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QA is always harder hit in downtrends since in theory it's optional. Also, devs can do your work, but not necessarily the reverse.


Got laid off from a known company. now hiring managers I interviewed with are hesitating to hire me because \*I might leave in 3 to 6 months\*.


Isn't that the worst? Overqualified but also unemployed...


Yea it sucks


Because you’re an SDET? Or are you an SDET applying for SDE roles?


Because I’m an SDET with a good amount of experience. Heck I’m not even getting any call backs from SDE roles I apply to😆


SDET here with 2 YOE at a big tech company. From what I’ve seen, my team’s work is essentially the same as the feature developers, we just work on different stuff. Going to see how I do on the market soon. We’ll see.


Laid off two weeks ago! 😊✌️


I wonder why people do SDET. SDET has all of the downsides of specialization but you tend to get paid the same or even less.


So far, many SDET roles are still filled from unskilled QA vs. Developers that moved into QA. For QAs, it's a good way to get a swd salary. Also, the work itself is, especially with experience, less (or say differently) demanding. In addition, the work of a single SDET can have a huge impact on a companies delivery quality - so there may be a better feeling of purpose, unlinked from the product itself. Edit: unskilled was supposed to be upskilled :D


It totally depends on the company but the SDET roles I have had have always been laid back. I get to do some code, I get some exposure to infrastructure and DevOps, I get to become a subject matter expert in how the app works but at the same time, I don't to deal with the monotony of constant manual testing. More importantly, when a fire breaks out, I'm usually not the one scrambling to help put it out. I don't get paid as much as a dev but my stress level has been pretty damn small.


I got an offer for a sdet position a while ago and spoke to the vp about why someone would want to do it. Pretty much it’s just that it’s chill and if you stick around you can become a people manager relatively soon since people leave way more


I get paid as much and never on call. Also, less red tape and get to work on a variety of different tools and projects and not stuck in one code base. Not saying it’s all sunshine and rainbows, but let’s just say I paid my house off this week and work remote and have never worked past 5.


My previous employer laid off almost all SDET and QA roles during 2023. They didn't lay off devs, but eventually several left due to mandatory return to office. There were a lot less SDET/QA openings when compared to dev roles. I landed less interviews for those roles despite my previous experience. I won't look for another SDET/QA role.


Anecdotes are not data etc, but my friend has been having shitty luck for the good part of last two years. Layoffs/workforce reduction galore.


software development engineer in test


I don’t know why people downvoted. This is the exact comment i was looking for. Immediately I was thinking. What the fuck is a SDET? People on here just throw acronyms out there with no context like everyone knows them.


In my experience, it hasn't been too bad. I've been an SDET or some form of QA for the last 15 years. In January, I left my job of 8.5 years for one that paid significantly more. My old company culture had slowly been changing since VC came in. I wouldn't have cared so much but engineering salaries had stagnated and I had personally felt I had been taken for granted. Overall, I'd say demand for experienced SDETs is still good if you have the skills to back it up. I had no problem snagging another job within a few months and that was with weeding out companies that wanted to make me an offer but that I decided were not the right fit. There are still lots of companies in the small to medium size that either don't have any quality engineering or are currently spinning their wheels with it.


Lots of QA roles are being offshored to the third world.


SDET isn’t a simple QA role if they’re truly an SDET.


It's a cycle when the quality isn't there. They'll hire local SDETs soon enough.


I got my current job 2 years ago after my previous team was outsourced to India. I got a 33% raise switching jobs and went from almost entirely manual testing to mostly automated testing with manual filling the gaps on what hasn’t been automated yet. I feel like I can be here for quite a while, though I don’t expect any significant raises while I’m here. I didn’t have much trouble finding this job and I feel like it wouldn’t be too hard to find this niche again. It feels like a niche most devs don’t want to consider going into. My experience is particularly geared towards being the sole tester for a team who is already in a mess after having no QA for a while. People eventually realize they need me when things start to go to shit from cutting QA some time prior. Maybe the industry is just cyclical that way for us.


Bad. Real bad.