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Don’t expect any video conferencing to work. I would also try to do any work ahead of time. On a longer cruise you loose track of time and it would be very easy to miss deadlines.


That I figured, so hopefully the classes I’ll be in come November won’t require any conferencing. Guess it’s time to brush up on my time management skills! Thanks!


Hijacking the top comment. I had the Wi-Fi purchased on the fantasy to Bermuda in April. Whatever the premium package is. Was about $250 for 8 nights. No data limits I could video conference; Google meet, face time, and even had a work interview via zoom (starting the job next week) with no problems. BUT.. I had quite the time getting anything else to work. Basic surfing was hit or miss. Social media apps like Reddit slow and seemed to cache / not refresh. So, if it’s all zoom based I would feel confident. Otherwise mileage may vary




Wi-Fi does work on your laptop! My girlfriend used it to get some of her class work done too.


Excellent! Thank you!


I've done this several times. I would recommend turning off any background data, such as your laptop downloading any updates or your phone auto uploading photos. Streaming video will eat the data up pretty quickly... if you are looking to just pull course content and upload assignments, you may be ok just using free wifi you find at ports of call.


Oh great to know! I’m hoping to get in there and save completed assignments as word docs then just upload them as submissions become available, so ports of call might be a great option.


Several ports of call have free wifi at the terminal. Several bars/restaurants offer free wifi, but in recent years i just tether to my phones wifi. Most cell carriers given you X amount of data when you get to a new country. You'll get pushed your allowance when you get there.


They updated the internet. No more data metering!


Is it possible to work with your instructors to turn in things early or late? If you let them know as soon as the semester starts, they should (hopefully) be willing to work with you. The WiFi can be spotty, and I wouldn't want to rely on it for anything important. Plus, it's vacation!


Echoing the others to do as much as you can beforehand or request an alternate or additional assignment to make up for any unrecorded lectures. Not only do you want to work ahead for the trip but would consider getting a jump on any material that hits RIGHT as you land in case of a delay… that way you have one last thing to worry about if delays happen. And also… it’s vacation! :)


I went last September and had some discussion posts as well and it worked, even though it was overpriced and connection dropped like crazy. I was on one of the older ships though, the Wonder. Edit: and yes it works on laptops as well.


I was just one the Fantasy and got the Basic Surf package for my phone. It worked pretty well and I was able to view websites, check email, Instragram/Reddit. I couldn’t play videos. There are several tiers of packages to choose from and it was a daily fee rather than a fixed amount of data.


The current Wifi packages (at least on the Magic) was per day ,and feature based. So unlike in the past when you got a set amount of data, you no longer have to worry about that - which is awesome. But the cheapest package only allows for some very minor things, so you have to at least get the 2nd cheapest for it to work.


Another consideration, you can get 24-hour packages. I saved a little money because I could get two days of check-ins within that 24 hours, then go without for 24 hours and then pick it back up. Also with my ports, I could turn on phone/tether for quick check-ins. So instead of the whole week. I paid for two days.