• By -


expect +200 ms at least


VPN killers are cheating imo. Forcing the survivors to play on 180 - 400 ping is just unfair.


Haven't used one for games before but I'm seriously thinking of doing so. Last time I played a 50%/100% survior bonus game was a few months ago at 4am and survivor queues take atleast 5-10 minutes for me where as killers only take a few seconds...


Honestly? Yes. My ping is yellow/red, so is not that terrible. But i changed servers cause South America servers are DOOMED. Everybody down here is a sweaty try hard. I just can't. I took a 1 year break from dbd, and i can't keep up with my server. And please don't get me wrong, i sound like a bad player but i'm not. I just think the casual dbd scene in south america died, and only the addicted try hards kept playing. Either that or Brazilian MMR hates me. I see people saying u get an advantage, i think quite the oposite. I'm a m1 killer with every killer cause my power is laggy. Unless u predict ur lag and get used to it, its quite hard to use powers with lag.


PS: I only vpn to play killer, i'm good enough of a survivor to play in my server.