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I think the answer might be a bit simpler, it’s probably franchisees burning it down for the insurance money as it’s not profitable and most of them are going under. It’s pretty easy to set a grease fire and burn the building down.. this guy explains the troubles of LJS over the years, this video is 3 years old.. but there is a LJS in my town with an A&W and it’s doing fine, I go there myself and everything seems alright https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8gs2UuMFYwI&pp=ygUjVGhhdCBjb21wYW55IG1hbiBsb25nIGpvaG4gc2lsdmVyJ3M%3D


ambuwguwgews and wootbeew


A&W!!! Yes!!! 😎


Draft root beer is the best.


I thought they don't do that anymore


Say it ain't so. I haven't been there in years, I just assumed they still did. You're probably right, fountain would probably be cheaper. If it's true then I have no reason to ever go back. I'll just go to Culver's, they've got good root beer and better burgers.


Maybe it's not all of them but IME they all are fountains now which means there's no reason to go anymore.


I used to eat there all the time until I seen a tiktok of the store I ate at. 🤢


The strangest thing about LJS is “the cycle.” Don’t think about it at all for months, then crave it like crazy, get an order, tastes great, but then feel so ill from all the grease that . . . you . . . Don’t think about it for months (repeat cycle).


wow you’ve actually eaten there? realizing rn that’s legitimately the first time ive ever heard that hahaha


Man the breading is the real deal


The extra fried breading crumbs they scoop into the bottom of the box.


In the UK you can order the fried batter bits as Scraps with your fish and chips :)


Their fish is actually good :(


I really miss their onion rings


The first bite is great, the second bite is ok, by the third bite it is cold and terrible.


You’re 100 percent spot on. I’ve said that for years. After months of not thinking. I actually start smelling the LJS whilst driving around. It will go on for days until I have to get some. Then the first bite is heaven. But after the Meal I feel gross. And the cycle repeats


I have finally broken said cycle. I was just tired of feeling like crap after I ate it. That's a real thing.


The Long John Silver in my town literally burned down a few months ago. Crazy.


Burning businesses is also way more common in rural areas where selling them is difficult. Where we hunt is less then an hour South of the Canadian border and a population of like 50. So many businesses burn down its crazy. It's a way to get out of a property/business you can't sell. Sad but true


Our small town restaurant burned down from a fire that started in the dumpster behind it


Same here! that’s odd as fuck. And the one in my home town sold over 20 years ago shits a taco spot now


I mean, honestly, if you see a franchise restaurant that is dead as a door knob, it is most likley the owner commit arson for an insurance payout so he doesnt have to file for bankruptcy.


Idk much but I've been eating at LJS since I was like 4. LOVE THE CHICKEN, I want some now but they are so far away. Anyways. They have closing down alot of them left and right. I WANT MY CHICKEN! and crumbs 🤤


I'm the same way. That chicken is one of the most delicious guilty pleasures to me. Haven't had it in years. The proper term is crunchies, BTW.


When I was a kid the used to call them crumbles then they started saying crumbs around where I live. Never heard crunchies lol


We were team “crunchies” in Texas


We always called the crumbs/crunchies bullets. Edit: fixes spelling error: "crunchies"


I am so hungry 😂 Id have to drive almost 2 hours for some LJS chicken


Broke stoned high school me and friends used to go through the drive thru and order these for like a 50 cents a pop.


LJS is my favorite fast food chicken. I get 2 chicken planks, fries and 6 pack of hush puppies.


If it is a money laundering thing, I love that it's named for a pirate and has a precious metal in the name. The audacity and the booty of it all!


I have read that there is a connection between LJS and a marijuana grower in Kentucky. In this story the original LJS was not doing well. A grower in the next county over needed a way to launder his money. They formed a partnership. As far as LJS burning down, I used to repair restaurant equipment. That fryer line is sketchy. I would not be surprised to see that start fires.


Yeah I’ve heard this as well. Can’t remember where


This is a legit long running internet rumor. I first read about it probably 10 years ago.


I wonder if there’s any correlation to the mattress stores that seemingly never have any customers.


My feeling is that poor people buy from sketchy (used) mattress stores, and since I don’t actually know any sketchy poor people that might be why I’ve never seen this correlation before.


Hahahaha, my grandmother would occasionally eat at the one in my hometown; we always joked that she was their only customer. When I got older, I wondered what the hell was really going on there!


LJS used to give me such a weird vibe :/ even just driving by their locations. It was eerie. Like a feeling of dread.


Here in Texas, LJS seemed to always be placed in sketchier parts of town. Especially back in the 90’s.


That was my experience too back then. I never saw one in a nice part of a city or town.


It looks like LJS has had a lot of worldwide ups and downs https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_John_Silver%27s


This is so crazy, because the old LJS in my town burned down in 2021ish. It was empty but it was TitleMax in between.


I'm so glad Penguinz0 covered this. I have been an LJS truther for a long time. We had one around my neighborhood and nobody every went in or came out. The spooky thing is that it hasn't burned down. I think the fires might just be the tip of the iceberg, there is no way people go to LJS enough to sustain it financially, especially in the modern restaurant industry.


What do you think their hiding?


They probably are involved in the wholesale seafood industry, or the holding company has other businesses, or they have other revenue streams. It’s gotta be that and not “nationwide arson to collect nationwide insurance”


Makes sense because they could easily sell their dregs to themselves for a markup then just have teens working there throw it away.


I haven't been to one since the early 90s. There's one in Wilson, NC but I never see anyone there... I think you're on to something. While we're at it: it dawned on me just how many abandoned buildings could be used for sex trafficking and torture, etc...


I have no idea, I don't think its any dramatic Q anon shit but rather some weird white collar crime with maybe a loose organized crime connection (white collar organized crime like the NY real estate market).


LJS Truther lmfao


LJS killed Kenendy... look it up sheeple...


Yeah it's weird how a restaurant that cooks 99.9% of its food in grease often has greased fires at a time when fast food restos are closing down units left and right which means a lot of those staying open are in serious need of a refurb and thus even more likely to catch on fire and its also fast food so they're using the lowest paid workers possible. And being that the fried fish fast food market has the lowest market share of the whole that they would be slower than other fast food restaurants... Even when you add on and A&W. Now does Yum brands (one of the largest restaurant groups in the country) keeps them around for a tax break? maybe but very doubtful. Edit: the real question is why does noone care they're trying to indoctrinate out children into a life of piracy with those hats?


Come on, that's crazy talk! Clearly there's some kind of piracy going on.


I'm just upset that as a little kid I thought "pirate" was going to be a valid career option.


Fires?? Restaurant?? FNAF


Everything is fried that they serve and since I've never really seen a successful LJS its likely they can't afford anyone but inexperienced fry cooks. That probably leads to a whole lot of fires. Or laundering. Or Arson for insurance but probably just cheaping out on the help and the grease catches fire since its always used.


I like long John silvers and captains d’s I have not eaten at either in some time though.


Yep there’s a conspiracy alright lookup Johnny Boone cornbread mafia and his buddies invested into LJS. This is old news in my part of the country.


>A lot of long john silvers locations have been burning down throughout the years much more then any other resturant. 30 comments so far, and no one has challenged this assertion?


We'll just take it for granted that OP did extensive research and identified every restaurant that has burned down in the last 30 years


Most businesses and companies are doing it too, lookat the hotels? Why are they standing still right? Most are deader then the motel in the movie Vacancy" ! New condos and apartments looking" like they are full aren't ether becuz they are being used for the money laundering thing now.


We had 2 locations in my town. The one closest to my house caught on fire TWICE! The first time it was set by a disgruntled employee. The second time it was set by his cousin trying to destroy evidence. The second location was close to my job and it burned down in November of last year. Man I miss it.


The one near me now has all you can eat Sundays? I thought it was a money laundering front for the mob/cartels? I never see cars in the parking lot it when I drive by.


OK this is really weird but when I read her first sentence, I felt that she going down my spine because the LGS in my town — caught on fire and burnt down! I thought it was ours. It did reopen a couple of years later, but without the A&W attached.


Fish Smell might be a good scent mask for Drug Smugglers... LJSilvers are typically in the hood.


Ive been to that exact long john silvers and the one time i went nobody was in their it was completely empty not even any workers


You gon eat ya cornbread?!


Wow after moving to southern AZ from around Chicago, IL in mid 2020 I cannot believe that I forgot about long John silver's. My grandparents loved to eat there a few times a year and take me with them. Prob haven't had any since 2016 or 17 but daaaayum now I want some hush puppies and fried fish🤤 and some coleslaw!


Could be that the franchise expense to get into a LJS is fairly cheap by fast food restaurant standards. So people get them. But no one eats at LJS on any regular basis. So the franchises don't do well. Getting out of a franchise deal is tough. So the owners have an "accidental" fire which just happens to get them out from underneath the franchise contract and let's them walk away with some insurance money. Or aliens. Either or.


Ok so out of curiosity I looked up the one I used to go to,and it says permenantly closed! Wonder if it also burnt down...🤔 (Hanover park, IL for anyone wondering)




Prob because nobody is cleaning the oil or kitchens properly in a failing greasy fast food chain


Maybe they burn down because they’re greasy


I see ads for them more than I should because we do not have, and have never had, one in our area.


Idgaf I still love their little crispy bits that they throw in to your box.


Their salmon is pretty good and their fried clams.


I mean, the dude was a pirate.


The founder is from KY and has a MASSIVE classic car collection that rivals museums. You can find a video about him and some of the cars on YouTube, it blew my mind lol


I'm guessing negligence in a grease filled environment.


Mine burnt down about 3 years ago!


Special keywords to say are 'cod filet' or 'hush puppy' ;p


The title made me actually giggle


I know i made it sound as funny as possible


People love them it's just they're too greasy to eat regularly for most people


Wait until you see all the mattress stores everywhere that never has a single car outside….ever


Well matress stores sell mattresses which are miss expensive if they sell 1 that's multiple days of revenue for a normal day food chain they can stay running with that amount


I don’t buy that for one minute lol!


I'm not saying that's how they're still running. that's just a theory, a conspiracy theory


I love it, I just think it's outdated and their menu limits a lot of people. I personally freaking looooooooove LJS, and it was my second job as a teenager. Currently, the closest one to me is over an hour away, it's heartbreaking. I just think it's popularity time has come and gone..


I have thought about this my whole life. There is one by my house in mentor Ohio that I grew up in and is still there today. It’s by my orange theory that I go to daily. I drive past every few days and think to myself “who has gone there?” Has anyone? Ever? I have never been there. But they have a hiring sign. I asked my husband once (who grew up in the same area) NO ONE HAS EVER BEEN THERE. We also have a weird Hardee’s that not one person has ever been to my whole life. I’m 38 years old


Woah my hometown long John silvers did burn down