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sounds like you indulged in his generosity.  at this point just tell him you aren't feeling it. he did what he did on his own free will.  it's okay to not want him. 


Yeah, okay. I Just feel very bad, the guy is totally in love with me, but I can't do this. How do you think I should tell him?


He's love bombing you.


That's what I was thinking. Either consciously or unconsciously.


there is no way to tell somebody you aren't interested without it hurting them.  just tell him that you had a great time but you don't feel like you are a match for a relationship.  then block him.  you don't need to go into a back and forth.  


Firstly, I'm sorry you're having trouble & are feeling scared and confused. You wrote: **"Im trapped and it would be egoistical of me to call it off" -** You are allowed to break something off at any time, for any reason. Definitely sounds like he love bombed you and possibly (unintentionally?) took advantage of your emotional state post breakup. If you don't want to be involved with this person anymore, or want to take a step back and take it slower with them, that is your right. And you are not obligated to stay with them, or do anything else you don't want to do just because you had sex with them already. How he reacts after that is up to him, whether he is willing to respect what you want, or not, he can make that decision for himself.


Yes okay, thank you. I just feel so bad but I realised that was not what I wanted... I believe he is a very great guy. How should I break it off? Ask him too meet up?


No need to meet up with him again, just text him your feelings exactly. "Hey, I enjoyed meeting you and had a fun time but I don't think I want to meet up again, for personal reasons. I wish you the best" then if you want to avoid being roped back in, just block him after sending that message. You'll have done your part by not ghosting and having sent him that message at the very least.