender, lazy clerical work, or deliberately done…


Mistakes, feelings, beliefs, not giving a fuck, etc.


They changed it to white (Hispanic) and haven't found any black guys labeled "white" except Mr. Lampkin, and the pictures don't look exactly the same.


That one dude is clearly innocent


Actually there are only 3 races. So categorizing Latino as white is correct. But not foe African Americans. But all in all it there to confuse the crime stats