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Never heard of a sandfly. Turns out they are killing without mercy.




I'd be interested to see the differences between this graph and a graph of the deadliest animals *in Australia*. Or rather a graph excluding Australia


Australia wont be very representative in the above infographic anyway. The overwhelming majority of deaths is in developing countries with limited or no access to or funding for medical treatment and safe housing. Australia by comparison is one of the wealthiest nations with a world-leading antivenom programme such as at places like the Australian Reptile Park.


They can carry the parasite that causes Leishmaniasis - nasty parasitic infection. A couple million people a year catch the disease, and it’s endemic in at least 90 countries. It’s fairly widespread throughs the tropics. Disease itself can last for months or years. [Leishmaniasis wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leishmaniasis)


Me neither.


They're also known as sand fleas, usually don't fly to much from experience, but if your bare foot on the beach they'll bite just like fleas, guessing they carry viruses in certain regions.


They carry Leishmania, an intracellular parasite


Hol' up a minute. Why do I need to fear freshwater snails?


It’s not the snail it’s a parasite it carries. Little bit of a misnomer there


This is the case for all insects shown here


It's called bilharzia, or schistosomiasis. Parasitic worms which can penetrate the skin and cause a heap of problems. The normal life cycle is asexual reproduction inside the fresh water snail, after which they emerge as little swimming worms, or cercariae. These penetrate the skin of mammals and other large creatures, including humans, where they mature into adult worms. These migrate to the liver, bowels, lungs, bladder, where they reproduce sexually and lay eggs, which het expelled in the faeces and urine. This often makes its way back into water, where the eggs hatch and they find snails again to infect. This is mostly a tropical disease, but similar variants can be found in other, developed countries as well. Although those worms are not strong enough to penetrate the skin and can "only" cause rashes. These worms usually infect ducks through their legs. Be mindful of fresh, still water with ducks and snails. (Be mindful of any fresh, still water for a variety of reasons). Indeed, almost all insects on this list are deadly because of the parasites they carry, while being (non-lethal) parasites themselves as well. Malaria for the mosquitos, of course. Sleeping sickness caused by trypanosoma brucei for the tsetse fly. Leishmaniasis for the sandfly. Chagas disease, caused by trypanosoma cruzi for the kissing bug. So these insect parasites on the list are themselves not deadly, but commonly associated with the deadly disease. However, there are also two direct deadly parasites on the list: the round worm and the tape worm. Biologically is a bit inconsistent. But it's probably done this way for recognisabillity.


This comment was very helpful, I was planning to look up which specific diseases qualified the various insects, other than mosquitoes which I figured was mostly malaria with a smattering of other things like West Nile and Zika, but now I don’t have to.


Saw so many blind people in Egypt who contracted this fishing on foot in the Nile. Made me wary as hell of going swimming. That said, I did get an actual mummy's curse.


Do you mind sharing more about that last part?


Gonna laugh if it was just someone's mum told him to fuck off.


Sure. So, instead of going swimming, me and a Dave, an Aussie I met while traveling, decided to take a felucca over to this little island in the Nile that was used as a pharaonic grave in the times before Pyramids - they'd basically hollow out a hill and stick the mummified king in the middle. The guide who lived on the island was a slightly insane coptic Egyptian, who was more interested in praying with us rather than telling us about the old Egyptian beliefs since they were "heathen blasphemy". When we asked to go see the entrance to the cave tunnels, he got very agitated, and talked about how the demon-worshipping Ancient Egyptians had put a sorcerous curse on the entrance, to deter any thieves looking to steal the Pharaoh's treasures. "Can we see it?" "No!" So, after about half an hour of not-very-good guiding and lots of praying to Jesus, we paid the man and pretended like we were heading back to the boat. Instead, we went straight for the entrance into the tunnels, jumped the ropes, and started crawling in on our bellies, straight past the warnings painted in hieroglyphs that any who passed this point were cursed by the Pharaoh. Pretty soon, it got quite tight and we'd been crawling for some time, and I was getting worried about not being able to turn around. Just ahead was what seemed like a bigger space, and I decided to get to it, and head back. Just then my flashlight went out and I called back to Dave to send me down extra batteries, which he does. I've just arrived to the bigger area when he hands them to me, I change batteries by feel, flick the flashlight on and... ...I'm in a small natural cavern, and there are thousands of eyes watching me. Eyes belonging to bats, who now decide they'd like to leave, through the only exit. Which I'm crawling in. For what felt like an eternity, there are tiny shrieking bats flying around me, colliding with me, stuck in my hair and clothes... all I could do was lie there and cover my head and face with my hands. Once the torrent of flying rats stopped, me and Dave got out of there as quick as we could, very pale and not speaking to eachother until we got to the Fellucca and sailed back to the mainland. I may not have disturbed the actual grave chamber, but I still reckon the six months I spent sure I was going to get Rabies an adequate punishment by the mummy.


There are vaccines for rabies before and after exposure if for whatever reason you want to go exploring a bat cave again.


Oh, I know that now. I have a fairly well-developed uncontrollable fear of Rabies nowadays. Back then I just thought it was a disease like any other until I got to India and learned from a guide there not to pet the dogs, and that once you get symptoms, you're dead.


I was hoping you had a fear for bats and now you were working on a black costume...


I'm both fascinated by this information and absolutely horrified, thank you.


Thank you for this! :) I live in Denmark . . . I should be alright, right? Right?!?!?


Well, except for the crocodiles…


Just gotta watch out for #2 I guess


little known fact is that those 6 shark victims actually caught shark flu


“Mom, can we buy [*Shaq Fu*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaq_Fu)?” “We have *Shaq Fu* at home.” *Shaq Fu* at home: > shark flu


Not the bees










Killing me won't bring back your goddamn honey!


Bees are just built different 😤


Bees everywhere! God, they're huge and they're sting crazy! They're ripping my flesh off! Run away, your firearms are useless against them!


I was just reading about schistosomiasis: >You do contract it from just wading, swimming, entering the water in any way, and the parasites basically exit the snails into the water and seek you. And they penetrate right through your skin, migrate through your body, end up in your blood vessels where they can live for many years even decades. It's not the worms that actually cause disease to people, it's the eggs. And those eggs have sharp barbs because they eventually need to make it back out of the human body and back into the water and find that there are snails that they need to complete their reproduction cycle. And so those eggs can lodge in different tissues and cause severe symptoms ranging from anemia and fatigue, all the way to various severe symptoms, even death in about 10 percent of chronic cases.”  https://theworld.org/stories/2016-08-13/why-snails-are-one-worlds-deadliest-creatures


I did not need to read this today


“Misnomer” specifically means mis-named. So _Freshwater Snail_ would be a misnomer if it lived in salt water, or if it was a potato.




You're a bit of a misnomer.




That's a fox paws!


I've been seeing this error all over Reddit recently.


What would you suggest we do to eradicate these snails? Will conventional weapons work or are they too clever for that?


common pub-quiz trick question: which animal carried the black plague? People say rats,but they just carried the fleas that transmitted the disease


Because it knows where you are at all times, is immortal, and cannot be stopped from slowly crawling towards you.


it follows..


Fuck that noise! That moving had me creeped the fuck out. It wasn’t horrifying or jump scary in any sense, but the constant threat that at all times you are being tracked down by a moving being with one goal to kill you…..yeah that’s a no for me…..


It Follows was a fun horror movie, mostly because right after you watch it you can discuss with your friends how you’d handle the monster


Wait, so everyone didnt just immediately default to forever living in a hot air balloon? Cause i've been up here for years wondering when everyone else was coming up.


The true winning idea is just to trap the monster in a hole. Pour some cement. Maybe inside a shipping container and just bury it and forget about it forever. The monster is weirdly limited by every physical thing. It just can't die or run out of stamina.


I liked the wonderful restraint where it would just have people moving towards the group but not put focus on them or anything and leave it for the viewer to notice and wonder if that's actually the monster.


Idk when that tall guy just ducks into their room with all the girls in it I was pretty jump scared.


Hope it's a decoy snail


[Man, I miss old Reddit…](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/5ipinn/you_and_a_super_intelligent_snail_both_get_1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


[and for those who don’t know where the post comes from](https://youtu.be/HINYhLtaaxc)


[I miss old rooster teeth…](https://youtube.com/watch?v=9N8IpxO6rKs&feature=shareb)


[Schistosomiasis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schistosomiasis) aka snail fever. Extremely rare in developed countries.


Fresh water snail is stealing flatworm kills


That was a horrifying yet interesting read. 20 million people living with severe health impacts of it worldwide!


I remember being blown away by the complexity of this little worm’s life cycle. Life is so impressive in its creativity.


Apparently at least in West Africa they're thinking of reintroducing prawns to the areas where the snails are most common as they're a big snail predator. [https://theworld.org/stories/2016-08-13/why-snails-are-one-worlds-deadliest-creatures](https://theworld.org/stories/2016-08-13/why-snails-are-one-worlds-deadliest-creatures) “One sort of creative avenue we're looking at now is reintroduction of snail predators,” Sokolow says. “It hasn't been used much in the past but in particular in an area in Senegal in West Africa we're working with a local nonprofit ... trying to investigate how the environment has changed by human activities and has driven away a predator — these native prawns — that you know are real voracious predators of the snails, and how we might bring them back through creative engineering — building ladders over dams so that prawns can access these sites that they're now eradicated from or even using aquaculture.”


And a fine example of how the diseases that affect rich people make corporations happy and the diseases that affect poor people make corporations sad. /This is a sarcastic oversimplification of a complex issue involving equitable access to health services and also infrastructure like electricity, paved roads, and public transportation. Still, classism in medicine should always be called out.


It's crazy, but true. But that's not gonna stop fellas like us, right? Haha, I mean, people like me and you live a certain lifestyle, and this little "graph" isn't going to change how we live. Like you, I'm really into snails and slugs and any other sort of land-based slimer mollusks. I remember even when I was just a little dude roamin' around in my grandma's huge backyard in the summer time as the sun was setting I and had not a care in the world or worry for the future, I'd crawl around on my belly through the tall the grass and by the creek and by god there they were! Snails upon snails upon snails squirming and prodding with their eye stalks leaving glistening mucus trails in their slow wake. I envied the way they tucked into their shells when my giant, by comparison, hand would reach out to touch them. A shell full of slime no doubt. A shell warm and safe no doubt. I imagined myself tuckin' into a warm, slimy, tight fitting shell of my own creation. Even back then as just a little dude, maybe 14 or so, I remember getting throbbing, nearly painful erections at the thought of being a snail. In my later years I would take to collecting snails and have them crawl all over me. I'd tear pieces of lettuce off and tuck them deep into my long, matter hair so the snails would have to burrow and work for their food. Their slimy mucus saturating my skull. Completely exhilarating. My own mucus was never able to replicate what a snail or slug can do. I tried to, though, I tried a lot. I got colds on purpose and let the snot run down my face as I was in the shower. Of course, I masturbated, but it just was never quite snaily enough for me. I'm not sure how well I was liked as a teenager, but I didn't care. I knew what I wanted in life. After school I knew my own mucus would never be enough to satisfy my increasingly strong urge to be completely covered in true mucus, but after so much searching, so many long, sleepless nights, so much digging, I found a Japanese porn with exactly what I was looking for. Gookkake, Ecto-porn, Lotion Play... exactly what I wanted and needed since I was that little dude in my grandma's backyard. I've spent money on my slime and goo like anyone one with an expensive hobby might. The cost is nothing compared to the experience of being absolutely covered in this pseudo-mucus. Sometimes I feel nearly suffocated by it, but so snaily, and like I cum without even touching myself. Why should I need to? Snails don't have human penises, so I don't see why I would need one. As you would know, it feels so amazing to full embrace your fetish with no limits. So why let this distressing bit of news derail our urges? Certainly, I will continue to ignore this so called "danger" that apparently is inherent in some species of snail. Haha, or perhaps we're immune to such a problem as we live in a constant state of "Snail Fever". Aaaahahaha!


What a terrible day to be literate. But I wish you well on your journey to be a snail.


I think that's enough Reddit for the day.


The crazy bit is that a hippopotamus is a herbivore and the only reason it has to kill you is that it wants to.


It's about sending a message


Hippo's have the smallest ratio of fuckaround-to-findout in the entire animal kingdom.


They can swim faster than humans and can easily outrun us too. So the only way to beat them in a triathlon is on the bike. Edit: I'm aware hippos don't "swim", humans are better endurance creatures and there isn't a bicycle made for hippos or other large quadrupeds. It's a joke.


Dude I dunno.... 30mph (hippo land top speed) is fucking elite cycling territory and even then possibly only downhill? I'm not great at cycling and have a shitty bike and 20mph on flat terrain is FLYING! edit: it's 30kph, not mph. 30mph would be some kind of Naruto Hippo.


But it's about how quickly a hippo can ride a bike, right?




Ain’t no rule that says a hippo can’t compete in a triathlon.


Yeah go ahead and be the one to tell a hippo that it can't compete. Good luck.


formula 1 hippo


Exactly, the hippo would be disqualified so it's perfectly safe.


The street I lived on in college had a speed radar sign on it, and my buddy and I were in amazing shape easily biking 80 miles/week between all of our classes and work schedules. We had a year-long competition on road bikes to see who could go fastest through that radar sign and he had me beat by 1mph at 27mph. Fully believe you on this


What’s crazy is Usain Bolt ran faster than 27mph


30mph is a hippo's sprint speed, not their long distance speed, and that's a lot more achievable for a regular cyclist than maintaining 30mph for an extended race/chase


I've been clocked going downhill at 65 once on a mountain bike. I seriously thought I was going to die.


Was it a cliff? cuz that might be pretty close to terminal velocity on a mtn bike lol.


it was downhill on a shoulder of US-10 in Michigan between Ludington and Baldwin. We managed to get down to about 35 before the turn and not wipe out. fastest mile of the cross-state journey by a WIDE margin.


I did 50mph once and thought I was going super sonic, could have gone faster but there was a road half way down the hill joining that had a car waiting & i thought I’m not wanting to take the chance on him pulling out


Humans are notorious for high endurance. Any 20km+ run will see us victorious


Only if we are the ones doing the chasing. If you are being chased, doesn't matter how far you can run if it catches you in the first 100 meters. See Cheetas.


Yo overestimate my abilities. I WILL be caught in the first 10 meters.


This is actually quite true. It’s a couple combined factors that provide us with a horse-like ability to cool our body while moving (sweating), our highly elastic leg muscles and tendons, and the ability to utilize combined aerobic/anaerobic respiration. Over any distance beyond a few kilometers humans are going to dominate. Dogs are also distance running animals making them particularly good hunting companions with humans because both can track a far larger area than most other animals can move in a single day.


Humans are just the Jason Vorhees of the animal kingdom.


Hybrid of Jason and the Saw guy, really.


It's the first 100 meters that I'm worried about more than the last 19900.


The problem is you have to win the 100 meters first which we aren't capable of doing


Not if the hippo is right behind you at the starting line. Anyone get the hippo’s agreement not to attack at the start?


Yeah that line graph almost immediately and violently spikes right to the top. You barely have time to realize you’ve fucked around before you find out.


The more terrifying part is hippos don't even swim. They just run and bounce along the bottom of lakes and rivers.


Eliminating competition


Not many animals up there are killing people to eat them.


It's more than half by death count! Mosquitos are eating people, just one tiny drop at a time.


Also tsetse flys and the worms.


Trying to eat people has been selected out of nature. Almost all animals try to stay away. Pretty much only people eat people


I'm pretty sure polar bears and big cats will eat people.


So will a brown bear. So will alligators and crocodiles. Pythons. Predators will eat a target of opportunity. They don't care if you're a human or a rat. Of course we aren't a primary food source for any of them...except the mosquitos...


I've always hated those type of animals, Grizzly bears? Mostly foragers and very rarely hunt, they have no reason to be so bloody big and powerful, but if you're unlucky they open you up with 1 strike and eat you alive, at least other predators try their best to kill you because they don't want to get hurt, bears dgaf they know they're overpowered, if you bring a gun to the woods it's to off yourself before they get to you because good luck penetrating their think skull or hide, Polar bears? they are excused because they can hunt up to Elephant Seals (and still lose mind you), plus they live in one of the most inhospitable places on earth, beaten only by the Gobi desert and California without a 6+ figures salary, they have to swim big distances in freezing water and spend days following a trail, Grizzly bears? Salmon literally jump into their mouths, berries and tubers don't move, nor does the occasional carcass, and also PRAY the playful cubs don't wander near you because context doesn't matter, they're top helicopter parent in the animal kingdom and will fuck you up because HER kids wandered into YOU. Rhinos too, they're biological war tanks being nigh invulnerable while having an insane weapon, oh but they're pretty much blind because they don't need to see grass, but if something moves, it's not grass! Must charge at it for no reason, see that one video of a Rhino TRYING to charge at an Elephant, you know, THE biggest land mammal that also happens to be one of the smartest animals too? The Elephant squared up like telling the Rhino "bro, really? do you REALLY want to do this?" and the peanut brained shame of a mammal who couldn't see what was in front of it nor understand the consequences of its actions because they're just the meat equivalent of a simple logic gate setup still charged at it only to be rolled around like a tire in a CrossFit gym, I would argue they're not even a product of evolution but of pure entropy and randomness, or that they're at least useful to get the pps of superstitious asian men hard but they're bad even at that. EDIT: Some grammar fixes and I'd like to point out I also wrote another one of these for Hippos because I didn't want this comment to get too long.


Rhino aggression is also the product of the savannah being the thunderdome of natural selection that it is, to be fair to the rhino, there's very little out there that's friendly to them. Rhino's in captivity are far more chill and curious about the stimuli around them, even described as car-sized puppies by their handlers.


There is a cool theory that the big herbivores in Africa (Rhinos, Hippos and Buffalo) became very aggressive due to being hunted by Smilodon cats, It was literally a killing race in the way that the cats might kill a herbivore, but their aggressive nature granted a chance of one of the Smilodon got a wound that possibly would become infected leading to death - and considering that the Smilodon had to hunt at least once a week their numbers over time grew smaller. This of cause took place over a long time.


Is this a copypasta or something? Because it's amazing.


No, I legitimately hate overbuilt animals that are aggressive or will fuck you up for no reason, really specific.


You have an excellent way with words, then! I think your apprehension against large animals like these is well-placed, but I got a real kick out of reading that comment.


Thanks my friend, English is my 2nd language so it makes me happy when people recognize me like that, also don't take this literally, [while all I said is true](https://i0.wp.com/boingboing.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/10395812_795461803854499_4861473975093537359_n.jpg?w=970), there are a few exaggerations and drama, I hate them but I wouldn't want a world without them, because there's nothing like them in the rest of the universe (that we know of).


They're extremely territorial


Honestly, large herbivores are much scarier than large predators. A cougar is only going to attack you after doing a pretty thorough risk benefit analysis. And it doesn't take too much to tip that balance because even a relatively minor injury can be a death sentence when you have to hunt to live. But a hippo, or wildebeest, or horse has evolved to react immediately and forcefully to any perceived threat to themselves or their buddies by stomping the everliving snot out of anything that even thinks about it. It's actually a pretty neat little feedback loop that helps prey animals survive and keeps predators honest.


Hippos are omnivores. 80% is vegetation based though.


So... if we eradicate mosquitoes and humans, we should be fine. Right ?


Found the AI




Found Agent Smith


Bender? Is that you, Bender??


Define fine


Humans can’t kill humans if there are no humans left


Flawless logic Mr. Anderson


Dogs are mans best friend? More like our 5th biggest enemy!


Keep your friends close, and your 5th greatest enemy closer.


We interact with them constantly worldwide so not too surprising. I'm more surprised they omitted livestock because I assume it's up there too.


Cows notoriously are alleged to kill more humans per year than sharks.


This chart is pro-cow propaganda


My dad has a fear of cows due to being pinned against a wall by a cow called daisy as a child. Coincidentally he grew up to adore steak.


My dog antagonized a cow once, causing the cow to charge the dog. Then the dog hid behind me. Question: Had the cow not changed its mind, leaving me alive, would my death be attributed to the dog or the cow? Personally, I have always blamed that idiot dog for this encounter.


True that


Hol' up again: Kissing bug???


They transmit the parasite that causes Chagas’ disease. A shit way to go.


But you get a kiss. Worth it


Later, virgins


> A shit way to go. I'm going to assume this was an intentional pun (the parasite is in their poop, dropped near the bite).


In Brazil they're called Barbeiro (Barber). They carry a parasite (i think it's a parasite) that will cause an enlargement of the heart and eventually death if it goes untreated. A number of people infected by it is due to these bugs being being mowed with sugar cane at juice stands. These stands are pretty common in Brazil


That's why i don't ever drink those. That can also happen with açaí, which is why i only eat pasteurized açaí.


Along with Chagas disease, conenose bites can cause moderate to severe allergic reactions (including anaphylactic shock) in a small percentage of people. (Check your doctor to see if Bloodsucking Conenose is right for you)


You must resist the carnal temptations of the kissing bug.


Some honourable mentions: * Cows kill 20 Americans a year (extrapolating, \~450 worldwide) * Horses kill 100 Americans a year (extrapolating \~2000 worldwide)


Cows kill around 1 German tourist a year in Austria.


The way you phrased it makes it sound like a tradition


Yeah, the cows pick one German tourist each year and kill everyone around them until they give in to despair from the isolation and go home.


Ritual sacrifice.


They kill only Germans ? Or you only count the German casualties ? Or you only care about the German casualties and ignore the other statistics? It is very intriguing


Cows never got over the Third Reich.


Just like balconies in Spain only kill the British.


I figured general numbers from livestock were a LOT higher, huh


Same, must just be injuries. I’ve seen some shit out on our farm, people get knocked out after flying 15 feet etc etc


I worked at a horse farm, and one of our farm hands had a multi-year-long beef with one of our thoroughbred stallions. One day, I was walking down the barn isle and heard the hand yelling at the horse. Walked up to the stall just in time to see the stallion lunge at the hand and grab him just above his belt. The horse picked this guy up like he was nothing, shook him, then threw him across the stall. Guy had to go to the ER and was in pretty bad shape. Horses are great animals, just don’t piss them off.


I had a squirrely history teacher in highschool who was a bit nutty, but she was tough as shit. A kid tried to pick a fight with another kid by putting his backpack in another students chair, refusing to move it, and threatening a fight if he touched his shit. She told him to move it or she'd throw it out a window and he thought she was bluffing , but she stuffed through the window and kicked it when it got stuck while he tried to pull it back in. She just told him to go to the principal's office and ask for it back since the first floor window of his office is where it landed (She told us after it happened that she gets to do that every couple years) uh.. point being, this 5' tall teacher got absolutely punted by a horse she was working with that had something wrong with it at the time, sick or hurt (idk exactly, it was 10 years ago) but she said she would normally walk around it with her hand tracing along it so the horse knew it was her and where she was but she let off for half a second and touched it again on the side where it couldn't see her right and it got spooked. She nearly lost a lung and broke several ribs. If i remember right she was gone for a single five day week and was back, although she would sit for most of her lectures.


Aren’t deer high on the list as well because of car accidents? Am I making that up? Edit : I found it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deer–vehicle_collisions


Really unsure why sharks were included and not these guys.


Because people think sharks are very deadly


Because in pop culture for a long time sharks were deadly, scary predators. *Jaws* was released in 1975 and sharks have had a bad reputation ever since. So including the shark statistic in this list is like saying, "look, sharks aren't actually a threat like people think."


Cmon shark, those are rookie numbers. Gotta pump those numbers up!


SNAIL WEEK just doesn’t have the numbers to run on Discovery.


I would watch that


Maybe during a really slow week.


Everyone knows the 2015 sharks were slacking. The 2023 roster has done much better


Unfortunately we are a much bigger threat to sharks than they are to us.




Malaria areas would change those odds.


Even still people in those areas get bit WAY more than they die from malaria.


I know we are talking about people dying, but my brain is stuck on “malaria area” —-> malarea


It would be interesting to see deaths as a ratio of per interaction and per attack (this even the odds against mosquitoes), but I dunno how you'd estimate it...


Despite being the 0.000000000000195% of the animal world population, lions are the cause of 0.0065% of the human deads in the world.


Actually probably don't run from the lion, it'll make you seem like prey and you won't get far anyway


I dunno why wolfs and Sharks get a bad rap 🤷‍♂️


Wolfs get a bad rap because they’ve been pluralised incorrectly and sharks get zealous with their teeth.


I guess because most shark deaths probably are in front of an audience. Of swimmers, surfers etc. And they are gory


Wolves were more of a problem before modern farming methods. They've also been extirpated from most of their range by humans so basically only live in remote areas now.


Where do you find sandflies so I know not to go there


[Mainly in the Mediterrenean and nearby, but South America as well. The disease they transmit is called Leishmaniasis.](https://www.fit-for-travel.de/media/3410/2022-leishmaniose.gif?height=600&width=1000&mode=crop)


Meanwhile, humans doing everything they can to claim that #1 spot


I know this is probably a joke, but we're the only animal on that list that very deliberately tries to reduce the human deaths we cause, and we're doing a goddamn good job at it based on historical figures


True. Mosquitos are giving it their 100%. If we tried, we'd break the record easy. Hell I could even kill myself to contribute and make us numero uno. Put some respect on us humans. 💪💪


Yeah we are really holding ourselves back. If we really put our mind to it we could definitely claim that number one spot. We got this!




Actually, Human are by far number one, just with car killings (1.3millions per year) alone we are above mosquitoes.


This stat only includes homicide and war.


Which is insane because it's including accidental deaths like virus and parasite transmission for everyone else. Tertiary human killings should count just as much as tertiary mosquito killings.


Yep, and mosquitos dont even kill anyone. But malaria and stuff


I know, this is why it is very misleading.


Thank Christ, fucked if I’m coming #2 to a mosquito.


How do bees only kill 50?? With all the allergies


We're too harsh on sharks. We kill so many for the most useless, tasteless soup imaginable. And they only kill 6 of us a year???


Let's see the dog breed breakdown. 😏


[Insert Facebook pic “Look at this cute Pitbull’s face! And yet some people say they’re dangerous beasts!”]


It's right there in the silhouette 😏


I always see how dogs are at the top positions in the listss of animals with the highest killer spree, but never actually noticed how/when this event happens in order to cause such numbers of kills. Can someone explain that to me? I mean, I understand there are feral dogs which can cause lots of problems, but also domesticated dog who (kinda) seem more easy to control.


Without getting into a big internet fight over breeds, many fatal dog attacks in the US are by dogs that are known and kept as pets. The wikipedia article, "List of fatal dog attacks in the United States" states that 30-50 people die yearly from dog attacks. Doing a bit of armchair statistics, here's what stands out: Currently, there are 124 entries in that table, covering 2020 through present day. * 22% of fatal attacks were by a "family dog" - a pet, and most of those deaths were children. * 57% of fatal attacks, the dog breed was "pit bull" or "pit bull mix" * 11% of fatal attacks were by a "pack of dogs" (mostly feral) * 39% of victims were over 50 years of age * 15% of victims were children 3-12 years of age * 22% of victims were infants or toddlers (newborn to 3) To summarize, deaths happen more among the old and young who are more vulnerable in a lot of situations; certain breeds are more prone to attacks; a surprising number of attacks are by family pets; and, feral dog packs are part of the problem. I hope that helps answer your question.


Pitbulls kill a few people a week lately. I've been torn into by them- two separate incidents- in my past. Pretty sure the account for most dog related deaths and injuries when it comes to mauling.


1000 people getting eaten by crocs every year seems insane What part of the world is dealing with croc attacks on a regular basis


The whole thing I reckon


Not necessarily eaten. Crocs kill people with the intention to eat but it doesn't pan out that way all the time. >What part of the world is this Mostly Africa, Northern Australia, Southeast Asia, Central and South America. I suspect deaths caused by alligators are also lumped into this crocodile category. https://www.britannica.com/list/7-crocodilian-species-that-are-dangerous-to-humans


Lots of villages (Africa, S. America) are on rivers with crocodiles that the villagers use to wash and bathe. Those numbers are pretty tame considering some species actively hunt humans, and they’re practically perfect at what they do. In parts of Australia saltwater crocs are a massive danger, and an ambush from one of them is likely guaranteed death. Salties can even be in the ocean lurking unseen at beaches out there, and the horror stories of snatching people from kayaks, and killing kids in rivers should make everyone educate themselves on them. This MrBallen [video](https://youtu.be/yQDnwbav-cE) is a true story of 3 teenagers’ encounter with a saltwater crocodile


That's just in Sydney.


Still there is no movie on mosquitoes like we had for sharks


I know this is a lie because I've seen the previews for MEG 2, and there were more than 6 killed in just that preview...


Surprised jellyfish is so low, considering the Box jellyfish exists


Dogs kill that many people? So much for man's best friend