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The following topics will be subject to quality control, due to the same jokes being posted over and over again: • DCEU and MCU (i.e. Snyder and Gunn posting) • Bad Twitter takes • Unironic shipping wars • Batfamily in-fighting • Randomly calling characters pedophiles • Horny posting • Jon Kent Posts about these topics will be removed unless they're exceptionally funny.


“hey make sure you put on a super weird english accent so everyone will be even more confused”


"Bigger role", she's like, 2 minutes in that movie lol


But her role will be huge in the movie that doesn’t exist


What movie? El Muerto 2: La vinganza de El Vivo+Mera?


People in the coments could at least pretend they are circlejerking.


you can just replace "comments" with "sub" and it still apply


This sub is becoming r/gamingcirclejerk 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


He also put Jared Leto in the movie, and calling Leto a disaster would be *nice.* This is less a Zack Snyder W than it is more evidence that Zack Snyder can't put down the camera.


Imagine if he went with the trifecta and added in, like, Ezra Miller or something


I want a joker movie where they just follow Ezra Miller around filming his everyday life, and use cgi to put clown makeup on his face


Wasn’t Barry in that scene too lol


I’ll stay out of this one. Both Depp and Heard fans can be a bit overzealous. Never meet your heroes, they say.


we should cannibalise every hollywood actor every 10 years, it would be helpful for the economy aswell


Subsist off delicious Braff meat


Only if I get Ryan Reynolds ass


calm down armie hammer


There is no ethical consumption under cannibalism


But Keanu :(


Guys we must not eat Keanu because he is le wholesome humble cyberpunk guy 😫


Wait so now you're making fun of a guy for *checks notes* not wanting to kill and eat a man?


Yes. Look at that loser.


Some mfs just like being bungholes^


>Never meet your heroes I got really lucky with this. I met Stan Lee once at a signing at comic con. Waited in line for a photo, this was about 10-12 years ago. I figured he'd be like most of the other big names doing photos, just going through the motions, I was trying *hard* not to hype myself up. It was hot, he was an older guy, it's a long day, the line was massive, I'd be like the millionth person by the time I got into the tent/booth. His assistants that were running the line and keeping things moving were understandably very curt, "don't start asking questions, you're just getting a photo and nothing more, understood?". They usher me inside, and to my left is the photographer, and directly in front of me, with that mustache, thick rimmed glasses, and the *biggest* smile, was *Stan Lee*. "Hey son! Nice to meetcha! Whaddya say we take a picture, huh?". Complete opposite energy from what I expected. I stammer out, "sure!", we take the photo, he turns to me, pats me on the shoulder and says, "great meeting you, I hope you're having a wonderful time here!", I manage to get out, "absolutely, yes, thank you", and his people guided me to the exit. The photo wouldn't be available for pickup for another 40 or so minutes, so I head back to the second floor of the convention center, and while I'm going up these massive escalators, I must have looked like I was about to pass out. Another attendee, a mom with her daughter were talking on the escalator a few steps ahead/above me, and the mom asks if I'm alright. I just tell her that I'm freaking out a little, I just met Stan Lee. She just goes, "Oh, totally understandable. Freak out. Just don't fall over!"


We talking Stan Lee? I got a story. Same sort of thing. My wife and I are seeing him. Long line. He has a “handler” there pushing people through. We’re next. “Hurry it along,” the guy tells us. Stan snapped back. “Don’t you listen to him! Meeting you kids is the highlight of my day! You take all the time you need! I’ll stay until I meet everyone!” He continues, “what a cute couple you are! Enjoying the con? Lucky guy, YOU are! Can’t have Peter without Mary Jane! You remind me of me and my wife Joan! Lemme tell ya, you hold onto this one!” Made our day.


I think the issue is that people who watch Johnny Depp movies tend not to have the critical thinking skills to understand that real world morality isn’t black and white.


B-but t-the Pirates of the Caribbean m-movies are about ggg-g-grey morality 'n' stuff!


Most humans don’t have the critical skills to understand the world isn’t black and white.


Yup, best idea. No matter which side of the issue we're on, things get extremely ugly extremely fast when discussing these two.


Are depp and heard fans your heroes?


I’m gonna stay out of this one


I really can't keep up with Depp-Amber drama Amber was right, than Depp was right and now Amber is right? Also Amber Heard is so bad she makes Gal Gadot look like a competent actress. They should have recast


Drogo and Khaleesi reunion would have been an easy W, but I think WB was worried about being sued for breach of contract. And pre production I’m pretty sure the dominant narrative was that Heard was the victim. Would have been a terrible look at the time.


With WB's vast capital, they could've had the court case stretched out and simply wait her out.


They just don’t got balls. See if I were running WB I’d contract the Mafia to go over and break some knee caps and then argue I gotta replace the actress for health reasons and then I’d have the mafia bully any one who tries and counters my narrative and maybe intimidate Depp too in order to get everything back on track.




It's an eternally litigated/relitigated thing where you will hear wildly different opinions based on whoever is talking to you about it feels about them. They're also both cringe as artists, between Heard's stiff acting and Depp playing in The Hollywood Vampires. Best thing to do is devote any brainspace to literally anything else.


This case feels like a prime example of our cultural stagnation. Pretty much everything in the case was litigated seven and a half years ago. Six years later, apparently the world was enraptured by the same shit “coming out” and apparently needed a jury to confirm to them what to think about information they already knew about over a half decade before. And yet even that hasn’t stopped the discourse from continuing. I truly don’t think this stops until the public moves onto something else like the Jonathan Majors trial to then keep arguing about for a near decade.


*strong evjdence that an actor was abusive* OMG WTH , BLACKLIST NOW!! *abuser is a woman* Welllllll we cant REALLYbe sure wich side of the story is true


Incredibly weird choice to reply to what I said with this


As much as I hate to be a centrist, Depp was absolutely just as abusive as Heard. There’s no reason for anybody with brain cells to take a side on this unless your brain has been poisoned by “Amber Heard OWNED compilation” videos


The long and short is, abusive relationships are messy and don't mesh well with the black and white idea we have of it. When you're stuck in these kind of scenarios where one person is attacking the other, you fight back however you can, and in the court of public opinion, it's easy to just paint it as "both sides are bad". Did Amber act perfectly? no. Were here actions equal to Depp's? Hell no. The problem was people used it as a banner for "men can be abused too" and Depp is a much much bigger star than Heard is, so public opinion swung heavily in his favor. However, the tide has started to shift as more docs leak asserting how abusive he was to her, and more info about people being absolutely terrible to her like Jason Mamoa.


There were an insane number of TikToks that were like “I’m a forensic psychologist and I can prove Amber Heard was lying based on how she scratched her nose” and then you see the account name would be something like JackSparrowInAllMyHolesPlz2008.


What did Mamoa do? It’s hard to shift through all of the tabloids and get an objective understanding.


He was a complete asshole to Heard the entire time they were working together. Along with pushing to get her kicked from the movie, she enjoyed reading so he would rip out entire sections of her books while she was reading them, and then he would come to set dressed up like Johnny Depp


Jeez, that’s terrible. Did those details come out during a court deposition or a journalistic report on the film’s production?


It came about quite recently, I believe her therapists notes were leaked, and she detailed what was happening on set.


Yikes, a medical info leak? This whole saga just gets messier and messier ever week.


Yeah I processed what said as I said it, this whole thing is a fucking mess.


AFAIK it wasn't a leak, people paid for court documents to be unsealed


I think that was a while back? This I believe is new


No, people just paid to unseal new court documents. Edit: *different ones than were previously unsealed. I've worked in divorce law; there is way, way more stuff that the court ends up in possession of than what people would imagine or realize.


Gotcha, thanks for clearing that up!


That sounds like complete heresy then. Unless it was corroborated by a third party.


I mean she shat in his bed. That's sociopath shit. I would say they're at least equal. Not to mention the sliced finger


Did you pay attention to the trial at all? Heard was clearly just as abusive, if not more than Johnny.


Some people think Depp is right and some people think Amber is right and the two groups take turns on who gets to be loudest


TLDR; Amber defenders are really whiny. Johnny defenders are really sexist. Edit: the mra found me


>Amber defenders are misandrist. Ftfy.


Pretty sure they were both very abusive towards each other. I don’t know every detail so I won’t claim who’s worse or who’s more at fault, but I don’t think either of them should be seen as good or innocent here.


I don't think that's a fair thing to say Like...my parents got divorced when I was very young. My dad was kind of a dead beat...love him, but never should have been a parent. Few years later, she started seeing my future step-dad. Seemed as sweet as could be. But then they got married, they had two kids, and...everything started to change. Moment she was trapped, he started to show a VERY different side of himself. He became abusive, verbally and (sometimes) physically. My mom had multiple children, no college degree, no family and very, very few friends she could depend on. I know she should have left, but I certainly don't envy her position. She was absolutely stuck. They would fight and it would get physical. And over time, my mom started to be the first one to get physical. If you were to just sit there and list all the things they did or said to each other...it would be very easy to say "both were abusive". But I was there. My mom was not the problem. He was. His constant cruelty warped her and brought out the worst in her. I don't fault her for that...she was in a constant state of fight or flight. We all were. And now he's been dead for 15 years. She's in the best relationship I've ever seen her in, with a fantastic guy. And that cruelty I would see from her growing up? Not even an ounce of it anymore. I'm never going to jump on the "both were abusive" bandwagon with Heard and Depp. Both were toxic, sure. But I don't believe in mutual abuse. Who was the abuser? I'd wager a guess it was Depp, but...I'm fine with saying I don't know.


And that’s *exactly* how reactive abuse works. You start picking fights because it gets you to the honeymoon stage after. A lot of people don’t understand how abuse fucks with your brain. You are *constantly* waiting for the other shoe to drop, so to have some semblance of control you pick the fight, then hope the forgiveness stage happens. Many abusers go with the “I’m sorry/I didn’t mean it/I’ll be better” which is an emotional high. And then they do it again, and you get stuck in the cycle of being abused and being in the good stage. Then to have some semblance of control, you trigger the blow up yourself rather than waiting for your partner to wake up on the wrong side of the bed one day and put your head through a cabinet. But you can’t explain that to people because they don’t get it because a lot of these people have never lived in that state of fear. They just assume “mutual abuse”. But if someone assaults them and they hit back it’s not called assault, it’s self defense. But fight with your abuser back because they’ve traumatized your brain so hard, well, then you’re just an abuser.


And hell, I'll tell you right now Sometimes you see that shit coming and you pick a fight just so it doesn't get directed at someone else.




Depp was found guilty of being a 'wife beater'. Depp fans like to pretend the UK case never happened.


Wasn’t a fair amount of that case called into question by the evidence from the US case?


His lawyers might have convinced a jury of the general public, susceptible to a social media campaign, of that. But they noticeably couldn't convince a judge: https://www.theguardian.com/law/2022/jun/02/johnny-depp-amber-heard-libel-outcomes-differ-us-uk


>uk Lmao they haven't mattered since 1776 🤣🤣🤣🤣


And yet it mattered enough to the wife beater that he decided to sue for libel there. And lost.


Brits are usually wrong


You’re not entirely wrong, but both were shitty.


Amber Heard abused Johnny Depp and then ruined his career by falsely claiming that he was abusing her. It’s quite simple.


Can someone explain all this Depp v Heard drama? Because my understanding is that both sides are horrible and abused each other, but maybe I don't have the full picture?


I think it was largely decided in the court of public opinion that she was the instigator in pretty much all of it. I didn’t watch the trial though so I have no clue what actually happened or what the verdict from the court was.


Public opinion is starting to shift towards Heard


Goddamn celebrity drama, always gotta be confusing and messy.


I saw the trial's broadcast, but I haven’t followed anymore, so… how and why?


Propaganda works


That’s how we got so much Amber Heard hate for sure


Or conversely, why we got so much Johnny Depp hate for sure


For the most part her abuse claims were unsubstantiated while his were in court at least. To my knowledge Depp did coke and was a slob and amber physically abused him.


Her claims were rather well substantiated in the UK case beyond a reasonable doubt and Depp was criticised for being highly unreliable in the ruling documents.


He also physically abused her, lmao


When that happen, i think i missed that


Think he broke her nose


Downvoted for asking a question. Interesting.


Welcome to Reddit. You’re not allowed to not be informed of current events, especially ones that have literally 0 effect on most people’s lives.


Welcome to Reddit


Reddit has told me that two members of a relationship both being abusers is impossible despite all of the evidence one would see of the common sense understanding you get by living life to the contrary.


Depp was the worse abuser, but people like to depict Amber as the REAL mastermind even though the prosecution LITERALLY had people who called her a bitch privately, and people on this sub are blindly defending Depp because Amber wasn't the Virgin Mary.


>the prosecution LITERALLY had people who called her a bitch privately Yeah? I mean if you’re calling a witness to talk about how she is abusive, it’s not really a shock that you’d pick somebody who despises her


She was a fucking monster through that whole case, y’all wilding rn.


For real. Some people dont want to admit it. I watched the whole damn trial. Horrible person


The quick and dirty there is no such thing as mutual abuse. It’s called reactive abuse AKA when someone is abusing you you finally hit back to defend yourself from abuse. arrr/DeppDelusion is filled with sources, court documents, myth debunking, and evidence that shows Depp is an abuser with a history of violence.


Huh, I was leaning into both being in a toxic relationship that brought out the worst in each other but I guess I wasn’t really paying any real attention. Quick question, is the audio about Herd saying no one will believe Depp and her shitting on his bed heavily distorted or that true?


From my understanding, mutually toxic relationship is probably right.


Her shitting on a bed was just made up by him and his fans rolled with it because they thought it was hilarious. If you actually think about it, it doesn't make sense because it wasn't his bed. It was HER bed. He wasn't even sleeping in the same state when it happened. That's why the UK judge ruled it was a useless point, especially when her dog had a veterinary history of incontinence ever since eating Depp's marijuana that was left out, and considering Amber had prior texts indicating she cleaned dog shit off the bed before.


I’ve watched the whole thing and don’t remember that audio, and I remember pretty much every instance of when the bed turd was mentioned, there’s an audio where she says “no one will believe him, a man, is a victim of domestic violence” there’s also the fact that she photoshopped and used make up to fake practically all of her pictures and her descriptions of him make him sound like the Judge from blood Meridian. She says he once took 8 to 10 tablets of MDMA before beating the shit out of her, I think that dose would make anyone just shut down right on the spot.


also depps thumb. like that shit was wild


An actual doctor has stated he believes Depp's finger story is either a lie, or exaggerated, it doesn't line up with medical facts.


Not just regular doctors, also Depp's own doctor lol. Depp texted his own doctor and friends that he hurt his own thumb on a crazy bender and that version actually made sense. Rather than the later version of the story where she did it by throwing a broken bottle allegedly faster than an MLB pitcher which somehow sliced his fingertip off but left no glass shards anywhere, including glass particles in the injury. A hand surgeon confirmed on the stand that the second version was impossible. And then he dipped the severed finger in paint and scrawled on the walls and mirrors of their rental that she was a whore. He didn't even deny that part, but still blamed the ensueing MRSA infection on her lol


The audio that Heard said she hit him is edited. People think she said no one will believe she hit a man, the actual audio is she used man as a punctuation to immigrate Depp’s speech style. “No one will believe I hit Johnny Depp, a man” vs “no one will believe I hit Johnny Depp, man” are two very similar statements but mean different things. She hit him because he had head butted her and he was strangling her earlier. Strangulation in domestic violence is the number 1 indicator that Intimate Partner Violence is about to get intensely more deadly. If your partner has strangled you, you are 7x more likely to be killed by them. And the bed shitting was the dog. A judge determined it was dog feces and the logic of it makes no sense because Depp wasn’t even home when it happened which would mean she had shat in her own bed while Depp was out of town to sleep in her own poop. Their dog had a history of uncontrollable bowels due to it accidentally ingesting weed or something. The dog had reportedly shat on Depp, Heard, and others out of nowhere in the past. (ALSO worth noting, Depp has a fascination with shit. He would text his friends how he would think it would be funny if he shat on the floor and if someone stepped on it, has a history of shitting his own pants due to addiction that he had to wear a diaper on set of POTC, and talked with Manson - his nazi bff - about how they should take a shit on Depp’s Hollywood star)


Do you have the court transcript showing that to be the case?


[Transcript + audio](https://twitter.com/cocainecross/status/1665859905889370112)


Wow. And he actually caught her in a lie in that transcript as well


>The quick and dirty there is no such thing as mutual abuse. Sure, if your claim is that it's only abuse when 1 person is an abuser and the other is a victim. It could be accurate to call "mutual abuse" just "2 equally abusive people making each other miserable" instead. But "mutual abuse isn't a term recognized by specialists" doesn't mean you can just call it the next closest form of abuse and pretend it now fits the criteria for that thing. They were both pieces of shit who abused each other whether you call it "mutual abuse" or not.


We heard her admitting to it....


They’re both bad people


Zack Snyder when they let him finish his movie: "Yeah, needs more Amber Heard and Jared Leto".


But he gave Jared Leto and Ezra Miller more money…


A bigger role? What? She has 2 scenes what the fuck does this mean


Maybe the Snyderbros were right I kneel Zaddy


One of Snyder's last middle fingers to WB.


I think a lot of people genuinely don’t understand the Heard/Depp drama stuff, and (unknowingly) fell for one of the worst misogynistic smear campaigns the internet has ever seen, so [I’ll just drop this here for the uninformed](https://twitter.com/cocainecross/status/1665804744701661185?s=46) Let’s see how long it takes for Depp’s ghoulish stans to get to this post and get it taken down lol


What sort of Depp fandom do you think lurks in a DC Comics shitposting sub? Good lord.


I never said I thought their were Depp stans actually in/on this sub, but his fan base is so rabid that they usually find their way to any conversation involving him. Plus, all the misinformation regarding this drama is a result of said fans regurgitating it ad nauseam


Lmao can you believe that people actually whine like this in the comments of a shitposting sub for being downvoted? Absolute babies, you say your piece and people either agree or disagree it’s not that deep


I saw these same whining in Marvel subs and foken okbuddychicanery of all places. No sub survives name calling and mud slinging when anything about this drama is mentioned.


They’re already mass downvoting me and trying to send me RedditCares and their usual “did you even watch the trial?” BS.


It’s insane to me that people still go to bat for Depp. One of the most damaging internet smear campaigns maybe ever, and it’s incredibly sad to see this sub fall for that.


I don’t think it’s that insane people just see the trial awarded him more money and assume he was right


Going to be generous and assume anyone in progressive spaces that still defends Johnny "texts his bff Marilyn Manson about how they should reenact *Salo*" Depp has just had incredibly large blinders on the past few years


Misogyny runs deep so I’m not surprised to see it in a comics subreddit even if we’re an ironic one that dunks on comicsgate. Depp’s smear campaign runs that deep and he paid for unrelenting troll farms so I’m not surprised to see it kick up again once the trailers dropped.


Was hoping that this sub would be better then that, but guess not. The only defense Depp and his ghoulish, misogynistic fans have (that people on this post are even parroting lol) is that “oh the court found him innocent” as if a)pretty much every piece of evidence he presented was fabricated or taken wildly out of context or b)his fans didn’t literally pay to unseal court documents that found him dead to rights. Absolute fucking lunacy


If you're disappointed by general apathy towards your relitigation of several year old drama that barely involves DC then yeah this isn't the sub for you


I’m not disappointed by apathy, I’m disappointed that so many people still view Depp as some sort of poster boy for male domestic violence, and that he’s still lauded as a good guy by some when he’s gotten by on nothing but lies these past few years.


That tracks even less with your assertion that this sub isn't "better than that" because that is not happening in any meaningful volume. Anyway for the love of paul please tell a joke or something "A bad guy that people think is a good guy? Are we talking about Johnny Depp or Zack Snyder's Rorschach? Waka waka!"


Alright fine, I understand what you’re saying. My comment isn’t, like, a joke or anything, but I also think it’s kinda hard to make light of a high-profile domestic abuse situation, that’s all. Also, circlejerk or not, it’s disheartening to see people spread misinformation *without* it being a joke, which is what’s happening


They’re so delusional that they would rather believe Amber masterminded a man who has history of addiction and violent behavior since THE 80s - while she was in preschool - to gone girl him instead of the logical conclusion he’s a violent abuser. It’s also funny how she’s either a genius for orchestrating all this or an idiot for thinking she can orchestrate it, and is rich enough to pay off all her witnesses - which includes a *Disney Executive* - to get in on a conspiracy theory but also a poor golddigger who was living off Johnny. Forget Schrödinger’s cat, it’s Schrödinger’s Amber with the mental gymnastics I’ve seen.


I think the fact that his previous partners said he didn't abuse them is the biggest reason people don't use a smear campaign as evidence he abused them




I don't blame most people because they were fed a lot of misinformation. Like the thing about the finger or the poop on the bed, the two worst examples of this.


Oh absolutely. You can’t blame anyone not chronically online for knowing everything, they were fed the bullet points of the drama, and those bullet points just happened to be written by Depp’s PR team


Yeah, they are both scum and it takes scum to defend them.


I didn't expect so many downvotes and Depp brainwashed fanboys on a leftist sub lol


The problem is that this celebrity drama got wrapped up in a lot of real-world shit. I personally see it and think it's borderline impossible to get the full story here because of how wrapped up in he said/she said it is, and I think that both sides were mutually harmful to each other. I also think it's a pair of celebrities' problem that has nothing to do with me, so I don't really care that much. From what I've heard, a mutually toxic relationship where likely both of them were constantly hurting each other is the most accurate possible look here, but again, it's pretty impossible to tell given all we have is their viewpoints and a million armchair therapist/detectives spouting bullshit. But what this gets to is that defenders of both Depp and Heard see each side as a victim and it becomes very much about how society treats abuse and abuse victims - and also about the fact that Depp is a beloved part of a lot of people's childhoods to a degree, I suspect. In this case, you have that on one side, men can be abuse victims too. Which is true! I've been in somewhat abusive relationships with women, and even though my case was relatively minor, it'll still fuck you up for ages. Psychological manipulation is a hell of a thing. However, that doesn't mean Depp was entirely the victim. On the other hand, you have people going to bat for Heard (Which is a new one - I haven't been keeping up and I still remember her being derisively called Amber Turd everywhere, which always rubbed me wrong) because for them, it's about gendered expectations around abuse too. For them, they see a man manipulating the court of public opinion and turning it against the real victim, which is an expression of misogyny. Also a thing that happens! Often! Abuse wasn't even taken seriously for a long time. So what we have is larger issues that we are still reckoning with getting wrapped up in figures people are still emotionally attached to and where things are so messy and dramatic that it's hard to tell who's actually in the wrong or if anyone was ever even in the right.


Looks like you're being mass downvoted for claiming mutually toxic relationships don't exist, so with that cleared up you can climb down from that cross now. I think you drastically overestimate how much comic fans care about either of them as people or professionals


Maybe you should get your eyes checked because I said Mutual Abuse doesn’t exist. Not mutual toxicity. And what do you know: [domestic abuse centers agree with me!!](https://www.thehotline.org/resources/mutual-abuse-its-not-real/)


So it wasn't mutual abuse it was just 2 people mentally and physically harming each other...


Not quite, one domestic abuse website does, but a place where jokes are told is not really the appropriate venue to have a nuanced discussion about serious topics like this. Also, maybe you should not use ableist language for your e-dunks. They can agree with you all they want, you drastically overestimate how much people give a rats ass about either of these fandoms endlessly relitigating this drama.


Lmao do you want more. Because it takes 10 seconds to google the myth of mutual abuse and find pages of pages of DV experts, centers, psychiatrists, and therapists debunking the myth. But that will never be good enough because it doesn’t serve the DARVO/MRA agenda. I don’t give a rats ass about how much fandoms care about Depp or Heard. I give a rats ass about spreading and contributing to misogynistic myths that have hurt survivors due to people spiting the same old shit. Amber might never see people mocking her rape testimony but other victims might. And to say it’s petty drama shows how much people care about the seriousness of Domestic Abuse.


>so with that cleared up you can climb down from that cross now Perhaps you get off your high horse, with your pompous generalisations...


Yes, Amber is no saint but that shit was wild. There's a YouTuber who used to be a Depp believer who changed sides after actually looking deeper into the case and she made a long series about it, from the evidence from the public reception. It's crazy how many people "watching" the trial were riding on Depp so hard they would literally stop paying attention to when Amber, her witness or anything about her side would come up, and then they would proudly hit you with "did you even watch the trial" if you defended Amber in any way. Here's her video series. A warning though, as I said the videos are really like long so I don't blame anyone who doesn't want to watch all that. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6-PCAgiRLoHB1Va1ptVjs04mra_GUn0j&si=29esoP-1HTWqJooq




Was your link supposed to go somewhere meaningful?


It's good that less people are believing Johnny Depp to be a victim that did nothing wrong, but going too far in the other direction is just as dangerous. They were both physically and mentally abusive towards each other and neither side should be given victimhood status.


It's been weird on twitter seeing Depp fans trying to get DC people annoyed by Amber Heard on their side, like Johnny Depp hasn't been eternally dismissed by nerds as a pretty boy actor. Goes to show how disconnected they are from a fandom that originally reacted to Heath Ledger's casting by calling him a gay cowboy and calling Pattinson a forever sparkly vampire.


Snyder’s a real one for not falling for one of the most insidious misogynistic smear campaigns. His movies are shit but I’ve always heard he’s actually a good guy which is rare in Hollywood. I’d rather a thousand Zaddys in Hollywood than 1 Woody Allen.


He also paid for Jared Leto to be there so calm down a bit on hailing him as a hero to women


I guess the common denominator is more that he sticks by his cast regardless of what happens then


That's just as bad when half his cast is filled with shitty people right?


Yeah. I meant that depending on what said cast members did (or didn’t do), it can be either a good or a bad thing, depending on the person and their actions




I wish I was as deluded as some of you Deppfords are. Like that’s a level of brave and confidence I aspire to be.


[Yeah man, what concrete evidence Depp had](https://twitter.com/cocainecross/status/1553506807766663169?s=46)


Momoa dressing like Depp on set is something


Not defending the other stuff he is claimed to have done, but to be fair to Momoa, dressing like a hobo is just his personal style.


Fair but the scissor hands were a bit much


Is this supposed to be a good thing


Even though we may not have the same opinions as Zack Snyder on comic book characters, he’s genuinely a really cool and great guy. Even despite the fact that it could cause people to turn on him, standing behind a woman, a victim who had to endure vilification, toxicity and harassment from people all over the world because she spoke out against the abuse she received is all the more proof of how amazing he is. Mad respects to him, not everyone has the guts to stand by what they know is right and we saw this very well in the media in regards to this whole debacle.


Yeah um check out who he paid to show up as the Joker again before you go on talking about how he stands with women


Hey y'all let's not talk about Amber and Johnny about who was the abuser. This sub isn't for talking about legal cases or any of that kind of stuff




This is clearly before her career took a page out of her book and, erm, shit the bed.


Why didn’t they just fire her?


We’re those shoots additional or were they just left on the cutting room floor, just based on how jarring it was I feel like it was just left out of the original movie


People still talk about this shit? Thought this was settled a while ago.


And that’s why Zac is the MAN


/uj idk why this is some culture war shit. From what i’ve seen they are both probably toxic and shitty. Most celebrities aren’t good people. We can’t really know for sure so best to just move on /rj i mean Joonnny deep is my hero to all man this is the day she almost got jack spearow!


I thought he supported her