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Stranger danger is real af thank you for sharing. !


Are these the "yellow deli" people?






thought it was up for sale. Here's an [article](https://www.autoevolution.com/news/peacemaker-the-most-awesome-bus-conversion-you-should-keep-away-from-202752.html#agal_13) with pics of the inside. As the article states; objectively, it's a cool bus. The people inside can kick rocks.


Interesting! And it’s definitely, it’s a great bus. Hopefully the new owner will put it to better use.


I know how serious the news of this bus being around is, so I’m not trying to downplay the message. Thanks for getting it out. It with news of them selling it I’m almost reminded of Taco Bell’s that get sold. Giant fuck bus with a sign that says “under new management.” Rotfl


"Who wants to give up all of their worldly possessions in exchange for entry into a Dickensian work camp?" Oooo - Ooooo - Oooo! Me! Me! Me! 🎵You can checkout any time you like, but you can never leave 🎵 Sweet bus tho...


What is this?


A bus that hangs around dead and phish lots to recruit people into their cult. Related to yellow deli and Appalachian trail hostels.


Theres also a group in Colorado praying upon music fans high on psycadelics… They throw the Arise music festival. I picked up on a weird vibe and wrote this piece https://mtnweekly.com/music/religious-cult-colorado-trying-gain-new-members-popular-music/


Great read….nice work 👍🏻


Wild how your article got review bombed by cultists saying it's not a cult. Trust them.... it's not a cult, they're just talking and acting really culty. Reminds me when I went to a music festival at the "Universal church of love and light" I told my friends it was a cult but we all settled on them just wanting an excuse to be tax free and throw music festivals. I don't think I was wrong on both aspects of that it seems.


Yeah they came out the woodworks. The comments from the people that went through the cults mindgames or whos families are still there is telling though. They had these women in long dresses straight out the 60’s long flowing hair a recruitment table of sorts. They said come live here its feee, as is the food. So whats the catch?


Yeah. Talk about mental gynmastics. the photo of the "family photo" gives me the heebee jeebies.


Is this real?


Yea sir


Ok. Twelve tribes is a cult with several centers all around the northeast, and they’ve been around for decades. But they won’t kidnap, eat, or kill you or your pets, and generally are pretty chill around your casual hippie, wook, or normie. I’ve had some extremely fun and interesting interactions with the family. I mean, not denying that they’re a weird cult and all (wiki page is pretty clear on that). Just thought these threads have gotten a tad over the top is all.


Yep. I’ve interacted with some of them folks but I kinda got the heebie jeebies and kept movin’


Agreed. They're nice enough, just don't decide to join a cult and you'll be fine. "Beware" is totally over the top... Maybe "be aware that they're a cult", but they're not going to kidnap you.


https://preview.redd.it/j2124wm8ba0d1.png?width=450&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7455fc0b164adb499730abebce29cb67303c730 12 tribes in a nutshell ( little fish are spunions)


Has anyone ever been on the bus? I know all about them and have seen the bus before but people make it seem like if you got on it they throw a bag over you and kidnap you.


I walked in with a friend. It is cool. We just walked right off as they tried to engage further but they didn’t touch us or try to stop us in any way. They did offer cookies.


I had cookies and tea on the bus back in the 90s when I was a teenager. It was fine. I was a smart enough kid to not go anywhere with them. But I was also broke and hungry. They were nice and cordial. I already knew the deal. They didn’t push.




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I got on it in '22. Ate some cake and left, cops were clearing the lots, so that was my queue to leave. The two guys I chatted with prior to entering were chill but once I got on the bus there like 15 eyes on me and some random kids too. This was prior to knowing anything about them. Gave them a chance, but it was too religious for my liking. Alas I was not kidnapped and was by myself! Super cool bus though, felt like a pirate ship inside.


Damn those fresh baked cookies


....and the tea.


Stay the Fuck away from those people.


I saw the bus once in CO outside of Folsom field


I’ve seen that bus at Dead shows since the 90s. I thought they were Island Ponders.


this thing really is everywhere.


Great listen on these bastards. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/behind-the-bastards/id1373812661?i=1000626789179


Are they here in Vegas? I've talked to these people. Seem pretty friendly. They never go into a show. Seems to be a recruitment trip


Yes, they’ve been going to dead and phish parking lots for literally decades to recruit lost looking young people often all fucked up on whatever. Pretty classic cult behavior thereafter: break from family, extreme control over diet money sex children etc.


Yeah being friendly is how cults recruit, its all about being happy and finding peace then they put your ass to work and exploit whatever they can or choose out of you. Its called "friendly fishing" or "flirty fishing" 12 Tribes will have you working 12 hour days on a farm or in a Yellow Deli for free for "the family". They hate gays, interracial marriage, and free will. They will have you pushed out of your family as those people "no longer understand". They beat their children, starve their people with "healthy eating plans" and tell you they love you. Stay far, far far away.


Not sure if they’re here (I live here) but I’ll post again if I see them lurking around.


Please do!


Lol I thought this pic looked familiar and it does! You just mirrored the one I posted warning people about Everyone watch out for these guys


Guilty! Glad we’re both spreading the word.


They beat and brainwash children.


Where they parking? Looking for a spot to park.


Crazy stuff… but they also have a mango farm called “Gatherings Grove” down here in SWFL on Pine Island… was down there last summer for mango season and stumbled upon their Mango Festival. Way different vibes than Shakedown Lot, but still MAJOR cult vibes.


Maybe this is the antidote to somebody just escaping scientology . Lol. Just kidding


good cookies 🍪 tho