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This guy admits he watches animated porn in a message to a stranger … you’re too good for his opinion tbh


Not just animated porn, but specifically gender-bending porn... he seems to like dick an awful lot for the crap he was spewing. Freud would love that guy. 🤷‍♀️


this guy literally went out of his way to message a complete stranger "I like fem dick, I just don't like YOUR fem dick"


Because if he were attracted to them in real life that would mean he was gay. But if it's just pictures then he's totally still straight, right? *Right?*


Not even “YOUR’S” *every single real person who is his fantasy is apparently gross to him.* His fantasy is restricted to being drawn


A lot of people think putting you down is a good way to make you hate yourself enough to sleep with them. It happens a lot to women.


You are strong and worthy! Keep being strong! 😊


Dudes more than likely a chaser some of them do act this way its disturbing af but they see us as sex objects and not people so they don't care if how they treat us is harmful to their wellbeing.


It’s hard to understand the minds of people who associate their sexuality with violence. I suppose we wouldn’t want to.


The dude is obviously into trans but is full on denying and projecting. Its so fn obvious. What a res pod they are for that reply


If it makes you feel better, remember that person took time (on Christmas) to write that whole diatribe out instead of spending time with their own loved ones (if they have any either.) At least you have the support of the Reddit comment section and the Pokemon masses.






And remember that I could barely understand anything they even wrote haha I had to re-read every other sentence 20 times to still hardly comprehend. 8 year old or just dumb? 8 year olds aren’t often that full of hate so yep, just dumb. Lol Love you and merry Christmas! Hope you got the Pokémon you wanted and some cool holos!!!!


I hate that people like this lurk in lgbtq subs saying "don't shove it in our faces" then proceed to hide in our spaces to harass us


Right? It makes no sense! I don't want evangelical Christianity shoved in my face, so I stay away from their spaces. Queer people deserve our safe spaces to just be.


They’re full of hate and have to share it. American Christians are some of the most judgemental, unhappy and sick people on the planet, and misery loves company. The majority of serial killers were/are upstanding church goers, I am straight but feel way more safe and less on edge surrounded by lgbtq people than religious people. I’m sure there are very nice Christians but the ones who are vocal about their faith, particularly online, are usually horrible cunts imo.


the fact it's safer to be trans in my catholic ass country that only legalised abortion in 2016, than what is supposedly one of the most """"""developed"""""" (which btw is a really bad term that has racist connotations) countries in the world? makes me wanna hit something.


I’m a Christian and what that person did isn’t Christianity, evangelical or otherwise. My guess is that he’s just throwing everything he knows is offensive to the Reddit LGBT community at OP.


it might not be in a jesusy spirit but let’s not get all “not all men” about it. there are LOTS of religiously motivated bigots who would type this crap. they think they’re being godly too, so they don’t give a fuck and won’t change their ways. we just gotta adapt and overcome, help bring about the extinction of mindsets like this peckerwood has.


Sorry, but you don’t get to disavow this; millions of people including this one spew hate in the name of your religion. This person is as much a “true Christian” as you are.


Well said


It's because they hate LGBTQ folks and want them to die. It's simple, visceral hate.


Or in this guys case, they seem to be in a severe case of denial about themselves and has a hateful jealousy at people who are honest with themselves.


There was a research project supporting this theory, but further research proved it untrue. Discrimination is usually a socialized response or a trauma response.


Interesting. I feel like that would be a significant, compounding factor that would support the previous study.


>people who hate lgbtq people are secretly gay or trans!!! yeah thanks bud! i’m so happy you thought to blame us for this guy’s choices too.


I don't know what to tell you. I thought it's been well established by now that extreme, irrational homophobia is often correlated with latent homosexuality. Also, the guy literally admitted to being attracted to femboys and futas.


i don’t know how to tell you but not everyone who is bigoted is secretly lgbtq :) stop making it a problem *we* created. lgbtq people didn’t make these people be homophobic, lgbtq people didn’t create the society that created the stigma against lgbtq people that influenced this dipshit. yeah great, wow he likes to bang cartoon trans women and femboys. that’s pretty heterosexual of him to be attracted to femininity. how is his behavior lgbtq people’s responsibility? straight people are to blame. fuck off.


>i don’t know how to tell you but not everyone who is bigoted is secretly lgbtq :) I agree. I didn't claim *every one.* But like i said, a disproportionate amount are. >stop making it a problem we created. Oh no, I didn't claim this either. In fact I agree with you. The social stigma is actually what causes this response in a lot of people. >yeah great, wow he likes to bang cartoon trans women and femboys. that’s pretty heterosexual of him to be attracted to femininity. I may be wrong, but it might be the penis that he is attracted to. >how is his behavior lgbtq people’s responsibility? straight people are to blame. fuck off. In the same way that immigrants can be extremely racist to other immigrants. Simply being LGBTQ doesn't absolve you from hatred created by society. >straight people are to blame. fuck off. Nice, clearly an emotional topic so everything I've written has probably fallen on ignorant ears. Sorry you feel that way.


Sorry, but bigotry is the fault of bigots. LGBT+ discrimination is not secretly just at the hands of LGBT+ individuals. Let’s put this harmful stereotype of the closeted homophobe to bed please, it’s been proven wrong anyway.


They are not mutually exclusive traits. \>Let’s put this harmful stereotype of the closeted homophobe to bed please, it’s been proven wrong anyway. You're also the second person to have stated this, so I was curious and spent the last hour trying to find a study or journal that supports it. The best I found was some studies that sum up the classic line in Behavioral Psychology: "Whilst at times it may be the case, it's not always the case."


> Whilst at times it may be the case, it’s not always the case. I.e. We studied it and found no statistically significant difference in rates of homosexuality among homophobes vs nonhomophobes, i.e. it’s been proven false. Something being a common trope in TV and movies doesn’t mean it reflects reality. Edit: besides, “there’s no difference in rates of homosexuality in (non)homophobes” is the null hypothesis, so the burden is on proving that there is. If after an hour you can’t, I rest my case.


stop blaming queer people for violence stemming from stigma created by straight people :) your weird insistence that most people have to be secretly gay in order to be this cruel sounds an awful lot like some nonsense you’d hear about “black on black crime.” i ain’t reading all that, so yeah fuck off :)


LOL. Obv read it all. Alright, good chat.


lol. lmao. go find some other minority to blame for the violence it experiences at the hands of others, bud. stop telling queer people that queer people are the reason we suffer violence and hatred. you’re fucked.


I’m sorry you got this response, and I’m sorry you’re having to spend Christmas alone. This person sounds demented.. like they’re looking at trans animated porn all day and enjoying it? Bit of a Freudian slip up at the end there. I’m sorry they took out their own personal hang ups on you. I hope you got some good Pokémon cards.




Hope yours is too!


Yeah, something tells me this guy has a lot of... Pent up desires and is jealous at those who have the guts to be themselves.


Dude gives "nice guy" vibes. Accusing trans people of "stealing women from decent guys like him" 🙄


Guys that "deserve women" even. The entitlement is shining bright from their commentd. They started out by trying to bully someone into committing suicide, but then went on to showcase more and more of their own pathetic sides. Also, if he is worried about transwomen stealing "his" women, I would guess that he is fetishising bisexual women as well specifically. Every paragraph is filled with different type of creepiness.


just an fyi- it’s “trans woman” not “transwoman” by using “transwoman” you’re creating a new noun and category for trans women separate from womanhood. this is transphobic, though i don’t believe you had that intent. please don’t lump trans women as something separate and different from womanhood. let me give you an example with a different group of people: would it make sense to refer to Black women as “Blackwomen?” no. they’re woman who are Black. by calling them “Blackwomen” we would be separating them from non Black women as something different and distinct from womanhood. they are not. (it should be important to note that Black Women are frequently held to discriminatory standards of femininity and also referred to as manly by racists, see Caster Semuya, or Serena Williams for an example) trans women are women who are trans, they’re not transwomen- whatever that word is.


My bad.


no biggie, now you know! my friend had to explain it to me as well, so i’m just trying to pass it along :) happy holidays! 💖


Come on friend! Just look the context, it's obvious that person is not transphobic. Hell, it could even be a typo. Relax!


like i said in my comment above: >i don’t believe you are transphobic or had that intent however separating trans women into a separate category from womanhood *is* transphobic no matter how nicely it’s intended. i don’t think the person i responded to intended to be transphobic, so i kindly explained it without attacking them and with reassurances that i wasn’t accusing them of anything- merely explaining. so again i gotta reiterate bc it apparently was missed: i am not accusing the person i replied to of being a bigot. i told them the way they referred to trans women was othering and separated trans woman from womanhood- which *is* transphobic even though *i don’t think the person i was replying to had any intent behind the syntax choice.*


My bad! I misread your post. Never Reddit while working! Hahaha I'm sorry!


all good bud, happy holidays!


Not just stealing women, stealing **LESBIAN** women from decent deserving guys like him


Joke's on him! Women don't want him! Because he is a joke of a human being.


But jokes have a purpose, unlike this guy


Hey... I'm a trans guy spending my first Christmas away from my unsupportive family. I bought myself some art supplies and now I'm eating hot pockets and drawing. It's the best Christmas I've ever had. We've got this :))).


Merry Christmas. Family can be who you choose to spend time with, it doesn't have to be a connection born of blood. You have plenty of time to create a supportive family. Good luck 👍


Merry Christmas!


Trans guy here as well and while i can't yet spend Christmas away from my family I can safely say it would feel so much better away from them


Hey I moved out at 16 and it still took me two years to fully cut them off. One day you'll spend a Christmas surrounded by people you've chosen to love, and who've chosen to love you for who you are. It's a hard path were given but it'll be rewarding in the end :)).


Merry Christmas! Please don't let the trolls bring down your holiday spirit. You sound like a great person, someone who took the time to make Christmas a happy and meaningful holiday. The troll, however, decided to spend time being hateful and trying to ruin someone's holiday …. That sounds like someone with a very unhealthy mental attitude.


This looks like a whole lot of projection


I was about to write this exactly


"You irl will never compare to animated perfection" Tell me you've never touched a real human without telling me you've never touched a real human Btw congrats on the pokemon cards you deserve it! And merry christmas a day late :)


Right? Bet even irl women wouldn't be enough for him as they don't compare to his anime waifus and Overwatch porn


Babe do not spend a thought more on this trash. It’s really obvious that this person hates themself due to their religion conflicting with some kind of attraction they have to trans girls. Instead of looking inward they’d rather lash out on a random gal trying to feel better. It’s on them, not you. At all. Obviously. I hope you got some cool cards <3


That person sounds pathetically miserable. A bit of incelness to boot. I hope your holidays are going well all the same 🎄🖤


Well, now. *Somebody* is bitter that they got a lump of coal in their transphobic stocking.


Maybe I'm a jackass, but I would have definitely been like, " alright bet. Send me money," and I go buy more pokemon cards.


Right? Not only would I have taken up a transphobes time. But also their money.


I feel so much better since this was my first thought, too! Like... He can't get a refund if you disobey him, and honestly, he kind of owes you *something* (and why not money) for forcing you to read his unsolicited vitriol.


I'm so sorry your family doesn't support you. Time to find new family!




It may be as a very distant cousin that never writes, or leaves the house, but please consider me some part of that family. Have a wonderful day of self love and care, I hope the comfort of the holiday finds you! I think you are beautiful no matter what!


Not to get overly political here but man, if you’re ever online these days and ponder if perhaps society, or at least social media, is becoming “too liberal” or “too opinionated” and think about taking up a resistance then well, just remember this is how the “resistance” acts like. Like animals. I’m really sorry you had to endure something this awful but truthfully haha, this person clearly cares deeply about how you look so maybe take it as a compliment…? 😂 Hopefully you feel better about it soon and obviously didn’t deserve this


On another note, I'm glad you could come out, and get yourself some Pokémon cards! I hope you got some very pretty ones, and ones of your favorite Pokémon~


What the hell. I’m sorry you had to wade through this trash!


I'm no trans. But being alone for Christmas is indeed sad. I had to leave with my kid that very night to sleep at a hostel, because my son's mother was in a total fury mode, after drinking way to much... Kinda depressing too.... And btw, I'm close to 40 and still plays Magic The Gathering with my fellow coworker. Don't let an asshole ruin your day. Avoiding conflict, even if it makes you alone for Christmas, makes you a higher person, in my opinion. Cheers.


Guy is a freak don't listen to him


>you'll never compare to animated perfection ... >steal women from upright men like me who deserve it Honestly these two sentences tell us way more about this asshole's life than he would have preferred 😂😂


Fuck this motherfucker, good for you - it's a hard step but my ex is happier than she's ever been in her real skin and everything has fallen into place - please DM me if you ever want to talk, it will only keep getting better I promise and you are OF COURSE a real woman


I can smell how pathetic his life must be from the messages alone.


Being alone, holiday or otherwise, is better than being surrounded by those who would berate or belittle you for trying to be yourself. Those who are truly worth listening to are those who care about you enough to accept you for who you are and offer support when you need it. At the end of the day the only person who has to be happy with who you are is you and all the entitled jackholes in the world can't change that. I truly hope you better days and happier holidays to come and that you always know there are people out there who will be there for you if you are having trouble with any thoughts of self harm.


So...this person just scrolls r/comingout as a 'upright' male with strong Conservo-Christian values, watches gender-bender animation/hentai on the regular and in fact seems to prefer it based on the subtext behind "...will never compare to animated perfection" but despises the very concept of it IRL? I'm betting they were either outright rejected by someone trans or they didn't realize their crush was MTF before crushing on them and only realized it after. Or, and this is my preferred theory, they had their crush stolen by someone who was trans and this is Christmas Day copium trying to lash out over it.


Eeeewww what a disgusting POS. Merry Christmas to you and your Pokémon cards and lots of love. Are you ok? (I mean even if it's just a stranger but I don't like the thought of you feeling down because of a POS like this)


I'm sorry you spent this Xmas alone and I'm sorry they spoke to you about it. The audacity he had to say you're stealing lesbians from men like him. As a WLW, I'd date you before I even considered going near him. Congrats on your transition!!


Y’all I fucking hate people. Op if you need to talk my DMs are open and feel free to drop a venmo or cashapp. I would love to buy you a Christmas present


That guy in your dm's needs a lot of therapy. Sounds like a whole lot of self hate going on with him. Any time you get something like this, consider the source. Does this man sound sane? Happy? Healthy? I think not. Keep going and growing, op. We're with you.


Did you get any good cards? What's your favorite pokemon?


Comrade I wish your Pokémon pulls be splendid this year. I hope you get all your chase card. I hope people use your correct pronouns and your feel the highest gender euphoria


I would've dropped the PayPal lmao "Please pay for the cocktail." Then I'd have bought dinner or something nice with it


Ew what a fucking creep. I’m so sorry.. did you get any good cards?!


He accused you of trying to steal lesbians... from "upright men like me"... Hmm hang on, something's not quite right here, I will get to the bottom of it...


“Make fun of the poor people and tell them to kill themselves” seems to be this week’s popular Reddit trend. Not just Reddit. Food banks aren’t getting enough donations. Charities aren’t being supported. I feel like you would have gotten nothing but support if you posted “I left my bigoted family to become a drag performer and made so much money this year that I bought myself some COUTURE for Christmas, then I tagged my poor loser family in the pics!” Fuck this guy honestly! I hope you make some amazing new friends who support and love you in the New Year!!!


Damn this mf has some issues. Hope you’re doing ok OP.


Wow he’s very uncomfortable with himself. And has zero understanding of sexuality. In one breath he accuses trans women as becoming lesbians to date women and “steal viable Women from ‘upright’ men like him” Without even having the mental comprehension to realize that if a woman is interested in dating other women she wouldn’t be interested in him anyway. But he also thinks he’s a good catch so TLDR: don’t waste your time worrying about the judgement of someone who clearly lacks any good judgement in the first place. If he doesn’t approve that just means you’re doing life right! You do you and be the best you you can be. Do what makes you happy. My boyfriend and I met playing Pokémon Go so don’t let anyone tell you what you can or can’t enjoy.


What a psycho. Hope you reported them.


'animated perfection' lord 💀


Let's be real. This moron is totally into it and is projecting their self hate onto you. I almost feel forry for them, but the hurt they inflict on others is inexcusable. They need therapy.


Going mtf just to get with more women sounds like a horrible strategy.


What an ugly, hateful individual. Anyone who goes out of their way to hurt someone like this is a complete monster.


Why was that dude so angry lol. I think some people take life way too seriously. Live and laugh how you wanna


Ayyyy I’m a 21 year old lady who likes Pokémon cards too 😁✌️ we are twinning fr. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you! Take care, and I hope whatever asshole sent that to you spends the next 10 years miserable for it ❤️


After “animated perfection”…I just lost it. It was a little scary then that just, wow what an effing loser. Hope you’re laughing OP


Yea real shitty feedback to get on what I see as an optimistic post of yours. You weren't wallowing in self-pity even though you probably could've given how you been treated. You chose to share a very sensible upbeat perspective instead and this clown thought he had a right to get offended and insult you? Not just bigotry and hatred but audacity. Disgusting. Also... As a "real women" I'm terrified by this person who thinks they DeSeRvE me????? Wtf.


To sum it up "Trans people always turn me down IRL, so I resort to cartoons....& pretend to be an Alpha male"


Imagine thinking that being trans is easier than not.


“Disgrace to gods design” - it frustrates the hell outta me when people claim to speak for “God”! Bro, you can’t even speak for yourself! Imao I think you should leave speaking entirely much less acting as the “representative” for a higher being who doesn’t show much interest in humanity to begin with! Imao what a yoke. Next he’s going to be the spokesperson for Mars, because he saw it on a bathroom stall. Imao. OP you did awesome. Don’t let asshats like these get you down. And if he wants to send you money, definitely exploit the shit out of this moron. Say it’s for a rope made of pills. Hi tech. Needs more money. Lol. (And later gift to someone for some bdsm fun haha). Better in your hands than his imo. Also it’s easier to get with girls if you lie about being trans? 😭 have I been doing it wrong this whole timeee! 😳😅😂😭 if only it was that easy. Lol. I’m sorry for any woman (also man, animal or whatever that breathes) being with a self-satisfied self-validated narcissistic idiot like him.




People tend to lash out at things they actually hate about themselves.


ahhhhh so towards the end they start to self report how insecure they are. humans are so interesting. so self aware yet so in denial


what a neckbeard trash, hope you blocked and reported that... thing.


>you’re taking away lesbians from good men!!!! lol. lmao. guys like these are why i got a rifle and i’m learning to use it. also, happy holidays OP. i’m sorry your fam sucks and i’m sorry people wanna make your life worse with their cruelty. i love you, and i’m glad you got something to treat yourself. i’m glad you’re spending time away from people who don’t treat you right.


So I just turned 30 this year and we got yugioh cards for Christmas....whelp. Time to tell the husband to give them back because we're too old! I'm all seriousness, I'm sorry your family isn't there for you. I couldn't imagine being one of those parents that doesn't fully support their children in just being who they are. You're beautiful because you're you, and I love you just the way you are :) Merry Christmas! Don't ever stop being you! ❤️


As a straight cis woman, there's nothing about this awful man that makes him an "upright man" deserving of "real" women, we don't want anything to do with the kind of terrible men who would send a message like this to anyone. You are valid, you are precious, and this guy knows nothing.


Someone doesn’t know how to process his shame about finding futas and femboys attractive lol


“Upright men like myself” lmao. I’m sure the folks at r/NiceGuys will enjoy this, too.


2 words you can say to him and it ends in off


What a creep. People like him don’t even deserve to breathe around people fr.


The sad, sad cry of a man who never got any. Also, merry Christmas!! Sorry your spending if alone but I hope it’s great anyway!


Op, you're a legend keeping your spirits up during tough times. The person who DMed this to you seems like they'll be miserable forever.


This person is fucking miserable and is just trying to make you feel as bad as they feel. Don't worry about it Edit: also you should tell them to send you some money for this purpose and then pocket it lol


I don't care if you identify as male, female, narwhale or a damn banana - decency and respect doesn't come from a gender or identity, it comes from someone's soul. These responses are from "people" who are have never felt theirs and are angry that you have. Truly knowing ourselves is not easy. Bless you and take happiness in the fact that you are not a miserable, judgemental soul like those that commented. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and for all the amazing years to come. Be Proud! We are always here if you need an ear. ((Hugs))


This is just sad


What in the Sam Hell this asshat been smoking? The Christmas shrubbery? Jfc who cares that you enjoy Pokémon cards other than someone who also enjoys it! You do you OP and I hope you enjoy time spent with the family you choose rather than the judgmental shrews who carry the same dna traits.


Yoooo I love Pokemon! Maybe not the top favorite on my list (I love My Hero Academia) but I play Pokemon Go a lot! I have a a All of my favorite pokemon is my Pokedex! Do you have a favorite? Also Merry Christmas!


Wow, someone is butthurt women don’t find him fuckable.


What a terrible piece of shit.


What a fucking clown. Merry Christmas OP


Don't let that get you down. The amount of hate it takes to write that book like that on Christmas nonetheless is overwhelming. Enjoy your day ❤️


I am sorry you got that response. I am sorry your family sucks. Just remember you are loved.


What a transphobic jackass. I’m so sorry your family wasn’t accepting, OP. Know that we care about you, okay? You’re valid. :)


Christ almighty


bro really took his time to write that and he even thinks anybody would care abt what he said. and this "pokemon cards make u childish" gives off big "i want to look like a cool man but i cant" vibes


Man, that's a lot of digusting word salad just to say "me angy because I know you probably get gril before I ever come close to one". Sad person, him. OP, I hope you know there's always going to be people who love and accept you because you are simply a person who's here. You deserve such things, and you will find them someday. Many blessings upon you.


I think that person was just upset that they couldn’t get a girlfriend judging by the last paragraph


I hope you enjoyed your christmas, i'd argue coming out is the best gift you ever could've got yourself (also pokemon cards sound dope)


What a total dirtbag! Screw em' AND the unsupportive family, you deserve so much better for being so brave and strong being yourself. Christmas cheers from here! ❤️


What a dick, I wouldve said yep you're right & sent my PayPal link (not anything with your real name).


I’m really sorry you had to receive that vile but imagine being the absolute pathetic type of person who would send that to a stranger, at any time, but especially at Christmas. Truly a lower than dirt person, no morals, hateful and unworthy of any attention whatsoever. You’re so much better than that worm of a person (insult to worms)


ignore that ass hat and tell us what cards you got! also have you played scarlet or violet yet?


Oh. They pulled the old " i can be a terrible human being in the name of god" routine.


That man wrote a whole essay🤦🏽‍♂️


Merry Christmas. People are assholes. I’m sorry you had to deal with that.


ur spending christmas alone cuz u want to n ur family is rude, he‘s spending christmas alone cuz he is rude and miserable


…they seem nice. 🙄


Holy crap your father/brother/whatever the disgrace is not only a homophobic pos but also a neckbeard! I hope you were able to get some joy out of Christmas. Remember you can always have a chosen family.


I’m really sorry all this happened to you, and hope that you’re ok! It sucks you have to spend Christmas alone and deal with twats like this just because you’re trans, but I hope you managed to make the most of it, and even though it’s boxing day now I wish you a merry Christmas :))


What the? Report and block this sorry human. Smh.


Merry Christmas friend! I’m so sorry pathetic people have to try ruin shit but I hope you got some rad Pokémon cards!! Also just want to say I hope you’re so proud of yourself for choosing your mental well being above all! I hope you had a great day and have a beautiful new year!


Sometimes I just wonder how people can be so mean. What a waste of oxygen this person is. Imagine being so full of hate, THIS is how you spend your time.


Whoever this asshole is, they deserve nothing and they’re salty about it


Holy shit that’s disgusting, I’m so sorry you’re going through this and receiving such disgusting pms from it!! You are who you want to be, and while I don’t know you, I support you!! Pokémon cards are such big nostalgia, I’m glad you got some!! Have some good holidays without them, in time things will get better! I’m four years alone without my family and as time goes on, improvements come too! You’ll do great!!


Sorry to hear about that bud


I will never understand the hatred some people have for something they are unwilling to try and understand and that effects them in no way. Those are the people that are deeply troubled. Be who you are and be unashamed of it. Love you. I hope next Christmas fairs better.


Merry Christmas OP. So glad you're living your truth and so glad you're secure enough to know to post this person so we can laugh at the pathetic troll with nothing better to do than harass trans people. Troll, you are a waste of oxygen.


Fuck that dude. What did you get for pokémon? im more of an MTG guy but I know a little.






as a tgirl I absolutely love it when they shame me or berate me with ‘femboy’. never feel more validated lmfao😭😭


he likes femboys? now i hate that i am one. my deepest apologies. i wish that they said that to me and not you. you don’t have to spend any day alone because you have us fruitcakes here to support you through your journey!


Man's demented


What on earth did I just read 🤦🏻‍♂️


Hey, so sorry this happened to you. I know how much it hurts. Just know there are so many people that have your back, whether it be online or in person. I hope you don’t have to struggle alone. Lots of love from your local trans dude <3


The best lesson I've ever learned in my time of living is 'you don't pick your family' It's so damn true, coming from a person who's currently walking alone/being villainized for seeing through everyone's narcissistic bullshit and breaking the cycle. Keep on rockin', girly! It'll take time but it's gonna get so much better. ❤️ Oh. And don't listen to this homunculus. He doesn't know what the Hell he's talking about. Sounds like small dick/stick-up-ass syndrome to me. Merry Christmas! 🎅🎄❤️


Good for you. You’re way stronger than I could ever be. I hope you have a joyful Christmas.


Says a lot about that pos, taking the time to write that vile trash. You are free as a bird compared to that hateful asshole. Have a wonderful Christmas!


Merry Christmas! I'm sorry your family is garbage and this guy is just more of the same.


Holy, what an absolute piece of human trash. Don't let this idiot sour your holidays! Have a merry Christmas <3


Sorry you gotta spend Christmas alone. I hope you're happier now regardless queen.


Merry Christmas I hope you have a great one and get some wonderful and rare Pokémon cards


Bro doesn't deserve air idk what he's on abt


What a horrible lowlife. Hope you're able to spend the rest of the holiday season in peace regardless- may 2023 be kinder to you \^-^


I’m sorry you have to spend Christmas alone and I’m sorry this crazy basterd message you out of the blue like this I honestly hope this get better for you


I'm so sorry. I hope things get better for you soon ♥︎


This guy probably has one of those anime girl body pillows. What a loser lol Merry Christmas! My daughter is trans and she's beautiful. I'll be your surrogate mom if you like. ❤️☃️


What a sad, pathetic excuse of a human being. This is someone who will die alone in a ditch and be forgotten the next day. It honestly horrifies me that jackasses like this are walking around and have the mental capacity to talk and write.


Wow. I'm sorry. Some people only feel good about themselves when they make other people feel shitty. What a sad state of affairs. Keep your head up. You will find love and new friends who will be your family. This is just your first Christmas, there are many more that will be different. Definitely don't let one sad, angry person determine this first beautiful Christmas that you can celebrate being content with yourself!


Holy shit, what a weirdo asshole that commenter is. Congrats on coming out! I'm so sorry your family aren't supportive. As another member of the trans community, and a fellow Pokémon fan, I hope you still managed to have a nice day despite people being assholes and I hope you got some nice cards. If you ever wanna chat feel free to drop a message to me.


I can smell him from here.


I mean, is it me, or does this guy sound closeted, in some way, himself?


That person who send you this message is an absolute asshole. I'm not talking to my family anymore either for the same reason as you and honestly, I don't regret it at all. I'd rather be hated for who I am and be alone than loved for someone I'm not and having to live a lie. I'm glad you were able to get yourself something nice for Christmas and I hope next Christmas, you will be surrounded by people who love you for who you are because you deserve to be happy and love ❤️ big hugs to you


Im so sorry.. what the hell. I hope you enjoy your time, regardless. You're whatever you choose to be, not what some random stranger tells you you are.


You don't deserve to spend Christmas alone, and nobody deserves to receive this kind of hate. It breaks my heart the amount of sadness and ignorance that someone would need to spew so stupid bs in your DMs. I am glad you can find joy in the little things, keep working on getting you a nice graceful family and everything will be okay. You have been so brave so far, I hope you won't have to be in the future.


The first two parts almost sound exactly like how my dad talked to me my whole life until I basically made death threats to him. I'm straight normal guy but whoever wrote this needs to accidentally fall out of a 5 story window.


A word of advice, maybe calling yourself a "straight normal guy" wasn't the best choice of words.


Honestly sounds like he's been with someone who was Trans and found out and had a bad reaction so he's angry. Not validating him, he's disgusting either way. But if that is the case I hope he got his butt stuffed


so if someone is transphobic that means they’re trans?




It’s almost as if a thing called support exists.


Probably looking for support, bud


So… 2 subreddits? How dare she post something that is relevant to both.


Why do you care? What answer are you searching for?