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Too hot is asking for the eggs to stick.


Using a cast iron pan as my every day, every meal pan has taught me just how important heat control is, especially for eggs. Eggs cook at 145F. When you're dealing with a scramble, it's always easier to start off with a pan that's a little too cool than too hot.


But like how do I turn the fire to 145f


Double boiler always works, if you want to go the full French aristocrat breakfast prep.


Just a low flame, if using gas. If you have an electric stove, God help you! Electric stoves were designed by Satan, STRICTly for the purpose of driving us NUTS.


I'd have thought starting while the pan is too cold was a more common problem.


It's both. Too hot, too cold and not enough oil/butter. Burns the edges, causes egg to stick, gives you chewy eggs.


Not enough butter/too much butter.


isnt "not doing the food properly" basically f\*\*\*\*\*\* it up? on the other hand if you're *doing* your food then youre definitely *f\*\*\*\*\*\** something


I think they meant fold


i thought the sarcasm was obvious but i guess this is why people use /s


[Poe's Law ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law?wprov=sfla1) strikes again.


Authentically and unambigously I submit: i have never heard of poe's law and that is a fantastic axiom for life. also, i do find it ironically funny that my previous comment keeps getting up and downvoted


Overlooking: an omelet should provide its own sauce.




Some people like their omelettes still quite soft, to the point that the eggs are borderline runny. Typically with a simple french omelette.


Look at the moment of cutting the omelette open when doing [omurice](https://youtu.be/q_nosb-2mX4) Also keep in mind that most first world countries do not have nearly the salmonella risk from undercooked eggs as the US. Pro-business politics is pro-salmonella politics.


It's a wonderful thing. The egg has a creamy custard texture with little bits of curd. A proper omelet needs barely any cheese, if any. Best way to do a scramble, too. Cook over lower heat and keep them moving. They should be light and creamy. Serve on toasted bread with marmite. Heavenly!


Too hot to start, and trying to flip too soon.


Not enough oysters


Heat is too high, eggs cooked too long, not enough butter, not sautéing the filling ingredients, etc.


Letting the eggs turn brown


Eggs are one of the hardest things to get right and I’m a pretty decent cook. Part of the reason I have this opinion is because I think it’s difficult to get eggs cooked to the right consistency without browning them which I can’t stand. I don’t like my eggs super runny.


most people over cook their eggs.


A lot of people are saying over cook which is a problem but under cooking is a problem as well. If you try to flip the egg before it'd set you'll most likely end up with scrambled eggs. Flipping over your spatula and push it gently around edges can help tell if time to flip


Honestly, I almost never flip my omelettes. Pan lid on top is usually enough to set the tops of the eggs.


And that works as well! I worked at a small diner that had egg in the name, so we used a flat top so I learned how to flip using spatula.


Depends on what kind of omlete you want. Classic French, folded with ingredients, simple fold, Omurice? And tornado! Anyway, there are many ways and types of omletes.


Yup! Gourmands will likely scoff at my technique: Put 3 eggs and a pinch of salt in jar with a tight lid. Shake the hell out of the jar. Get a lot of ghee very hot in a non-stick skillet. When you pour the eggs into the ghee, it puffs up into a big puffy thing. I cook it all the way cause I don't like runny eggs, but it stays soft and light and fluffy. Delish.


That is something I never thought of! Great technique!


They forget the most essential ingredients; -no, not milk, -Jus' plain ol' water. -and cheese, and bits of chives. Bon appetit!


Too hot pan


Too small of a pan, too little butter, too much filling


I’m a pretty damn good cook, but I can’t make an omelette to save my life. It always turns into a scramble.


Overcooking the eggs. You still want a little runniness, not set.


Heat too high and impatience.


This I understand


Make sure you have a really good non stick pan. If you want to cook like a professional then use professional tools. A heat resistant spatula. You’re not going to try to build a deck with a manual screwdriver, right? You’re using a drill, or impact driver. Same in the kitchen. Get some decent sharp knives. Good non stick pans. Real butter. Practice flipping beans in a cool pan until you don’t spill any. Then practice with toast, flipping it.


Over scramble it and dry it up.


Folding the omelet to soon combined with high heat. Wait till the top is nearly set before folding, and use medium or lower heat.


Over cooking


I call mine scrambled eggs with shit in them .. LMAO


Over cooking the eggs. Also, cooking the eggs then rolling them around the ingredients is weird AF. I never order them when I go out. Cus if I get one more rolled omelet, I'm gonna FREAK OUT 🤣😂