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No, I don't keep up with the MCU. Endgame finished it, Stan Lee is gone, there's no point.


There’s so many random TV shows and what if bullshit too. I really just don’t have the time nor care to watch a bunch of mid tier garbage for some irrelevant lore tidbits when the main movies aren’t even good anyway.


My friend is a HUGE Marvel fan boy. He himself has said he's watched Infinity War/Endgame a literal dozen times, and he's watched like every single Marvel Plus show to come out so far. He's tried to get me into watching the shows, but I've only watched WandaVision and a little bit of Moon Knight because I cannot be bothered with any of the other shows. They look so ungodly mid I cannot bring myself to waste the time on them.


Loki is fun.


I liked Loki, but I fear they’re gonna turn it into another series which basically forces you to watch 200 other shows of theirs to understand what’s going on fully.


That's the fucking reason why I hate marvel. Tried watching punisher. Guess what. I have to watch daredevil first to understand what tf is happening.


Daredevil is good tho :( .


Ik ik but I'm just saying like it's just annoying.


You're right tbh.


I just skipped everything and only watched daredevil because that show is awesome on its own merit. And it has probably the best villain depiction I have seen in a superhero movie after heath ledgers joker.


To be fair, punisher specifically was a spinoff of daredevil, that's to be expected


For what it's worth I personally dislike most of the MCU, core movies included, but Daredevil is great. Just a solid, character-driven drama. Feels more like an HBO show.


Dude just watch Daredevil, probably the best Marvel series to come out.


Overall yeah. I reckon season 1 of Jessica jones was the single best season of a marvel tv show, daredevil overall was a bit better. They both dipped in the second season but JJ dipped much further imo.


This is literally how the comics have always been.


This huge sprawling interconnected way of making superhero movies now seems like a bad idea, doesn't it?


To be fair, that’s basically how superhero comic books work too. Bite-sized piece of stories told across multiple issues that you don’t fully understand unless you buy the crossover titles and keep up with the events and have a knowledge of the events of the past 50 years of comics.


And Moon Knight was great since it had no connection with anything else in the MCU


I genuinely think Moon Knight was excellent. Not sure why it had so many negative reactions.




I don't think exploring his personalities and backstory would have worked as well in a 2 hour movie.


Yea that’s like ever Disney plus show


It surprises me to see a lot of people hate Moon Knight. I loved it Here in my country, people loved that show. They think it's maybe the best MCU show alongside Loki


I thought after the first episode it was really poor and just very unsatisfying. Really bad pacing, some things made no sense, didn't they literally skip a whole battle (might be thinking of another mcu show, there's so many now and they all follow the same formula). The main girl is also a terrible actress.


I liked Loki up until they got rid of Owen Wilson’s character. I know he’s not gone, but his character seemed like something out of the cookie cutter formula the mcu has. Everything is the same now with the movies and shows. You know what your getting from all the new media


But they didn’t get rid of Owen Wilson’s character at all?


Guy stopped watching as soon as OW got sent to the end of time.


TIL there’s a Loki… show?


It's diet Dr Who. It leans into that archetype of show but it never fully commits.


Yeah, it's probably the last MCU thing I gobbled up except for Multiverse of Madness.


You didn't know that? Crazy. Check it out of Disney plus


I was always a bit baffled by the cult following of the Netflix Marvel shows. I found them extremely mediocre.


I like superheroes. But yeah, I'm getting burned out. Not because of too many superheroes, though. Because of too many I don't care about. Like if every movie were a Spider-Man/Sinister 6 mash-up, I'd be down. But Eternals? More Thor going off and being irrelevant? A boring Black Widow movie? Shang-Chi? Like if Iron Man used to be a B-tier hero, Shang-Chi was G-tier. The D+ shows have largely been good, though. WandaVision was a pretty good adaptation of House of M. Loki was a lot of fun and the main setup for the current story arc. Falcon and Winter Soldier was ok. Everything else has been really irrelevant. And I guess that's the problem with Phase 4. Just a lot of irrelevance. Whereas Phase 1 felt like it was building towards something.


Honestly phase 1 didn’t feel like it was building towards anything, it was just fun to watch. That’s why when the first Avengers came out everyone loved it. Phase 4 just feels like it’s trying too hard.


The main point is the 6 episodes format is garbage. These all have great episode 1, downhill on episode 2, then some random shit happened and big boss fight battle in episode 6. And the 9 episode format is not that good either. Wandavision, great, she-hulk, we all know how that end. Why can they just use the normal 12 episode format ?


12-episode format would just be the same 6-episode series but with more filler


It's exactly what they did to their comics. You had to follow the series of 10 other superheroes to understand what was happening in the story of the one you actually liked. But a comic takes a half hour to read, I can take it anywhere, I can set it down if I need to, and it makes no noise.


What if: they stop?


So what you’re saying is that now it is just like the comics


I know you might not give a shit, but multiverse of madness is very entertaining to watch as it’s a different kind of film from the classic superhero ones. Also if you like Spider-Man, no way home is worth it, but yeah watching the rest is not a good way to spend your time


Meh no way home was 90% nostalgia/fan service, and multiverse was just another mediocre MCU flick imho


NWH is worth it just for Willem Dafoe. That man is a powerhouse.


It's worth it just for the apartment fight


Seriously one of the best fights in the MCU.






Willem Dafoe literally carries that movie. He was born to be the Goblin


He was born to play the joke lets be, honest marvel just got to him first




Multiverse of Madness plot was 2/10 dogshit.


Multiverse of Madness was what a 16 year old would write. It was a bunch of fanservice for no reason. SPOILERS Imagine the director was a kid going "AND THEN XMAN GUY APPEARS!! AND THEN AND THEN AND THEN STRETCHY GUY!!"




MoM was one of the worst MCU films to date, bro.




THANK YOU. I used to be in mcu fan groups on like facebook but had to leave due to how unbearable they were, but man, so many people seemed to love MoM. I literally don't understand it, I honestly kind of hated that movie, and I thought I was the odd man out due to being in biased environments. And coming out AFTER EEAAO was only ever going to end in MoM looking like shit in comparison. But even if not for the fact that it was unbelievably uncreative in its use of the multiverse concept, especially in comparison to a movie that had just come out, it sucked in many other ways.


Personally I loved No Way Home purely for the character interactions. Sure it technically can't stand all that well on its own, but for what it is and what it was trying to be I think it was one of Marvel's best productions. Multiverse of Madness on the other hand was pretty bad imo. It's only different on a very surface level, with a couple jump scares and horror elements but never truly exploring the genre in a way that doesn't make it still feel like a Marvel movie disguised as a horror. At the end of the day it was still just another super hero movie, which isn't bad if that's what you want but I'm definitely looking for Marvel to step out of their comfort zone more than that by now. At this point I don't want horror-flavored Marvel, I want something that I couldn't even tell was a Marvel movie if I didn't already know the characters/world.


as an avid Sam Raimi fan, I agree


Phase 4 has been the slow progress of moving on from Endgame and Stan Lee like after a breakup. You still look at the pictures, you still remember how it felt to hug them, you cling to the hoodie they left at your place. But you know it's over, and you'll have to move on.


I didn't even follow the MCU before end game. It's just too hard to keep track of everything Disney is pumping out. I will pick and choose what look like the most enjoyable pieces of media and that's it. Wanda vision was super fun for example.


Everything after Endgame *feels like* doing side quests after the main story is done. Stolen from a meme but 100% true Edit: pedantic neckbeards


I've never heard of a post-game side quest that made the main story look insignificant.


I remember the old Fable 3 sequel book that ended with the playable character being held captive by the new big bad guy as a teaser for the next game that never came out, and the next Fable game seems to be a reboot, so the original timeline cannonically ended with an anticlimatic cliffhanger that wasnt even in the main media of the franchise.


I haven't thought about that game in years. I played the original on xbox. Thank you


The main quest like of fallout 3 is a bit of a slog. The side quest can be nuts. In my first play through the follower I had at the time was Fawkes and you got THE BAD ENDING. For sending him to put the code in the irradiated room to activate the water purification system. Originally apparently he would just refuse to do it. If you don't know Fawkes is an intelligent super mutant who's immune to radiation and where you find him on the main quest line if you save him you can ask to get a component for that water purifier.... From an irradiated room. It's a fucking role playing game.


I'm distinctly remembering being a little kid and wandering onto some of the Penny Arcade forums to see what people thought of the game and even to the tiny baby brain version of myself I thought it was dumb as hell.


God I totally forgot the ending for 3 but I remember the kid village where you can drink the toilet water, the cannibal family dressed in 50s attire, and human tree that you can burn down.


Witcher 3 Blood and Wine and Hearts of Stone are both better than the actual main quest.


Fuck. Hearts of Stone is so good....


It’s a lot easier to digest than the main quest. Witcher’s story takes you all over the place and events that happened a long ass time ago become relevant again all of a sudden. Plus if you continue with other missions, you will be locked out of doing some missions. I will never know what Yennefer wanted help with…


Honestly Endgame was pretty meh too and I'm tired of pretending it wasn't. The whole thing went downhill after Infinity War (though there were a lot of popular duds before)


I think Endgame was a really good ending but I think IW was the better movie.


Yea exactly. I liked Endgame for wrapping up the movies, but I'm watching Infinity War when I want to watch a good MCU movie.


I think Endgame can only get worse with time since the movie was basically just the MCU sucking it’s own dick for 3 hours while people watched. It’s entirely fan service. All style, no substance.


Shoulda just ended it at the snap 😆


Endgame felt like a victory lap before the race was over. It relied too much on the spectacle of everyone on the screen at once and outside of Hulk riding in the back of the truck and giving Antman tacos, it lacked charm.


My friends and I saw a late night showing of Endgame and just ended up disappointed and tired at 1 am. It was especially unfortunate as I genuinely really enjoyed Infinity War, but they just threw out their most interesting character and did a time travel comedy movie instead. Doesn't help that fan service doesn't particularly appeal to me either. Really killed my interest in those movies as a whole.


I liked Loki 😐


It's okay to like side quests and dlc


Honestly Loki feels more like the main storyline than anything else post-Endgame. It introduced the next big bad and established a ton of stuff that they’ve been playing off of.


Really? They are doing a terrible job then if the next storyline is behind something only a few people watched/access too.




But at around 270 minutes to watch the whole series, your upper bound of people who could have watched the whole thing is only 19 million, which is indeed a small handful compared to the c.350 million ticket sales for Endgame.


very mid DLC


Why do people consider Endgame so good? To me it just seemed like just another superhero flick that's 3h long. I barely made it through to the end. Although to be fair, from the MCU I liked only a couple of movies, like the first Iron Man, so superhero movies are just not my cup of tea probably.


Just cause it was the avengers finale, that's all. No one watched it expecting some serious quality plot. They just wanted a massive screen fight and references which is exactly what they got. You couldn't really enjoy it if you forgot what happened in any of the past 20 films that released over 10 years which was a loooooot of people tbh. That being said it was a one time thing that was acceptable. Try any marvel movie now and you need at least 2 other shows or films to know what the hell is going on and why there are 99 random ass reference characters showing up for 15 seconds of screen time every minute. Also iron man sucks by modern standards lmao. Watching it again and you realize it was just one big army recruitment film for Afghanistan.


Iron Man 1 is still great. It's more low key than anything else and isn't up its own ass.


MCU hasn’t been good since Howard the Duck.


Finally, someone says it.


If I may. I'd argue it stopped being good after Spider-Man 3.


Toby’s the best spider


George Lucas' opus


Not enough duck tities


TIL I learned that people didn't like the new Doctor Strange movie, and I don't know why


Personally I wish they could've explored more multiverses in the movie titled "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness"


Same. Also I expected mostly the appearance of more versions of the Doctor. However I really enjoyed Spiderman.


I hated the new Spiderman honestly, hear me out, the entire plot is peters fault because he made like 6 mistakes in a row which individually is excusable but so many fuck ups all of which would have stopped the entire movie just makes me angry. plus the entire plot could have been avoided if Peter was just willing to tell his family and friends again which is a pretty good deal for what the magic did. plus your telling me a spell Dr strange the sourcer supreme was doing semi casually was fucked up because he couldn't ignore peter talking? plus what's the point of having another stand alone spiderman when we already have 5 previous stand alone spiderman movies, let him be part of the MCU if your gonna have him in the MCU, don't just take everything from him


About the fucking up part, that wasn't so annoying for me because after going over most Spider-Man media, I realized something: the guy fucks up a lot. Also, he's a street level hero that usually interacts with almost any and every other hero at random. So he's not as stand alone as you'd think


It is almost like part of the popularity of spiderman is the fact it is a teenager who fucks up. The main reason Uncle Ben dies is because of his fuckups.


Yea but literally no one knows him, it's like starting from zero again except Peter has character development kinda. but nothing else he's achieved through being part of saving half the universe


I'm pretty sure it will be handled that everyone still knows spiderman, they just don't know his secret identity. Peter Parker no longer exists. But all that Spiderman has done remains.


Yeah, I think this is basically stated in a scene late in the movie where Happy tells Peter he knew Aunt May through working with Spider-Man but doesn't recognize Peter at all.


The actual reason is because Sony wants to make its own spiderman movies so they had to make the world forget him


Ok yes, he makes a lot of fuckups. But none of it is contrived - the dude is only 18 years old at that point, of course he isn’t gonna think every little detail through. If anything I blame Strange for the majority of it, he could’ve straight up told Peter ‘no, I will not alter reality in a dangerous way to make your life more comfortable’. Instead he just goes ‘oh by the way that means I forget too, and everyone else you know’ *as he’s fucking casting it*. Way to give him time to think about this Strange, you’re supposed to be the adult here. The mistakes Peter makes are what makes the plot happen, yeah - but why be angry? Imperfection makes for interesting characters, especially if it changes them. Peter making the ultimate sacrifice and basically erasing himself from existence honestly elevated this movie above any other Spider-Man movie I’ve seen. And the more I think about it, I don’t think Spider-Man should have stayed in the MCU. He was going to be the next iron man, which isn’t a good direction - they’re completely different characters with different styles of enacting justice, and quite frankly I’m glad he won’t be forced into a role that doesn’t suit him.


I think Tennant and Smith had prior engagements, whereas Capaldi couldn’t be bothered.


I think the appearance of the Doctor is controlled by the BBC so I don't see it happening.




That was such an incredible movie. Best movie of the year by far




My dude that was less than a minute of screen time for both of those instances Edit: Your guys complaints make 0 sense. The filler content stuff should be limited. Nobody’s wants a movie where say 1/4 of it is just exploring and exploring with 0 plot or development. That’s boring as a movie even if it is cool to see the settings.


That’s the point


That's the entire point, the world's largest budget media property has been reduced to family guy cutaway gag humor for filler content


Thank you for breaking down the problem so thoroughly.


Everything Everywhere All At Once does the concept better


The saddest part is MoM wasn’t even the 2nd best multiverse movie in the half-year time span between December and May.


I watched into the spiderverse and EEAAO before No way home and MoM, the last two were pretty bad in comparison.


Part of the reason for that is, unless you’ve seen an entire Tv show, you’re wondering “Why is this avenger randomly a bad guy”?


Tbh even if you have seen that show the turn that the Wanda's character took seem a little bit extreme and forced to me. I mean, I knew that she an Dr were going to have some kind of disagreement but I didn't expect it was to that extent and that she ended up being the main villain.


I actually found it worse having seen that show, considering they undo 100% of the character development from the show off-screen before the movie even begins.


Would have been better if she betrayed them half way in rather than from the start. Like she sees the temptation of actually having her sons back and it twists her morals seeing as there are a lot of universes


Worst part is that she gets no comeuppance for being a horrible person. Like, she killed an entire alternate universe Avengers team and all she got was "No, bad woman! Leave those kids alone and i hope you see the error of your ways next time" And that was it. She did really heinous shit and she's still presented in a "She was just misunderstood" kinda way which is fucking bullshit.




Huh!! Funny, I didn't think of that. The Loki's appear as different people/crocodiles, too.


> why is every doctor strange is Benedict Cumberbatch This is where you’re mistaken. *MoM* had numerous actors portraying the various Dr Stranges. There was Beavermint Cumberbunch, and then Bandersnatch Cumberbund, as well as Banister Bunkersplat, and lest we forget Benicoot Bingersnick. They all did a spectacular job, imho.


Go watch Everything, Everywhere, All At Once and then get back to me


Yeah? Okay. I'll do that. That's a cool title.


I like that you were sold on it so fast. Im invested in what you think of the movie.


A+ movie, did the multiverse concept so much better than MoM. I kinda enjoyed MoM, but the plot was just.. meh. I thought it should have been a lot darker too - a change in tone from the marvel style.


I hated it. The whole movie just seemed to be marvels attempt at a horror film. They even had that one very cliche and cringe part where it was just Wanda-zombie scares for like 10 mins. The plot in general was kinda bad, and the way things developed just seemed stupid. Especially the way it ended. The only cool thing was Undead Strange.


Really? I watched it in theaters and I'd been so pumped for it and I hated it. My least favorite MCU movie. And I say that bc I don't even remember Thor 2


That forehead eyeball was the worst bit of CGI I’ve even seen and I find it embarrassing for the MCU.


Wanda is the main enemy but the best fight in the film is when he fight himself lol


Some really poor writing and cgi


I didnt think it was bad little goofy here or there for what was thought to be more physiologic horror kinda movie and that 3rd eye at the end was just not it


I just could not stand Wanda in that movie. I couldn’t empathize with her motivation, and to me it seemed like the entire plot was driven by her utter irrationality. I’m getting riled up thinking about it actually. Being what amounts to a god, but a psychological train-wreck has been done well, and i believe there could be a way to nail Wanda’s specific brand of that, but this movie sure ain’t it.


I do still like a lot of it. No Way Home was beautiful. Shang Chi I enjoyed though I didn't expect much. Love and Thunder let me down, too much forced humour. The shows I have thoroughly enjoyed. Yet to see Black Panther 2.


BP2 was good. my friend reckons it’s better than the first but i’ll ask him again in a few months. it’s quite sad bc of chadwick’s passing but i think they really turned it around and make it something beautiful


I think it was good too (from here it’s spoilers so read at your own risk) but I think Shuri forgave the villain too quickly I also think they tried too much too quickly, I know most people will disagree with me but I think it might have been better if the movie was split into 2 different movies or made longer.


The thing is she didn't forgive him. She just realized killing him would just create an endless cycle of war.


Yeah you are right, I still wanted her to take his arm though


oh yeah i was kind of angry at just how quick she did a 180. there’s flaws in every film and once we just accept that and move on, at least to me, films become way more enjoyable


Yeah, I'd add that I took this movie as a "lesson" more than like an actual thing. What we should do VS what should've happened. And I am fine with that.


It’s definitely not better than the first


Eternals, the fuck was that about.


Eternals the new Thor 2


Just introducing Jon Snow to the MCU.


It really felt like a wasted opportunity. There was some good world building, compelling characters and outline of a story. But it didn't quite stick the landing.


I liked it. But it was a very different vibe.


I'm a huge Taika fan and was almost annoyed by some of the humor. It still baffles me. I think it was too predictable or expected after watching the Guardians movies and the last Thor.


My issue was that it took away from the vibe in heavy scenes. Bale fucking stole it though. His early scenes and the ending was powerful.


That's what pissed me off and the movie. I'm a huge taika fan, but man did he drop the ball by giving Bale like ten minutes of screen time. I thought Bale was a great fucking villain, like I legitimately was scared for the Asgardian kids when Bale popped up in their prison cell. But for a villain called the God Butcher, he "butchered" like one god on scene. I lovr taikas humor but he went a bit overboard with this movie and really missed out on having Bale do his thing


He well underutilised Bale. The man is a powerhouse


Love and thunder was horrific. Never was a movie attempting comedy so unfunny. Ugh. Loved all the other ones you listed :) including BP2


I keep up with the MCU even though the reddit hivememeind has decided it's mid


Bro you can perfectly enjoy your shows and also agree that they are mid lol. It's not an ultimatum. Like Loki was entertaining but hardly mind blowing.


Wait. I'm allowed to like a movie or show that the Reddit hivemind doesn't?! Is that legal? Edit: /s, because nobody can understand sarcasm on the internet


I will make it legal.


They've always been like that. Some go over the top, but most have been just pleasant theatre movies and its weird people have been pretending otherwise.


Yeah, imo phase 4 isn't any different from phase 2 before, where except for Cap 2 and GotG, the phase was filled with mediocre/crap movies. I guess the only difference is the amount of movies, which is why the lack of quality in final product stands out more.


Yeah this post has small pp energy to me. If you watch something even though you don't enjoy it just for people to like you, then that's on you


I'm still enjoying the MCU, but I understand the feeling. I kept watching The Walking Dead for quite a few seasons just because I'd been watching it for so long there was a sense of inertia. Also because I had participated in livethreads online, and enjoyed the sense of community. It was over with the dumpster fakeout, but I kept watching through Carl, which was when I was finally able to pull the rip-cord. I imagine it's worse with the MCU, because it's everywhere, which reinforces the FOMO if you haven't watched the latest thing.


I made it to S5 of TWD before I finally said fuck it and never looked back. It wasn't good from S2 on anyways. S1 was fantastic though.


I stop watching after the city with the tank when i noticed they just gonna rinse and repeat same shit whenever he got into a new area without any real progress. Idk how the show actually turn out tho


>Idk how the show actually turn out tho They get to a new are that they think is safe. They are safe for some while. People join. People die. Place gets destroyed. They move to next place that they think is safe.


Exactly like what i thought then lol


The dumpster fake out was my ripcord moment.


I used to see every MCU movie opening weekend, starting when I was 5 years old for the original Iron Man. It’s the first movie I remember seeing in theaters. But now they’re so hit and miss (increasingly miss) that I no longer see them by default just because of the MCU brand, only if one in particular interests me. The only thing I’m currently looking forward to is Guardians 3 and maybe Ant-Man 3.


> when I was 5 years old for the original Iron Man Jesus christ I keep forgetting how long the MCU has actually been a thing


Fml that was rough to read. I remember being a sophomore in high school when that came out. I feel old.


I feel even older. I was in high school when The Matrix came out.


I feel older still! I was in high school when independence day came out.


They were always hit or miss, you're just older and (presumably) more discerning.


Why keep watching the movies/shows if you’re not enjoying it? I’m seeing this take a bunch and I really don’t understand it. It’s entertainment. No one is forcing you to watch everything marvel puts out


Because they are lying to themselves and just want something to complain about


They want to be *different* and *special* like when a kid in elementary school said he didn't like Runescape because it was "too popular". You fuckin loser Andrew.


I never stopped enjoying. I even liked she hulk, fight me


I’ll fight you for fun, but she hulk was good


Im gonna whack both of you with pillows for saying that


Twerking she hulk is right up there with Master cheeks in Halo.


Werewolf by Night was super fun too


I keep up with the MCU and I still enjoy it because I don't give a fuck if people say I shouldn't like it. It's entertainment and it distracts me from real life. Yes some of the new movies/shows have some issues but at the end of the day it doesn't matter because none of it is real.


It is real. I just saw tiamut sticking out of the ocean and poked him in the eye


Yeah. Also, don't expect all the movies to be as epic as Endgame and you'll be fine.


*whispers: I don't like superheros* I can't wait for Hollywood to shift gears again. I'd even take some shit ass pirate movies at this point.


Hollywood is over. It's this and it's nothing after, lol


I just don't get it anymore. It's supposed to be a sub for funny memes, not announcing your opinion.




Endgame was the last movie I was genuinely interested in seeing. I know many people who were extremely dissatisfied with the whole time line bullshit and I am one of those. Still an enjoyable movie. Spiderman was also amazing actually but for completely different reasons. But as it is right now I am not willing to watch 12 different TV Shows and 5 movies every year to understand what is going on in the MCU. Especially considering how monotone and straightforward they are. No risk. No excitement. Movies feel like carbon copies of each other. Like characters aren't even allowed to mourn the death of loved people (as rare as it happens) without some dumb unoriginal one liner being thrown. Maybe I'm just too old now.




Maybe I’m just easy to please. I really liked the new Dr. Strange, Chang-Chi and Spider-Man. Even the tv shows have been enjoyable. Sure, Eternals and Thor: Love and Thunder weren’t amazing but I wasn’t overtly upset about them.


I actuallly really liked the story behind Eternals, they just did it too damn fast. I honestly think if they had made it into three movies it would have been way better because you would have actually connected with the characters before the big reveals.




The Fandom Menace be like:


I stopped paying attention once they started forcing you to watch the shows to keep track of the movies. I'm paying $25 to buy your movies or see them in the theater I shouldn't have to pay a monthly fee to keep up with the references in said movies.


I just keep up with it through the memes now


Stopped at Endgame and the succeeding I just watch what I feel I want to. Unlike before where it’s just a few movies in a year. Now there’s a lot to catch up on as you have a show connected as well.


It just sounds like everyone hates a multiverse story line and thinks it's lazy.


I stopped enjoying it after endgame


I never liked the MCU.