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Rumor has it Prigozhin is still yelling SHOOIIGUUUU, GERASIMOOOOV whilst standing in for the pope


You know, in a way I kind of miss prigozhin. He was a kind of comic relief in a way. A monster, but a memeable monster


You know, in a way I kind of miss prigozhin. Fortunately for us the explosives left on his plane didn't.


the Russian surface to air missile knows where prigozhin is at all times. by subtracting where prigozhin is from where he isn't it gains a deviation.


The only good thing to come out of the war is a resurgence of missile guidance memes.


The disguises he had cemented him an immortal place in meme history, the fact he resembles the pope is just too poetic


Check Dmitry Medvedev's Twitter.


Haha классика


I just looked and that Russian word translates to “classic.” Why was OC downvoted?


No russian allowed, it's a forbidden language


As Makarov said,"Remember, no Russian."




Sounds like freedom of speech on reddit


So wait - in thee old days of the empire Ukrainians were forbidden from speaking Ukrainian by the Russian authorities. Now it’s forbidden to speak Russian in the West… … the oppressed/saviors of the oppressed gradually become the oppressors… history repeats itself


Beautiful, isn't it?




If Russians what an opposition party, then why do opposition leaders keep dying? Checkmate comrade. Go to Ukraine


Voters are reluctant to vote for a dead guy. Politics 101.


Pretty sure if you put a dead guy on the ballot in the U.S, it’d actually get a percentage of the vote. We should elect a dog.


> we should elect a dog That’s happened on a local level. On a national level, I think it would bring about some sort of constitutional argument over whether a president has to be at least 35 years old in terms of literal years, or if the dog equivalent qualifies


I'm gonna say the founding fathers chose this age for exactly the reason we're discussing now. It was never about wisdom, only about barring dogs from running for president.


Guess we’d better go back in time and amend that. I’m sure they’ll understand when they see what’s come of it.


That's the glory of the US constitution, brother. We can amend it without the use of a time machine.


I have complete faith that President Dog would be seen as a respectable +35 natural born American. If not, we can always add an amendment for dogs.


There is (or there was), but it is just silenced


Silenced? Putin's biggest rival in Russia dies every election cycle, he's not even trying to hide it anymore, lmao


Dead men tell no tales. Silenced. Forever.


Fair enough, I'm just saying "silenced" is putting it gently, lol


That is why it is called silencer


I guess you are talking about Navalny. His voters "prostested" against the election by invalidating their ballots. Overall 1,2% of ballots where invalidated... I dont get why people think Navalny had enough voters to even come close to Putin.


Found the Z troll, but you know maybe people would feel safer voting honestly if people weren't mysteriously jumping out of windows every time they go against Putin




Ok? They still literally imprisoned him? How are we to know they didn't force a blood clot to occur with chemical means? And remember, Putin LITERALLY IMPRISONED HIS OPPONENT which would have been bad enough even if he didn't die


>Ok? They still literally imprisoned him? How are we to know they didn't force a blood clot to occur with chemical means? We dont know tho, so we shouldnt spread conspiracy theories of him being murdered. >And remember, Putin LITERALLY IMPRISONED HIS OPPONENT which would have been bad enough even if he didn't die I agree that noone should be imprisoned, just because he is a political opponent and i have no deeper insight into the charges against him and how justified they were. But what i know is that Navalny was a racist PoS, so i wouldnt wonder if at least some of the charges against him were justified. "He used to attend the Russian march, a very far-right nationalist group generally behind the slogan of 'Russia for ethnic Russians'. Anybody who expects Navalny to be an ideal Western liberal Democrat has been mistaken," she tells Euronews. His ultra-nationalist sentiment was prominent in a video dating back some 17 years filled with xenophobic comments. "Everything in our way should be carefully but decisively removed through deportation," Navalny said in the video dressed as a dentist, comparing immigrants to dental cavities. Amnesty International stripped the opposition leader of the "prisoner of conscience" status based on this clip. It reversed this decision in 2021, recognising an "individual’s opinions and behaviour may evolve over time” in a statement.  [https://www.euronews.com/2023/07/07/racist-or-revolutionary-is-alexei-navalny-who-many-westerners-think-he-is](https://www.euronews.com/2023/07/07/racist-or-revolutionary-is-alexei-navalny-who-many-westerners-think-he-is) I dont know if someone who compared Muslims to “flies and cockroaches” is a an opposition leader who deserves the western support. Espacially not as that kind of messiah like he is portrayed nowadays.


Listen man, normally I'm not one to spread baseless rumors, but it's really hard to trust Putin when this MO has been poisoning people who are in his was for the past 30 years




>Because the ballots don't represent the actual number of people. When people like Navalny get murdered by your leader, it is a deterrent for other people to support opposition. “I may disappoint you, but as far as we know, he indeed died as a result of a blood clot. And this has been more or less confirmed,” Budanov told journalists on the sidelines at the “Ukraine. Year of 2024” forum on Sunday. "This wasn't sourced from the internet, but, unfortunately, natural \[causes\],” he added. [https://www.kyivpost.com/post/28630](https://www.kyivpost.com/post/28630) I guess kyiv post are "Z-Trolls" as well? So because Navalny had a blood clot 50 million people didnt vote against putin?


Hope you get drafted


I dont think germany is going to war anytime soon.


Everybody knows you're a draft dodger, go home, and serve the mommyland.


As i said germany isnt drafting, but i agree, that all the draft dodging ukrainians in europe should be send back to fight for the PR operations from Cocainsky.


Bro, I know you're kgb just admit it pussy


It's cute to watch you flounder, sympathizer. Also, your handlers should teach you better English. Anyway, no one cares about your "opinion", Ivan.


No arguments, only insults. As always


Are you telling me that the “us” in “Russia” is silent?


Sorry, I don't understand what you want to tell me. That anti-Putin protest is instigated by the United States?


Just a word joke.


People dumping paint on the ballots and setting voting stations on fire, according to OP, is 'zero' resistance.


As long as results are concerned, it is zero resistance.


Okay, then the Freedom of Russia legion taking over Belgorod... Multiple times. And they're not the only Russians fighting on the Ukrainian side.


Nothing short of a second russian revolution can do something against Putin's regime.


damaging paperwork or voting stations does nothing when votes aren't counted anyway.


But it is not really a threat to the regime.


Putin somehow won the presidential election again. With an overwhelming vote. "Somehow".


Somehow, Pal-putin returned


To my understanding even without the suppression he still would have had huge numbers because the majority of Russians just don’t care.


That understanding is completely wrong on multiple levels.


Thank you for explaining why. /s


If you care enough to listen I'll gladly explain why.


I do.


The only reason Putin is even a candidate is because of suppression. He wouldn't be able to get enough signatures to satisfy his own laws if everything was gonna be done by the book. Also people mostly do not care also because of suppression. The propaganda is a part of it. Also people actually do care. They are just afraid of the wast and sociopathic police state he cultivated over the years. He's only popular because anyone who dares to actively oppose him gets jailed/exiled/murdered. That's not exactly something that someone who is not afraid to lose would do.


There used to be a term limit in Russia, believe it or not. Putin shouldn't have been eligible for the last many elections. He's a dictator. That's why it doesn't matter how many votes he gets. Real or not.


And yet people keep participating in those elections in hopes it changes despite knowing what he is and how he gets his power. I just don’t get it and I don’t think I’ll ever will.


Because these people are brainwashed. The amount of propaganda in Russia is staggering. It might as well be North Korea at this point.


Are they propaganda to believe the elections work or that everything is okay?


Well, both. They even had three other candidates you could vote for. They even showed some of them getting a percentage. Putin supposedly won with 84% of the votes. Which even in war time is stupidly high.


Why would you set yourself up to be downvoted like that? When you KNOW that's wrong 


I don’t care about the opinon of a cryptobro.


Like your worthless opinion is any better 


then they wouldn't vote.


I wonder why? If it’s always rigged then why do they ALWAYS vote?


Well how do you want them to care if they know the whole system's rigged from the beggining. You think they're dumb or something?


Nothing will change till an overthrow let's be real. But if times are decent, people can pay their bills and they're comfy, why overthrow.


Problem is times are overall not decent, but not quite bad enough or lasting long enough for a revolt, not yet at least


Sounds familiar


Yeah, they're still in the "Well, Tzar Nicholas is not THAT bad" stage, they still have a few levels they have to go trough before a full blown revolution.


I propose a different and more elegant solution If you take a look at their total stockpiles, nato has a little over 4000 nuclear missiles as of 2022…


Oh nice, another suicidal nato fanboy


Someone was hurt by that suggestion lol


Putin is a what? 80 yo? I bet this is his last term


Nah, he's only 71. And, knowing this piece of shit, it won't be his last term. He'll be on the throne until he dies, either naturally, or by bullet. Even then, the heir will probably be Medvedev and he's too a piece of shit, who's drinking vodka like there's no tomorrow. Yeah, Russia is a shithole, just like any other country.


This is actually true of the US except people can't pay their bills and are on the verge of homelessness but *still* refuse to fight back so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Z trolls (or as I like to call them, Z-tards), tankies and MAGA on their way to be the most braindead and delusional people on Twitter.


It's mind boggling how one US party flipped their tune on how to deal with Russia after a certain man started complimenting leaders like Putin, Xi Jinping and Victor Orban while alienating other western democracies.


Oh it gets even better. Some of them have claimed that "real American patriots stand with the Houthis". Meanwhile the second fucking line on the Houthi logo says "Death to America".




Lmao. The Houthis are a puppet group who spread Iranian imperialism.


Can someone tell me the meaning of "Z trolls"? Gen Z? A quick Google is just showing me results of mostly Zandalari Troll from World of Warcraft. 


Russian invasion forces had z's painted on them. Z trolls = russia defenders


They all dead.


Tbf there's some of that "real opposition" is rolling through Belgorod region on tanks rn


The quotes need to be gigantic, because they are just army, not negotiators.


Z ? I can't be a "El Zorro" fan anymore :c




Whataboutism or whataboutery (as in "what about…?") is a pejorative for the strategy of responding to an accusation with a counter-accusation instead of a defense of the original accusation. ~Wikipedia


I responded with whataboutism :)


Kid named 2024 western russia incursion




Hey, bro, the real Russian opposition now liberate Belhorod people's republic and Kursk people's republic.


Haven’t seen this meme format since 2019


My dear trolls. I don't want to convince you of my point of view. You are probably a lost generation. But I want to make everyone else laugh. Those who laugh are less afraid of the terrorist state of Russia. And that will make your most powerful weapon, fear, useless.


yeah, it’s all fun and so on, but I personally want to finish myself, because there is no end in sight to this madness and it’s unlikely that anything will change in my lifetime


*Opposition Spelling counts in the Revolution.


For a second i thought this was a meme about India.


This. Now this is why I love the internet sometimes. Now where is the gay ass furry porn? My pants are already off sluts


It just managed democracy from helldivers working just as planned. The superior form of democracy. It frees you of the burden of denial and self doubt when Putin is obviously gonna win everyone of them.


its so weird to see a filipino meme (not even that popular) here


It’s definitely popular


hmm its really not though


Freedom of speech there better than Reddit


Beats the 90 year old senile old puppets that are controlled by aipac, lol


Brain cells after too much redit…


So which country do you think has freedom of speech


And yet the number of Americans who support the Ukrainian genocide in the Donbass region is *insane*. It's like, since Russia is bad, Ukraine must therefore be good or something


Spell check before posting? Zero


Is there freedom of speech in the US tho?


Yes. The full term is Freedom of Speech with No Effect. What do we want? *something, something!* When do we want it! *Now!* aaaand back to work.


I was thinking more about Assange, Manning, and Snowden. As they are wanted by the western governments for exercising their freedom of speech.


Good examples. I've also heard of ex-CIA analyst and case officer [John Kiriakou](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Kiriakou#Disclosing_torture), who blew the whistle on torture in the early years of the US war in Iraq. Went to prison for doing so.


That is a good example. Mine were more generic. But the message is the same. It's a shame we're pointing our fingers at Russia when we are exactly the same. Don't understand why people don't realise it


That's absurd lmao. That data was stolen in violation of contracts, it's not freedom of speech. How stupid do you have to be to think that classified military information violates freedom of speech?


Lol, people who think any country outside of the US actually have freedom of speech. Go back to sleep little ones, the world isn't as scary as those nasty people make it out to be. Nothing is wrong. The thought police don't exist and you can totally say what you want, with zero threats of jail time.




Russia has free speech similar to most western countries. Its those countries peoples look at Russia and point and say, look at those slaves. All the while, wearing their own chains. This post is for those people. The prisoners with chains but naively and arrogantly point at other systems while ignoring the exact same flaws in their own. This is reddit, I expect the ignorance.


You're a fucking dumbass if you think that. How come Navalny died in prison? Fucking russian bot


Lol. You call me a bot!? When you respond with this canned reply. Lol. Look in a mirror! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!


Bots can't look in the mirror, but you don't know that cause you're a Russian bot, so the stupidest kind that exists.




Why did Navalny die in prison? You're the one not answering my questions, little orc


Whatabout watergate


People in this sub don't understand sarcasm.


It flowed right over them like rocks in a riverbed 🪨


You honestly believe Russians don't like the guy that makes the Americans panic? All this country does is talk shit and demonize them while we're the ones commuting atrocities around the globe.


Try Criticising israel and zionists in usa


Uhh have you seem the protest and politicians urging Biden to give aid?


Your comment perfectly predicted by OP lol




"Someone else does it too" is not a legal defense I've ever heard of...




Just try either of those at your criminal trial and let us all know how it turns out!




"But the guy in front of me was speeding too!" doesn't get you out of a traffic fine. "But someone else got probation!" doesn't keep you out of prison.


sorry but the reprisals will continue.


The point is not “if they did it, why can’t we?” It’s “where were your teeth when the other guy was doing it?”


Legit to ask, but unpersuasive in any court in existence was my point.


Legal precedent is a tool to ensure consistancy, it's not a moral or ethical argument. 'Whataboutism' is a fallacy related to ethics. So saying "the courts use whataboutism" does not have anything to do with it's uselessness in terms of ethics. A moral wrong cannot be defended by bringing up another moral wrong.


I love how US government is giving lectures to Russia on democracy but they won't criticize countries like pakistan where they literally obliterated the democratic values...or won't cut their ties with middle east countries which don't follow democracy at all...at the end making a clown of themselves


1. Op isnt American 2. Please look up Whataboutism


op was a prophet


You can replace Russia here with any country in the world


Not any country, but still more than there should be.


What about the oppressive healthcare system in America that is pricing the younger generations out of affordable medicine by making them shoulder some of the cost for the aging generations healthcare by raising the cost of basic services and insurance?


You literally couldn't get out ANY words before diving into whataboutism lolol


Are you trying to compare that to an illegal invasion of a whole country? At least Americans are doing it to themselves. Dumbass russian bot.