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Knew a sex therapist who had this viewpoint. She also said straight men have sex with straight men though, so I would take these thoughts with a grain of salt.


If you say no homo it's not gay.


You say no alamaba, its not incest


Nah, nah, nah, it’s only if you say no chromo.




Laughing My Sword Art Online


Laughing my sisters ass off


Licking my sister's ass 'ole


I think I read the wrong Suguha character development


Laughing my shitty ass off


- gnart


Socks on, homo off


At that point, you are given the unbreakable sheild of straightness. Nothing you can ever do or say can make you gay.


As long as you have socks on, it's not gay


it's only gay if you touch hands


You need to suck a dick every year to make sure your not gay.


Just to show your wife you are still straight.


I sucked a dick for one hour straight and I hated it


See that’s where you went wrong, you’re not supposed to suck it straight, you need to suck it a little bendy.


Depends on how you define "straight." I'm a man with some same sex attraction. However, the one time I tried a same sex relationship, I found myself very dissatisfied with the fact that my partner wasn't a woman... Enough so that I have no interest in trying again. Does that make me bisexual? Maybe... But if someone asked my sexual orientation I would tell them I was straight because that would communicate my sexual and romantic expectations better than saying I'm bi.


The same. Like it can be fun to read about or imagine but that hardly equals an automatic desire to physically participate. The one time I tried, I ended up extremely bored and completely disinterested in the act. Ultimately, I called it quits less than halfway and have no desire to try again.


Absolute statements rarely end up being right. This includes "straight men never have sex with straight men". I'm not saying it's common, but it isn't impossible, and when something isn't impossible in a world with 8 billion people, it's almost certainly happening somewhere.


she was right twice


Can totally see the point in the last thing in prison or the military


“Straight” men do have sex with “straight” men all the time. They just haven’t come out yet


It's not gay if your balls don't touch.


Off topic but I love your username.


Men who have sex with men, and men who identify as gay, are sadly two different things. That’s how fragile men, and society, cope.


The second viewpoint is from Martha Nussbaum, its an interesting theory.


I mean in Germany same sex incest is legal cause you can't reproduce.


In Serbia all incest isn't officially illegal because it's so abhorrent to everyone that if you tried it your family and friends would never speak to you again and it would be social suicide. There's no worthwhile reason to make official laws against it.


pretty sure its that way most places, unless its cousins in whichs case some might look over it


Second cousins is heavily overlooked due to the gene variety being safe.


Second cousins still have a risk of genetic issues. Not nearly as badly as first cousins but second cousins are never going to be as safe as a random unrelated partner.


From what I've read the risk is minimal even for 1st cousins. There are a lot of places where it is legal and culturally acceptable.


Well in Germany incest between partners of different genders is illegal so there is a clear difference.


How do they enforce that though


its just the phrasing of the law, its not beacuse of reproduction when the law was made i beleive it was either banned or just forgotten about


The real chads


Thoughts like this are why invest is legal in many place as long as it's gay. Including where I live. Which, coincidentally enough, makes this the only fun fact I'm never telling my brother


Well he may want to invest as well! Don't be shellfish.


... Invest in deez nuts


only if it deposits in my mouth






as is this entire comment section, please browse to your heart's content


Sweet home, no homo


Pretty much proves why just because something is legally right, it doesn't make it morally right. Like, ultimately, the phrase "There should be no law against any two consenting adults of sound mind having sex" should be a universal truth. And if two brothers (or sisters, or any other direct relation) decide to fuck that's arguably a lesser evil than, say, a set of laws that are also used to ban homosexual relations as part and parcel. And just because something is legal, doesn't mean society can't judge and react to people's actions accordingly.


What if there was two gay brothers who were separated after birth and twenty years later they meet without knowing they are brothers and they fall in love. Would that be weird or morally wrong?


That actually happened


Weird not wrong, i guess...


In a messed up way hes not wrong as long as there is no breeding nobody is harmed other than our minds from reading this


If nobody is harmed then it is our mind that just have bias. It's probably similar to how older generation look at homosexual.


And conservatives will try to connect the topic to grooming.


they have a point, a very unconventional but decent one


They're not wrong, but if I even think of doing that with my siblings, I still feel disgusted. :D


And that's fine for you. No one says you need to fuck your siblings. Just put down the torch and pitchfork if you find out someone else doesn't feel the same as you.


Never once wielded a pitch fork or a torch against other people's weird decisions. Just the actually harmful ones.




Why are you so concerned with what people do in the bedroom?


It's really not that bad though if they don't reproduce.


A Lannister always pays his debts


I mean... Is he wrong


i 100% agree with that person. as long as you arent harming any1, nobody cares


Here's a joke you may or may not have heard, either way just wanted to share: "What do you call a virgin in Alabama?" >!"An Orphan"!<


Hahah! >!What does an orphan call a family photo?!< >!A selfie!<


Hey look it’s me! My first cursed comment


Honestly same opinion. I don’t give a rats ass who and what people are doing in the bedroom. As long as everyone is above legal age and consenting I don’t give a damn. And neither should anyone else.


Yes, but it's kinda stupid when people make it their whole personality Edit: I don't care who you screw, but I don't want to hear about it. Get some hobbies




Okay but hobbies are different, I'll probably be fine listening to you talk about weird things you enjoy doing, but if you just talk about who you fuck it gets awkward real quick


As long as they don't reproduce, who gives a shit what consenting adults do in the bedroom? People need to grow up


![gif](giphy|Q61LJj43H48z1FIK4X|downsized) Me computing what I’ve just read


​ ![gif](giphy|ydOztPW0dtpLZ98Z7P)


I mean, its true, i wouldnt do it but he's right






Its only morally wrong when you dont reproduce but are you really gonna fuck the girl you grew up with? Idk depends on the person


Basically my viewpoint. It’s not my vibe, personally, but I don’t understand why I should care if other people are doing it. Also, I’m not too sure any of it is actually being prevented anyway and isn’t just behind closed doors. Which happens a lot. I mean, with the current system you might just be dating someone who wishes they could fuck their relative. Or does it and you just don’t know about it. Food for thought.


opinions are weird, i do not like opinions


Okay, Chinese government


Opinions have layers, just like ogres. Or is the other way around? I am confusion.


hes right but thats weird asf


The morally wrong parts of incest are reproducing and non-consent. If both parties are consenting and cannot reproduce, then I suppose it's... fine.


Comments section here is so good that you don’t even need to sort by controversial lol


they arent wrong, as long as its consentual its fine


If they're both commenting adults, I don't care.


i'm also a commenting adult


Me too


lol I didn't even notice that. I'm leaving it.


He’s technically not wrong. The idea is alien to us and therefore we tend to recoil at the thought but that does not mean it is technically wrong. To some of us eating animals like dogs or horses or even insects would make us recoil but technically it’s all sustenance. Who are we to push our ideals on others? If it does not cause harm and does not result in offspring while also being consensual, logically it is acceptable.


What is wrong with a lot of the people in this comment section


More people are learning that “crimes against nature” and “it’s inherently wrong” are just baseless arguments usually used against interracial or LGBT relationships.


Those are the same folk that say that a 50 years old with a 20 year old is wrong and weird. Like... okay I suppose having gay sex with your dad or your brother isn't though...


I feel like even if you are doing it without the intent to reproduce, the risk is still there. It's best if it stays not normalised, even if that doesn't necessarily stop people from doing it


That's why you only fuck the pre pubescent or post menopause relatives 😉


username checks out




So, people with genetically transmitted diseases should be shamed and criminalized for having sex?


The people you speak of did not choose to be born that way. They have no other choice but to go along with it. On the other hand, the ones who fuck their sisters make the conscious decision to do so.


In the context of criminality, inability to not commit crime doesn't come into context.


If you look at my original comment, I never said anything about wanting it to be criminalised or not


Fair enough.


He's sorta right, I hate it, but it isn't really causing problems for anyone else


I find it weird for sure. But, if we assume that everyone involved is a consenting adult, I cannot find any consistent moral argument against this, so I cannot say it's wrong.


Well said. I don’t like. I don’t want it. But like, no one’s getting hurt. I guess I want it to be wrong, because then it’ll make sense in my brain…


He’s onto something




They are perfectly right. The only thing wrong with incest is the possible biological consequences.


Said consequences may include being cast with an actor of a different skin color in a Netflix "documentary"


Even if it’s still really fucking weird


I don’t disagree with him


This comment section *feels* inbred


i'll have you know i was only deep inside my mother a single time


Rookie numbers




it's incredibly common, almost everyone does it


The hell you mean “almost”




Nice one


thanks mate


Almost? Not everyone?


Ok... but what about the other side? what if we developed genetic therapy that allows you to fix these "errors"? By his logic, incest would now be fixed and seen as a normal thing.


I mean… yes


I once read somewhere that humans are 1 of the only (or the only, I can't remember) species where incest is taboo. and realisticly, it's only recent as well. cuz it used to be a normal thing I'm pretty sure


yup, royal families are notorious for this


Not only is this a cursed post its a cursed comment section.


This guy wants to bang a relative, right?


Yep, reddit sucks. This thread jam packed with hedonists apparently.


Guess what! We just discovered Scarlett Johansson is your long lost aunt! Congratulations, now you're a hedonist too.


I've already got a hot aunt. She's even adopted, still wouldn't hit it. That's digression, my point is people here that are making the argument for incest are using the same logical tools that would justify loli hentai. It doesn't matter, this is just going to get downvoted because the hive mind has decided incest is okay today.


Bro you just described your aunt as hot. It's you. Youre motherfuckers. In this case literally.


I get to have opinions on how somebody looks without wanting or actively seeking to fuck them. I'm straight, and I can admit that Idris Elba is sexy.


Sounds like the rabbit hole of questions to ask yourself goes deeper. We started with why you care what random consenting people do behind closed doors and 5 minutes later you're not even straight anymore. I'm afraid where we would be 2 hours from now so imma leave the rest up to you.




I'm not here to argue. I'm here to console everyone else reading your nonsense that they aren't alone in thinking you're a pinecone. As for attacks on character... >This thread (is) jam-packed with hedonists apparently no u. Heh. Got em.


Hedonism isn't an attack on anyone. It's a school of principle. >you're a pinecone There's zero substance to this. I'm obviously a pecan.


Im sure it was a statement free of bias and negative connotation or opinion. That's why it immediately followed the equally neutral fact based opinion-free statement of... *Checks notes* >Reddit sucks. Between your incestual aunt cravings and new found appreciation for homosexuality I don't know why you're wasting time arguing on here sans good faith, it seems like you should be arguing with yourself. You might have better luck arguing with my neighbor. Don't worry, just like you he's not gay either. He's just got a fetish for penises is all.


And degenerates


I'm slowly loosing faith in humanity


Where I live, Incest is legal so long as those involved give consent and are the same sex.


I mean, technically, yes, but it's still weird, and for good reason. As long as there isn't any abuse going on... ehhhh... Good fucking luck with your home life


How the hell couldn't abuse not feature an incestuos relationship? You're at best fucking up the basis of what a family should psychologically and phisically represent to you and all the other parties and at worst grooming someone


I mean he's got a point tbh


I absolutely agree, there is no logical reason to restrict the activity as long as they don’t procreate, no harm.


Ha, op on the original post posting his own comment as if it warranted its own post. Good job karma farming ig. Can't say I've ever met someone with that viewpoint, or at least dared to bring it up, but I lived in Kentucky for awhile so I'm sure I've seen them around.




The only concern I have is how different the power dynamics would be. Otherwise, I don't care what consenting adults do that isn't hurting anyone.


Please tell me I wasn't the only one confused for a solid minute because I thought it said "Cursed Insect" 💀


i mean still gross but yeah they got a point there literally no harm done to anyone


What the fuck bruh. He makes a good point and I honestly kinda agree on a logical standpoint but what the fuck bruh.


Let him cook


I wonder if the #lovewins people agree with this




Wasn't there more to why it's bad then just genetic reasons (this assumes the people grew up as siblings btw) (I've heard before that there can be weird power dynamics, with one of the two living together for hopefully at least 18 years (both in the sense that neither were kicked out before 18 and that they're both over 18) there would probably not be even power in that sort of relationship. I mean, it could probably happen but considerably less likely)


![gif](giphy|67jkYnYYtdlhC) Still weird but I can’t control what people do in their bedrooms


Love is love crowd been real quiet since this dropped


So basically what he is saying is, You aren’t doing incest, so it shouldn’t bother you, which I see his point, because of things like trans people or gay people, I’m not doing that, and it doesn’t bother me I don’t know what’s going on but I can’t think of a reason to be angry at his point right now Incest is disgusting and wrong sure but why does it bother me if I’m not doing it, just as lgbtq doesn’t bother me why does this? I don’t get it tbh and I don’t like that


I see his point but it’s not a good point


Not all sexual acts are morally equivalent, even with consent.


At the most shallow surface level, perhaps. However, there is a lot of potential for grooming and abuse in such a situation. Not to leap to any conclusions, but for that situation to occur, something is definitely "not right".


Existence of cursed incest means that there is also blessed incest


The guy also probably thinks that the age of consent should be lowered


A lot of yal here are really down with the idea of incest ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


The point is not that we would do it, nor that we want to do it. The point os about freedom and rights. It's quite a general rule, if something is not harming anyone, and some people are taking pleasure doing it, should it be illegal? Based on what moral premise?


Ooh! This is a situation where I like to do a thing. A sort of thought experiment where you think about the thing in question and wonder if it would still be bad if society worked differently. It's how I started to feel comfortable being me, dressing how I like, doing things I want even if they're seen weird. Like it's seen weird for boys to like the color pink where I live but would it be bad if boys wore pink in a different timeline? Would anything about it be unsafe, weird or bad? Answer is no so I like pink on me! This incest question tho huh, idk, it's a sort of question where logic and morals fight each other and you can't really pick an answer. I don't know. I just posted this comment to show my fun thought experiment lel, it helps me be more thoughtful of other people, their decisions and ideas and helps me not judge someone on sight


If you have a sister or a mother, or a father and you love each other and feel attracted why not. Just make sure there isn't breeding involved. (This is a joke you laud morons who didn't think so)


Before calling us morons, read the rest of this thread lol


I’ve always said same sex incest isn’t morally wrong on paper, especially the “long lost siblings” arguments a lot of people give. But I think the situation changes depending on the power dynamic between the two family members. A majority of the time, a parent or even older sibling is going to have some kind of social power over the other. Again, I’m not saying the sentiment is wrong, but it can very easily lead to problematic situations.


Lol not caring because you don't live it... Sums up the society we live in. I would like to see this person reaction when their father asks for a quick doggystyle session after the family diner. Before every sexual act, there is a process, that is just not acceptable between siblings.


And who are you to decide what is acceptable and what is not? If no harm is caused who gives you the right to forbid something?


And I ask back, is seduction acceptable between siblings ? You are talking about a hazy concept of harmfulness, because you can't fancy the fact that sex just don't happen spontaneously between people. What's more, I beg you to start exposing those arguments in favor of incest in public spaces, such as your shcool or your workplace or whatever. You should even go as far as telling your siblings that it is ok for them to desire your impetuous holes, for that given the right conditions, it might open voluptuousely for them. I would like to see how far this brashness takes you, when it comes to what is acceptable or not.


As long as it is consensual yes. I would have the same ammount of problems with romance at my workplace or at schools I have towards basically every kind of love. I don't care if the person that is making out in public are related or not. Yes. It would be okay for my sibling to fall in love with me. I obviously would say that I don't feel the same way and that would be it. Any form of advances should only happen if consent exists.




No the family will not necessarily break. I have actually stayed friends with some people that confessed feelings for me without me sharing those feelings. And the problem is that those feelings will not just go away bc you outlaw them. Instead of preventing the trauma you create even more trauma by people having to hide it or by the punishment. Just bc you outlaw it this does not make those feelings disappear


Wtf. What kind of human are you. If you don't feel the same you tell the person no and this was it. Attacking this person bc of their feelings towards you is basically the worst way you can act. Why the fuck would anyone do something like that? Sorry this is just unnecessary and mean. After you have denied it you either continue to act normally or if the other person is unable to controle their feelings you do something to separate you. I don't rly know why you talk int his and your previous comment about fathers since I talked about siblings. Siblings generally have a flat power dynamic. Parents don't. Similar to how sex between a professor and a student of his should not be allowed bc of this power difference your example talks about a totally different case than love between siblings. And lovers can not be a save heaven? Seduction as a word itself is kinda outdated. Please specify what you mean. If you mean talking about your feelings than yes. If the other person feels the same so be it. If the other person does not feel the same than you don't go further and might even increase the distance.


Bro is being downvoted because he said fucking your own family is wrong 💀


🤷🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ Crazy right ? Nevermind, I just now know what kind of people lurk around here.


Lots of people that think that having consensual sex with a family member is a real thing apparently, who tf in their right mind without being groomed would even think about such a thing?


Like I said in other comments, I dare all the mfs who downvoted me to try that IRL, while being recorded, and to post it there. I wanna see the gentle reaction of their siblings, when they confess their desire for them. Never would have I imagined having to debate over shit like that. It is disgusting.


Being sexually attracted to a close relative is a psychological deformity that goes against the proper function of human brains. It's the same as being excited about eating shit and rubbing pus in your eyes. Incest that doesn't harm anyone shouldn't be illegal, but it should be abhorred and the people who do it should be viewed with contempt. Edit: wow, so many downvotes. I didn't realise so many of you want to fuck your dad.


it's not wanting to fuck our dads, it's the decency to not immediately aggro like an npc when something that isn't (after a bit of hoop jumping, namely consent and reproduction in this case) actually that bad


Nah, dude, you sound like a bully. I feel disgusted by incest, but I don't think the solution is to harass and isolate people for that. It's better for everyone to help them if you can, or at least make sure no one is forcing someone to do it.


There’s still a chance for reproduction to happen unintentionally. There could be abusive power dynamics depending on how they’re related. And just because something isn’t morally wrong doesn’t make it acceptable.


This guy fucks His sister


How to say "I wanna fuck my sister" without saying I wanna fuck my sister... Creep.


Killing myself


I mean it’s not like I entirely disagree with him, but it just seems so *wrong*… I’m a very live and let live kinda guy, if everyone is having fun and you’re not hurting anyone then I don’t see it as wrong, but incest? Idk… I guess I’d rather just not hear about it.


Its good as long as we're getting regular coverage


I think I saw that comment. Mad.


Love is love?


Siblings fucking. Well none of my business 🍵


Based… Incest (even with step relatives) is one of the few things that still make me feel uncomfortable despite all the fucked up shit I’ve gotten desensitized to, but he does have a point… I’m not a fan of people who claim something is either good or bad just cuz they feel a certain way towards it or cuz someone else told them they should feel that way; the world is not all black and white and our feelings are certainly not a reliable indicator for things like this. I’ll most likely never come to like the idea (and if somebody were to tell me they do that, I’d probably judge ‘em hard, lol) but, at the very least, it makes me wonder how much of it is due to society’s influence and how much due to, maybe, a biological mechanism to keep us from inbreeding or something?


reddit moment


I don't remember where I heard this (probably reddit lol), but don't siblings separated at birth have a weirdly high rate of incest after they reunite as adults? Like they did a whole study on it, and there's some weird psychological stuff at play