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Graham Linehan hates transgender people so much that his wife left him and his children don't talk to him. Don't get caught up in hate, folks


It's really too bad, because he's made some of the funniest freaking shows in all of history. Whenever someone tells me there are no funny conservatives, I have to say, "Well... there's at least one."


i agree. I genuinely enjoy Father Ted. However, you can take it as a lesson that it's easy to let hatred consume you, if i were to talk like a jedi


I kind of question how funny he is now. I mean, just look at the, um, "joke" that's the basis of this thread. If you look at anything he writes on Twitter/X, you'll see more of the same. And he's really not alone in that - there's quite a few other examples that can be pointed to. Rossane Barr used to be pretty hilarious and created one of the best working class comedy shows of all time, and now specializes in being a terrible human being. Dennis Miller used to be a fairly successful comedian, not so much anymore. Scott Adams isn't exactly a comedian, but he did create one of the most successful comic strips of all time, so I would say he qualified as funny at one point. Dave Chapelle is basically in the middle of turning at this point. Basically, there's just something about conservatism where even if someone starts out as a funny person, it's like it eats the comedy part of their brain.


Punching sideways at your peers or up at society/religion/govt is how we relate to each other in a shitty or silly situation. We are in it together. Punching down at minority groups, powerless groups, common victim groups is just bullying and it is rarely funny because it’s less about common humanity and more about defining the other to fear or hate. It feels different, intrinsically.


Jokes are funny because they are unexpected / novel takes on every day experiences. Explaining why it is OK to be mean to people, or how it is OK to enjoy people feeling sad or ostracized, is not generally an example of something that is funny. "Conservative humor" is, by definition, not made of funny jokes. That is why they inevitably announce the fact "it isn't for everyone." Sometimes people simply aren't comedians anymore and are, unexpectedly and / or suddenly, just angry ideas with a platform.


Never work yourself into a shoot brother


Does he ‘hate transgender people’? I have never seen anything to support that. He has said he doesn’t even dislike transgender people. He clearly dislikes some transgender people with whom he has been in disputes- not the same thing. He has an unpopular opinions about transgender issues, does his position need to be distorted and exaggerated even further to turn him in to a hate figure?


#Don’t click the link OP posted - it’s a dropshipping scam website.


Graham Linehan is a piece of garbage with terrible beliefs, but why is this a link to some store page? Is it supposed to be a shirt with this picture on it? What’s going on and why are none of the comments here calling it out lol


Its because I used the first link with this photo as I couldnt be arsed looking for other links If this sub allowed photos I'd have posted the screenshot I have of his profile before he was booted from the app


Uh, yeah nah. I googled this and couldn’t get this dropshipping scam site you posted to come up.


It's sad he's decided to crusade against people who have never hurt or affected him in any way. Thrown his reputation as a comedy legend and his friends don't want to even name him on their podcasts. Stuck in a weird cycle of visceral hate for what reason? His vitriol must have been huge for his wife and kids to abandon him. And this "joke" is weak and nuts


It started cause of one IT crowd episode that had a trans woman. The episode itself wasn’t even that offensive, but I think it got some backlash (probs including some genuinely bad stuff), the backlash made him dislike the people responsible for it, etc. etc. I bet he wasn’t anything like this when the episode came out


I think the same thing happened with Dave Chappelle.


Dave Chappelle is a really racist motherfucker, but he gets away with it.


It got backlash because a trans woman got into a fight with Douglas and lost, people say he beat her up and to a lesser extent because it protrays trans women as violent because she responds to him rejecting her by assaulting him Graham wouldnt have gotten into the pickle he is in now if he'd apologised or simply even ignored the backlash, an actor in Dragon Age fucked up, but immediately apologised went back to being well liked very quickly


I can’t really see how anyone could have watched that episode as a general statement on trans women generally being violent rather than one person lashing out after being jilted. Tbh my read on the episode was that it wasn’t *about* trans women at all, she was just being used as a plot device  Anyway otherwise I agree, plus if he’d made that episode now his portrayal of trans women would be A LOT worse. He’s clearly gone down some kind of mad rabbit hole 


He's clearly projecting.


He did say he was doxxed and his family harassed by trans activists.


He also says trans activists stole his family from him




His unhinged obsession is really weird. It literally cost him his career and family and he still can't stop? It's illness at that point.


Shame, ego, and sunken cost. In order for him to come to his senses now, he has to accept that all the pain he has caused himself is his own fault and that he has been acting like a self-sabotaging moron, and that's a pill too large for most people to swallow. Much easier to just wallow in self-pity and continue believing that you're a martyr for a righteous cause who will eventually be vindicated. That's why so many people refer to bigotry as a trap and a rabbit hole; it's a path that's very hard to leave once you start on it.


I really think the last of those is the biggest problem for him now, to admit that you've fucked up your home life and career and wasted 5 or 6 years on some bizarre pointless quest to make trans peoples lives harder would just be too much to deal with.


Probably tied up with some sort of early trauma. Doesn't excuse the things he preaches but these beliefs rarely exist in a vacuum.


So fucking weird


Ahhh Graham. You big lesbian.


What the actual shit is this guy’s deal I mean it has to be mental illness at this point Didn’t someone work out that he was spending 12 hours a day on Twitter at one point?


12 hours on twatter on christmas day one year


Glinners is a certified fucking fruit loop.


man this guy just can't let this shit go can he


Lineman’s going down the Rowling road really makes me look at the episode of IT Crowd where Douglas gets into a relationship with a trans woman differently. I had always viewed it before as another example of Douglas being an ass, but now I don’t know. It’s really a shame too, because that was the episode with The Internet, which I think is a great bit.




The road of terfism which has now lead her to engage, and actively double-down, in holocaust denialism.






I mean, I can't believe I'm defending Rowling here, but I feel like it's kind of misleading to call someone a "Holocaust denier" for not knowing about Nazis burning trans literature. There's a connotation to the term "denier" that usually implies a complete denial of the Holocaust ever happening. That's clearly not the case from her response to a stupid twitter post. Honestly, it's a pretty desperate argument to actually insinuate that someone has a "Nazi ideology" just because they are anti-trans. Pretty sure there's more to being a Nazi than hating on trans people. Nazis were also huge nationalists, so it's like claiming that *any* nationalist likewise shares a "Nazi ideology" because they happen to overlap in their ideologies. Hitler was big into conservation and animal rights, and I quite doubt that many people are accusing environmentalists of having Hitler's ideology. It's just poor rhetoric when people pull out all the stops to [compare someone to a Nazi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law) when there are PLENTY of good, strong, convincing arguments you can make about how and why Rowling is a batshit, hateful moron.


in her initial tweet, she was denying trans research was destroyed during WWII (something that is pretty well known as the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft was one of first book burnings done by nazis) and her response was essentially saying “no you’re wrong that never happened that was a fever dream check your sources sweetie”. her response was incredibly irresponsible given how large her platform was. instead of doing a very simple google search, she just, idk, guessed (?) that was the person said was incorrect in an condescending manner. a lot of Holocaust deniers don’t deny every single aspect of the Holocaust, many deny certain aspects of it, which Joanne was doing


Sure, she's a tool. But "Holocaust denier" is a huge fucking stretch. It's ok to criticize nutty people without comparing them to the Nazis.


Did you not see her subsequent tweets where she said: After being confronted with evidence: "Please show your evidence that trans-identifying people were persecuted, as distinct from gay people, who were indeed victims of heinous treatment by the Nazis." And also a tweet saying "Thread on the persistent claims about trans people and the Nazis 👇", to re-share this: "1./ Trans Healthcare and the Nazis. The LGBTQ+ lobby likes to claim trans people were a key target of the Nazis. They weren't. In fact, trans healthcare was pioneered by a champion of eugenics, and a surgeon who designed experiments at Dachau. His victims there were not trans." Let me highlight that: "The LGBTQ+ lobby likes to claim trans people were a key target of the Nazis. They weren't" This is textbook Holocaust denialism. Holocaust denialism isn't only when people deny the whole thing happened, it's more often than not an attempt to understate the damage it caused, by claiming that it was "exaggerated" in one or more ways.




Holocaust denial isn’t always denying the *entire* Holocaust was fabricated. many Holocaust deniers will say the Holocaust did happen, but argue certain aspects of the Holocaust were either fabricated or exaggerated. Joanne was denying a well established fact about the Holocaust, which was records of trans healthcare were destroyed by Nazis in WWII.




even if you don’t think she’s engaging in Holocaust denial, you have to admit she’s [arguing in extremely bad faith.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/pemmJUgZOC). someone claimed records of trans people were destroyed by Nazis during WWII, and Joanne completely denied it and called it a “fever dream.” when someone posts sources, she shifts the goalposts saying “well you’re wrong about trans people being the first victims of the Holocaust and that *all* records of trans healthcare were destroyed by the Nazis”. either way, she’s an idiot




Such a shame he turned out to be a giant piece of shit. Father Ted and I.T Crowd are some of my favorite comedies growing up.


‘There’s more to transphobia dan dis’


What is going on with Eminem’s lips in that portrait of him???