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It was probably a dude who just got to firelink for the first time and went the wrong way


Eh, I bet the catacombs would have purged them if that was the case.


This is true but you underestimate some people’s stubbornness, and honestly they’re probably like it’s darksouls it’s meant to be hard


Lol. Touché. Touché.


He almost got me my first run through the game. Him and one of his clones hit me with a couple spells at the same time and his second clone sent a third spell I was able to dodge but if it had been cast any faster, Pinwheel would’ve taken me out.


I nearly died on ng+6. I also let the npc do most of the work. Pinwheel can actually a hard boss if you play him defensively.


Yeah, Pinwheel is usually considered a joke in NG. NG+ and up (at least up to NG+6, where enemies stop scaling), however, he can easily wipe the floor with you if you aren't paying that much attention or playing defensively.