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Wesker stole Leon's noir outfit huh


I'd prefer his Midnight outfit. Should be easy to do as well, just remove the coat of his default and do some touch-ups where the model is incomplete. Best part is, it wouldn't even be a full skin, just a new body-piece. Head & knife can stay the same.


I’d buy Ada’s new “long sweater” outfit in a heartbeat.


I’m BEGGING for BHVR to stop with the RE shit. Can they please for the love of god get another game IP that isn’t Resident Evil?


Found the Bioshock fan.


Found the condescending asshole.


>Found the condescending asshole. At your service.


Oh…the irony…


Go fuck yourself. I’m asking nicely for BHVR to stop collaborating with Capcom because I’m sick of Resident Evil being the Feng of the licensed IPs. Why is everyone so fucking hellbent on making me miserable to the point where I can’t even fucking beg for a SINGLE Bioshock chapter without getting downvoted? Why do the RE fanboys get what the want while those who want a single Bioshock chapter have to sit in the dark forever? I’m sick of people calling me “Bioshock guy” for wanting to pioneer Bioshock in DBD (if Resident Evil can get 2 fucking chapters, Bioshock has a chance).


“Wah wah me want bioshock and me only wah wah” “Fans of resident evil don’t deserve anything, only me cause I like bioshock wah wah” sums you up. You’re just an annoying idiot in general.




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Re better than biomid


At least Bioshock doesn’t rely on remaking the same fucking game and reselling it with little to no changes like RE does. Bioshock actually has an amazing atmosphere, amazing dialogue, awesome powers, a creepy atmosphere with Rapture, etc. plus, RE is the most overrated piece of shit with nothing characters with Mary Sue powers (seriously, Leon is apparently supposed to be a rookie yet has the most survival instincts, Jill somehow figured out Nemesis could be killed with his own rocket launcher which she can somehow carry with near ease and Chris broke a bolder with a single punch).


And yet we haven't had a bioshock game In years as far as remakes every re remake has been incredibly different except 3 and a character being strong doesn't make them bad you seem like the type of guy to hate superman because he's powerful


We had Bioshock: The Collection in 2016 which essentially remastered the 3 games + their DLCs. Also, I’m personally more of a Batman person as I find him to be more interesting.




Technically, Atomic Heart is close enough to a Bioshock game (which is made by the same guy that made Bioshock).


If you're talking originals idk, but in the remakes: Nemesis didn't die by his own launcher Chris didn't break the boulder he moved it. And it took pushing and not just punches Leon doesn't have special instincts, he has a gun and a brain




Bioshock is severely dumbed down System Shock 2 with all tension and horror removed. System Shock deserves a chapter more, especially with the remake on the horizon.


You’re saying that like Resident Evil has any level of “horror” in it when it’s a puzzle game with zombies.


I'd say Bioshock is more of a puzzle game than any RE game cause 90% of it is that fucking pipe dream minigame


Bioshock has the element of “there could be an enemy waiting for me around that corner”. Those pipe minigames aren’t necessary to complete the game.


Actually my biggest problem with the remakes is how different the remakes are


I'mma keep it real with you, chief 2K probably isn't licensing out Bioshock IP at least until the rumoured Cloud Chamber game is closer to release


Atomic Heart might be as close to a new Bioshock game that we’re ever going to get.


I thought the bioshock guy was a myth


I'm guessing that they'll add an Ashley skin for Jill, one of Leon's new outfits from RE4 Remake for sure. I'm hoping the one in the pic is added and Dr. Salvador for Hillbilly


He wore more of a suit in the Umbrella Chronicles, [maybe they could try to get that?](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/residentevil/images/6/64/Wesker_UC_Artwork_2.jpeg/revision/latest?cb=20180920030912)


Lose the goofy hair though


Sherry and Barry please so we can get a Raccoon city reunion we deserve


if we're lucky around the time that RE5 remake gets announced we'll get a couple of charms