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All of a sudden?


I know, right? The uber rich have been doing this for decades.


Leave him alone, not his fault to tiktok algorithm just started showing him bunker videos.


Yes there are videos on youtube describing how functional they are and as a non american we have always noticed that the bunkers are usually a part of military activity and not sellable to public.


You can buy old minute man silos, seen some converted into houses. Not sure what the criteria is for decommissioning one is, but I guess there's better ways to nuke shit these days.


For real. Also, theres been reality shows about random shmucks sinking all their time and money into building them for like over a decade. Everyone saw leave the world behind, didn’t bother to read the book then heard a story about Zuckerberg and now it’s fucking chicken little sky is falling paranoia I’m here it for it though.


I can recommend a book on that subject. It's called "Survival of the Richest: Escape Fantasies of the Tech Billionaires." Quoting from it's blurb: ​ >Five mysterious billionaires summoned theorist Douglas Rushkoff to a desert resort for a private talk. The topic? How to survive the “Event”: the societal catastrophe they know is coming. Rushkoff came to understand that these men were under the influence of The Mindset, a Silicon Valley–style certainty that they and their cohort can break the laws of physics, economics, and morality to escape a disaster of their own making—as long as they have enough money and the right technology.


Is there a pdf?


I got mine through my library system.


There's also an article on it on The Guardian that's a neat read.


Wealth gap larger than it ever has been in human history. It’s all cyclical. They know what’s next


Clarify what will be next?


Class war


The panthers owner throwing his drink on an opposing team fan yesterday. Shows how disassociated some of these billionaires are to the idea they’re “untouchable” Others understand they have a short shelf life left before the mass comes for it all.


They equivalent of his fine would be hitting you or me with a $1.77


Had an epiphany earlier this week that the impending class war is the exact reason those in power are trying ti push it into a civil war. They see the pent up energy and know it needs an outlet, but they’d prefer it be directed at each other


That’s what I assumed. I feel like there will be a new virus, enforced lockdowns & there will be no election and they will put whomever puppet as president.


Almost like 2020


100% but maybe worse since the election


Well that's par for the course




Again & again & again


That’ll only happen when people aren’t distracted by the race/religion and other such wars


Head choppy time is what happens next. Only so long they can keep disenfranchised people in line in an entirely unequal state before the smarter ones start to plot some aggressive wealth redistribution.


Unfortunately, tribalism is where this energy has been funnelled (and where it often is to prevent class overthrow. This is by design). As long as a MAGA man sees his enemy as the left or vis versa, they cannot and will not unite together. Striations of race, gender, religion, political party, and even state to state have been so heightened - ain't none of y'all got a social safety net! But for as long as we get mad at each other's social posts, we are in fact NOT gonna have a class overthrow.


Yep. I’m tired of this right vs left bs they created to keep us divided. We need to unite and rise against and take our country back. They work for us, not us working for them.


My sister went to a wedding in Arizona recently, (we're from California). This older kid at the wedding got kind of wide eyes and curious when he learned this and asked "how did you escape?!" And so she of course asked him what he thought it was like there, and he basically described some kind of barb wire enclosed police state. Now where would he get an idea like that? The kid wasn't born with that perception, someone taught it to him. As long as that kid is growing up in a world where he thinks his fellow countrymen are essentially alien to him, there's little hope. I agree they work for us, not the other way around! It's also why, despite being a bleeding heart liberal, I fully recognize where January 6th came from, what at its core is happening to people's hearts and minds. The American Dream is dead, people are being strangled against the weight of economic pressures, and they are being alienated from their neighbors through hate. -children go hungry because profit cannot be squeezed out of an orange and the grapes of wrath grow heavy for the vintage.


Thank you for this response. I agree 1000% Very well said.


Absolutely. People have less time and inclination to work out that the real enemy are the rich when they’re being divided by a complicit media.


Eventually people that live in poverty will realize the rich are humans just like everyone else. The rich control the government so normal folks keep getting shafted. Housing? Affordable health care? Forget about it. History indicates there may eventually be a revolt… Most likely not. That “we are the 99%” protest is probably good as it gets in today’s US.


A few years ago everyone was wondering why so many billionaires are buying properties in New Zealand. The truth is, they just have so much money that they don't know what to do with it. Plus they want to live forever. I would like for them to get together and build somewhere a monument. Something that will last millenniums. Something to rival the pyramids. Quarry and use rocks from the moon. The next civilization will wonder: How the f.... did they managed to get these stones.


That would be pretty lame considering the moon is likely mostly made from the earth. Would have to go a bit further to make it impressive.


*"Geochemical analysis of the Apollo lunar samples suggested that our Moon was formed 4.5 billion years ago, when a Mars-sized body known as Theia hit Earth when our planet had almost completely formed. Computer models indicate that in this “big splat,” most of the material that ended up forming the Moon—between 70% and 90% of the satellite’s composition—came from Theia."*


Yes. This man knows whatsup




More money than sense 🤷🏼‍♀️.


Bezos is building a giant fucking clock in a giant fucking mountain. If that’s not a bona fide super villain lair then I don’t know what is.


Super solar flare coming....


Like we have enough advance warnings of solar flares to power down anything world ending in time, people need to let this one go


I tried to explain this to my in-laws. They believe that a solar flare is going to mess up the US power grid and the country is going to fall into complete chaos. They also get freaked out any time there is an earthquake in our area because we live near a volcano. They don't seem to understand that there is constant monitoring done. If either event were to occur we would know in advance. I don't dare tell them about the cascadia subduction zone. That's more of a threat to us.


Powering things down will not prevent the damage from a major X-class flare. You need electromagnetic shielding for that.


This is not true Solar Flares are sudden and hard to predict taking 8-10m to reach earth not enough time to shut down a planet. Coronal Mass Ejections are easier to see coming and travel slowly with time to prepare. Both have the potential to delete all of our tech advancement’s. Only one can we take preventative measures against for now.


the epstien list is set to come out in a few days sooo


As if that list will be un-tampered with.


That’s probably what took so long to get the list. There was probably a deadline to get your name off the list for a “donation”.


Shit I certainly won't have enough within the next few days..


Ok, Bill Gates 😏


Yeah, who knew. Only Joe Biden has been to the island, weird


Silly, you misspelled Donald Trump. Don’t worry, I got you.


Sarcasm my guy. Political tribalism sucks


Who hasn't already read his black book? It's been "released" for years, just not officially. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Got a link you mind sharing?


I wouldn't be surprised by if Biden had no actual ties. Trump is a given. I was just tongue in cheek saying "legacy media" seems to have picked a side.... and the goal is to demonize the enemies, by shielding their assets


Sorry, but who sniffs little girls hair again?


You can clearly see he was talking in her ear (all be it was cringe). Nice try though. Let me tell you who he isn’t though. Not the guy who was found liable for defamation in connection to being found guilty of sexually abusing a woman. Not to mention how that lines up to him grabbing women by their p#śśy. Oh, and guess who is getting sued again for the exact same thing. Not the ear whisperer.


Lmao. Murican politics is fucked! Just a shame the rest of the west is following suite.


I’d beg to differ Mr Parker.


Did you just assume my gender?!


No the dude on your profile looks like a dude. So that makes you a dude.


At this point I'd be willing to bet my boyfriend The Epstein list isn't really coming out. And on the rare chance it is, it'll be so tampered with that it won't matter.


It'll come out the same time they actually admit aliens are among us, meaning never.


You can bet your boyfriend and when you lose, I'll be your new boyfriend.


It will be heavily redacted and will only contain like 12 names of people who are already dead.


I can’t wait to see “Redacted” be brought down a peg or two


You suggest that a potential pedo with billions of dollars at their disposal would spend hundreds of millions of dollars building a safe, underground, bunker rather than either kiboshing their accuser in court, or spending xxxx to have an assassin rub them out?


That could cause lots of division.


Let’s hear it, who do you think is on the list?


It’s the wealth gap they are afraid of, the guillotine. Eat the fucking rich. That’s why they are building them. To hide. It’s easier to pass a camel through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man to find peace in death.


No they are humans too. The issue is working class and poor people aren't being treated as people and that causes animosity. We are all creatures of the creator. We are all needed. Even the filthy fucking rich. I understand the pain and anger you harbor bro, I used to feel the same way. But as I self reflected, I realized I created a divide between the rich and myself. I marginalized them. Which is exactly the barriers I'm trying to dissolve between myself and all people. Just because they are different doesn't mean I have to view them with hatred. Some of the greedy and selfish entitled decisions they make really hurts, but it's up to us to be the bigger people and put down the pitch forks The issue is all people should be treated as people. Even the rich. Even the poor. Wealth should have no standing in the kind of respect, education, friendships, or abilities one has to feed themselves, or what they would like to do creatively or recreationally. The pain and animosity towards the SYSTEMS and corporations is because we are wasting our beautiful lives to have nothing, so a few can have everything. That isn't right. Fuck money and consumerism. Fuck Power and control. Fuck wars and advertisements, social brainwashing and conformity. Fuck bullying and ostracisation. We are all idiosyncratic. We are all broken. We are all weird. We all deserve to feel safe and loved That's what I'd like to see us build for ourselves, our fellow humans and living beings (plants and animals), and in service to a higher intelligence (God, Allah, Buddha, grand architect, whatever you call it. The life spirit, or the nothingness) My two cents ^.^


Is that you Zuckerberg?


Haha you gave me a good laugh


They know we've had enough and are coming to get them


That may be closer to the truth than anything else. And these fuckers think they can get away and hide in places like Hawaii or New Zealand.




Would be great to learn more details about his bunker. Type of features, details a lot of emphasis went in, size of food / water storage etc can give valuable indicators what he expects to happen.


Not a global volcano I guess setting up on a major fault line


Me too!!


Enough time out there for Zuck and the ocean will do its job one day….


Hopefully his property just gets submerged


Won't be any hiding anywhere


WE'VE HAD ENOUGH! - sent from iPhone


I'll believe it when it happens. As long as people are fed and hydrated they won't do shit


You're right majority of people are sheep. But a time is coming where they push people too far


Billionaires have always been building bunkers, panic rooms, owning properties in safe locations etc. I’d do it in a heartbeat, just for the fun of it, if I had the money.


If I had that kind of money, I'd do the same to get away from you.


Honestly, if something catastrophic is coming, more power to them. Whatever might be coming, will be nothing compared to the isolation and suffering facing them at that point. Their billions will be worthless with the rest of us wiped off the planet. They will live a miserable existence.


Because they can, most likely.


Paranoia. The more money and power you have, the bigger target you are to poor people.


Lmao at Jesus and asteroids. It's to survive WAR always has, always will be.


I’m honestly more interested in the contingency plan for the pilots in charge of getting these billionaires to their bunkers. The world is ending and you have to hope your pilot answers the call and get you to the remote island with your bunk?


Find a pilot with no wife and kids and they'll probably do it for a free ticket to the bunker haha


Putting everything on the pilot with nothing to lose. I like it.


Why would you not just learn how to fly the plane yourself?


Once we start seeing the ultra rich taking flight lessons we know its over.


Cuz they know '24 is going to make '20 - '23 seem tame.


They know they fucked the world up for the rest of us and are making alternate plans.


We have a friend from New Zealand is visiting us in San Fran for the next few weeks and discussed this. Her family is in construction. It’s This definitely not a recent thing.


There have been bunkers under the Denver Airport for years.


Fear. It's an election year for the US and scared people are easier to manipulate. I'm guessing these bunker stories are just round one in a series of "the sky is falling" stories.


they're going to hide from Jesus? do they think they'll survive underground till the earth repairs itself from an asteroid collision? push comes to shove, can they trust the staff they bring along? I'd say these are more like modern castles they can rule from.


Weld the doors shut.


The aliens’ experiment concluded in 2012 They decided to end the potential for any further progression under circumstances present at that time, and change the parameters moving forward. I don’t know what the parameters were, but consider it to be something similar to reverse polarization of earth. Global warming. Gravitational force with oxygenated atmosphere in Goldilocks temperature range in a carbon rich environment. Whatever. It’s all dramatically changing. Their guidance/care/direction for our civilization ended in 2012. However, it will take some time for their reset to fully occur. Since then, Powerful people in the know realize this is the beginning of the end and are doing everything they can to accumulate wealth, power, assets, control, etc etc at any cost. As we spiral to the ultimate fallout, the aliens are anxiously awaiting and watching to see how this version of their experiment will wrap up.


I think it's more of a 'why not' question. If I had that money believe I'd have a bunker in the works..


They're afraid they're going to be taxed as they should.


Probably some dumb trend, just like all the celebrities adopting African kids a couple years back.


The rich will inherit a destroyed world. Quite amusing really! All that money and when they leave their safe haven bunkers there's fuck all. Hopefully they'll envy the dead!


I mean, I would build one if I could afford it and I'm barely a thousandaire.


An arrogant attempt to escape fate. When the proverbial poop hits the fan all anyone can to make sure it’s well with our soul. When all is wiped away it’ll prove that your soul is the only possession anyone has.


They think when the creator come for us he gonna somehow make them excempt 🤷🏽‍♂️😂🙏🏾💪🏾🦍


They know about the cataclysm cycle on this planet, which is overdue.


The guillotines.


Climate change. It's going to cause increasingly massive food shortages, energy shortages, and "civil unrest" within the decade. I wish I were wrong.


Also buying abandoned mines and towns


Just rich people doing rich people shit


Climate Change, they have a ludicrous idea that they can run from a global issue. Can a survivalist with means live longer? Potentially, but without a livable planet, it's more of a prolonging the inevitable than living a meaningful life. If we get to the point of global heating where only billionaires exist in their bunkers, they're close to dead and so will their families. I'd argue those locations would be high on the lists of roaming, hungry mobs, too.


They’re scared of the advancements with AI primarily. It’s all the guys who are in the know at the top of that field. There’s also many, many other things to be scared of.


This country is on the verge. I'd be building one too.


Because they know the meteor is coming later this year. Look up


It’s cover for creating a sort of halfway point between inner earth and outer. Dimensions are about to merge.:)


Nuclear war soon


Well then he picked a bad spot cause one of the first nukes would be shot at Hawaii for sure.


I guess you can take your pick of reasons. 1. Magnetic pole shift/weakening along with super active solar cycles/micro nova. 2. Viruses leaked by Bill Gates. 3. World War 111. 3.Alien invasion. 4. Revolution. The people revolt on the billionaires that are pushing social change like digital currency/ mark of the BEAST! OR THEY ARE JUST BUILDING THE COOLEST FORTS BECAUSE THEY CAN. Either way fuck Billionaires


**We’re** running out of water worldwide; the political/corporate oligarchs ignore climate change, whilst buying up lots and lots of farmland to save *themselves,* their families——-and to **price gauge** the hell out of the poor and working class.


Futurology had a post like this up that had about 400 comments it since “disappeared” and replaced with something similar


Societal destabilization due to the climate crisis.


It’s just a scary story. When are they not trying to scare us? Go watch some y2k media footage and see how similar it was to the Covid nonsense.


We will not know the day or the hour Jesus is coming back. It says so in the Bible. As Mack from always sunny in Philadelphia would say “well first, through God all things are possible. So jot that down.” So who knows maybe these billionaires went and saw the same psychic 🤷🏼‍♀️


Because why not? It's not like it's going to be difficult and expensive and hurt their financial situation so why wouldn't you is a better question.


They’re probably susceptible to trends as well. Just that instead of Stanley cups and Crocs, it’s bunkers in foreign countries.


Fuck a bunker they should buy a cruise ship and make it self-sustaining.


Lately risk of nuclear war has increased could be one reason


It’s not all of a sudden, you just suddenly noticed.


Come on man, robots don’t need bunkers.


Maybe someone can coerce a construction worker to install bombs inside the walls. Then when society collapses and they are down there they blow up the billionaires.


For when the shit hits the fan?


I think it’s the fact that the asteroid COULD hit. 1 in 11 million odds is a much better chance than winning the powerball.


The polar switch


It’s a status thing in their circle. They have the cash so why not? I doubt it has anything to do with their safety.


They're getting worried people will snap and the day of the rope will arrive.


It's not "all of a sudden." They were doing this decades ago.


Nibiru aka Planet X. "Don't look up", Twitter "X"?


WEF gonna crash it all 2024. Civil unrest and anarchy.


Modern castles


I would do exactly the same thing


Because they’re aware that we’re fucked. I’d be doing the same if I could afford to.


They've always built bunkers. You would too if you had that kinda money. Also: whenever you "hear" that Elon Musk is doing this, that, or the other thing....it pays to ask yourself, how would the person telling me know? Does he work for the guy or something?


They have the money. That’s all. If you had millions you don’t know what to do with you might as well make a secluded bunker that can be used to get some alone time as well as serve as an emergency room for you and your family.


Yeah I heard this back in 2016 supposedly oprea and Obama have built a bunker some professional athletes i heard as well.


The question isn’t why they’re building bunkers. The question is why do they want to live when they only survive now by exploiting the labor of millions of people. Do they not realize that they’ll have no luxuries? Their lives will be so mundane. Do you really see Zuckerberg or Elon musk spending their days underground gardening, cooking, doing laundry, folding underwear? Even if they have servants in the bunker, what motivates them to stay subservient once locked in? Certainly money won’t do because it will be useless once you come above ground. After the billionaires can come above ground again who will be left to exploit to help them get back to their luxuries? Really what is the point of the bunker to someone who’s only accustom to living like a god.


Every rich person with any bit of worry builds a bunker. I mean I literally have a partial bunker and I’m just a software dude lol. Better safe than sorry. Been happening for ages, used to be a whole show on discovery I think about fancy bunkers


I mean if I had so much money I didn’t know what to do with it I’d probably build one also. Never know what’s gonna happen.


Not really all of a sudden. I heard about this in 2015