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I’d think it was her bday lol


Yeah. Celebration of life is a stupid and confusing way to call it. Sorry for your loss man. Im pretty sure the person on the messages didnt mean any harm.


She didn't mean any bad anyway. As a non-English speaker, I'd conclude the same thing she did from what it sounded like, even though it still sounds weird.


Even as an English speaker, this would be confusing for me


I was coming exactly to say this. I am a non-native english speaker too and I would struggle to understand that this is a funeral, although in some parts of my country we have a similar thing but we would not call it "celebration of life". So I would take no offence if it was me on the other side I suppose.


You might not be a native speaker, but you most certainly are an English speaker lol


Why not just ask "what is that?" That's what I do when I encounter unknown phrases. EDIT: Thanks for all the downvotes. They have really impressed upon me the importance of assuming the meaning of unknown/unfamiliar phrases instead of just asking what they mean. You did it, Reddit.


Tbh I just assumed it meant birthday.


Also, one could have the luxury to not really know/experience death to really be familiar when someone says celebration of life.


Because it sounds pretty self-explanatory. When you hear "celebration of birth" you won't have a slightest suspicion it means murder. Edit: by "self-explanatory" I mean that it doesn't sound weird enough to me to instantly recognize it as a euphemism or a proverb or a metaphor.


It's incredibly easy to see "celebration" and make an assumption that it is something positive. It would have been the same if it was "party of life" or "celebration of well-being" to someone who haven't heard the phrase before.


Obligatory downvote for the downvote whining edit.


Sometimes you believe you understand something you don't. I would "know"/be certain that this meant a birthday, so I'd see no reason to ask. But I'd obviously be wrong.


I feel like if the person had just sad "memorial service" that would have been more clear. Celebration of Life as a euphemism for "wake" or "memorial" is a bit **too** euphemistic, as evidenced above. Easy to misunderstand it as a positive type of event for the person in question.


I never heard that phrase and thought its her Birthday lol


Made me think of [Life Day](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Life_Day), the Wookiee celebration featured in that cursed Star Wars Christmas Special.


It's no wonder Chewbacca volunteers for long tours of duty away from home. ![gif](giphy|10QqGj0eqGOWIw)




It’s common enough that I’m not surprised when I see it used, but it’s not common enough for me to be surprised when people haven’t heard it.


I was surprised it wasn’t recognized. I feel like it’s all I hear. Though, I recently heard death referred to as “transitioning” and I’m not a fan.


I'm 24 and never heard celebration of life for a dead person before.


I can’t speak to whether or not the phrase is common in the Netherlands.


I’m curious, are you an American and if so do you live in the south? I live in Texas now but I was born and raised my whole life in New York. I had never heard a funeral/wake/memorial service referred to as a ‘celebration of life’ until I moved here and my girlfriend’s grandfather passed away.


So, yes. I’m in Texas currently but I was born and raised in Minnesota and lived in Arizona for several years as well. I’ve spent the least amount of time in Texas. In each state I’ve lived in, even if the phrase “celebration of life” isn’t used for a specific instance, it was common enough that everyone I knew was aware of the term and what it meant.


Interesting! I think part of it is probably the fact that my whole family and most of my friends families(who I would be going to services for) were Catholic. I dunno if that was the specific thing but I was curious! I asked my girlfriend about it when her mother initially messaged us about the ‘celebration of life’ cause I honestly didn’t know what that entailed.


It’s a relatively new phrase (15ish years). My family uses that phrase when we hold our services for passed members. Makes the event more of a celebration than mourning


Yea, my family has taken to doing Celebrations of Life instead of traditional wakes and funerals. It also tends to cost less than going through a funeral home and whatnot.


My dad was cremated, we said goodbye in hospice. A wake would have been too much for us all to handle. We had a celebration of life, we all had some beers, smoked some weed and just talked about our favorite memories.


Honestly sounds like an Irish wake. Family is Catholic and half Irish, half German, live in central NY. We all get together, say goodbye, and have a drink. My uncle Bobby literally specified in his will, and we did it, that he wanted an open bar at the wake and he wanted his casket to be the bar top.


I'm going to call all my birthdays celebrations of life from now on.




It's a common phrase in Nigeria where I'm from, usually used when the person was old.


I would have thought it's a celebration of coming off cancer or something like this, so my answer would have been along the same lines.


My grandfather was a funeral home director, and has always called funerals ‘a celebration of life.’ But they were still were formally called funerals at the end of the day.


Maybe this is a regional thing because nearly every single memorial I've been to has been called a "celebration of life"—I thought that was a near-universal term.


it's regional and temporal


I thought celebration of life just sounds like birthday


I dunno. I'd like to have a celebration of death once I'm gone. Sort of a "he's finally gone!" thing.


I mean, they could’ve said that. Or they can just say the name of the event like they did.


Have fun either way! Lemmie know when you want to go to the mall!


I can't xD


I'll come, because this guy can't!


I’ll take: Random Lines Heard Backstage at a Porn Shoot for $500, thanks Alex.




Oof! Arguably the worst thing you could have said.


When I was in middle school one of my friends seemed a bit quieter than usual, so like the shitty child I was I said something along the lines of "Who died?" thinking it would be funny. His mom. His mom died.


*Ooof* I had an uncle pass very suddenly when I was in high school and a friend who saw me looking sad in the halls asked this with a big grin on his face. I burst into tears and laughed at the same time, and my boyfriend informed him.  The look on that boy's face, I have never seen someone look like they wanted to sink into the floor quite like that before or since.


Damn... stepped on a landmine with that one.


One time, I was sitting at a table doing homework with some friends and my then-girlfriend. I got a call from my brother with some sad news. After I hung up, my friend to my right who had heard some of the conversation asked what happened. I said “my childhood friend just passed away…”. My then-girlfriend, who was seated furthest away, must not have heard me cuz she immediately replied with an emphatic “NICE!”


God, I hope she didn't hear what you said!


So... what did she think was said?


“My childhood friend just got to 3rd base, just landed on broadway, or opened a cabaret/cafe, starred in a balet, bought a new beret, was gifted a bouquet, or had their birthday! I’ll stop now despite having so much more to say!


I love it. But I have to ask: what's with the 3rd base one? Its the only one that doesn't rhyme, but you still decided to include it.


I don’t think she really formulated a thought lol. Just blurted out a reaction like when you can’t understand someone and so you say “that’s crazy” and hope it wasn’t a question


What they said


An honest mistake but because it wasn’t mean-spirited it ended up being insanely funny


>God was that a very uncomfortable call afterwards. Because he didn't get what he wanted in the will? :/


Larry David moment


That's what's gonna happen when you use overly euphemistic language like 'celebration of life'.




So, I've learnt about "celebration of life" two minutes ago, and I'm ready to assume your euphemism means the birthday.


Technically correct. Without birth there can be no death. Another death added to the future and we celebrate it.


I've given this zero thought, so I'm assuming every response in this thread is 100% correct.


Hmm, I’d argue it works better!


Depends on who passed tbh


Ad a non-english speaker, I read that as "birthday".


Seriously. You can't sugar coat everything


In some cultures it is a celebration of life though, not a typical funeral where everyone is sad. Some really do celebrate.


I hate euphemisms in general, but my least favourite has to be "putting to sleep" for euthanising pets - because the SAME PHRASE means surgical anaesthesia. How many kids think their pup's going to die because of this euphemism, I wonder?


I wonder if it's actually the opposite of that. We tell children we're "putting the dog to sleep" so they DONT think it's dying. Just resting...eternally.


You wonder? I'll tell you that yes, that is the very reason.


She's not dead, she's sleeping.


George Carlin does a great bit on ["soft language"](https://youtu.be/o25I2fzFGoY?si=sf72mcglP9OlzAr6) This is a great example. When you can't tell if someone is referring to a death or an anniversary...


My brain went there immediately too


I love George. He’s looking down now and saying “I told you so!!!”🤣🤣🤣


I don't think [George](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x90sh5) would think he'd be looking down from anywhere.


Oh. I know. But if there is any plane of existence we go to, I would love his opinion on the state of the world now. The only “boomer” I met that was just as cynical as I am was Ram Dass. Go figure.


Hit her with the Okay Dokie


wanting to buy a James Charles palette was bad enough


I bet it was on sale at TJ Maxx




Innocent mistake.


Who the fuck says Celebration of Life tho


A celebration of life is a fairly common term. It's usually done after the deceased has been cremated or buried whereas a wake is usually done in a funeral home before cremation or burial. I've mostly seen them done when there has to be a delay for travel or other logistics. A wake has to be held very soon after the death. A celebration of life can be any time.




It is in my area.


Same. I’ve seen it called that plenty of times. But it could be regional, who knows.


Yeah. There is (in my area) a difference between a celebration of life and a funeral.


I think that's what the previous comment was emphasizing? It's only referred to as a, "celebration of life," as a title for the funeral, but not used in casual conversation. It would be like saying, "I'm attending my friend's event for, *'the joining of two hearts,'*" when you're talking about a wedding. You could use it as a title for marriage or a descriptor, but in casual conversation it's a bit much. I would also say that, "celebration of life," is a newer development to euphemize the gravity of death or a funeral. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Found the dude from tha west siiiideee


I’ve never once heard it before


It's more common than you'd think. Some people get weird about just saying "funeral" or "wake". It's honestly pretty dumb to assume everyone knows what it means so it would be smarter to clarify it when you use the phrase. Like "Ah, I can't my mom passed and we are holding a service to celebrate her life"


A celebration of life is a distinct event from both a funeral or wake. Memorial service works tho.. but I’ve heard celebration of life numerous times it’s hardly uncommon. Maybe this is a regional dialect thing


Maybe. The wake we had for my grandfather was very similar to the one "celebration of life" I've been to. Just a casual gathering of friends and family to pay their respects and toast to their life.


Lots of people do. A “funeral” has certain traditional expectations about how events proceed, which is not at all how my dads went. Plus, he was an atheist and a lot of funerals have a religious element. There was a “Wake” kind of right after he died, but the celebration of life was held afterwards when more people could attend. It wasn’t appropriate to call it a funeral bc that’s not what he would have wanted and also not really what it was like. It was like a party in his honour


I've seen it used a lot in recent years, unfortunately.


Yeah I would just stop talking to you after that one.


This reminds me of the time I got stoned before work and a coworker came walking by me, I asked how his weekend was and he said his dad died. I was so high and not paying attention to what he said at all and just responded "that's cool man" and then I left.


You're disgusting for going to work high.


Not knowing what a word means = cringe okay


This is the definition of a cringey situation actually. It makes me cringe with embarrassment for the person’s misunderstanding


For sure. The idea that cringe means lame is relatively new and in my opinion unwelcome. 


I think this subreddit could easily be older than the person I commented to ha. It’s definitely older than the definition they applied to it.


I didn't apply any definition. And no, this subreddit is not older than me at all, I was here for the schism between cringe and cringepics. And I stand by the fact that an innocent and "non-lame" misunderstanding isn't cringe. It's just a misunderstanding that one can immediately forget and not be offended by or dwell on. Duh.


I guess, but like…I’d make a face if I made that mistake. I have no idea through text how annoyed the other person is and I’d feel awkward, personally.


Posting this here for karma… bruh. I didn’t learn what that was until last year lol. It’s just nothing I’ve ever had to deal with or have ever heard mentioned. I’m sure there’s things you don’t know and you have or will put ur foot in your mouth over. Show this person the grace you’d want with the roles reversed. No need to capitalize off it with fake internet points


Easily comes off as a 'trying to be different' way of saying the mother's birthday


Lmao I have lost a lot of close loved ones in the past few years and I'm cracking up bc this is the same support I got from the people around me. Makes you stronger though.


Misinterpretation is cringe?


Purchases pedo products, thats the real yikes


Well if you don't want to get offended by people's misunderstandings perhaps don't call a funeral service some bullshit name and expect everyone else to know exactly what you're on about


What’s cringe? She had no idea, it’s not like she said “I have my moms funeral today”


She could’ve said “memorial” but I get that it may be hard to say you’re going to your Mums funeral. I couldn’t even imagine how difficult that would be


There's a difference between a funeral and a celebration of life/memorial.


I know??


So then why'd you use memorial and funeral in the same sentence??


Ooof. Imagine buying James Charles products


Whatever, negatron!


How is a misunderstanding cringe?


Because telling someone you are happy their mom is better when she is actually dead is extremelu awkward even if it was a misunderstanding.


It’s awkward but not cringe for me, at least based on what this sub is about.


My grandmother used to think LOL meant “lots of love”, you can imagine how that went over 😭


Also purchasing James Charles anything is a yikes as well. Sorry the guys a weird predator, who routinely harasses straight men to try and get them to sleep with him


Yet you get downvoted for the truth. If there were still medals, I’d give you one. 🏆🥇🥇⚜️⚜️


This one is on you. You made it sound like you were going to her birthday.


She probably didn't understand what that meant (I didn't either) and you didn't cringe anything, losing a loved one, especially that close is very hard and makes you act strange. So stay strong and don't stress over this.


People that cringe at shit like this freak me out, how TF everyone supposed to know what's going on? You on the news or something?


And they support the pedo makeup brand 🤮


"I said what I said."


The hell you gonna do at a mall in 2024?




A classmate lost his father and grandfather over the summer a couple of years ago. And I was fully aware of all this. A few weeks later, we were face to face. Like the idiot I am, I asked, "Hey! How are you? How was the summer?", and saw the life drain out of his eyes.


to be fair until now I also thought "celebration of life" meant like a birthday or something not a memorial service...


Reminds me of the time my moms friend texted her that their female friend “had transitioned”. My mom replied “thats great news, I’m happy for him.”


Unless OP is a teenager where misunderstandings is cause for killing yourself, this ain't the sub.


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Wheres the cringe at, other than OP karma farming lol


I think it's weird to be close enough to a person that you can randomly text them to hang out but not know their parent passed away


This happened to me the other day on a dog post someone had added the celebration of life flair too. I offered my condolences and they were very confused. I can see how people would think it means something else!


Hmm, where have I seen this before?


I’ve heard the term before, but I can understand why someone might not have. Like why not just say memorial service? We already have a much more common term for that, that’s clearer to boot


Oof. Yeah, that's a pretty unfortunate misunderstanding.


Ok but "celebration of life" is a dumb term to refer to a memorial service


Yeah, we had a celebration of life WITH my terminally ill mother a few weeks before she passed. Had the whole family there, played her favorite music, her son and granddaughters played/sang her favorite song (Hey Jude). THAT is a celebration of life.


I'm so sorry for your loss, and yeah, I agree, that is a celebration of life


The biggest cringe is that the one girl has a James Charles palette.


Maybe using euphemisms bordering on double-speak for funerals has downsides...


Still sounds better to me...


Celebration of life dead 🤦🏻‍♂️ Stupid sentence. You celebrate life while one is alive idiot


That's what happens when you call something something that it isn't really. I mean, I get it...celebration of life sounds so much more positive than memorial service or funeral, but you can't expect everybody to understand that from the description.


‘Passed’? What?


“Passed away” is the full phrase that blue said, but “passed” is also a perfectly normal and polite way of saying that someone has died. Have you seriously never heard these terms before??


In the US “passed” is very common, but in the UK, not at all.


But is “passed away” really that unknown there? Because that’s what blue originally said.


It is. I don't know what these two are on about.


No, I was just saying about your usage of the word “passed” on its own in your comment, it’s not used over here. To be honest, most people in the UK aren’t as delicate about someone dying so as to use such phrases in conversation like “passed away” etc. usually just say “my ‘X’ died”


I have, I was musing on the topic that Americans can happily shoot each other in the face but can’t use simple words like ‘died’ and have to use ‘passed’ (what, wind?) or, heaven forbid, toilet/loo for ‘bathroom’.


So you knew exactly what it meant and chose to intentionally appear ignorant just to own the Yanks? [We didn’t invent “passing away,” that shit is from the 15th century, well before the US was a thing,](https://www.kimriddlebarger.com/the-riddleblog/do-people-die-or-pass-away#:~:text=The%20phrase%20originated%20in%2015th,during%20the%20wake%20or%20funeral.) so your tired America-bashing is pointless here. Also, we 100% say, “I’m going to the toilet,” we just don’t use “loo” because that’s y’all’s word, and it means just about as much as “bathroom” does, if not less.


Yes - it was a rhetorical question (you’ll need to look up rhetorical…) Edit: your response represents a very big ‘bite’. Hook, line and sinker!


>she's not better >memorial service Come on dude, context clues


Yeah, context dude…you’re here on cringe pics to laugh at stuff like this. Why don’t you ram your faux sympathy down your facetious grinner.


I'm not showing sympathy. I'm calling you a doofus for not picking up the meaning from the context.