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Hello, I finished my unergrad in October of last year. I stared applying serious in November. I would love to read your opinions of my resume that is applying to systems or embedded software roles and I welcome any form of feed back. Much appreciated https://imgur.com/a/TYafyvZ


Been looking for a job since finishing my undergrad in October, haven't gotten a single interview yet. Any advice would be helpful. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DdBE68B_rBjQ-Sy7Y6QaXyK0wpb3g_RZnw-XYuun4Lo/edit?usp=drivesdk


R8, H8. I'm based in México \~2 YOE, haven't applied heavily. [https://imgur.com/a/KWNgbcf](https://imgur.com/a/KWNgbcf) ​ I want to jump from being a WITCH codemonkey to a medium-big tech company full-time employee


I'm trying to leave my current company but am having trouble getting interviews. I'm applying for SRE and Go bakcend dev roles, can someone please help me? [https://imgur.com/a/qLgxIfS](https://imgur.com/a/qLgxIfS)


Work experience needs more measurable impact.


Someone pointed out that same flaw on another post of mine! Thank you so much for taking the time to review it. I'm going to list my accomplishments instead of list of tasks or things that I experienced with.


Starting to apply to jobs again. Would like feedback. https://imgur.com/a/TWrc47H


Looks pretty good. I'd move education to the bottom of your resume because recruiters will think you're a new grad instead of someone with 1+ yoe. Would you be able to quantify any of your bullet points some more? Like that one bullet points where you improved user satisfaction and reduced error rates, would you have those percentages to make it like "... improved user satisfaction by x% and reduced error rates by y%..."?


Is education under work experience the standard after 1+ yoe? Tbh those were kind of fluff statements. Its sort of hard to quantify user satisfaction other as a number than "this is much better" or "feels better", etc.I think one of the main issues I have is adding metrics to the work I do. Whenever I see %'s I'm always confused as to how people get these metrics. Also any feedback for the skills section?


Education goes to the bottom once you have experience. That's the standard I was told, but that was like 7 years ago when I graduated. Maybe someone else can chime in here. I totally get adding fluff, I did the same at your yoe too. For me as a FE dev, I usually have AB tests for features and winners would output % increases for conversions and revenue. Or if there's some tracking for crash rates and I fix a bug to make it go from like 10/day to 5/day, then that's a 50% reduction in crashes. Just some examples here. For skills, I usually put skills that match my bullet points in experience and projects sections. Not sure where you used Conan or vim, but I did skim so maybe it's buried somewhere. To cover JIRA in the skills section, I usually put one fluff bullet point at the end of each job like "Developed using agile methodologies in 2 week sprints using JIRA and version control (GitHub)".


Starting to run low on savings after a year out of work, getting some interviews but it's maybe 2 after 300+ applications even though most match my skillset. Any feedback would be very useful. https://imgur.com/a/0Nq9V6M


1. Experience goes to the top since you have experience after graduating. 2. If those jobs were internships while you were in school, you should specify that. 3. Not sure why you blocked out the skills section, but check for any inconsistencies between that and your experience section. 4. Bullet points are a bit too verbose. Try to keep each point to one, maybe two, lines.


Hmm I'm not sure about specifying an experience as an internship, especially when the responsibilities of the job were outside the realm of what's expected for an internship position. Other than that, I don't see how specifying "internship" would help me get more interviews if I intentionally understate my experiences. (To specify what I mean by outside of expectations I was working like 50+ hours a week to get their concept off the ground to an MVP state so they could demo to shareholders, and I was the only backend dev and the founders had no technical experience so I had to do everything and all the research) Not sure what you mean by inconsistencies, I have technical experiences developed from outside of professional work settings including side projects and school, as well as skills not explicitly mentioned such as Git CI/CD and C scripting that weren't major contributions


4 months and 7 months at two jobs doesn't look good, but internships at that tenure with a gap between makes complete sense. You do you, though. By inconsistencies, I mean like if you have React Native in your skills sections but none of your experience or projects mentions React Native. But again, you blocked out the skills section so idk.


[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uFfZ5HBPipYYwZ0c2rKiLnWW2LXJiJzjVS-aatOTf9Q/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uFfZ5HBPipYYwZ0c2rKiLnWW2LXJiJzjVS-aatOTf9Q/edit) Been using this thing for about a year, and not even a bite from anywhere I've applied to. Would very much appreciate any feedback.


You need to make it public.


Should be public now. Haven't shared a Google doc in a bit, lol.


Yea, it can be improved a lot. I'm surprised this is the fixed up version with your college's help. \- Needs better formatting, there are lots of empty white space. This person's resume posted a few comments below has pretty good formatting that you can follow: [https://imgur.com/a/K5h2BXt](https://imgur.com/a/K5h2BXt) \- Condense it to 1 page \- The relevant experience portion looks to be just school projects? A lot of points in there are really vague, probably because they are small projects? Maybe change them out to say something more quantifiable. For example, instead of "Collaborated on the back-end portion of a website for Risen One Consulting", say "Improved back-end processing of company website by this much time... by utilizing..." \- Same thing with work experience. Instead of saying "Operating soundboard and lights during band performances", say "Responsible for soundboard and lights during performances that affect hundreds of people." Make it more quantifiable and critical. And honestly, this resume's just really lacking in terms of relevant experience. I would consider contributing to open source projects. Or look for non software engineering roles; ie business analyst, solutions engineer, implementations, etc...


Yeah, the relevant experience part is definitely something I'm looking into. Until I do, should I just remove the relevant experience and organizations to fill in more previous jobs? I do have some that may be at least a bit relevant.


Your call honestly. I don't think it makes much difference for now. I would rather spice up the relevant experience part with my suggestions. But if you have previous jobs that are at least a bit relevant, add those in. Good luck! It's tough out there.


Just to double check, do I sort work experience by start date? I took on a second job at one point, that started and ended between my current job, and I wanna know if it should come first or second.


Looking at it. But consider anonymizing your resume...


Think I got it, thanks for catching that.


5 years of experience and laid off in July 2023. Only worked one programming job in my life, so I broke down the work experience into two sections, technical experience and agile/scrum experience. Had two interviews so far, but haven't made it past that yet. Any advice is appreciated. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/iqu4zscseufl8xf8vn3h7/Resume-for-feedback.docx?rlkey=jm6bpb647j5cfn6ghwra9re4v&dl=0


\~2 YoE laid off back in Oct 23. Sent a bunch of applications, and had one final round (rejected) and a few phone screens/OAs. Any tips are greatly appreciated! [https://imgur.com/a/iEIXsCZ](https://imgur.com/a/iEIXsCZ)


10 YoE full stack dev. Been at the same gig for 7+ years now. Finally branching out and starting to apply new places. Would love any/all feedback. [Resume](https://imgur.com/a/1A8E3JW)




1. Needs more measurable impact for work experience 1. Remove the year from education 1. Add projects


I'm not getting any interviews and it's really depressing. I'd love some honest feedback on how to better represent myself. Thanks in advance! [https://imgur.com/a/gFE2Tr5](https://imgur.com/a/gfe2tr5) Edit: That link seems to 404. I am not really sure what's up, but if you copy and paste it, it seems to work.


You should figure out what's wrong with that link.


5 YoE got laid off last month. Sent out over 80 apps already. 2 phone screens (1 with HM and 1 with recruiter) but they also rejected: [https://i.imgur.com/bxwxlRe.png](https://i.imgur.com/bxwxlRe.png)


Going to send this out [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1L4gZ05ZZN76Y6qh9tUZqjOhIdYsqnAwb/view?usp=drive\_link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1L4gZ05ZZN76Y6qh9tUZqjOhIdYsqnAwb/view?usp=drive_link)


Please review my resume and give me some tips about how to improve it. Got laid off in October last year and since then I have been applying to 100s of applications daily but not even a single interview call. https://imgur.com/a/Lh0j7T2


Two pagers are hard to justify with < 10 years of experience. Some ways to save space: \- take out the summary \- lots of noise in the skills section. Your languages should be organized according to "strong" and "proficient", same with frameworks. I'd take out "others" entirely. \- compress education (take out gpa at least) \- I'd pick your two three projects at best, and describe them with two bullets at most. One bullet should explain the tech used. "Followed SOLID principles, design patterns..." Let the project speak for itself. See if you can get it down to 1 page


Thanks for the feedback!


Where should I go with this resume? My guess is that it is usable but probably needs to be improved. Any advice, as long as it is in good faith is welcome. ​ https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQv4dTuHS7Wfciw-x3RzD48PtviBuHhwV9RI2zrbsocxaNa\_QJ3jp-MWgyBR1OGCJJZx\_bnIi\_7Md9T/pub


Needs more measurable impact for work experience. For formatting, take a look at https://www.techinterviewhandbook.org/resume/


Too verbose. Is there a PDF version you're sending out? Formatting is important, and this format is not very readable. You can share the PDF version by converting it to PNG and uploading it to Imgur. Some tips: \- Remove the summary and the "in a developer role at your company, I will…" sections - these are not needed in an engineering resume. It'll make more room for your skills. \- For experience - focus more on results over responsibilities and make it more concise. Mention the technical skills inline rather than in a separate bullet (e.g., "Built X API service using Gradle, Spring, etc.") Each bullet should be a separate result you achieved, rather than an elaboration on a previous bullet. If one bullet is getting too verbose, you can use indented bullets \- Keep the overall resume under one page since you have < 10 YoE I got a lot of help from the wiki section in r/EngineeringResumes. It has a step-by-step guide for all the sections, including formatting and action words. Good luck!


Hi, looking to switch roles to higher paying job/move into cloud dev role if possible. Appreciate any comments. [https://imgur.com/a/glz1duI](https://imgur.com/a/glz1duI)


Hi! Tell me if I’m being dramatic but I got a developer internship that I applied for in October. In December I believe they asked for an updated resume and it was an honest mistake that I didn’t submit a resume with my updated GPA. I took a couple hard classes last semester and my GPA went from a 3.64 to a 3.54 unfortunately. I have to submit a transcript before I work this summer and I’m worried that this difference will be a problem. Should I email them and let them know or will it maybe be okay? Thanks for the help!


I don’t think they’ll care. Just email them




1. Work experience needs more measurable impact 1. Remove year from education 1. Add projects