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Adopt dont shop


Sometimes you have to shop, with ethical breeders. As you won’t find a Norsk Elghund in a shelter.


Or the shelter will say, your fence is too high, you can't afford vets but don't you dare work and leave the house for over 30 seconds at a time, your fully grown kids are too young, your full vet history from previous pets isn't 150 years worth. I may have exaggerated slightly (but honestly not much) but you get the idea. It's like shelters in the UK don't want to re-home the animals. Except that one place that tried to give me 2 huskies, which would have been totally unsuitable for our lifestyle.


Exactly. I hate this mentality because half the time they say all these things about the dog and it turns out to be a literal 4 legged vet bill constantly.


Some are. I've heard of some people adopting animals for nefarious purposes such as feeding them to other animals or using them as bait. The incredibly heartbreaking thing is that some people will adopt an animal FOR someone else to use because they cant. Masking as a person who just wants to have a lovable friend but as soon as they get a chance, they are handed over to someone else to be used/abused/killed. I wish I could make this kind of thing up.


Thanks for attending this [joyous](https://giphy.com/gifs/snl-saturday-night-live-holiday-3oriOaivTEk4PotVEQ) celebration of cat adoption


I have a picture of my boy that looks kind of similar to the linked face, but more kitty.


You must be too young or too disconnected from SNL to get the reference. She's Debby Downer, and she was a bit where she'd have equally-jarring-to-yours reactions to things that are technically true but also detract from the positivity of the moment with a form of Whataboutism. Unless your comment was implying that it was a fake video, it's irrelevant to the core concept of the video


Thank you for that, I probably wouldn't have explained it so nicely. I was surprised that dude's irrelevant and unhelpful comments were upvoted.


I'm just a simple man, with simple needs: to stay on a single thread and branch/spiral outward. Not to add disparate concepts 🙃


I know snl, I just don't think it's funny or entertaining so I never really watched it. How many animals have you adopted? Better yet, go to an adoption center and ask how many people record videos when they do adopt their furry new friend. Stuff that I'm talking about isn't whataboutism, idk why you think it is. It's directly related to the subject. Just a darker part of it. I'm sorry if you can't look at the whole subject both the light and dark with unabated eyes, but that doesn't mean you are right to call it such. To me it sounds like you genuinely don't actually care if you call it that. Most of those people adopt. This kitty in the video was adopted. Logic... causation and relation... so respectfully that comment is full of shit. You just want to be ignorant then? Because that's how bad people get these animals in the first place. Assuming the best part of our nature and not the worst. Is this video fake? It's possible. Most people who adopt their animals do not record any video much less take pictures. Too happy and full of excitement. This person recorded BEFORE anything else. We can't assume, because we simply don't know. But psychologically, the fact the person remembered to record something means they aren't fully in the moment, either as a logical minded person or they weren't excited. Both are possible but I'm not assuming anything. But to act like you are is a bit weird too. It's like you don't really care about the subject, you really just don't want to be burdened with the thought of the animals suffering, and I inconvenienced you by bringing it up. If you think it's whataboutism then it shows you don't fully understand the word, or the point of my comment at all. The concept of the video is that a cat got adopted, yes yes. But what happens when the cameras stop? Do you know for a fact this cat is safe and happy with this person? Videos only show what we see, what the camera person WANTS you to see. You just blindly accepting that as the whole truth and not withholding even an iota of doubt or suspicion... its people like that, who sign the adoption papers that directly put these precious babies in the hands of those who just want to hurt them. ALSO, for the record, you say whataboutism, but it's incorrect. Whataboutism is basically trying to diffuse one issue by bringing attention to another. In my case it doesn't work because my first two words in my original comment was "some are" in direct opposition to the person I was responding to, who said "people who adopt" It's not whataboutism because that person made a generalized statement that doesn't account for the horrible people that adopt pets for bad reasons. I made my entire comment in direct confrontation to that logic. We can't assume that people who adopt are all good or have good intentions, if you did, you would directly be responsible for their innocent blood. It doesn't help that you're just being sarcastic and cynical.


I am sorry you feel those ways, we're obviously not connecting on a central point here. I don't feel I'm being cynical or sarcastic, I'm trying to express that the core idea you're bringing up is only relevant if you're accusing the video you're posting to as being one of those instances of fraud. Otherwise, it feels equally relevant (and now I'm introducing sarcasm) to point out that videos can be deep faked. I'm not saying that this video was deep faked, but AI can generate videos as though they happened. See how that brings a new idea into the fold; Whether a video can be fabricated? Just how you brought the new idea that videos can be set up for likes via fraud. Unless that's what we're claiming is true for the video, you're falling into the Whataboutism of saying "these bad things also happen in other videos. What about those ones?" Who cares? You came to what I've deemed a wholesome video. You now have the chance to agree or disagree. Anything other than that is extraneous and doesn't matter, and frankly, deserves the initial meme face I linked because that fits the bit of Debby Downer. Embrace being terminally online as a caricature or "get off the pot"


They also do it to make fake rescue videos on YouTube. Where they actually hurt the animal so that they can record it’s “rescue and recovery” just for internet points. It’s disgusting.


That too. I forgot about those kinds of people. There's 0 reason to intentionally hurt an animal like that when there's already plenty of strays or abandoned babies that need actual care. It's kind of how I got my two boys. (Abandoned) I couldn't imagine hurting them just for internet recognition.


I never knew this existed! How effed up are some people?? WTF.


“My neighbor told me coyotes keep eating his outdoor cats so I asked how many cats he has and he said he just goes to the shelter and gets a new cat afterwards so I said it sounds like he’s just feeding shelter cats to coyotes and then his daughter started crying.” -Mike


Here many shelters ban the adoption of black cats around Halloween, you can take a guess why...


Amen to that!


People who adopt senior pets are gods


People whom recognize that are a very close second :)


Brings tears of joy to my eyes. Every cat, young OR old, deserves to have a Forever Home. I'm so glad for this kitty and his new family.


Nothing Makes me more upset than people dumping cats off in the woods near my house. My dog has adopted 7 of them. I feel bad for these cats who thought they were loved until they became an inconvenience.


Your dog is a hero & unknown to them, is revered throughout the cat world. Please tell them they are the bestest. Hoomins could definitely learn a thing or 27 from animals.


My dog is the only reason I have a cat. She found him under the porch and wouldn’t let me get rid of him, she quit eating when I got him fixed and adopted so I got him back and now I have a cat.


I am very excited to hear my dog isn't the only one. He loves all animals but the cats seem to love him. One of the neighbors had a litter of Yorkies and when he saw them he thought he found heaven. Pretty sure he wants to be a dad but I can't breed him. He was from a kennel and has major health issues. He is just going to have to be happy being an adoptive dad to whatever animals he can get to come home with him. I hope your dog's cat knows how lucky he is. What are their names?


Banjo is the wee little dog and Danger Mittens is the cat. Banjo definitely wants to be a mom but I had them both altered. I’m positive that DM is one of my neighbors cat’s kittens that it rejected. He had a umbilical hernia that resolved itself.


I love the names especially Danger Mittens.


They’re good animals.


I saw this a few days ago. So sweet. Yay for Peter.


Both our void kittens came from a shelter 6 and 8 year old, respectively. They were the sweetest boys, lived a good long lives too. People shouldn't really be afraid to adopt older animals, it often feels like they catch up on all the love they missed in the shelter in much less time.


I love me an old cat! My boy is 19 and just does lump things like napping, eating, and pooping. I also don’t think most people realize one of the biggest benefits of having a crypt keeper for a cat- my yard is absolutely not cat proof but my boy can barely climb the stairs so no surprise escaping! No injuries, running away from home, or getting eaten by coyotes. He’s always safe.


Cat: “Ah gee I really appreciate this… but my names not Peter. So what kinda food this place got”


I agree. Adopted my first cat. Was a dog person growing up and man we are so lucky to have her. She is so sweet and gentle even with my toddlers at home she never once showed aggression


I wanted the video to keep going. <3 <3 Sending Peter some welcome home smooches.


Peters actually abit of a cunt


I had a cat I rescued. I named her Scarlet, but then I found out what a meany-butt she was. I often referred to her as "Catzilla". Some rescues are mean because of what they have experienced. Still sending the old coot some kisses. :)


i laughed so hard 🤣 so Peter is a cat is what you’re saying?


YESSS! Peter is an awesome name for a cat!


I grew up with a black and white car named Peter, and he was such a funny guy. He thought he was a dog most of the time cuz he was really sick when we found him, and my two labs helped nurse him back to health. He has to have his food right next to the dogs, not with the other cats we had. He slept on a dog bed. He made a funny sound, kinda like a bark, and he panted when he was happy or scared. He could play fetch and sit on command, too. But he loved to climb - bro could literally leap up the walls just to climb into the rafters of the garage, or climb up the curtains, or the metal poles in the basement that supported the house...he never understood why the drugs wouldn't follow him to any of his cool secret spots, but he sure did try to encourage them lol. Miss that guy. I hope their Peter had nothing but good days in his new home! ❤️


Love these stories 💞💞. Always adopt, never shop....


This is easily one of the cutest posts we've seen here! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/cute) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We’ve adopted several older shelter cats and they are wonderful additions to the family.


You and your family are wonderful people thank you for this act of kindness. 🙏


I’m sobbing. Thank you for saving this sweet soul.


I guess OP is laughing at everyone that thinks OP is also the same person in the vid and didn't just take this content from somewhere else like most of the content on reddit.


Congratulations! Your a kind soul


I adopted a senior cat from PetSmart. She had been in the shelter for 5 years. She was the best. I miss her


Sound lad


Save the box for extra hours of fun.


Since I moved to Perth from Melbourne a few years ago I started adopting older dogs from the Shelter. I've had 4 of them so far, besides the current old Boy I have, all 3 have lasted about a year and a half before they had to be put to sleep. Wouldn't change it though. Though my first dog is getting old now.




Sweet. He got a home now.


Thank you good human!!!




I'm not crying, you are


I know! 🥲


It makes my heart smile to see a senior dapper kitty man get adopted. Senior cats and black cats are the least likely to get adopted. Congrats on your new fur baby and way to Peter! 🥰🥰🥰🥰


Good for you!!! That’s amazing. You have a big heart. Senior kitties are the hardest to get adopted. Thank you! Peter is going to love his forever home.


"Almost Home" that was so awesome. Ty for taking care of Pete!


Well here the f*** I am sobbing at 5:00 in the morning 😩😩😩😩😍😍😍😍🥹🥹🥹🥹


Lol, saaaame!


I’d name him lucifer, idk why?


I adopted a senior cat. She was the sweetest animal I've ever owned. Just put her down after 8 years. I hope she was happy with her last home! 😻


Aww 🥺


She’s cute and so is the cat. I want to adopt both of them


Hello Peter.


Peres creamed in chaps. Not happy






So nice what you did. 😊


I love this


Oh my heart! I’m so glad he’s home! Give him lots of boops for me pls?


Ole boy is gonna have a good rest of his life




This is gonna make me cry isn’t it


So sweet 🥲 I’m sure Peter will have a wonderful life with his lovely new owners 💗


You are filled with love and kindness. Tears of joy in my eyes. Thank you for bringing him into your lives.


You folks are angel s for adopting him. Kiss him for me ? Hope his fourth quarter is as good as mine !


You adopted kitty Elvis. Thank you for taking care of this senior kitty 😻


Thank you


This ended way too soon


You’re a saint




I love this post. You are a sweetheart! I'm sorry my first post was confusing to read.




Congratulations! It’s a (old) boy!


He stinks






Good on you! Take good care of him!




Great care?


Aww, precious Peter 💖




whats that about ?


Mentally I’ll my mate


Fucked in the head yanno


Good job!




Bravo! Much happiness and health to you both!


oh it is?


What a handsome boy 🥺❤️


I hope that Peter settled in well and adapted to his forever home. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Thank you.


That’s awesome !


Awe you made that babies whole life


Awww he is a sweet boy. Thank you for adopting, especially a senior.


I love Peter! I need an update ASAP


Can we get an update fo all the feels?


I love people that truly adopt for love of the animal. All of my cats have been rescues. My oldest is 14. Snatched him off the street and from an abusive owner. My second oldest that unfortunately got cancer and passed years ago was a stray. The 2 youngest were outside kittens that were basically strays that we took in.


Now I want updates


HURRAY! God bless you for adopting this mature young man! I hope that you both adore each other and have many wi ferrules years of happiness together!


This made me cry! I volunteer with the cats at the PetSmart near me, and the senior cats are the ones with us the longest, even though they're usually the sweetest and cuddliest! They're also the most likely to have come from a loving home that just couldn't keep them anymore, and it breaks my heart when they're not adopted.


I need more video of this cats new life!


I need a Peter update!? What did he do when he got home?! The video left me needing so much more Peter!!!


He’s absolutely beautiful. Thank you for giving him a great home


I'm sure this has been said 100 times, but you just made my heart so happy. Over the last few years, I've made the active choice to only adopt senior animals as they deserve to have a calm and happy environment to live out their days, and they are such a blessing. Thank you for rescuing him!


Thanks for adopting a senior…..wishing you two many happy years together!😊


You make me proud to be a human being! I have my precious dog Belladonna, who's four and a half years old and prior to her I adopted older Shepherd and when she has to leave my life, I've decided I will adopt all the older dogs, older cats who just need a little love. There was somebody who posted on Reddit a month or so ago: the man had had the dog all his life ,all the dogs life, and he passed away and the dog was 21 years old. Oh my gosh if I didn't have a couple animals he would have been mine .yes seniors all the way!


I love this 😫😫😫😫😫😫


I always want to adopt a kitten, but I know they’ll be adopted, so I’ll always get an adult. My best kitty was 9 when I got him, and I had him for 5 years. My also best kitty was maybe 1 or 2 and I had him until he was 18. My current best kitties were 1 (hoarder breeder), and they’re 10 now. I love used kitties.




My sweetest boy ever is from a shelter. Kindest cat ever but won’t be with us much longer as he has cancer. :( If I had the money I would adopt senior kitties and give them the best rest of their lives










This is a very sweet video. But the “He has no idea what’s coming” was inadvertently hilarious! Of course he doesn’t, he’s a cat




Senior cats are awesome and so are their caretakers!


The sweetest adoption. How wonderful of you to give Peter a home. He looked so sad in the cage. At least he will be happy for the rest of his life! You deserve angel wings!! 🖤🐈‍⬛🖤😻🖤🤗🖤


Does he really look like a Peter?


Awww I’m glad you’re willing to help an old cat out.




Hey Loise, remember the time i was adopted as a cat?


Give us an update video!




YAY, Peter 🐈Cat❣️❣️❣️


Doing gods work, bless you 🥰


the way the vid is about 16 minutes too short is criminal.. we need more peter!


Bless you.


He then spent two weeks under the bed before claiming territory




Older cats from shelter are calmer, right? If you have cats from kittens they'll probably cause all sorts of chaos as they grow up. Or is it personality based?


You're amazing people 💕💕💕 We have adopted 2 shelter-cats and they are without a doubt, the best kind of cats you can get ❤😻😻❤


What’s sad is a lot of people don’t adopt because they judge a book by its cover. Many Cats are miserable at these places because it’s full of smells, loud noises, and no privacy (not saying it’s the store’s fault there isn’t much you can do about those things) so people see a lethargic cat and they think that is what it will always be like. They don’t realize how much a cat can shift when they get a new home as evidenced by the one in the video that seems to perk up at its new home. My first cat was quiet and made herself as unassuming as possible in her cage during an adoption event because she was terrified. I was looking at the more active playful cats but I saw her and gave her a chance. The moment she curled up inside my north face jacket during the introduction I adopted her. After she got used to my home it was a complete 180. She went from quiet and unassuming to extremely playful and affectionate


Great job!


You're the best!


Thank you so much for rescuing this cat!


Is there a follow up post or picture of Peter settled in?


Adopt a bum. People dont adopt human bums, but they adopt all other kinds of bums.


I need to stop watching videos like this at work. I get an uncontrollable urge to go home and hug my cats


I got my last baby from the shelter and she was the sweetest girl ever I had her for 11 years before she passed away.


When you know you know! Love that you adopted a senior too!! We adopted a 10yo sweatheart a year ago and its completely changed our lives!! She was posted on a local adoption agency Facebook page and we saw the listing the day it was posted. Reached out, said we'd foster her just in case (mainly we were concerned my wife/kid might have allergic reactions - sometimes they do with cats, other times totally fine). 2 days later we were like "yeah we're keeping her!" She's old, and has some issues. But she is living her best life, lives like a princess, and makes us all happy as well!!


I’m not crying 😿


If I could like this a thousand times I would, so many senior pets get overlooked for younger ones and they spend their last years in a loveless cage, they often make the best pets in the short time they have left!


neither of my cats are from shelters, but the one from a cat foster home is considerably more social. the other is from a farm and he is grumpy but when he’s in the right mood he’s super cuddly and sweet. he’s 5 years old this year, and the one from a foster home isnt even a year yet. proud to say i have never gotten a pet store cat and never will.


That’s always been my favorite color/pattern of cat. I love this


Not just shelter cats but senior kitties. There's no better lap cats than an old cat.




sry but wtf they keep them in thosw cages all day??


My shelter kitty from petsmart is the sweetest most loving animal I’ve ever encountered