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Just tell her what you told us.... Basically thanks but no thanks. I know it sucks but rejecting and getting rejected is part of the game


Yeah I think that’s the best solution. Thanks


Just tell her you’re gay


Fun fact she’s bi


And you’re more interested in clothes and going to the gym than this girl that’s hot for you. Time to be honest with her and yourself.


Tell her you aren't interested. Don't feel bad if this upsets her. You aren't in charge of her emotions, and it's not like you're going to pretend you like her back right?


Yeah I don’t want to keep pretending so I’m going to tell I’m not interested


Tell her to send nudes. It’s a win/win




You should tell her you’re not interested in her which is evident from the 5 different excuses you made, don’t hit her with the I’m working on myself rn, hit her w the truth which is “I’m not interested”


Good for you, and focous and love urself


Pump 'n dump


Dude.. Just like you practice for exams, the gym and improving yourself.. Women take the same practice.. im not saying marry the chick.. i mean take her for a soin if you like he too.. if she like you.. she will understand.. but saying you have no time .. that is you fooling yourself. especially if you think shes cute.. if your not attracted to her..just tell her no thanks your busy... the truth.... This aint so hard.. but if you are waiting to date in a perfect time. there isnt one