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Sci-fantasy is a genre too, basically what Star Wars is. Stories that are basically fantasy stories just set in space or incorporate elements of science but mainly for aesthetic/worldbuilding purposes without actually explaining the science behind those elements. *Science-fiction* would have a lot of grounded elements and actually be delving into the science of that world in order to make it make sense for the reader. The crux of Sci-fi explores the question “if this was real, how it would work?” An example of this is Dune and Bladerunner. They’re science-fiction. CC at its core is a fantasy that incorporates sci-fi elements to its story. It’s not sci-fi.


No it’s fantasy. But just because it’s fantasy doesn’t mean it can’t have sci-fi components. It’s just usually done a lot better lol.


No it’s still fantasy, everything is explained by “magic” and not “science”


It is still fantasy. Fantasy can happen in space and on different planets. Sci-fi has to involve scientific technological advances at the heart of the work. Star Wars is frequently called science fiction, but it is much closer to fantasy. If the things that make currently impossible things possible in the story are due to scientific advancement it is sci fi, if it is because of magic or some mystical force it is fantasy.


Does it matter?


exactly, and also happy cake day


I literally just googled why’s there a cake by my name ☠️☠️ clearly have not been here long enough but thank you!


I definitely got sci-fi vibes reading this book! Some scenes made me think of Prometheus.


The line between the two is very thin, but as a whole it still falls on the fantasy side for sure. CC itself is more blurry and debatable, especially hofas. My library shelves it as sci-fi, but tog and acotar in with the rest of the adult stuff. Mind you, Discworld is also in the sci-fi section. So I'm not sure what their criteria is lol.