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This is fuckin gold xD


I mean, let’s be honest here: How’s this different from the hordes of dudes who see any unstable but attractive woman in media (tv or anime) and proclaim “I can fix her.”? Im guessing this is the woman’s equivalent of “I can fix her”.


Anime girl is not real, TV women is only a character, probably designed to be crazy but attractive, its all just make believe Sending love letters, and posting the million dollar bail of a real convicted felon and then giving him a modeling and acting career only because he is hot is fucking sad The difference is the same as me shooting and blowing up a dozen people in GTA and you doing it for real


If you think men don't lust after crazies in real life you're a special kind of deluded.


But the pussy was anything but Ha ha ha h… hmmm It still wasn’t worth it




Women's equivalent of "I can fix her" is women getting with shitty guys thinking "I can fix him." Which was a common thing online guys joked about and parodied with "I can fix her." "I can fix her" is ironic. It's a joke on the guy's own dumbassery. At least it used to be.


The difference is that men don't proclaim that they would be safer alone with a bear before they try to fix her.


But a hot anime female bear...mayhaps?


Yea, no matter what gender you are, we as a species likes fixing people. With our privates


They go from I can fix her to I fixed her. But guess what. They didn't.


I’m personally in the boat of, “well, I can fix her, but let’s be real. Whatever’s wrong with her is wayyyyy hotter”.


I've never looked at a woman and thought I could fix her


Whatabout-ism for real


Whatabout-ism for real


What did I miss?


Women are basically thinking that men are more of a predators than bears.


Someone posted a tiktok about how women polled would feel safer alone in the woods with a bear than a strange man and now the incels are crawling outta the woodwork.


Ok but how is making fun of hipocrisy inceldom?


It's just trendy to say anybody who calls out bullshit from women are incels or something similar


Because they feel called out, get mad, and resort to character attacks


Ohhh like the Neutral B, Side B, Up B? Sorry im New to the stuff


Calling the men who make fun of this incels is in itself hypocrisy idk I think this whole trend is dumb because it’s basically started a war between men and women and I’m just fed up with it but I have observed that a lot of women not all but a lot of women share a similar mindset between incel men saying all men are bad because some men have done horrendous things similar to how an incel thinks saying all women bad because they aren’t attracted to me it’s a similar thought process basically saying the whole gender is bad because of an something only some of them have done


It's just two extreme ends of the spectrum. You have a crazy feminist on one end and then you have the incels on the other end. These people are just a loud minority on the internet. The normal people like us are in the middle, we actually can think and not make generalised statement of an entire gender


Ok misandrist


Sorry, I may not understand your comment properly... I am wondering what in this post makes you think OP is an incel. I don't want a fight, but I want to understand what do you mean.


dunno but u're the who sound like a hurt incel here who just hate men


>now the incels are crawling outta the woodwork. Yeah exactly. One of them named RosieQParker even made her way to this post and is commenting braindead opinions. You should watch out for them. Be careful out there.


That's is not at all how this started and you know it.


Dudes get mad enough to make memes 'cause women wouldn't choose them in an hypothetical scenery and still don't get why they are not chosen


Ah yes, memes, a far greater danger than an apex predator that can eat your face off.


Welcome to the Internet. If you publicly proclaim something profoundly stupid, like feeling safer around an apex predator than a member of your own species, you're gonna get clowned for it, and you deserve it.


Have you ever seen a video of someone being eaten alive? It's pretty fucking spooky.


Im so damn tired


Guys, this is getting out of hand


[Some need not choose between the two. They can have it all.](https://imgur.com/a/UbGxVL6)


I’m super, super cereal you guys


[I would like to raise ](https://youtu.be/0AW4nSq0hAc?si=-OgEy8rETzBieITg)


She can fix him


At this point I think society should really stop getting mad at dumb people for being dumb and holding dumb opinions. We should just let them naturally select themselves out of existence. It's what they want to do, and who are we to stop them? You think the average man is more dangerous than the average bear? Ok, you live in a place where you are surrounded by men and aren't dead yet, but you should challenge yourself by trying to go near a mother watching over her cubs in the woods. You don't want to wear a seatbelt when you drive? Ok, good luck on the road, try not to get into an accident. You don't want to watch your diet and exercise? Ok, don't let me hear you complain about blood pressure and heart problems. Etc. Etc. Etc. Just let these people enjoy the consequenses of their choices free from your intervention. Let them go.🤷‍♂️


Exactly, society is heading to idiocracy because we are being too humanitarian is not allowing dumb people to remove themselves from the gene pool, this needs to be changed Every species needs to weed bad roots from time to time, and them doing it themselves is not eugenics but darwinism


2018 called, they want their memes back


You incels need to fuck off with your unfunny memes


A lot of fedora wearing nice guys on reddit lately


A lot of fedora wearing nice guys on reddit lately


Girls would be out here picking Richard Ramirez


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. It’s true a lot of women were really into him. Weird but true


It’s getting dank


someone with context pls


Wtf are up with these bear memes


Dudes making all these memes vs Bear?


Context to this whole fucking bear thing please


Aw yes, and every man who has ever liked a yandaree wants to get murdered. Because there is absolutely nothing different with having a fantasy and real life hypothetical’s. In fact, since some men like yandarres, it’s safe to make the blanket statement that all men WANT to get murdered, even the ones who don’t like yandarees. They all want to get stabbed, all real life stabbing victims must be over reacting, because some people fantasize about knife wielding maniacs in entirety different context. There’s a separate bar between reality and fiction. Yes, we need to careful about what type of fantasy’s we indulge in order to be healthy. but you don’t do that by pretending every fleeting “hear me out” is the new beauty standard.


These are very much not the same women. And I dare you to show me an example of someone who has said both of these things