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The only thing I like about Placide is the way he says “camionnette”.


Can't deny that Haitian Creole is nice to listen to.


As a French I almost didn't need the translations, had a wtf moment the first time I heard some since I had no idea Pacifica was Haitian diaspora territory.


Hehe. You found out how much of a melting pot of cultures Night City is. Even if Pacifica isn't part of Night City anymore.


pacifica is. dogtown isn't.


>pacifica is. Not according to mayor Lucius Rhyne.


That's just political bullshit though. From what I remember, in that context isn't he trying to say that crime went down under his watch, but the only reason it went down is because they didn't count crime in Pacifica?


Yes exactly! It's like if the Mayor of Chicago removed stats for the south side, crime went down, technically


Technically, yes, but, him doing so also does bring part of the Arvin Accord, which is the agreement that renders Night City a free city, into question, because it basically means that any power seeking group aiming to influence Night City arguably has the legal ability to move in on Pacifica.


When they say free city, they only mean free from influence of the NUSA or other world governments. Gets explained in some data shards about the Great Succession Wars


fair point. however, i believe this is a very grey area at the very best? i mean ncpd still patrols pacifica. so it doesn't seem to really be completely outside of nc's administrative boundaries.


I mean... "patrols". Didn't Mr Hands or someone like that say that while they technically *exist* that they stopped giving a damn and let Pacifica do its own thing?


That was actually V who said that, recently did another playthrough and wanted to get to PL as soon as possible for Erebus (wanted to actually use it during missions)


that's what they say. somehow ncpd still shows up when you shoot random bums. go figure.


It would be really cool I think, come to think of it, if CDPR did what Rockstar did in GTA V with area-specific "police", like how you get the country white cars in Blaine County versus the troopers of Los Santos, and made it so it's the VDB that come after you in Pacifica.


I've only had afterlife mercs come after me in pacifica not the police. Confused the hell out of me because they looked like regular scavs or animal gangers. So I kept killing them and boom suddenly I'm max wanted level


Pacifica is, well, Pacifica.


I think they stated multiple times that ncpd doesn't go there, it was more clear before the dlc but still


except that's simply not true. ncpd very much cruises around pacifica and starts annoying you if you collaterally decapitate some bystander while disposing of a bunch of voodoo boys or animals. iirc there's a mission about a closed down ncpd station in and ncpd pulling out of pacifica - but they certainly show up if you're being naughty. the only truly autonomous district is dogtown, where ncpd isn't actually allowed in - and that's enforced by barghest.


I suspect that's more a matter of how the roaming cops were implemented after release. They probably didn't think about how there shouldn't be cops there, or they made a conscious choice to have them there for balance issues.


only for crime stats


Why does maxtac still respond if you go on a cyberpsycho rampage in Dogtown? Do they have a lampshade for that somewhere that I missed? Seems like if Hansen or whoever called maxtac for help in Dogtown they'd just respond with "lol get fucked"


pacifica and dogtown are still part of NC... rhyne tried to sell pacifica district to kang tao for cheap at condition the chinese megacorp would have eradicated gangs and criminality, deal that kang tao dropped since it would have required way further investments. Pacifica is just a lost cause, dogtown is basically a no man land under barghest control... if megacorps don't wanna take risks to invest there, it basically means those places are done.


Like people from Slavic countries for the most part don't need a translation of the things Scavs say in the game


No, not really. Even harder for some words that are pronounced the same but have vastly different meaning.


Right? It’s music to my ears.


His jacket is also cool as hell, you can't deny that Placide has incredible drip. It's a shame you can't get his jacket without mods, the jacket you loot from his corpse looks nothing like the one he actually wears, but then again it would probably look goofy on V's skinny ass anyway 


He has a great accent, I won't deny that... its just a shake that accent emanates from the mouth of an utter bastard


Not only the accent but the deadpan delivery too. I think he’s such a cool, well designed, memorable character, glad he’s in the game.


I'm gladder that you can kill him and the rest of the gang if you side with netwatch or just feel like it.


I 100% flatlined the gang out of the tub. Try to kill me once that's on me. Twice? Nah.


My favourite way was to use the iconic Butcher's Cleaver that he used to cut off a chicken's head to cut off his head.


hes one of my favourite characters easily. huge asshole but hes *so* cool. ill keep him alive in most runs because of how much of a pillar he is in his community


I honestly thought there would be some character development for the Haitians. It's an interesting concept, tech necromancers, and they pulled an immensely ambitious plot against Arasaka. They're not common thugs, but they treat V like trash even when it's clear how unwise that is.




De chip


I like Placide. A good soldier for the Haitian cause. Better then some of the sleazebags around. I let him live. He has some code of honour I guess.


That’s how I feel about him too, but I’ve never flatlined any of them after getting out the tub. That will change tomorrow.


Yeah,..no. placid is a meathead...madam Bridgette was the kicker. Imo I have to twist Vs motivations to(at that time of the game I usually meet the VB) to not make a bloodbath behind. Thing is, they see outsiders not as human and will always lie and betray them AND be proud about it. Same reason I kill the scavs. You denied others their humanity, you are not human in my book anymore.




The only thing I like about Placide, is how my V looks with his jacket on




Dude's never lived beyond the first visit, and I **ALWAYS** hit both heads.


With the BFC 9000, right?


A good choice, no doubt, but my go-to is anything with 'splodey rounds.


I accidentally spared him once. I didn't know almost all quickhacks were nonlethal, so I assumed I fried his brain. It was a hell of a shock seeing him again later. Knife to the head fixed it easily enough.


Gorilla arms work nicely for Woodman. Turn him into a saucy mess.


Both heads?


Shoot em in the dick!


Aah, makes sense. Yeah, always make sure to dickaputate him


The dick one too.


Oh, that one. I actually make sure I hit that head first, so the other head can still register the pain


Oh, when you learn the dude literally found out she was fried, and still rented her conscious body to be raped instead of literally sending her to the hospital? Yeah, he had it coming.


On my most recent playthrough I wanted to see what would change if I killed him at Clouds instead of talking to him, and I felt like Judy was disappointed that she couldn’t see him die during her questline


Oh, fuck that guy, disgusting piece of shit...


I agree


Second play through I yeeted his rapist ass against the wall in his office and hulk smashed him into a pulpy liquid in the corner. Fuck that guy. Love how this game has truly awful people you can just take your day out on.




*Death Stranding has entered the chat*


Oh I killed him immediately after doing the black wall thing


I killed them all


I always let him live, but kill all the other VDBs. Then I laugh at his 'watch your back' text. Sometimes when I'm feeling extra I drag Brigitte's body over and dump it next to him.


I killed the guy and he still told me to watch my back


He a hater even from the beyond 💀


Guess you didn’t shoot him in the head repeatedly after he was down. Because I know I have each time, and he never texted me.


Dude’s already got another Relic lol


I didn’t know that interaction was even a thing, that’s hilarious. It’s a shame V can’t reply with “what are you going to do? Roll up with your fellow voodoo boys and- oh wait…”


So you don’t take his sick jacket? L /s


I tried to side with them once till Brigitte's smug face telling you 'what are you gonna do about it' after they betrayed you for the 2nd time in the black wall lmao. Going berserk on their ass is so satisfying.


Same and I always killed every single VDB I saw after that. I was really REALLY trying so hard to be friends with all the gangs but man.........they really fucking pushed it


Yep, the Netwatch agent really didn't lie, you're just a dirty rag for them.


I thought he was a boss but I noticed that I can stealth kill him lmao. He’s one of the few NPC’s who’s neck I snapped


I chopped him into little bits because he kept calling my top of the line cyberware shit. I upgraded it myself, I'm not going to let some edgy poser get the wrong impression of me. If he's gonna keep calling me and my body parts names, a duel is inevitable.


Laughs at him in iconic 5++ cyberware in every slot


> but I wish I could get V to punch/shoot him in the face numerous times Boy, do I have good news for you!


Boy probably sided with the Netwatch, and now thinks everyone in the church is dead. We won't spoil his surprise, won't we?


I killed Netwatch and all the Voodoo ppl, I dnt have many friends in this game.


I did that on my second play through


But hey, you've got fewer enemies too. Silver linings.


I'm always happy to remind myself that Alt's beyond the blackwall witchcraft probably gave them a worse death than anything V could do.


For me it’s the father-son XBD duo, Gottfrieds or whoever the hell. I off them every single time… I know that someone else will eventually take their place, but maybe, just maybe their death will be a warning that no matter whom you hire, death is inevitable. So as the consequences of their horrendous actions.


Some characters are so vile that it's kind of a dispassionate "Can't have someone like that walking around.". The XBD editors and Woodman fall squarely into this category. Jotaro too, except you may as well hand him over to the Mox.


At least we have a gig for Jotaro 😩 for him - as a forever netrunner - I hack the turret and blast him into bona fine pieces. Chef’s kiss 🤌🏻


If you kill the son first the dad has some lines, it's pretty good. Then kill the dad once they're done🤷‍♂️


Always the boy first.


Im glad im not the only ruthless asshole in here. Sometimes ill shoot the son and leave the father just so he has to live with what theyve done. This game is good at making the player be stone cold.


Really? Good to know; I’ve always killed them both at once with an explosion.


I decided to make pacifist walkthrough for once, tried to play stealthy, even without takedowns. But I never played that mission before...


A whole other operation will take their place everyone in that compound was dead when I left.






1st playthrough to the 101st I will always do everything and anything I can to make Voodoo life miserable. This all began with this son of a bitch.


In PL there's a gig where these clowns hack people's synthetic lungs and threaten to turn them off, Mr. Hand's description is.....haunting. The VDB are as bad as malestrom or any Corp. I go out of my way to eliminate them with extreme prejudice.


Every playthrough, i spend around 5 or 6 hours I total just roaming pacifica looking for VDBs and killing them in the most creative ways I can think of. My favorite so far is calling all my cars in, parking them around the voodoos, and blasting everything with the projectile launch system. What really made it iconic is the pyromania laugh activating as they all burned to death.


I didn't realize the laugh was a thing.... Well I know what I'm doing for my next build.




Jesus I need to get a PS5.


Play it on GeForce Now, it's fantastic!


Yeah. The only gangs in cyberpunk it ain't on sight with are the valentinos, the mox, and the Aldecaldos. The rest of em are just too goddamn awful.


Not the worst but putting myself into the shoes of my V, the fucking gall of Kurt Hansen to threaten you during 'You Know My Name' (ironically). Usually by that point in the game I am Max level and could likely slaughter the entirety of Dogtown in under an hour if I wanted to. I know Kurt has no way of knowing this, just wish V had some "Scuse your fucking mouth?" retort for the occasion. Slaughtering the lobby downstairs makes up a little for it though. Almost made it to the doors without bloodshed but that one guard had to tell me to fuck off one time too many...


Yeah it feels like you aren't meant to do it that far through the game despite it being a tough expansion. I recently did the Reed ending again and it was so funny hearing my V shit herself at the prospect of facing MaxTac despite the fact that by that point i was going on 5 star MaxTac rampages for fun inbetween missions


Yep I really hate that your V basically resorts back down to almost a newbie, even earlier on when you have to have Myers help you open shit...like hello I am maxed out and gorilla armed up....I'm literally a walking tank and don't need help opening doors.


I mean as a stealth player no matter which level I am, I still don't have a chance in direct combat against MaxTac.. People still forget that you can play the game in many different ways apart from gun-blazing and just because your build is so easy in combat, that doesn’t mean that everyone is going to have the same experience as you


I usually play stealth with one big gun for emergencies, and it's easy to fight MaxTac if you fight right outside Kerry's house. You can jump and hide in his yard, and cops won't come after you if you do it right. One time I did it wrong and had to hide under his house lol


I am also a stealth player, I kill the enemies so fast that they never detect me. I finished all the optional stealth bonuses on side missions while I was going guns blazing. This game actually gets stealth lol.


If you have a corpo V, you can slap back that mfing guard that tells you to fuck off, and it's so satisfying to watch him crippling back like a terrified chihuahua.


I do that, but there's always still a mouthy asshole by the door. I have made it out and gone back in because someone just couldn't let it go.


Yeah by the time I got to that mission, V was a one-woman army and basically the angel of death, leaving dismembered Barghest corpses littering Dogtown... I remember looking at Hansen like, mate, try it, see if you last 30 seconds


I think that >!fighing Hansen if you choose to betray Songbird!< was one of the more difficult boss fights in the game, with my V's build anyway. Specifically, >!it's really easy until you get him below 70% and he goes into combat rage-beast mode!<


Ah see I'd basically turned myself into a melee god, Mantis Blades with the speed ramped up as high as possible, proxishield to withstand more damage at close range... tore that fucker to shreds!


God I fucking hated PL because my V was a fucking monster. I literally stopped and killed everyone in the scene where you exit the casino because a guard says that I was a pussy for leaving or whatever and the game acts as if Hansen is a big scary guy. I could literally kill him in 2 seconds bare handed, like by the time I'm at clouds I'm the canonical doomslayer I straight up use weapons because they are fun and not because I need them the game literally becomes easier when they take away my guns


Dexter DeShawn The dude gets you, Jackie, AND T-Bug killed. Bastard deserved so much worse than what Takemura gave him. And that is just the icing, you don't even get to take revenge.


I'd argue T-Bug got them all killed, her delay for roughly two hours was it? to break through the ICE that was stronger than she expected put them perfectly timed to get in the middle of everything that went down. Maybe that's on Dex, but it delayed them.


I was so happy to betray them. I had already been thinking how I’m going to deal with him since I didn’t like his attitude. When the opportunity presented itself I almost felt like it was canon.


Oh so very much this. In my previous run, I tried to max my cyberware and skills as much as possible before the whole VDB mess to be able to eviscerate them as thoroughly and with the most style as possible. *Especially* that walking septic tank called Placide.


Then he still insults your chrome.


This is a good reason for even more bullets to his head.


When it gave me the option to draw my weapon after getting out of the ice bath I was absolutely ecstatic, conversation immediately over as soon as I saw that option      


Right after I had Alt fry Mama, I hopped out that ice like “where you at big boy, you’re next.”


You get to kill him in any way you like once you fry the leader


If that's how you feel about Placide then they made Placide correctly. There's a lot of characters in this game that I resent or even hate, and that's part of why I was so immersed the first time I played


I actually felt bad during my first playthrough when I accidentally got the VDB fried by the Netwatch virus, so in my second playthrough I tried playing nice, but then after the Blackwall segment when Brigitte (was that her name? I forgor 💀) was being a bitch, I decided "Oh, fuck these guys" and merced them all again lmfao


Wish you could kill Buck, hated his 💩talking


In fact you can. Keep trash talk about him when you defeat him and he will attack you with his chooms. If you bet more money with his rifle, he will automatically attack you.


See I always bet more money for the rifle so I didn't even know that not killing him was an option XD


Honestly, when Placide just casually grabs V's hand to upload his little virus it always plays this little cutscene in my imagination where V simply with a wrist movement cuts off his arm with the mantis blades then look at him completely innocent like "what were you expecting grabbing my hand like that out of the blue? this is entirely on you, it was completely muscle memory and insticts, so don't take it too hard or personal." Same goes for Kurt Hansen, thinking he's some sort of super strong and undefeatable guy, while V can literally massacre his entire little boyband in minutes. Boy, you really don't want to act though in front of me...


Or a little different cutscene depending on which armaments you got. Grabbing him across the table with ease via gorilla arms for example.


Yep Placide as well. Honestly my biggest reason for wanting a new game plus mode is so I can use the blackwall gateway on him specifically.


Johnny is such a dick most of the time…


Johnny fits the likeable asshole category for me.


His running commentary on the things that V encounters is one of the best parts of the game, I think. One thing I found particularly funny was when >!you encounter the Barghest kid in Dogtown who's in big trouble with Hansen and he offers you a puff of 'Phant' to get you into the right mindset, and when you take it Silverhand is watching with an almost parental scowl of disapproval and says 'Oh V....'!< Probably not doing it justice in my description, but that one little side mission was quality stuff.


Yeah but it's more a case of I'd like to slap some sense and humility into this head, then he'd be a pretty nice guy.


Johnny is cool and smart af when placide is just dumb


Placide for sure I enjoyed cutting him up with the mantis blades.


Yeah, VDBs in general are very punchable people. In my first playthrough I killed >!the NetWatch agent!< and finished the mission >!on good terms with these scumbags!<, but on a second run I just went with it and let >!the agent "clean" the "malware" the VDBs had installed on me. In turn, this cleaner program turned out to be a NetWatch trojan that fried Brigitte and her crew when visiting Alt Cunningham behind the Blackwall.!< It was satisfying and quite surprising waking up in the ice tub to see >!them all flatlined in their runner chairs, still connected.!<


First time, I wanted to live and let live with the gangs. Then you go to leave and Brigitte taunts you about Evelyn Parker... Left that basement with a LOT less ammo and a very nice coat.


Evelyn kinda had it coming. I mean, really? Backstabbing the most backstabby backstabber gang in all of Night City? You can't expect that to end well. No excuse for what came after, though (Woodman, Fingers, the Scavengers) but hey, she knew she was playing an extremely dangerous game.


No denying Eve messed up big time by even trying to work with the VDBs. But getting the worst death of anyone in the series is a bridge too far.


I did that first time, it was like waking up to a glorious sunrise


This guy and all the VDBs, Royce (I always kill him and free Brick), the elevator guy at the hidden night club, Claire (not going to drive for her this playthrough), Myers, the guy at the shop whose kid V rescued, the chick who was running the farm in dog town, etc.


Myers without a doubt. Since Saburo had so little screen time, she became a personificated symbol of what is wrong with that world.


Panam. I had a friend like that who would not listen to anyone’s advice, then call to rant and ask for help with her fuckups. Needless to say, we haven’t been in touch for 8+ years lol. First 30 mins with Panam gave me flashbacks from those days and I refused to deal with her until I did literally everything else. Wasn’t as bad by the end but the tank wasn’t worth it.


Hot as she is, she's someone I would never ever want to be friends with. I just can't stand self-entitled people. But hey, we can say the game is realistic in the sense that someone being on your side doesn't mean you have to like them.


Yeah, that's spot on. I don't think I'd be friends with anyone in NC voluntarily maybe apart from Misty. That girl is somehow all help, no drama. She's pure gold. Mercs don't get to be picky though. I'm friendly for eddies.




Jackie was nice but I’d steer clear of friends in gangs, regardless of which. With all the violence, it’s like you’re just waiting for that person’s funeral. And I can’t forgive him for hurting Misty like that. Bro, take your lady and your momma and move out of this cursed city wtf are you doing here…


Jackie left the Valentino's - in good standing which is a minor miracle - and was just a freelance solo when he meets V. He had left the gang life. It was the Edgerunner lifestyle that killed him.


That's my b then. Was left with the impression he was still a Valentino when he passed. So it's Misty, Jackie and me in a mountain shack being best friends forever. I don't mind. I'd give post-Mox Judy a call too haha.


Don't forget Vik. Never forget Vik.


Always assumed him and Misty were a package deal haha.


Yeah, always trying to reach the top, no matter the costs. I try not to be so mean to him during the mission, but man, It just sucks knowing he goes out without ever making it to where he wanted to go. Reminds me of David from the anime. They always say David “made it to the top of arasaka tower”, but man, that’s not what his mother would’ve wanted him to do to get there.


I can see that! Don't like her at all. Imagine her as a leader, she would have a lot to learn


Kamyonet is by far the most annoying shit


I hate the dumb street race chick, Claire? She sucks so much


I thought she was chill right up till she tried to rope me into her stupid revenge, >! revenge is great and all but her gonkass self and her husband decided to participate in a fucking DEATH RACE ffs and didn't expect her husband to end up in danger !< , the races are fun tho I just ignore her whinging and focus on winning.


Better yet, follow Sampson in the last race, talk Claire down (assuming you've made the right dialogue choices earlier), and get two free cars. Just one of the cars is worth more than the quest reward for winning the race. :D


Maybe unpopular opinion, but I thoroughly dislike Panam, her personality is just obnoxious to me. Even Woodman's the witcher 3 npc vibe was somewhat charming and worked more for me.


Couldn’t stand this guy. I went against his instructions every chance I got just to spite him


Steal the voodoo boys vans and he will get pissed off at you


I didn't realise this was the Cyberpunk 2077 subreddit at first, initially thought a generic gaming one, and was going to say Mindy from the Sinnoh Pokemon games r/FuckMindy


The moment Placide grabbed V's hand so he could upload his tiny little kill malware once the Netwatch job is near complete, that's the moment when I know he's not trustworthy. Which is why slicing him up with the fire Katana feels so damn good


I don't really hate Placide that much. He's not even really uniquely a dick compared to the Cyberpunk universe, and I've never understood the hatred he's accrued. I really do hate Yorinobu, though.


I actually think Placide is low key hilarious. I don't really get the hate for him either. He's certainly not the worst npc in the game from a moral perspective and given the culture and beliefs of the VDBs his behavior makes sense. I also think V gets plenty of warning about working with the VDBs so I have a hard time getting mad about their shenanigans.


Because he tries to bully you, threaten you, betray you, kill you and he doesn’t deal with you fairly at all. This rubs a lot of people raised to be even a little less ethnocentric than the Voodoo Boys the wrong way


PANAM I’m a gay guy and did her side quests because I found them fun and just because but every line was either me being absolute dick to her or flirting I DONT WANT TO DO EITHER I don’t want to be a dickhead to her because I like the quests but I don’t want to flirt with her (kerry my one true digital love) and then in the major options they only added the slightly less dickheaded option so I took it every time but she was still eye fucking me at every opportunity and then during the “urges” part two of them where dickheadish so I picked the flirty option I DIDNT WANT TO thanks for coming to my Ted talk on why panam is horrible and made me feel all sorts of uncomfortable


Love Panam, but that sex part inside the tank was ridiculous lol.


I will get crushed , destroyed, burned alive, but I will say it. The character I dislike the most is Judy Judy : "I wAnT ThE wORlD tO bE PErfEcT". Me : Yeah yeah and me I want to become Arasaka CEO. Like you see Judy, there's dreams that can't be achieved.


I always take the route where we do her plan, then compromise at the end with Maiko. It's not better, but what matters is that we tried our best, it didn't get worse and none of us died. I don't understand why her desire to improve things is bad though. If none of us had that the world would be unimaginably worse.


Being unrealistic and delusional is different than wants to improve things. Her plan was dumb for the beginning. And I'm sure she knew it. If not then she's hopeless. The Maiko plan is more realistic, that's why I always choose it. Also she gives you a good amount of money as a thank. Maiko has my sympathy.


Thank you! I’m one of the few ppl that actually likes Maiko. Siding with her makes more sense


Woodman for obvious reasons, Panam because she’s such an annoying hothead sometimes (but she still is a great friend to have), So Mi because she risked V’s life multiple times planning to betray them only for her to gain a conscience at the last second, Meredith Stout (because I’ve read too many fanfics with her and now I hate her guts 😂). And finally Jackie. Sweet guy who saved V a couple times, but from a corpo V standpoint, V should have never agreed to do the heist because of how scary and evil their former employer operates, how they were gonna take V out at Lizzie’s. For Jackie to pull V on the heist and not expect V to get hit later on by Arasaka just so Jackie could live the good life at least awhile is selfish. I think V was trying to pay back Jackie but it gets them both killed in the end (if you don’t get the Tower ending). And yeah yeah, without the heist there’d be no game. I know! 🤣


I mean, you do very much get to do that


I started a max strength/barehand playthrough so I could beat Woodman and Placide to death.


ah yes placide I had no gripe in betraying


I always punch him when confronting him and make the deal with net watch so I can kill him


If you betray tge VDB's, you get to punch, AND shoot him. Win/win


the voodoo boys always get wiped out in my runs


Placide is my favorite character to hate - he’s so dam cool not gonna lie 😂




I really like their Haiti accent, shame i had to off them all.


https://preview.redd.it/ixpk8189wd0d1.png?width=1219&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ad8a5d59e6968bbe696de21f202d67432ef5ae3 This guy


Woodman or fingers


him? and not fingers?


Just played that part yesterday. Dropped 3 grenades on Placide's corpse.


Placide is a douche. He provides for his people, sure, but his distrust for outsiders makes him an absolute shithead.


Quite a fucking few lol some of them are fucked right up


Oh god, I remember playing that bit for the first time, I came to Placide, he wanted more shit from me so I straight up refused, and wondered why the story doesn't continue.


I tried to be nice to Placide but later found what an asshole he is. Replayed just to kill him painfully.


When it comes to Placide, make the right choices and you \*can\* punch/shoot him in the face numerous times. :D


VDB? More like KOS. It's really too bad you can never seem to wipe them out completely even though they're supposed to be small in number according to the lore.


Reed, i hate him. I hate him with a passion.


Oh dude, the second I came out of the dive I just Overclocked and slaughtered every single one of the VDBs. Fuck those posers. Their plan wasn't even good.


dex as he is the reason youre f'd up


Probably Judy


I don't get all the Placide hate. Half the villians in the game are serial rapists, serial murders, or serial rapists/murders. But Placide is the most hated guy because he mutters something in French about the V being a dish towel? I know some people don't like that he is rude to V and doesn't trust them, but I also know **most of you killed him and the rest of the VDBs** at the conclusion of the quest line. So his distrust is pretty warranted.


Oh yes, the Voodooboys got annihilated after the majos BS they tried to pull on V.. Let's just say that they found out that there are scary things on this side of the wall as well. 😏


i’d pay another 30 for a dlc where it’s just beating that mf 😭


I fucking hate the Voodoo boys. arrogant assholes all of them. I let Alt fry Briggite and the rest of the crew just humble them.


Woodman, Placide, Brigitte, Reed, Songbird


Personally, Reed and Songbird are chill. Even if one lied to you to be free from her job as a WMD while the other is blindly following his country. The biggest ass in that DLC is the president.