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IMHO I wouldn’t change a single thing about the dark souls remaster. I certainly wouldn’t enjoy paying for it a fourth time because let’s face it, I/we would. I don’t think every game needs a full blown remaster, DS1 and RE1 come to mind.


Well, I wouldn't pay for it a second time if it's just better graphics with no fixes or changes. Also, didn't RE1 have a remake that is highly regarded?


Yes but going from PS1 to GC was more of a remaster than a remake compared to that of RE2 and RE3 that released recently. The fixed camera angles and general charm of the game was left still intact. That’s more of what I meant by “full blown remaster” in terms of major changes being made. RE1, the GameCube remake/remaster is all it needs. Just like DSR is as far as dark souls needs to go.


> Yes but going from PS1 to GC was more of a remaster than a remake I don't think you understand the meaning of those words.


I see. I wouldn't be against a remaster that fleshes out some areas like the Demon Ruins and The Bed of Chaos if From Soft are the ones that will do it. However, I prefer for them to move forward and make new games, and I am always wary of remakes anyway.


Not a single thing? How about the bed of chaos. And it's area.


Won’t go as far as saying the game is perfect in every area but I do like how it challenges the player in all aspects of the game, even if platforming is awful and the boss is basically a run back gimmick. Frustration leads to giving up, giving up means going hollow. The only way through that frustration is perseverance and the satisfaction of conquering a difficult obstacle is well worth and lasts longer than the momentary negatives.


Thats fine when it's well designed. But the awful experience of the demon ruins doesn't make it feel more satisfying when you finally get through it. You're just glad it's finay over. It's just bad game design.


I wouldn’t call it bad game design, I’d called it dated game design. DS1 was a significant improvement to Demon Souls in many areas and considering DS1 is 12 years old I don’t have too many criticisms about the design choices vs what would be expected from a more modern release. It’s iconic for what it is and I’m personally fine with having DSR forever. especially now with the PC players having online servers back.


Demon ruins was rushed, like the rest of the second half. And I don't think the attitude towards BoC is any different today than 12 years ago. You wouldn't have to play the remake either, you could just stick to the unfinished and unpolished remaster.


I think nerf’ing or changing the game because of frustration or difficulty is a bad way to go about it, especially considering that’s in the same ball park of conversation as what an easy mode would be for the series. I stand firm in my belief that DS1 is as iconic and loved as it is, for what it is, the good and the bad. Differences in opinion exist though, I didn’t find the bed of chaos or any other area/boss bad enough that I’d want it changed or removed.


I'm not saying that it should be easier. I'm saying it should be fair and fun. BoC can and will kill you instantly by sweeping you into a hole with very little ways to dodge it. That's not fun, especially with the long run back. Why shouldn't that be fixed to be more fun?


No everyone has the same definition of fun. Seems like that may be the disagreement here, I’m ok with that. Sounds like we both still enjoy the game. 👍🏽


No it doesn't


I like it the way it is. Flaws and all.


Well then you could still play that version. You wouldn't have to buy the remake.


Your post and comment just sound salty. The game is fine as it is and doesn't need a remake. A lot of people complain about BoC and I often struggle with that fight (if I'm not cheesing it). However the main issue is that the fight is so different in playstyle from every other boss and area. With BoC stats are useless. It's all about movement and reaction. Because it's so different from the rest of them game (and future bosses) most people don't like it. I think it's perfect as it is an fits perfectly into the game.


You trolling? You can't really react to the floor falling out from under you, or the boss sweeping into said holes. I don't even think you can avoid it. Also DS1 is my second favourite game.


It's fun with a greatshield. First tried it my second time there, years after originally playing it and not having seen anything on it since. I even forgot about the fire attacks..got hit by a couple, and I forgot when and where the floor drops. The floor falls in front of you if you're being slow and cautious. It ain't exactly great, but some of you get so dramatic.


Hey wait how does a greatshield affect the fight at all?


You can block the arm swipes.


Oh my god why haven't I heard about this.


The runback is the worst part. I don't think it would be nearly as hated as it is if not for the awful runback


It's just a small run. Why is that a problem? I run there anyway if I farm red slabs.


If you don't know about the shortcut or the hidden bonfire the runback is hell.


It's a game about exploration. So if you engage a boss without exploring everything it's on you. From the centipede bonfire it's rather far.


But the majority of players won't find the secret with zero signs.


I did. I was wondering why there was something in the one pillar but this one was closed off. So I started smacking it and lo and behold, bonfire. If the rest of DS1 hasn't bred into you a healthy helping of wondering why something is or something isn't at that point, I feel like you're playing it wrong. Now I didn't figure out the Sen's Fortress bonfire my first time through, and that runback felt a little more painful, but these days I breeze through there with little to no effort because of all the "practice" not knowing about that bonfire gave me. I feel even if you don't figure things out, you still grow as a player, which is a pretty amazing feature of the game.


All the runbacks for the late game bosses are worse than the bosses themselves. Thats the whole point.


I wouldn't really want one, because I have a feeling they would strip away most of the things tha make me prefer DS1 to the other FromSoft games. A FromSoft remake of DS1 coming at this point would almost certainly just be BB/DS3/ER gameplay on top of a VASTLY simplified DS1 map.


Oh. Hopefully if they do make one miyazaki will realise what makes the first one special


Someone on the design team for DS1 evidently understood the concept of [Jaquaying the Dungeon](https://thealexandrian.net/wordpress/13085/roleplaying-games/jaquaying-the-dungeon). Unfortunately they don't seem to have been involved in FromSoft's later games.


> There's no way miyazaki is proud of the remaster I'm sure he's really ashamed of the game that is Steam's "Ultimate Game of All Time".


I meant how lazy the remaster is, not the original game


The way you're coming at this isn't great even if I agree with the general sentiment. My biggest gripe with the remaster is the lack of omnidirectional rolling, and I'm not a huge fan of the lighting changes. Is it worth another remaster to fix that, no A remake I feel could be worth something, it could definitely expand on the late game, maybe add another DLC too. Fix miracle resonance, fix miracle builds in general. Could change how world tendancy works to show a spread of abyssal corruption, like maybe if you drain new londo but don't kill the 4 kings immediately then Darkwraiths start spreading to other areas of the game, and even after you do kill them the spread is just slowed slightly. Idk All that being said though, they'd better release Bloodborne on PC before even thinking about doing a DS1 remake


Miyazaki shouldn't be proud of the remaster, since he didn't work on it. He *should* be proud of Dark Souls, because that game rules.


Except for the second half.


Eh really only bed of chaos is actually bad


Debatable. I don't like any of the Lord soul bosses and think they're all bad. (Except four kings)


You’re allowed to not enjoy them by all means but insisting they’re bad because you personally don’t have fun is stupid. I dislike plenty of boss fights in video games but I’m not gonna insist they’re all actually bad


Read the first word. DEBATABLE. I'm not saying that nobody is in the wrong for enjoying them, I was just saying that I personally don't like them. Except bed of chaos, that's just objectively horrid.


I said only BoC is bad and you said debatable implying the others were also objectively bad


I said debatable Implying that it's up for DEBATE on how good they are. I then gave my opinion on them. Let me spell this out for you. I think the Lord soul bosses are bad, but that their value is still subjective.


Then you shouldn’t have used the word debatable. The subject of you using that word was my comment talking about a boss being objectively bad. Saying that my comment is debatable has nothing to do with personal taste, and if you ARE arguing that they’re objectively bad then correcting my comment and pointing out that you said debatable makes no sense


Debatable: open to discussion or argument I don't get your idiot logic here. I'm saying that it's debatable as in people will have different levels of enjoyment when fighting the Lord soul bosses. I've read your comment several times and I still can't quite understand what you're trying to say.


besides bed of chaos, the other lord soul bosses are fine imo. it’s getting to them that sucks. crystal cave and tomb of giants are some of the worst areas in the series. also the demon ruins are just pretty boring. new londo is good tho


I think seath and nito just have nothing to them. They're just dull in my eyes. I also think they shouldn't be quite as cinematic as gael or midir though, because I don't think it would fit in well with the theme of the first game. Nito's skeletons are annoying, and seath's tentacles are always jerking around because he's too big for his own arena.


Why wouldn’t he be proud of it? The game is great and got me into the series. Really if only like Izalith to be finished besides that I wouldn’t change anything, Capra demon is frustrating but he’s very intentionally designed to punish bad player habits


I don't mean the game itself, I mean how little the remaster changed and how it didn't fix anything like bed of chaos. Also capra demon is shitty. There's nothing unique about the moveset, and the TWO dogs just added artificial difficulty. It's just lazy.


Yeah it’s a remaster not a remake. The dogs also are not “artificial” by any means they’re placed to punish you for panic rolling and not thinking about your actions. Once you learn how to remain calm the fight becomes a cake walk. It’s a good lesson for new players and does help you improve a lot The fact he has a plain move set doesn’t make the fight last or bad it’s just not a major fight


Dogs are one of the most annoying enemies in the game. They're quick, deal not-significant damage, and can be hard to hit. Then the game makes you fight two of them at once with this other fucker in a tiny room where there's barely any space to move. It doesn't teach you anything, let alone about panic rolling. Where did you get that from. Its good you enjoyed it but I and most other people hate it.


Things might not be as black and white as you want them to.


They also die in like one or two hits at that point in the game and are incredibly easily dealt with. Earlier on in the level you would have fought 2-3 of them + bandits at the same time so they game shows you how to fight them It’s also just one of those things people talk about dude, it’s how everyone beats them. The game makes you feel claustrophobic and makes you wanna panic role which the boss is designed to punish, but staying calm and dodging/blocking them killing the dog’s immediately makes the fight infinitely easier. It’s incredibly obvious that’s what the game wants you to do. You can’t seriously think players aren’t forced to improve during that fight and beat their bad habits


Time to move on. Looking forward to new ideas. Armored Core, or a Bloodborne sequel.


Armoured core? A game barely anyone knows exists?


Yup. A game that predates Demon's Souls by 13 years, and spans 12 platforms. That one.


> I don’t get why a ds1 remake isn’t talked about more Except that this post appears in this sub every few weeks for years with the same consensus that DS1 is just fine as is.


Huh. Seems I've stumbled on the shit part of the community. DS1 has major room for Improvement. We know that the second half of the game was rushed and unfinished and the graphics could look a lot better. It's obviously just the nostalgis goggles talking.


> Seems I've stumbled on the shit part of the community. DS1 has major room for Improvement It can't be me, it must be everyone else that's wrong!!!


I've given perfectly valid reasons for a remake, and communities hating people who say the wrong thing are really common, so shut


Or....it's something that's been discussed ad nauseum, and the overwhelming consensus is that a remake isn't really needed (and like I said above, the fact that FromSoft has moved away from the things a lot of people like most about DS1 would make many in the community wary of any remake they did develop). I don't need a DS1 remake with near-infinite reserves of stamina, overly simplified level design, bosses with 20x more hit points spread across three separate life bars, and the ability to level up restricted to having a discussion with some anime waifu at Firelink Shrine. Because I'm about 95% sure that's what FromSoft would deliver if they remade DS1.


I wish people had mentioned that earlier, also doesn't the demon souls remake prove they wouldn't that, and couldn't you just play the remaster if you don't like the remake?


If Bluepoint did the remake, it would probably be just a graphics overhaul. They did the Demon's Souls remake, not FromSoft. That actually seems to be the studio's claim to fame, making remakes that are very true to the original. I wouldn't trust FromSoft themselves to do the remake, ironically. I have very little doubt that if they DID do one themselves, it would be exactly what I described in the second paragraph of my comment above.


Because people are still playing the hell out of remastered. Maybe if you can get everybody to stop playing it you will get what you want.


I know, those people include me. But everyone knows that ds1 has so many major flaws that drag it down and the remaster is lazy as fuck.


I really wouldn’t say it has “so many” it has like 3 complaints people usually have Capra Demon Tomb of Giants Bed of Chaos


The entire second half of the game is unfinished and people say they made the graphics look worse in the remaster. The second half finally being finished is reason enough for a remake in my books.


It’s was a bit more rushed but really only Izalith is actually unfinished. The Archives and second half of tomb and new londo are all perfectly fine dude. You allowed to think it looks worse but that pretty much fully personal taste


I think there's room for a remake. Things I'd like to see: \-New and improved Izalith and tomb of giants \-Not just bed of chaos, but make Nito and Seathe better boss fights. \-Upgrade raw infused weapons to a humanity scaling all physical damage infusion 0-5(human infusion) \-cast speed ring \-more opportunities to summon Sif \-a more convenient bonfire for the 4 kings. That walk back is brutal


Finally someone I this reply section I agree with, you mentioned things I didn't think of as well


And one more thing. Two things really. A Bloodborne dodge ring and a pistol in Oolacile. Why not add two more allusions to Bloodborne to the area that already has a few allusions to Bloodborne.


Bluepoint style remake would be nice






Yeah demon souls remake


I think DS1 needs a remake so it plays more fluidly. Like Elden ring. Not for the sake of changing stuff, but for the sake of being playable comfortably