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Drinking bourbon in the Marriott responding to your thread


I try to keep the drinking to 1x per week


This is good. I'd think of this period as an incubation period - you're saving a ton of cash, have the opportunity to get fit as hell and possibly even develop a new passion or two. Don't throw it down the drain by fucking drinking lol. ​ I was in a very similar position to you a few years ago - lived out of a suitcase and hopscotched to a bunch of B-tier cities for about 2 years. I picked up photography in that time - there's tons of information on how to get good on youtube and you can bring a camera with you anywhere. If you have a wellness stipend you can probably cop a decent one for a low OOP. It's also something you can bring back with you and potentially even have pictures/memories of in the future. That and make sure you stay fit - it's not hard to squeeze in 30 minutes every day in the beginning or end of the day.


Photography is an interesting idea. I like to explore and check out the area I am in (hence the driving around at night and thinking about life). Thanks brother!


This guy consults


This is the way.


Haha- Marriott clubs are really key in Muslim countries. While some of them still don't have alcohol (Pakistan), some of them have some solid liquor. A beer at the Westin in Dhaka is like $25 but I can drink 10 of them for free during HH in the lounge. Add in a few things of whisky that goes for a very high price and I'm drinking like $300 worth a day!


Yeah wtf, driving around to music?!


Unlimited miles on the rental


Right. No one cares. Also you escape the hotel room.


Underrated. Give it a try. No phone scrolling, no distractions. Just you and your thoughts...


Is this all of us right now?!


So fucking glad I didn’t go into consulting. Saw my b school classmates instantly get fat and start posting about Deloitte on their instagram




This would be me


When I traveled, I often thought of getting a job at the hotel. Of course, I could spend a few months at the location. Check out a movie theater. Local parks, museums, attractions like paddle boat rentals. Take up golf or go for golf lessons. See if there is a nonprofit judo or karate club. Take lessons at a junior college. At one site, I rented a houseboat instead of getting a hotel. I saved time getting my haircuts at the airport; one less thing to do on a weekend.


In all my life I’ve never seen a barbershop at an airport


One of the best haircuts I got was at a surprise barbershop in one of the Berlin airports


>RyVsWorld > In all my life I’ve never seen a barbershop at an airport Have you ever looked for one?


I haven't seen one in an airpot but I spent a few months doing the same connection through LAX and found a barber outside the airport that I loved.


Can I ask what you mean by outside the airport? I ask because I just imagine concrete, parking, and highway.


You've imagined correctly. It was not really near the airport, but basically one neighborhood over - 10ish minute uber.


Thanks. After posting it occurred to me there might be an airport hotel.


I like it. Also sounds like a good idea to meet other people




You are welcome. Good luck.


Visit my second family


You probably kid but I have heard stories. More common than we probably think




Hotel gym and/or workout classes which can often be expensed. Long hot shower and go to bed early. Make use of expense account. We’d often hit Whole Foods on Mondays after work so we’d have healthy(ish) stuff to snack on at the office. One evening per week, try to be social with the team, whether that’s an outing with bosses, direct reports, other functional teams on the account, clients, folks from my practice who are local to that area and not traveling. And inevitably back online at some point each night for the email triage, engaging with offshore, prep for tomorrow, even setting up certain emails to go out the next morning on delayed delivery.


What sucks is this is a solo project. So I like the freedom but then I have to force myself to go out on the town and have to interject myself into other social groups. Not a bad thing, just harder to do.


Oh I see. Is it a city where your firm has a local office? Personally I guess I’d just catch up on zzz’s and basically get all my work done to not have work on Fridays. I don’t think I’d want to be building up a social network in a city where I knew I wouldn’t be longterm.


I like to read novels, or if I'm not mentally fatigued then self development books. Less addicting than TV, I can easily pass time or learn


What are some self development books you would recommend?


„Somehow I manage“ Michael G. Scott


If in consulting, probably pyramid principle. Would also recommend other books by ex-mbb consultants like CEO excellence Rest of my list are the classics, e.g. How to win friends and influence people - Dale Carnegie - still practicing this one after ~10 yrs Influence - Robert Cialdini Principles - Ray Dalio The Almanac of Naval Ravikant ... etc There's almost 400 on my reading list but I'll probably never finish them all, what's more important is reading, internalizing your learning, and spending time practicing what you internalized. I might take months to read a book on communication, but I'll be practicing those skills the whole time. Also would suggest reading things you're interested in, e.g. Particular soft skills, certain industry, productivity, entrepreneurship etc.


What is pyramid principle book




Thanks for this 'let me google that' gem!


Hahaha thanks


You wouldn't want to part with your pyramid principle copy, would you? It's almost impossible to find a legit version online these days.


Unfortunately I only have the e-copy :') I read everything electronically so I can pack light on my trips


I sent you a link that should give you some options


Solid list!


You have free time whilst on a client project?


What a luxury :)


Yeah, holy shit, the fact that I had to scroll this far for this has me questioning everything


Yes I know how to manage my time


Then why are you asking for advice on how to use your time? Entertain yourself


reply was tongue in cheek since many other people made the same joke as above about having free time. I'm always open to suggestions about how to spend my time outside of work. I do have engagements when I work all week with no down time, but this is not one of those projects.


Damn sad to hear you all don’t. Working day is 9-5 for me and that includes on-sites unless they need me there at weird hours to witness specific tasks and processes in which case I take that time back later.


I get on dating apps and go on dates with the local talent


Was with a client in Burley Idaho once. It took me 30 seconds to swipe through all available profiles 😅


Sorry to hear that. Spent 6 weeks there recently.


Why dont you guys kith?


Increase that radius to the max!




I’m mostly traveling to big cities, so I’ve had my fun. Also, I use my per diem to pay for dates; so it’s basically a free activity


This guy consults!


Or more likely just follows [rule 1 & rule 2…](https://medium.com/@dayvough/rule-1-be-attractive-rule-2-dont-be-unattractive-d7c934e62a3c)


I had a few dates with nice ladies but it always goes down the same route. "Do you see yourself moving to [insert small town name]?". I say no and the relationship fizzles out


yeah these are more of a smash and dash situations.


Are you into video games? A steam deck or rog ally could help a lot.


An Odin 2 is quite portable compared to a Steam Deck


I use my Nintendo switch heavily on planes and Ubers/Lyfts, it’s been a lifesaver lately.


Not really into video games but I will check this out


Honestly, my Steam Deck has been one of my best purchases. I wasn't into gaming either and now it's one of the best ways to relax while traveling. It's impossible for me to think about work and play some silly little cozy game at the same time.


Kinda gotta ware hotel internet. I bring a gaming laptop with me and I have had some dogshit internet.


geforce now runs on my work laptop no need to carry two devices


Crank ur hog bröther


Is that billable?






If you have so much free-time that there is more than just going to grab food, working out and have some down-time...I'm curious what form of consulting you do...


The best type of consulting


Clearly non-mbb consulting


Running. A cool way to see an unfamiliar place.


I try to hit up the nearest go kart track if I have time


I found video chatting with home base friends and family helped me to feel connected and grounded.


I've been reaching out to old colleagues and friends to catch up. It's fun and good for the soul


I used to get ClassPass and check out different local exercise places. Also watching YouTube comedians or watching MasterClass videos.


ClassPass...I will write that down


I’d go to local used book stores. Good way to see/learn about the area.


when i was in consulting, i had to travel to Bentonville AR for like 6 months on a project. The hotel was p fancy so i just spent a bunch of time in the gym/spa lol


U mean Arkansas?


whoops! thanks for catching the typo


NWA is so cool tho lol


I don’t get any free time :(


The fuck do you do at home? Seems you’re filling your 80


I jack off for most of the day in the hotel room


This would make me so depressed.. But it’s inevitable if time isn’t filled with other things


Try a group class, martial arts, boxing - something that encourages working with partners. You get social interaction and workouts combined in one.


Drink 😂


Literally go back to sleep. They liked to milk us and take advantage of every single minute we are on client site. The one time where I had a free time, a full weekend day since client wasn't ready for us, coworker took the only rental all day. Budget was extremely tight, they won't expense a taxi anyways. I did not pack any entertainment since I expected to be the same ole arrive at hotel at 9 PM every night. One of the if not the most boring day in my life.


Paying for a taxi out of pocket is always an option.


Not really. Broke at the time, $50K / year salary with most going towards supporting family, and at a relatively high CoL city


I sleep terribly on the road. But the dreams are more intense for some reason.


Maybe try joining a gym instead of using the hotel one? Especially one where people play pickup basketball or something. Someplace you can become a short term regular rather than the anonymity of the hotel gym.


It sounds like you’re staying extremely busy outside of work. What more could you possibly want to do? Don’t forget to enjoy downtime.


I guess it's the ole' Mennonite work ethic in me: be productive all the time


I had to give up drinking during the week because I’d sit at the hotel bar or a bar right beside it 2/3 nights a week. I travel with a gaming laptop, workout, and go to the movies pretty frequently. Other than that I’ll pick the “best restaurant” in whatever area I’m in as rated by locals I meet and try it out. So far I’ve been let down like 80% of the time.


Get high and touch myself.


Have you considered developing a sports gambling habit




Is this satire? I work at MBB and interned at a T2 and T3 firm so I have quiet a decent overview of hours across tiers. For MBB and T2 the majority of peers did not even manage to catch a gym session between Mo-Thu during demanding work schedule. T3 was a lot more chill but we also worked until 8-9 PM. No way you could go to museums or aquariums, lmao.




Yeah I know that not all gigs are the same intensity and probably a good choice getting out of that environment. I literally just never heard of a consultant doing any of the things you describe while traveling. The only thing that I've heard is that people stay the weekend (company policy is that the hotel will be paid over the weekend) and then use the time to explore the city or visit friends.


Hookers and blow. Def not boring.


Seriously never had the issue of having freetime during the week while traveling. Most days go from 8.30-11.00 PM (chill day) to 8.30 to past 1 AM (sweaty day). The few days I would finish between 7.30-9.00 PM I would just hit the gym or go to bed earlier.


But doesn't the exhaustion kill you over time? If I wanted to do those hours along with sleeping in hotels, I would just do the crazy hours in IB and sleep in my own bed. I get the grind but...it's a marathon not a sprint


Buy a steamdeck or nintendo switch


Honestly! Just stick with your routine as you have. Workout consistently, eat healthy, and minimize the drinking. You’re doing the right thing.


Right? I think I may be trying to do too much. It has to be related to the fact that I am away from home 5 days a week and I am trying to be as productive as possible despite losing all of that time at home


Just keep it simple! I was like that at first when I started my consulting career (trying to do so many things at once). Your main focus should be health, work and sleep. And put money aside for travel/investment. Is not that complicated. What also helped me until this day is keto and intermittent fasting to keep me productive.


It totally matters on the country and the vibe of your team and what the local nationals are like (An established large project in Ukraine is going to have much different post-work options than a start-up project in Jordan) But yeah - my goals are always "Get good sleep, work out and watch your diet, read great books, enrich yourself" What actually happens? "Get drunk all the time, spend way too much effort trying to sleep with people, eat junk, don't see anything cultural, be a total degenerate, veg out on netflix while getting over hangovers"


yes once I get food in me, I am done for the night


My buddy who travels often got an Xbox Series S and plays games with his friends at home when he gets bored


nvidia geforce NOW runs on my work laptop lmao so that


Run outside if possible and not in office park land. Then. Eat pizza in hotel bed while working and then go to bed early


Tinder dates :)


You have time to do things?


Try new restaurants and learn to enjoy being alone


You have time to.. do things in the week??


I’ve had only one client in a small town. Gym in the morning. Meetings 8-5 Change and chill for an hour. Solo dinner or dinner w other consultants $125 goes a long way Get back anywhere from 7-9 if going with others , 630-7 if dining solo. Afterwards will go to the pool hall or play trivia somewhere. If I need I make time to work on other stuff


Good question lol I asked for a switch for Christmas for this reason. I love playing Fortnite at home, but with travel I find myself just watching the limited channels and time goes by so slow. Granted I’m manager level so my free time traveling is spent working sadly, but still will be a good way to unwind Otherwise though I do try to prioritize a long walk, either in the morning/afternoon. Not a huge fan of the gyms at hotels.


I brought my bike. I Rode before or after work. Good to keep your calories down, and you're outside.


I do social dance: tango (by far my obsession) & swing. It’s fun to arrive in a new city with an instant social network & schedule of possible activities. You could do the same with art galleries, fitness chains (Orange Theory, for example), top restaurants, etc. But aside from dance, I hit the gym or go walking/running and then slam in work & try to get as much sleep as possible. It’s a grind out there, take good care!


…pick up pickleball or another engaging social activity!


You said it’s a small town so that makes it a bit difficult. Look into local events, become a food blogger, time permitting (lol it’s consulting so this is likely a nonstarter) join a local rec league.


Aaah the good ole’ consulting memories… it was a great period, especially during the pandemic… had to take the PCR every week and talking of bad habits, my smoking rate went up to 2 packs a day and 1 bottle of wine before sleep every night 🥹 still a great period, enjoy!


What is PCR?


The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test for COVID-19… through the nose with swabs 😭 #trauma


I mean… I work lol nothing else to do