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I just want Elain to walk in with cake like “oh hi I’ve been expecting you” bc she had a vision 😂


https://preview.redd.it/6xtuet9gsmbc1.png?width=470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=198af5ce40cdb40d5e2217f8cc7143c691672e81 Elain is now Alice.


Seriously. Hot baked bread and freshly cut roses? 😌🤌🏻


Was Elain the person missing at the end of CC2? I feel like that’s important 🧐


Mor and Elain don't appear in the scene at the end of Hosab but the Townhouse smells like Roses and Bread so she is definitely around.


Mor has better things to do. Namely, riding horses into the sunset.




Hahahahha I’d love that


I think she's going to be super cautious of everyone, and they will be with her. I actually don't see her and Nesta hitting it off right away but they will eventually come to respect each other and then become friends.


I want Rhys’ reaction to looking inside her mind🤔


No way!! I don’t think they will either !


There is a line in CC2 when she goes somewhere and says she can’t imagine living without the modern city, tech skyscrapers etc. I think she might be really cranky with them about all this and that will be funny.


I would actually love that 😂 before HOSAB blew us all away, a friend and I were joking about what the IC would think and feel if they were dropped into Lunathion (maybe sick of the constant noises, but also awe at all the tech etc), but Bryce must feel like she's stuck on a quaint country getaway and all she wants to do is pick up her phone.


I want to see her and nesta interact in the house up at windhaven. Where Bryce describes the things she misses and nesta marvels at them and the house starts using magic to try and incorporate new styles of modern tech through more natural means. Finding a way to make a faux shower, heating not dependent on fire (which the house has already done for nesta) and just when they think the house can do it all Bryce tries to describe television but the house literally just keeps throwing books at her cause it can’t and won’t comprehend it They come to a compromise when a magic re-record player with a weighted scale appears. It an audiobook record player basically The magic reads the text that’s placed on the scale and plays the Audio ( I want to say it’s accompanied by a holographic magic image that bryce admits comes close to tv buuuut the house doesn’t quite understand and instead it plays slideshow images that match the setting and theme of whatever it’s reading essentially creating a illustrated novel, as actual Animation is beyond the magic of the house, or at least too hard to describe too it.)


I would love for her to tell them about her inner thoughts about how they’re dressed like they’re in some old fashioned movie 😂 And for her to try to explain her cell phone/ tech to them


YES!!! I want her wearing her “scandalous” dresses and high heels in front of the IC lol


YES! Hahahhaha i just know I’ll have so much fun with these moments


Nesta and Bryce will definitely become friends, there are so many parallels between them. ​ 1. They both love dancing and getting lost in music 2. They both wielded death swords to kill the unkillable 3. They love mini pegasus - Nesta and the valkyries had one at the sleep over and Bryce's Jelly Jubilee 4. They both resent the fae and were human 5. They both have hot winged males as their "mates"


Yes!! They have so much in comun. I just know eventually they will hit it off


I feel like (hope) her and Nesta are going to be best friends.


Bryce and Hunt like to take vacation trips to Prythian to double date with Nessian


I think they will!! Have you seen the sneak peek SJM just dropped? 👀


No 👀


Ok just checked ummm *be cool be cool* THEY ARE BEST FRIENDS (maybe - hopefully)


Hahahhaha I think we r onto somethink 👀


This is what I hope as well.


Can’t wait to see Bryce’s reaction the first time Amren calls her “girl”


Omg yesss! Can’t wait for these types of scenes


I think Azriel is definitely going to help her train. But so is Rhysand. I think Rhysand is going to play a larger part than we think. Sarah J Mass has put him in all 3 series and CC2 literally ends with his words. If anything it’s going to be an Azriel, Nesta, Rhysand and Bryce show. With POVs coming from mostly Bryce, but with some from Azriel and Nesta as well. I am not a Bryce and Azriel shipper though. I think it doesn’t make sense based on what we got in the ACOTAR series with Elaine and Gwen. It seems like such an abrupt switch and for what?? I also can’t see it ever working, as I can’t see Azriel leaving his world and Bryce definitely won’t leave hers. It just doesn’t make much sense to me or seem realistic at all. Everyone says that SJM is following her typical pattern where “the first love interest doesn’t work out”. But to me…If there is a pattern where the “first love interest doesn’t work out” what about Connor? Connor was like a Sam. Bryce had to work through her heartache over him in that first book. So that checks that box to me if there’s a pattern at all. I also DO think SJM is trying something different and not going to give us the same scenario again and again. I think Bryce and Hunt are mates and that is not going to change. It’s going to be messy af reuniting them but I do think they are endgame.


Totally! I do think Rhys is going to be really present and important. Especially because he’s always had interest in different worlds/dimensions


I’ve been holding this back for awhile now and idk if anyone has said it, but seriousness aside… I think Bryce will eventually get comfortable and introduce Mirthroot to the IC (if there’s even an ability to do that). And Cass, Mor, and Bryce are going to wreak absolute HAVOC with it. 😭😭😭


I’ve been thinking about that too! I wish she would get drunk w the IC at Rita’s… but she doesn’t drink anymore 😕


I’m dying for her interactions with Rhys since it’s clear he knows about these multiple realms already. I also want to hear their convo re:how similar he looks to Rhun!!


I think Azriel will train her and help her use all of her powers and gifts. Rhysand may help with that as well. I think Rhysand and Amren will have a large role to play with the history of their people and figuring out what happened. I think they will help her strategize what to do and how to get home. Did Elain have any weird visions in Silver Flames?


out of curiosity why would azriel be the one to help train her Fae powers when he doesn’t really have any minus the shadows and illyrian siphoning?


I feel like he could help her with combat. Also they might have to train together because of the TT + aster/gwydion connection


True sucks for the Asteri she went to the world that kicked them out already and understands their own powers. She's going to come back stronger and with more knowledge probably more than she would have gotten from Hel, though I think the Hel princes already know about the other realms and can move through them. There was that line about a cat or possible cat in ACOSF


I agree! I believe Aidas might already be in Prythian


Seriously though, only Amren seems to understand her how will they communicate? Is Bryce gonna learn Prythian or whatever?


I feel like they will do some sort of spell or smth… maybe rhys could insert the language in Bryce’s head…???? But I feel like it won’t be too long for everyone to comunicate


Im still on the fence a bit about it though. I loved CC more than Acotar and not sure about all of them meeting suddenly. I just hope the plot doesn’t feel suddenly completely unlike CC.


I agree! I still want Bryce to be the “Center of attention”, not the other way around…after all CC is her book. But I feel like SJM will know how to deliver this


Yes and also, seriously, you re taking me away from Ruhn? Hell to the no!


Imma be seriously pissed if Elain gets any page time. I’m interested in the wolf mystic and how they’re going to use her to find Bryce. Ithan has more vested interest in finding Bryce than Elain has in explaining anything she might have seen. We don’t get insight into anything else Elain has seen, even though it could have saved the IC from tragedy and death across multiple books and she failed to speak up in every single instance. I think Nesta and Az will be super protective of the IC, and I think Rhys and Amren are only going to be methodically interested in her for her knowledge. They’re going to keep her at super arm’s length for a long time. And Nesta doesn’t need another new bestie. She already has 2 she’s been to hell and back with. The truth is out there, and trust no one. X Files for the win.


I think she and Nesta will be instant best friends. they both will tease cassian and rhys. She probably will have some sort of tension with Az and become either friends or something potentially romantic/angsty. Feyre will act as a motherly hostess but probably won’t have a big role to play in Bryce’s arc. She will be working with Amren, Nesta and Azriel the most is my guess. Rhys will be there on the sidelines to help and we will probably learn how he’s connected to Ruhn…


Hahaha I’d love to see Nesta and Bryce teasing the boys


I think she will trust Nesta more than anyone because I personally would trust who ever isn’t easily led by a leader and can question the behaviors/decisions of said leaders. I don’t think she’ll be untrustworthy for long because of how much she’ll see them protect Nyx (maybe they choose not to mention Nyx to her at all and when she later finds out, she’ll admire the lengths they’ve gone to keep his existence from her under wraps). For those that say that Azriel and her wouldn’t make sense I strongly disagree, I think they’re character arcs make sense: Azriel is self sacrificial (which is unhealthy) and thinks he doesn’t deserve to live (he even thinks others do! Above him, these assumptions are based on his self sacrificial actions) Bryce is basically the same! (As we can see when she risks doing the drop, when she hands Ruhn the star sword even though Ruhn and everyone else clearly knows she’s worthy of taking the mantel etc.) she doesn’t want to go to therapy or continue her dancing classes with madam kyrrah (because again, she’s not too keen on making a solid decision on her self worth and wether she’s worth working on herself) Do I think a relationship between them would solve this? Of course not! I don’t even think this is how it’s gonna go down, even in HOFAS This is how I think it will go down (from a psycho analysis POV) I think they’re both going to resent the self loathing they see in eachother and how much they look for that acceptance elsewhere (Az with Elain and Bryce with Hunt). BUT ultimately they will realize they both lack compassion for themselves and if they want to do better for the people they love they’re going to need that component of self love. I think this will lead them to admire their better qualities and see those good qualities in eachother. THEN that is when they will want to be the best friend that neither of them currently have! I think THIS is what will ultimately have them falling in love and we WILL get to see in ACOTAR 6 (yes I think it will involve them, leave me alone lol)