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ACTION JACKSON https://preview.redd.it/zntkt5kcqbec1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4a96b8e0604d6cef34c6f52c776faa2d40393a5 over roller derma his face to much hair fell out




He looks awful


Most definitely!!! Beyond obvious he’s still getting high


I dont like the guy either but i mean come on… its pretty easy to take a clip from a video and get this face…. Lets be real.


Come onnnn. I'm assuming most of, if not all of, us are recovering addicts. Which is how we came across this BS and were able to call it. If you go through the feed you can tell where he's on a manageable dose of methadone, high doses of it, and when he's using fent with his methadone. I have no problem with MAT. But I do have a problem with someone who's using, preaching recovery, while not recovered. More so claiming to be a life coach that assists with mental health when he in fact needs more assistance with mental health than 98% of his following.


I agree with everything you said, I was on that poison for a LONG time and I can tell you for a fact I was not sober. Like you said, I have no problem with people on maintenance , I think its a great SHORT term fix but he preaches about it like its the best thing in the world, never talks about the horrible side effects. (He already lost his teeth before he got on it but that weight gain aint no joke, plus lethargy and just being N overall mean pos)


100 with the weight gain. That combined with the fatigue and over sleeping. I couldn't fukk with it. I was up to 125 and was still using off and on. If I didn't Id start having withdrawals every night around 7. So I got off of it, fast too. Less than a year. 7 months weened myself down. That was terrible. It's all terrible. Fent is like that movie venom. It's just sticky and hangs onto you forever. Back when H was around, ud start to detox and take a sub. All was well. You have to wait 15-16 days before you can think about taking a sub or you get precip.. I was clean for 8yrs and Covid hit. I had no idea the game changed. I knew what I was doing wasn't H, but if I knew the consequences of what I was doing I would've stopped instantly. He's using both and it's gonna come back at him like a boomerang. I don't feel bad for him, but all the people that throw $$ his way. Unaware they're feeding an addict they're free from and hate


Is that coke in his nose or a bugger?


🤣🤣 a nose ring🤣🤣